
lol Kaylas I always try to psych myself out too. Your chart and symptoms are freaking stellar. Are your baby and dog still glued to you? Every time my girl dog jumps into my lap I'm asking her "do you know something? Do you????" haha!
Well to be fair dd is ALWAYS glued to me haha. She's very much a mommy' girl, but she had been laying with her head on or next to my belly more. Dog is up my keister! She's usually bad but not THIS bad. Still wanting to go to bed with me too which is unusual for her.
Save me from myself!! I have tests in the bathroom calling me. I can hear them!
(Not literally I'm not crazy haha)

Dd is napping. I'm watching Orphan Black. Anyone else seen it? Wicked trippy show. I just started watching it. You really have to pay attention while watching it. So it's helping. A bit. But I wanna start peeing on stuff! Haha. 2 more days. I can do it!

Oh no the siren call of the pee sticks!! Do you meal plan? Maybe you could plan out your week, go food shopping and prep the rest of the day? Do you have anything you need to return? Sorry I'm just listing out all the errands I have to run today. Stay strong and picture that nice strong bfp waiting for you in two days!

(ps I just realized I've been calling you Kaylas this whole time instead of Kylas - sorry!)
I used to. I lost 45lbs, but now I'm kinda over it and want to eat everything haha. I can't do any kind of cooking or prepping with Dd. Anytime I'm at the stove she wants up. She also make sure me unable to run many errands. She's got a very independent streak lately and so won't sit in a cart. Which is fine if she stays close, but she's 18 months so she mostly does what she wants. Makes shopping with her very hard lately. And she doesn't stand for the in the car, drive, out the car, shop, in the car, drive, out, shop, etc. so I can go one place. Maybe two max. So I'll do that tomorrow when OH is home.

I'm bugging my mom trying to find out what she's doing lol. OH had a surprise party for an aunt or great aunt that's down by her family 2hrs away and started at dds lunch time (with nap time soon after) so we stayed home and I'm alone with her all day. Just once I'd like to go spend the day somewhere without dd. But then again I wouldn't because I worry. OH keeps her one day a week at home while I go to work the other 3 days during the week I take her to work then I'm home with her one week day and weekend day and OH is usually home sundays with us. But still. All the time she's off doing stuff while I'm home with her by myself. Gets lonely. And she had no idea bc she does this one day a week. And I'm still here to get her up in the morning and put her to bed. She could never do this for a full day, wake up to bed time, by herself. Agh! Sorry, don't mind the rant.

Don't worry about it! My name is Kyla (pronounced like Kyle but with a "la" not a "l" at the end. Most people call me Kayla.
Those siren hpt test are naughty naughty teases. Don't fall for them.
I'm only 5dpo and they are starting to whisper to me lol
We were down in the playroom playing and dd comes up and lays herself down won my legs with her head on my belly again! Of course she moved before I could get a picture.

Then she went and fed her doll. With a knife. Thought that counts? Haha
lol aww she sounds like such a cutie Kyla.

My waking temp is a little lower today. So, I will likely have a bbt dropping the morn. So much pressure in the uterus and surrounding area today, back is murdering me sitting here and had this awful pain behind my eyes earlier.
Vent away Kyla, that's what we're here for! Also here to be so so excited at your DD knowing something we don't know yet!!!

cp why do you think you'll have a drop tmrw?

I'm so nauseous and these pains in my uterus are killer. Crazy pressure behind my eyes and from the top of my head down to my neck. Like I'm clenching super hard when I'm not.
Actually I was wrong my temp went up again and higher than the norm at 99.7 for waking temp.

babylights. Generally if I am having an inactive day of just working from my desk and getting up every once and a while my temp generally is 98.5-7 during pre ovulation and then falls around a degree with bbt. Post ovulation my awake temp is generally 99.4-6 and again falls about a degree with bbt. My temp at noon was 99 flat so I figured my bbt would be dropping but when I temped again 5 hours later it was up to 99.7. So I dunno, could be a rise or fall tomorrow now lol.
Either way I still feel good about it.
Tell me that look doesn't say "I know something!"


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Thank you!! Such an impish little smirk she's got haha. Wish she'd tell me what she knows.
cp awesome I'm so glad you're feeling so good this month! My symptoms are pretty undeniable but I'm still scared to be optimistic
I generally am pretty neutral throughout the tww. I'll swing from hopeful to doubting in a heartbeat but I absurdly feel really confident for an unknown reason.

Kyla, she is adorable and that look is totally saying a plot is afoot.
Ahh loads to catch up with, but sounds like loads of promising symptoms! I'm praying this is a lucky thread!!!

Been busy out a museum with dh and ds so that was a good distraction for a little while.

Felt nauseous and occasionally dizzy walking around, my bbs are sore again but just in the front, my cm is not quite watery maybe a thin lotion but with a yellowish tinge in my underwear.

So want to be positive but don't want to be devastated if af shows up. Part of me feels like af is around the corner.
I am getting some definite mild cramps, my cervix is softer than yesterday and higher, still what I'd say is medium and medium but a softer/higher medium that yesterday.
fxmummyduck - my cm too! Definitely lotion-y today. And the yellow tinge in my underwear. That's great you've stayed busy today! Definitely helps time go faster.

Cppeace - I can never react my cervix. Like ever. I don't have abnormally short fingers and my OB never said I have any issues so not sure why I can never feel it. Weird. That's awesome you can so you can track it.

Sleepy medicine is kicking in. I alternate unison and Benadryl. Both my OB has said are safe in early pregnancy. Unison is supposed to help morning sickness. I had horrible ms until 20 weeks with dd so I'm hoping it helps! One day closer to testing!
fxmummy that's exactly how I feel, so scared to get excited!

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