6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

So I am wondering with how this af is so far if I even ovulated or if it was a cycle without true o! Sorry tmi.....but for the last 3 days now when I wipe there is blood but none ever gets on a pad.....today's was looking more like it was about to kick in and go full throttle..lol but it hasn't yet! I have never had a cycle like this....if u don't o.....isn't ur cycle really light??
Yep Natalie I was abut to say what talia said ^^^^
I was going to point out that a bit of spotting can be fine love.and that talia has ahead it a few times...

Nat I would defo ring doctor and ask for some progesterone cream or pills...the cream is better .so I hear.

Try not to worry tho nat...stress added right now is in now way good for been so early pg.:thumbup:
Let us know what happens with the doc if you ring her ok.:)

Amanda ...so sorry the witch is on her way...the COW BAG!....
I think it's defo a good idea your going to use opks this cycle...that will put ALOT of mind at lease.and you can pin point the EXACT day you o this time...:)
Big hus to you love.:hugs:

Well a revelation has happend....he is my dilemma....
So my opks arrived today...I felt myself getting ax cited as I open the package lol..but to my dismay as ii open it a bunch of pg test fall out with the opks!:dohh:
I'm like?? Wth?.?
So I quickly check online to see if I have been charged for them and it seems I clicked on the DUO buy button.
Omg!....I can't believe I have done this.i TOTALLY didn't want to test this month.:dohh:
What to do with a bunch of 10 miu tests now??......it run through my mind to get rid- chuck them away....BUT I CAN'T DOOOO THATTTTTT lol.....
So I guess ill have to find the inner strength and NOT use them.
Maybe I could ask mom to take them away from me!...lol...

OHHHHH it's so cold here today- got a beef stew on the cooker waiting to be munched up for this evening.yummmy yum yum.:)

So to keep you in the know I am cd9 today..I start opks tmr.and it's a full moon here tmr...right on time for my fertile stage...I'm guessing that might mean earlier implantation even.lol...
Ahhhh who knows...:shrug:

Hope everyone's having a good and warmer day than I am lol...
Nat...try not to panik love :flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Hey Hun,

I agree, take those tests to your mom's or some place else.
You don't need the stress & upset this month!!!!

Beef stew is awesome. I love it. I'ts getting chilly here as well. This weekend will be the coolest it's been. Under 10degrees or around there?
Natalie, your tests look great - I wouldn't be too concerned.
It's bauffling why you cant get bloods done this week. I don't understand it.

Meg, the cramping I hear is common in the beginning.
I never had any symptoms both times I was pregnant so I can't add to it.
I never had the cramping or the spotting. But I've heard you should be worried if you have cramping & spotting together.

Crazy, I've heard that if you don't O your period is light.
Are you known to not Ovulate?
Ha ha ...ten. Funny things to do when you are on your way to work or just out and about...

# Insist on a group hug next time you get into a lift full of people...

# shout out oh my god whilst looking at your phone next time you are on a bus...

# next time someone asks you the date say...it's cd 15

# walk into a shop and tell them you have 5grand to spend- and watch them run around like loons trying to help you spend your money...
Then tell them you have changed your mind- I want to shop around alittle first...

# make a teenager pick up there rubbish but made a big deal of it ...

# try and convince your boss Santa clause IS real...

# stand and hold open the shop door for AGES for people to walk through...

# sneeze near someone and appollagise and warn about the new lergy going around that you have caught - watch them scworm....lol

#ask a stranger to take have your photo taken with them but make it them think you think they are a brad Pitt and star struck

# super glue a mobile phone to the ground and sit back and watch whilst you ring it and see if people try to pick it up...

Ha ha I saw this and it tickled me a little...you know I might have the balls to try number three one day soon....the lift one is abit scary lol

Could you do any of these ladies?...lol

:) :) :) xxx

HAH nope, I couldn't do either of them LOL
I'd give it away that I'm screwing around lol

Why, are you planning to do one of these things?
Natalie, your tests look great - I wouldn't be too concerned.
It's bauffling why you cant get bloods done this week. I don't understand it.

Meg, the cramping I hear is common in the beginning.
I never had any symptoms both times I was pregnant so I can't add to it.
I never had the cramping or the spotting. But I've heard you should be worried if you have cramping & spotting together.

Crazy, I've heard that if you don't O your period is light.
Are you known to not Ovulate?

Honestly I am not sure.... This is the first my af has been like this.... I had pink cm on what I thought was 4dpo so I decided worst case scenario I had ovulated later when the pink cm appeared.... With my first 2 kids sperm could have dropped on my foot and I was pregnant....my 3rd took just 2 months of really trying and this is just taking a lot longer....so maybe I am not ovulating properly....or maybe this cycle is just weird and the heavy stuff will kick in later today... Idk....I guess just a wait and see game! I really feel like the Mirena messed with my fertility! Will definitely never use it again!
What's everyone up to this weekend?

Meg I wish I were heading south too! So much fun! TWO WEEKS OFF!!! AHHH
BTW, are you still planning to take the WSIB job if you get it now that you're preggo?

I'm home all day tomorrow. Cleaning & then cooking for a dinner party. Sunday it's my SD & I all day. Hubby has to work. So I'm not sure yet what to do with her. I MIGHT consider taking her to a pumpkin patch but it would be nice not to have to drive. So maybe a day in & watching movies.
Amanda, have you taken a pregnancy test?
Well not sure what to say but maybe your cycle's just a bit off this month.
If you're on meds, it can affect you. Can you ask your nurse?
Ive had no more spotting thank god we even well do i still call it bd? Haha and no spotting there thank god but in the past hour i have pee'd at least every 10mins.....x
Amanda, have you taken a pregnancy test?
Well not sure what to say but maybe your cycle's just a bit off this month.
If you're on meds, it can affect you. Can you ask your nurse?

