6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

onemorebabe i totally understand how you feel, the further through the 2ww you get the harder it is! BUT as long as the witch 'hooker' is away there is still some hope!
ugh... day 26 of a 27-28 day cycle... still got a bfn :( feeling sad and not as hopeful now

I'm sorry :(....it's still likely to get a bfp but I get it. Odds are you would have had it by now. I hate all of this!
I'm still waiting to see if I've even Ovulated this cycle :(

Yeah all this TTC stuff is poo....and this TWW stuff is totally poo... but I would rather think no and find out yes than think yes and find out no...

I hear that sister!!

I am on CD 27 of a 29-30 day cycle and i had BFN yest and day before... I did not test today because of the pink cm i had two days ago... I think it mauy be pointless!

Although I will note that I havent had the pink CM since that day but I dont think that necessarily means AF isnt coming lol

I have dinner plans in Niag Falls on Sat night so I plan on enjoying myself (i.e. dunking myself into a bottle of wine lol) AF is due Sunday and I am expecting her! BAHH!!
ugh... day 26 of a 27-28 day cycle... still got a bfn :( feeling sad and not as hopeful now

I'm sorry :(....it's still likely to get a bfp but I get it. Odds are you would have had it by now. I hate all of this!
I'm still waiting to see if I've even Ovulated this cycle :(

Yeah all this TTC stuff is poo....and this TWW stuff is totally poo... but I would rather think no and find out yes than think yes and find out no...

I hear that sister!!

I am on CD 27 of a 29-30 day cycle and i had BFN yest and day before... I did not test today because of the pink cm i had two days ago... I think it mauy be pointless!

Although I will note that I havent had the pink CM since that day but I dont think that necessarily means AF isnt coming lol

I have dinner plans in Niag Falls on Sat night so I plan on enjoying myself (i.e. dunking myself into a bottle of wine lol) AF is due Sunday and I am expecting her! BAHH!!

If AF is due Sunday, maybe it was IB?????
ugh... day 26 of a 27-28 day cycle... still got a bfn :( feeling sad and not as hopeful now

I'm sorry :(....it's still likely to get a bfp but I get it. Odds are you would have had it by now. I hate all of this!
I'm still waiting to see if I've even Ovulated this cycle :(

Yeah all this TTC stuff is poo....and this TWW stuff is totally poo... but I would rather think no and find out yes than think yes and find out no...

I hear that sister!!

I am on CD 27 of a 29-30 day cycle and i had BFN yest and day before... I did not test today because of the pink cm i had two days ago... I think it mauy be pointless!

Although I will note that I havent had the pink CM since that day but I dont think that necessarily means AF isnt coming lol

I have dinner plans in Niag Falls on Sat night so I plan on enjoying myself (i.e. dunking myself into a bottle of wine lol) AF is due Sunday and I am expecting her! BAHH!!

If AF is due Sunday, maybe it was IB?????

Dont mess with my head AHHHHH lmao jk! I dontknow a lot about IB - when does it normally occur? and is pink CM common in IB? i shall google this lmao
LOl I'm not messin' lady!

IB happens around 7-10dpo...so mid way to AF showing up! ;)
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol
LOl I'm not messin' lady!

IB happens around 7-10dpo...so mid way to AF showing up! ;)

Bah thats when the pink CM showed up... I do get pink CM sometimes before AF comes BUT it usually starts a day or two before AF and doesnt go away like this time... but we will see I guess

i dont want to test again so I am going to wait it out. and as I say this i am thinking of testing in the am LOL
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol

Can you post a pic so we can weigh in?
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol

Can you post a pic so we can weigh in?

my digi camera sucks I couldnt even see it in the pic myself but I will try to take another one of it in diff lighting...if I cant get a good pic of it then I will take another test tomorrow and hopefully it will be darker then I can start my:happydance:
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol

Can you post a pic so we can weigh in?

my digi camera sucks I couldnt even see it in the pic myself but I will try to take another one of it in diff lighting...if I cant get a good pic of it then I will take another test tomorrow and hopefully it will be darker then I can start my:happydance:

FX for you! update us in the morning! :flower:
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol

Can you post a pic so we can weigh in?

my digi camera sucks I couldnt even see it in the pic myself but I will try to take another one of it in diff lighting...if I cant get a good pic of it then I will take another test tomorrow and hopefully it will be darker then I can start my:happydance:

FX for you! update us in the morning! :flower:

