6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hm - mine still let me share but it didnt have all the extra's (symptoms and stuff) But someone signed up after going to my page and it gave me fiv more VIP days. Also use TCOYF.com chart I like it and you can share the link just not a thumb nail. my opk got a little darker this morning but Im not counting it as anything till it is BFP and my HTP has something. I got my hopes up too much before.

A friend of mine waited a long long time before she got her #2 baby I think it was 6 years of TTC'ing and a few mc but they have a beautiful little girl =) So just showed me to never give up.
Yay I figured out how to share it! :)
I am going to check out TCOF as well - thanks!

I know some people wait a very long time to get pregnant - i dont want to be one of them :) LOL...I've been pregnant before so I know I"m capable of carrying a baby - so I'm not too worried but I dunno, we thought it would take a couple months, tops.
Yay!! My temp went up today looks like a little something on my test ill post a pic soon maybe I have line eye but it looks pink to me
Hi Ladies

I am 6DPO today

TTC#1; Cycle #1.

Symptoms: Shooting pains in boobs the last three days - last night it got pretty strong! On and off very mild cramping - yesterday (TMI!!!) yellow-ish CM - not creamy. Peeing a lot - but drinking a lot too so i wont count that one.

Where are you ladies at today?
I've had similar symptoms to you Petzy. Especially the yellow-ish CM. I had this for 2-3 days but it has gone now. I have been told this could be a good sign but I am now 7DPO and have decided I need to relax and stop symptom spotting :)

Good luck!
Yes I dont get the yellow-ish very often at all so I thought it may possibly be a good sign??? Ive had it for two days - not sure about today yet. Are you TTC#1 as well Commie?
Yes this is number 1 and only my first cycle TTC so not really sure what's normal for me yet. Been monitoring CM and CP but that's about it. If not successful this month I might get some OPKs for next cycle. Did a HPT this morning (neg lol) but am going to test again on Monday after enjoying the weekend a little!
Yay!! My temp went up today looks like a little something on my test ill post a pic soon maybe I have line eye but it looks pink to me

This is exciting!! Post that damn picture!!!! :happydance:

My temp is climbing up now..I'm pretty sure my O is yesterday so this makes me 1dpo. But FF hasn't set my cross-hairs yet. We made sure to BD last night too - I've done a mighty good job of it, I must say!

We don't BD more than once in the day for 90% of the time though. Do you go at it a few times a day?! We just don't have much of the time/energy for it lol.
Hi Ladies

I am 6DPO today

TTC#1; Cycle #1.

Symptoms: Shooting pains in boobs the last three days - last night it got pretty strong! On and off very mild cramping - yesterday (TMI!!!) yellow-ish CM - not creamy. Peeing a lot - but drinking a lot too so i wont count that one.

Where are you ladies at today?

I'm 1dpo! :happydance: finally to the eventful part of my cycle! Hopefully not uneventful as I'd like to be pregnant but now I can finally wait to start testing! I'm itching to POAS! So, no symptoms. But I try not to symptom spot.
Yes I dont get the yellow-ish very often at all so I thought it may possibly be a good sign??? Ive had it for two days - not sure about today yet. Are you TTC#1 as well Commie?

Yellowish CM is fairly normal. I always have this towards the end of my cycle before AF shows up. I don't think this is any indication of pregnancy. In fact, all the reading I've done on CM, there's no way to really detect pregnancy this early on by the type of CM you have.
Are you ladies testing yet???
Hi Ladies

I am 6DPO today

TTC#1; Cycle #1.

Symptoms: Shooting pains in boobs the last three days - last night it got pretty strong! On and off very mild cramping - yesterday (TMI!!!) yellow-ish CM - not creamy. Peeing a lot - but drinking a lot too so i wont count that one.

Where are you ladies at today?

I'm 1dpo! :happydance: finally to the eventful part of my cycle! Hopefully not uneventful as I'd like to be pregnant but now I can finally wait to start testing! I'm itching to POAS! So, no symptoms. But I try not to symptom spot.

Ohhh 1DPO - 2WW time for you! hehe.... I try not to SS either but it is hard. For the most part I am pretty good about it though. Just when I actively stop and think for a minute LOL
Hi Ladies

I am 6DPO today

TTC#1; Cycle #1.

