5dpo, AF due 5/12, want to wait this out together? :)

i wish my hubby was into healthy stuff dobby he can eat as much chocolate and cake and junk food as he likes and he doesnt put weight on. i eat healthy but as soon as i watch tv or im stressed i want biscuits. and it doesnt help when im watching hubby eating. so ive had a good month of not eating after 7pm and no rubbish and my clothes arent tight. im also putting a spoonful of flax seed in my cereal. apparently boots fertility and helps you loose weight. well even if it only does one of them i will be happy lol. i havnt loads of weight to loose just what ive put on since christmas maybe 10lb (i dont weigh myself just go on look and clothes) but everytime i loose it i go woo hoo eat rubbish and its back lol
He's into body building. Guy is super into himself lol. Like legitimately turns himself on at the gym haha. I wish he would eat junk with me. The junkiest we have been is wing stop or in n out. I actually avoid flaxseed. The studies are too inconclusive for me to feel comfortable eating it during ttc or pregnancy. I'm glad your dieting is paying off! It sucks when you do it and don't get results
I miss in and out burger, we go there every time we go west. My midwife was fine with me taking flaxseed during pregnancy, I put it in my morning smoothie, it keeps pregnancy constipation at bay.

I got some B6 today, hope it calms down my nausea, I was sick all yesterday afternoon, threw up twice.
Interesting. I didn't ask my gyn, just was googling some articles while I was in Trader Joe's the last time I was pg. I remember reading about it boosting fertility, so I googled if it was good during pregnancies and there were mixed studies about it being safe, healthy, or having negative effects pretty equally mixed so I avoided it from there on out. Which is hard to do haha. There is only one whole grain bread brand here that doesn't have flaxseed in it.

Aw, mac :( I'm glad the b6 is helping. I'm nauseated yesterday and today, but still bfns. Must just have a bug.
thanks for mentioning it dobby will have a proper read about flaxseed, only heard good stuff but will want to read the bad just to weigh it all up. i know i use to google everything when i was pg as i was super paranoid lol.

hope the b6 works mac. have you tried bananas? was the only thing that helped with the nausea for me
Sorry, ladies, I have been pretty busy lately. Been a little upset about AF but I'm feeling confident about this fall :)

I hope Silas and Mac are feeling better.

Sunshine, how's things on your end?

Dobby, anything?

Kksy9b, hope you are well.

I think that's all, forgive me if I forgot.

Cycle day 5, debating about when to start opk. Probably cycle day 12 in case I O earlier than cycle day 34. Well I better get ready, promised nephew I'd play with him :)
Nw. I spaced out on this thread. Have fun with your nephew! I'm helping my cousin figure out what to do with her fist birthday for her son... then, since I asked my coworkers, one was like "Oh yeah I have a 3 year old, a two year old surprise, and I'm expecting again hehehe" like GRRRRR and she mentioned Panaroma and I was like yeah I know all about it (since I had one scheduled) and everyone (only three people knew I miscarried) were like why would you know?

Don't quote me on the flaxseed, I just remember avoiding it. I think it was more avoid it in excess than avoid it totally.

Um I had a negative blood test yesterday. <1 so deffo not preggo. Temp is on a slow decline. I usually spot by snack recess, but I am bone dry. Nauseated, sore throat, pissed off at the world. I almost screamed at my class. x.x So I am thinking AF might be a day late or I might be looking at another 14 day lp. F***ing IUD
I bet that was hard. Especially if AF is on the way, I get pretty cranky. I'm sorry she doesn't understand that what she is saying is hurtful to you.

Nephew wore me out :S lol oh SIL is measuring 2 weeks ahead. EDD is now Thanksgiving.
She doesn't know my situation or me or anything. She is brand new to our school, and the only people who knew I was pregnant were my two teammates and my principal. Nobody knows we're having trouble conceiving again, let alone even trying. When I lost my baby, my teammates pulled me into their room for a "meeting". They had a bag of gifts and hugs waiting, saying they wanted to give me a mini shower and that the time would come when they would throw me another one.
Dobby, that was sweet of your teammates. Sometimes little things help the most.