Will do!!!
so I have a question and I am probably going to ask this in many diff posts... If I even see a tiny hint of a line is there still hope?? I was so aggrivated at the bfn I thought i got this morning.. looked at it maybe 2 hours later and it looked like there was a faint line... (i know not to read the test that long after u have used it) but I flipped out, I wasnt going to test agian today, but I had to go to the store... so naturally being the POAS addict I am got more ya know sence I was already at the store...lol well long story short.. I tested with afternoon pee and got a faint line but its not like I cant see it... Its there just really light.. bear in mind I am 3 days till AF should be here is this month was going to be 28 day cycle...

but I guess my question is... If there is even a light line then it should get darker and darker as I get closer to AF being late right so should I be happy or still wait it out????Ekkk I can't help it I am already happy...lol

Can you post a pic so we can weigh in?

my digi camera sucks I couldnt even see it in the pic myself but I will try to take another one of it in diff lighting...if I cant get a good pic of it then I will take another test tomorrow and hopefully it will be darker then I can start my:happydance:

FX for you! update us in the morning! :flower:

Will do!!!

Any updates for us?? Tee hee!!

Happy Friday ladies..... BFN last night and after BD this am with the hubby there was a lot of pink cm so i am quite sure I will be on CD1 in a day or two haha... oh well onto the next! I am going to order some OPKs today from that website you sent me to Barbi so I hope they show up soon.

What day do you start using OPK on? Im sure i can google this but It sounds like you may have some insiders information for me lol...

how is everyone?
I took another test this morning but the line didnt get any darker, but then I heard that hcg levels take afew days to go up a good enough ammount to change the color of a test .. And I looked that up online and sure enough it takes the hcg levels 48 to 72 hours to go up a good enough amount to change the color of a test..so I am leaning tward this month being my month....But still not doing my happy dance either... But still cant get the line in a picture yet.. But showed DH and he said he saw it... And he told me "I knew you were pregnant already" wish he would have told me...lol
I took another test this morning but the line didnt get any darker, but then I heard that hcg levels take afew days to go up a good enough ammount to change the color of a test .. And I looked that up online and sure enough it takes the hcg levels 48 to 72 hours to go up a good enough amount to change the color of a test..so I am leaning tward this month being my month....But still not doing my happy dance either... But still cant get the line in a picture yet.. But showed DH and he said he saw it... And he told me "I knew you were pregnant already" wish he would have told me...lol

Well hopefully you get an answer this weekend! FX for you that it gets darker and this is your month!
Petzy, AF is due Sunday right? Bah...spotting sucks big time. It usually means AF is on her way. Most likely...:(

onemorebabe - i hope that faint line is your bfp. Can you post a photo?!?!?! :)
Petzy, AF is due Sunday right? Bah...spotting sucks big time. It usually means AF is on her way. Most likely...:(

onemorebabe - i hope that faint line is your bfp. Can you post a photo?!?!?! :)

Yep AF is due Sunday - yep it is most likely AF! I ordered some OPK this morning and apparantly i should start using them on CD11/12 so I will be bugging you then to help a sista out! lol...

And if AF doesnt show then I have a bunch of OPK for sale LMAO
haha Petzy - any questions you may have - ask away. I've been using OPK's since last October. What do you do in order to know if you've ovulated now? For your first time, I'd suggest you start using OPK's a bit earlier than you think...maybe just 2 days before. It may surprise you or it will confirm what you already know. Temping confirmed what I already know. However, one cycle was CD 19 instead of CD16 & it looks like I"m in for a long cycle this month too - I think based on my Temping, I O'd on CD19.

it is really light but i see it... do you guys??
if you click on it you can see it better on the other screen with the black back ground...
haha Petzy - any questions you may have - ask away. I've been using OPK's since last October. What do you do in order to know if you've ovulated now? For your first time, I'd suggest you start using OPK's a bit earlier than you think...maybe just 2 days before. It may surprise you or it will confirm what you already know. Temping confirmed what I already know. However, one cycle was CD 19 instead of CD16 & it looks like I"m in for a long cycle this month too - I think based on my Temping, I O'd on CD19.

Ok thats a good tip thanks! For now, honestly, i just use the program on mymonthlycycles.com to track my periods. I have about 4 years worth of periods in there so it estimates when I ovulate - but its only an estimate assuming my LP is 14 days.. now that being said its probably right because i am regular 30 day cycle BUT im sure it fluctuates and who knows maybe i ov way earlier or later than i thought - i really have no real idea.

So the OPK will give me a much better idea and I will feel better knowing I am ovulating! lol....

This month, we BD'd the day before, the day of, and the day after I was supposed to OV - but thats only an estimate so what is that worth if i OV'd 4 days later haha.. not much!

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