Symptoms: Shooting pains in boobs the last three days - last night it got pretty strong! On and off very mild cramping - yesterday (TMI!!!) yellow-ish CM - not creamy. Peeing a lot - but drinking a lot too so i wont count that one.

Where are you ladies at today?

I'm 1dpo! :happydance: finally to the eventful part of my cycle! Hopefully not uneventful as I'd like to be pregnant but now I can finally wait to start testing! I'm itching to POAS! So, no symptoms. But I try not to symptom spot.

Ohhh 1DPO - 2WW time for you! hehe.... I try not to SS either but it is hard. For the most part I am pretty good about it though. Just when I actively stop and think for a minute LOL

Awww...you know i noticed as the months went on, I relaxed about it more & more. I keep myself active & not obsess. I don't go online & google things as much as I can. Just say to yourself that you're either preggo or not - and you'll find out soon enough!
Hi Ladies

I am 6DPO today

TTC#1; Cycle #1.

Symptoms: Shooting pains in boobs the last three days - last night it got pretty strong! On and off very mild cramping - yesterday (TMI!!!) yellow-ish CM - not creamy. Peeing a lot - but drinking a lot too so i wont count that one.

Where are you ladies at today?

I'm 1dpo! :happydance: finally to the eventful part of my cycle! Hopefully not uneventful as I'd like to be pregnant but now I can finally wait to start testing! I'm itching to POAS! So, no symptoms. But I try not to symptom spot.

Ohhh 1DPO - 2WW time for you! hehe.... I try not to SS either but it is hard. For the most part I am pretty good about it though. Just when I actively stop and think for a minute LOL

Awww...you know i noticed as the months went on, I relaxed about it more & more. I keep myself active & not obsess. I don't go online & google things as much as I can. Just say to yourself that you're either preggo or not - and you'll find out soon enough!

Well put! That's why I am not doing BBT or charting or anything like that just yet. I want to enjoy myself and take it easy. The most I will do is come on here, read about people's experiences and symptoms for now. I will give it a few months of TTC before I take it another step. BD'ing right now is still a lot of fun and enjoyable - I dont want it to ever feel like a chore!
So im not sure where to start but i guess from the beginning.

My names rebecca, i have a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. My children were born in 2008 & 2009. With my first pregnancy i tested on xmas eve and saw it was negative, so i threw it away but because i swore i was preg i dug it out of the bathroom trash can the next day.and to my relief it was positive!! i was soo soo happy. Mind you i didnt read the instructions to know about the timie limit. So i called the dr went for my check up and i was preg! With twins! i was 5 weeks wheni found out but at 6weeks i had some pain, no bleeding and went in for an US that showed i had "vanishing twin syndrome" i lost one of the babies at 6 weeks the other baby was perfect and ddoing great. I went for my 20 week US and knew there was a problem with my son ( iknew he wa a biy bc i had gone to a 3D place and was told at 15 weeks he wa a boy) i was 20 weeks but my son was only 16, it was devastating. So fast forward a couple years. I was sick thought i had the flu didnt think twice i was preg. went to the dr she did a test and said it wa neg, 20 mins later her nurse knocked on the door and said it was now positive. i was infact preg and had my daughter in dec. with my son i knew and all the test showed up right away. No we had alot of problems with all of my pregnancies and decided we were done, so my husband got a vasectomy. I regretted it right away and wished we hadnt done it. ive been praying and hoping and wishing for another baby so when my period was late 2 months ago i thought nothing of it because iknew he was fixed. but when i didnt get it this month and i began to feel nausous and have sore boobs i took a test well 2 actually. First 2 were EPT +/- they were neg. But again i swore i had to be preg so i dug them out and hour later and clear s day i had 2 bright blue clearly visible plus signs. So i went and got 2 more test from target their brand +/- with tge pink dye, took them in the am with fmu and they were negative. So i was Shocked. Went to the dr and theirs came up positive. Still didnt believe it so i bought a 3 pack of First response and a 3 pack of EPT. the first response ones had 2 out of 3+, the the EPT had 1 postitve 2 neg and 1of the 2 negs then turned positive so now i was even more confused so finally the dr believed me and had me in for an US nothing showed which they said if i was really early they prob wouldnt be able to see it anyways. So they sent me for blood, while waiting this morning i went and bought a clearblue easy digital and a first response digital and they both said positive!! To my suprise the nurse just called about 10 mins aga, my HCG was 4!!! IM NOT PREGNANT and im so confused. i never ever ever believed in false positives i was even weary on evap lines. but now im in total shock. Do you have any advice or any insight to this? or have you ever heard of anything like this??