I'm sorry the witch keeps getting everybody, total suckitude.

My toddler has been waking at 5 am the past few days. I try bringing him to our bed to rest more but that doesn't work. I've been napping when he naps instead of cleaning and I feel bad about it. My husband keeps saying that pregnancy gives me a free pass to nap. Happy new though, today I'm 9weeks and an olive, my embryo is a fetus.
Mac congrats time is flying wont be long until you are in 2nd tri.

Yeah that is sweet dobby i really hope it happens for you soon.

Nothing new with me. Got my 2 year old check up tomorrow even though hes 2 and a half lol
Wow, Las night I ate a ginourmous plate of spaghetti and meatballs (from scratch) and my weight is down to 161 lbs. But my pants keep getting tighter. Pregnancy is a paradox.
Mac, olive you glad you're almost to tri 2? ;).yeah I'm not as clever as I claim. You totally get a free pass. Glad hubs understands. And you made me very hungry. I ate my parents leftover Chinese when I went to visit, my mom asked, "How can you eat that it was disgusting?" When you cut out carbs they taste sooooo good.

Sunshine, better late than never lol. I take all is well is two year land?

So... I hate my body. I dunno what it is doing but it is cruel. AF dye today so my temp should be down to 97.7 at least. It's still at 98.45.


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Yeah dobby my lil guy was fine they said he should be speaking a bit nore clearer so going back in 2 months but that it will probably sort it self out. Im not really worried.

I keep getting twinges in the same place i had them when i was 10 dpo its weird i never have twinges this early and its not the same as o. I definitely had af as had 2 heavy days. Thought i was imagining it at first or being hopeful. This happened to anyone this early in their cycle? Its not constant just every now and then. Its weird.

How is everyone doing
Huh, that's strange about the cramping sunshine. I don't recall cramping early in cycle. I'm sure your LO is fine :)

Dobby, sweets is my weakness just a different carb lol. Chinese food sounds good, yum yum. I never get leftovers, just do buffet and limit myself. So easy to pig out.

Mac that does sound like a paradox! SIL is having about the same issue. Only gained 7 lbs so far and she I now due Thanksgiving day.

Cycle day 7 for me. Not much going on :)
Got my FXed Sunshine! And yeah, tbh I don't worry too much about pronunciation and speech stuff. A lot of it is developmental and works itself out over time. At least that is my teacher opinion. It only becomes an issue if it affects writing (spelling) and if other children aren't sympathetic.

Mac, mmm candy. I ate all the Snickers from the chocolate bowl lol.

Flueky, getting close to testing time!!!

AFM, I guess my body wanted to f*** with me again. Another random 14 day lp. Emailed my gyn, but she technically only works part time so I will see if she responds tomorrow. She responded to my email on Monday same day. I assume she is home with her baby, and she's a bit of a workaholic so wouldn't shock me if she checks work emails when there is down time.
Sunshine, my son doesn't have any real words yet. I'm not too worried though, he babbles A LOT. I bought a bunch of candy today too. I had plans to take my son to the zoo this afternoon but I got so sick after eating lunch and still have an upset tummy so haven't eaten dinner yet. This sucks. We've been watch TMNT, Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Droid Tales all day.
Hope you start feeling better Mac!

Sorry i have been a bit absent in the last few days. We are hosting a couples shower on Saturday and this week has been a bit crazy getting ready. Still have a couple more weeks until things settle down (parents in town next weekend, DH heading to NY for work, and a 1st birthday to go celebrate). It's been a crazy fun summer but looking forward to everything settling down! In cycle news..another wonky one for me. Had a day of medium flow and then less than a day of light flow, 2 days of light brown spotting and done. I'm going to call the doctor and see what she thinks. I still really feel like it's related now to weaning but my DH wants me to call and get it sorted out now so that's what I'll do.

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Dobby, sorry your cycle is messing with you again. Breaking out my IC opks Tuesday :)

Mac, sorry to hear your still having a lot of ms. I bet LO still had a good time with mommy.

Kksy9b, sounds really busy. I'm sorry to hear about cycles still wonky. Hope for some answers and solutions for you :)

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