30 Something & TTC - Onward to Mummyhood!!

Broody you are a wealth of information for us all!!

Cupcake I didn't develop mastitis but I did get blocked ducts .. Like broody said hot shower n massaging, and as painful as it is the baby has to feed through it (or express). Good luck and it will get better soon you will feel like a breast feeding expert.

MK I am loving the weaning too! Except for the extra work load of cooking, sterilising, washing up etc etc.
Marlon has now tried pear n apple. I giving one food for a whole week to see if any reactions. None so far and he LOVES it!! Yesterday he was even getting frustrated between feeds as I guess it wasn't coming quick enough for him!!

What are you placing the foods in to freeze?
Hi all!

Annoyed as typed a looooong message and it got deleted. Grrrr. Sending it in bits again now to avoid losing so much again!

Cupcake- how r your boobs?
Aleja- I bought these pots by the brand brother max to store the home made purées. They're pretty small and easy to use. They have a lid, you can write on them and they clip together (which is a bit useless). Pots hold 40ml, which is quite little but seems enough for max for now.

I've started week 2 of weaning and have tried butternut squash, parsnip, carrot, sweet potato and pear. Oh, baby rice too! He's eaten all of them! I'm planning on making another batch of food this sun. Not sure what I will try... Hmm... Any tips ladies?

Outta curiosity, what's your routine ladies?
Boobs loads better and I've finished my antibiotics. Started to cut down on the amount I'm expressing with a view to stopping by the new year. Cutting down very slowly so I hopefully don't end up with mastitis again.
Hi ladies, MK the following went down well with penny after the first few weeks in addition to yours above: apple, apricot, peach, broccoli, swede... Try mixing things together, especially fruits & veggies. Carrot & apple, pears & peas. I looked at Ella's kitchen pouches online to get ideas for what mixes well, a lot of them sound disgusting though ha ha! I used & still use I've cube trays to freeze mine & bag them up once frozen. Is everyone looking forward to crimbo with our new babies? xx
That's great Cupcake! So glad to hear you're feeling better!

MrsP - pears and peas?! That sounds so odd!! Fia is getting so much better at putting food in her mouth and chewing it up! This week I've given her chunks of cheddar cheese a few times - she loves it!

Mk8 - when we were waiting to start BLW I used ice cube trays to freeze purees too. Now I'm wondering what to do with all the little purée cubes!

Looking forward to Christmas now alright - I bet all the babas are going to get very spoiled!!
Hi ladies hope you and your families had a wonderful Christmas. It's so
Amazing having a bubba to share it with. Marlon was very spoilt by family and got a zillion gifts.
(And I couldn't resist getting him a cute outfit ).
Re: weaning , there is an author/chef called Annabel karmel who has books about baby food recipes


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Also had a Christmas Day elf Aleja, super cute. Then today he was in the snowman outfit my sister bought him. You've got to have outfits to make them cringe when they're older!


Super cute little elves!!

Love the snowman suit Cupcake - Isaac even looks like he's doing a little shiver with his hands!!!

Will post a photo of Fia later when I'm on my phone...

Happy Christmas all!
Very cute outfits cupcake - I forget that it is winter and cold in USA and Europe. Here in Australia is so damn hot that I couldn't leave the elf beanie on Marlon for very long.

Re: routines I have a loose routine with Marlon during the day but I am very strict with bed/night routine - he is in bed at 7.30 every night.
Marlon has about 3 cat naps per day ( he is a shocking day sleeper ) and still give him about 6 milk feeds per day and 1 solid. He usually sleeps all night but lately has been waking as he now rolls over in his sleep
Fia wakes at 7 in the morning and goes to bed at 7 in the evening. She has 3 naps during the day, usually about 45 mins each, sometimes longer. I miss the days when she used to nap for 2 hours - I used to get so much done!! Although, having said that, I really enjoy her awake times! She is so much fun :blush: We don't really follow a set nap schedule during the day - we just watch for her cues, she's pretty good at letting us know when she's tired! Right now her awake times vary from 2-3 hours. She has 5 daytime feeds and then 1-2 motn feeds. She's still mostly bf but I've been gradually changing 2 of her feeds to formula over the last 2 weeks in anticipation of....going back to work tomorrow :cry: I absolutely hate the thought of it and would so love to be a sahm but unfortunately that's not an option for us financially so... :brat: Tomorrow is going to be a loooong day :-(
Ohhhh good luck broody! I'm back in June and the thought of that upsets me. What are you doing about childcare? Good luck with tomo!
Thanks mk8! Wel, we both survived anyway!! It really wasn't too bad but it still makes me sad to be missing so much time with her :cry: I finish work at 240 and collect her before 3 but it stills feels like I'm missing out on so much of her day! A lady we are friends with offered to take care of Fia during the day which we were delighted about!! She lives very close to where I teach so it's very handy for dropping & collecting and it's definitely easier to hand her over to someone I know.... It's still hard though - I would LOVE to not have to work!!! :brat:
Oh broody, I can't believe you are back at work now. The thought of leaving Marlon to return to work is giving me anxiety already and I dont have go back in June. You are so lucky that someone you know is looking after her.. I gotta find child care for Marlon

How are all the bubs going?? How was New Years? We stayed home.. Boring !!
Hi ladies

Very pleased to hear today went well broody. It gets better I hear.

Aleja- I'm going back in June also and have found a nursery we like. I'm feeling crappy about how long bubs will have to be in for though. 8-530 everyday. Sniff. Though I'm going to try to Work from home once a week so I can drop him off later and pick him up earlier. My mum can hopefully pick him up earlier 2 days a week too.

I'm hoping to be lucky enough to have a second baby so I can claim a full maternity leave package!

How is everybody getting on with routines and weaning outta curiosity?
Aleja - I was absolutely dreading going back but now that I am it's actually not that bad... Still sucks obviously, but it's survivable! And the welcome-back-mummy smiles when I pick her up are fantastic!

Re weaning and routines, we've had to change things up a small bit now that I'm back to work. We wake at 645 and bf then, she has brekkie with me at about 730 (at the moment brekkie is porridge fingers with various chopped up fruit pieces in them), then when I'm at work she has a ff at 11 & 2 (I don't send food with her because we're blw; I want her to master it at home first in case the gagging gives her minder a heart attack!), then a bf again at 5 followed by dinner at 6ish (if possible she gets a bit of our dinner but if that's too salty for her then I have of a selection of precooked veg, pasta, omelettes etc in the freezer and I give her some of that instead), then bf at 7 and bed. She still does about 2 motn feeds but I'm enjoying the extra cuddles so I don't mind! She takes 3 naps per day - usually 45 mins long but they can vary from only half an hour to two hours! 45 mins is the norm though...
I stayed home too and was asleep in bed well before midnight, actually was woken by fireworks shorty after midnight. The joys of a newborn knackered Mum!
Ladies still checking in?

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