PG TEST RECAP (incase you got confused)

Tuesday- 2 EPT +/- they were neg. but an hour later dark blue + didnt think much because i knew it was prob evap. line

Wed Am- Target brand +/- they were negative

Wed afternoon- went to the dr and had a + test in the office

Wed night- 3 First response & 3 EPT- First response had 2 out of 3 + and EPT had 1 out of 3 + with another turning positive after the 10 mins

Thursday- i called the dr because i was so confused. They did an US and it showed nothing, but they said if i was really early it wouldnt show up. so they sent me for blood work finally!!

Friday- while waiting for the nurse/dr to call i bought a clearblue easy digital and a first response digital- CBE-POSITIVE, FR-PREGNANT

Friday- shortly after nurse called, my HCG levels were 4, def NOT preg!!

Thank you in advanced for any insight im sooo soo confused



Good on ya & good the sex is still good. My sex life improved as months went by & I relaxed buy its hard NOT to think about why I'm doing it near O. For months I couldn't Orgasm. Now
I'm back to the old me. Thank God.
Good on ya & good the sex is still good. My sex life improved as months went by & I relaxed buy its hard NOT to think about why I'm doing it near O. For months I couldn't Orgasm. Now
I'm back to the old me. Thank God.

Wow really eh? Well thats great you have it back - you must have put too much pressure on yourself! Taking it easy is really important... I suppose if it gets too much get off of BNB for awhile too! lol....

I see you are in Toronto, Barbikins - I am just around the corner in Ancaster (Hamilton) :)
So im not sure where to start but i guess from the beginning.

My names rebecca, i have a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. My children were born in 2008 & 2009. With my first pregnancy i tested on xmas eve and saw it was negative, so i threw it away but because i swore i was preg i dug it out of the bathroom trash can the next day.and to my relief it was positive!! i was soo soo happy. Mind you i didnt read the instructions to know about the timie limit. So i called the dr went for my check up and i was preg! With twins! i was 5 weeks wheni found out but at 6weeks i had some pain, no bleeding and went in for an US that showed i had "vanishing twin syndrome" i lost one of the babies at 6 weeks the other baby was perfect and ddoing great. I went for my 20 week US and knew there was a problem with my son ( iknew he wa a biy bc i had gone to a 3D place and was told at 15 weeks he wa a boy) i was 20 weeks but my son was only 16, it was devastating. So fast forward a couple years. I was sick thought i had the flu didnt think twice i was preg. went to the dr she did a test and said it wa neg, 20 mins later her nurse knocked on the door and said it was now positive. i was infact preg and had my daughter in dec. with my son i knew and all the test showed up right away. No we had alot of problems with all of my pregnancies and decided we were done, so my husband got a vasectomy. I regretted it right away and wished we hadnt done it. ive been praying and hoping and wishing for another baby so when my period was late 2 months ago i thought nothing of it because iknew he was fixed. but when i didnt get it this month and i began to feel nausous and have sore boobs i took a test well 2 actually. First 2 were EPT +/- they were neg. But again i swore i had to be preg so i dug them out and hour later and clear s day i had 2 bright blue clearly visible plus signs. So i went and got 2 more test from target their brand +/- with tge pink dye, took them in the am with fmu and they were negative. So i was Shocked. Went to the dr and theirs came up positive. Still didnt believe it so i bought a 3 pack of First response and a 3 pack of EPT. the first response ones had 2 out of 3+, the the EPT had 1 postitve 2 neg and 1of the 2 negs then turned positive so now i was even more confused so finally the dr believed me and had me in for an US nothing showed which they said if i was really early they prob wouldnt be able to see it anyways. So they sent me for blood, while waiting this morning i went and bought a clearblue easy digital and a first response digital and they both said positive!! To my suprise the nurse just called about 10 mins aga, my HCG was 4!!! IM NOT PREGNANT and im so confused. i never ever ever believed in false positives i was even weary on evap lines. but now im in total shock. Do you have any advice or any insight to this? or have you ever heard of anything like this??

PG TEST RECAP (incase you got confused)

Tuesday- 2 EPT +/- they were neg. but an hour later dark blue + didnt think much because i knew it was prob evap. line

Wed Am- Target brand +/- they were negative

Wed afternoon- went to the dr and had a + test in the office

Wed night- 3 First response & 3 EPT- First response had 2 out of 3 + and EPT had 1 out of 3 + with another turning positive after the 10 mins

Thursday- i called the dr because i was so confused. They did an US and it showed nothing, but they said if i was really early it wouldnt show up. so they sent me for blood work finally!!

Friday- while waiting for the nurse/dr to call i bought a clearblue easy digital and a first response digital- CBE-POSITIVE, FR-PREGNANT

Friday- shortly after nurse called, my HCG levels were 4, def NOT preg!!

Thank you in advanced for any insight im sooo soo confused




Hi Rebecca,

Sounds to me that either you had faulty tests but I'm leaning more towards a Chemical Pregnancy. Google this if you're not sure what it is - it may explain it better to you. It happened to me the first month I started TTC.

And welcome! Keep us posted on your journey :) xo
Good on ya & good the sex is still good. My sex life improved as months went by & I relaxed buy its hard NOT to think about why I'm doing it near O. For months I couldn't Orgasm. Now
I'm back to the old me. Thank God.

Wow really eh? Well thats great you have it back - you must have put too much pressure on yourself! Taking it easy is really important... I suppose if it gets too much get off of BNB for awhile too! lol....

I see you are in Toronto, Barbikins - I am just around the corner in Ancaster (Hamilton) :)

Yah...I was just nervous & TTC sex seemed so foreign. Well, it was. When I got preggo last time, it was not intentional. But I'm back to normal it's fine but it's always the last thing I want to do when I get a positive OPK result because I'm taking the spontaneity out of it. And for some reason, my hubby's drive is a lot lower. Bummer. He still puts out but I have to put the moves on him & some times it'd be nice to be wanted a bit more to get my motor running.

I do go off this site at times...the first two or so months, I felt BNB & the internet made my anxieties worse. While it's helpful, it also sometimes fuels the fire.

I know Ancaster very well...I have some extended family through my Husband who live there. Funny enough, I'll be in Ancaster this upcoming Thursday night to Friday morning!
Good on ya & good the sex is still good. My sex life improved as months went by & I relaxed buy its hard NOT to think about why I'm doing it near O. For months I couldn't Orgasm. Now
I'm back to the old me. Thank God.

Wow really eh? Well thats great you have it back - you must have put too much pressure on yourself! Taking it easy is really important... I suppose if it gets too much get off of BNB for awhile too! lol....

I see you are in Toronto, Barbikins - I am just around the corner in Ancaster (Hamilton) :)

Yah...I was just nervous & TTC sex seemed so foreign. Well, it was. When I got preggo last time, it was not intentional. But I'm back to normal it's fine but it's always the last thing I want to do when I get a positive OPK result because I'm taking the spontaneity out of it. And for some reason, my hubby's drive is a lot lower. Bummer. He still puts out but I have to put the moves on him & some times it'd be nice to be wanted a bit more to get my motor running.

I do go off this site at times...the first two or so months, I felt BNB & the internet made my anxieties worse. While it's helpful, it also sometimes fuels the fire.

I know Ancaster very well...I have some extended family through my Husband who live there. Funny enough, I'll be in Ancaster this upcoming Thursday night to Friday morning!

That's too funny re Ancaster.... small world I guess....

You tell that hubby of yours that you need some romance! Haha - always works for me LOL.......

I can definitely see how these sites fuel the fire - it is a good thing or a bad thing depending on what the issue is....

As for me - my bb's are still sore on and off but not too bad; and I definitely have some light cramping going on. Thats about it!:haha:

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