Were did our thread go? Its gone..lol af is full blown..:(
Awww momma im sorry. That sucks :(

Whata your plan of of action? Will you be pursuing and testing or treatments?
Amanda.... My cramps are finally setting in! I imagine tomorrow I will be full blown
Hi girls...for next time you lose the thread...click on the quick links button and select subscribed threads....it will load up a new page and you should see this thread in a list of the threads you have joined liked or stalked...:thumbup:

Hope this helps petals...:)

:) :) :) xxx


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Hi ladies cd10 here :)

So last night I crashed really hard when oh got home..I served up the stew cut the loaf - ate my dinner and then I fell asleep.i was sooo tired.
So I woke up late lastnight and I had the headache from hell...even my eyesight was distorted..it hurt to even load up the iPad.
Sooo glad I am feeling much better this morning.:)

Ashley Amanda sooo sorry the witch got you.i hope you both manage to slay her this cycle lol:thumbup: :)
I hope the cramps ease off for you both by today too.:thumbup:

Sounds like you have a nice quiet weekend there- make the most of it lol...:)
How have you been ?:)

Meg you go away tmr right?...I bid you safe journeys and a great time away.:thumbup: :)

Nat good plan to stop testing till you see your doc now...it's nice to know things are running along smoothly tho isn't it so I get it.
Wow them betas are going to come back really high by the time you get them.lol...ummm hang on - the uk docs don't gives us the numbers do they?...w@nkers!...lol- demand them nat! Lol..

Well ladies I begin testing with the ops today...REALLY not not expecting anything for a few days yet tho...I had a few o symptoms already to...my cm is in abundance lol...
Skins breaking out.(kind of odd for me to)
Super tired.
But I dot care abut all that as long as I get threw this cycle SANE,!...lol

Well I hope you are all having a good start to your weekend...I hope to catch up again later today.:)
Hey Nat, im doing ok thanks. yhis weekend will be a bit busy...cleaning and cooking all day. Domestic fun????
Tomorrow I plan to relax.
I'm feeling calmer than any cycle. I have 0 expectations so that helps. No disappointed bfn for a few months.
im trying to not think much about it.

How are you?! I hope you keep the sanity!!!

Meg I hope you have an amazing trip xoxox
I will miss you. 2 weeks is a long time.
How are ya doing?

Hey Nat, im doing ok thanks. yhis weekend will be a bit busy...cleaning and cooking all day. Domestic fun????
Tomorrow I plan to relax.
I'm feeling calmer than any cycle. I have 0 expectations so that helps. No disappointed bfn for a few months.
im trying to not think much about it.

How are you?! I hope you keep the sanity!!!

Meg I hope you have an amazing trip xoxox
I will miss you. 2 weeks is a long time.
How are ya doing?


Yeah I'm doing good I think lol...
Ugh domestics yep it's got to be done but it's never a enjoyable task is it.:)
Harry and i went I for a walk this morning in our willies in the rain...kind of fun.but I am tired already..looking forward to bed time now.which is 8/9 hrs away yet.:(

Yes it must be more relaxing not having to think about cd's and dpo's ...altho it must feel strange aswell...glad you are feeling calmer tho.:thumbup:

We got round two of stew for dinner tonight...always better the next day .yum yum..no bread for me tonight tho..I'm sure that's what made me slump after ...I love fresh bread , but it dosnt like me.:( ...
Not only that it's not diet friendly...twice a week is fine but not everyday.
Did my opk earlier- as I expected- very little to report there.thats ok tho...I'm not that bothered this time..my goal is to get through this a sane woman! Lol...

There were a few tears last night (I think mainly my headache set me off ) but pete was talking to me about ttc and I had to beg him to stop it...I pointed out that was not what I want this cycle...I just need to feel less invested and like it's not the be all and end all...
He gets it now but I had to point out that it's not the same for us women...we can't let go of this journey every month like they can.you know.
Moving forward to the next cycle is a job in its self let alone using the "back up plan" men just don't get it and I completely see that I just wish he knew its the same vice vercer .
I mean it's a person defeat for us and for them it's oh ...lets try again...pha I wish I could have that attitude lol...

Anyways moving on lol...so I hope you have a nice relaxing day tmr...you have you sd aswell don't you?...you gonna watch some movies together?...that will be nice...get the popcorn and chips out lol...
Ummm popcorn...I want some now lol...

:) :) :) xxx
What's everyone up to this weekend?

Meg I wish I were heading south too! So much fun! TWO WEEKS OFF!!! AHHH
BTW, are you still planning to take the WSIB job if you get it now that you're preggo?

I'm home all day tomorrow. Cleaning & then cooking for a dinner party. Sunday it's my SD & I all day. Hubby has to work. So I'm not sure yet what to do with her. I MIGHT consider taking her to a pumpkin patch but it would be nice not to have to drive. So maybe a day in & watching movies.

Yikes I was so busy at work yesterday and lay down as soon as I got home for the night so I was totally MIA... lol :)

Barb I have no idea what I will do about WSIB... I should hear from them with an update in the next week or so, so I assume while I am away. If I do get an offer, it depends on when it would be for.. there is a rumor of another training group starting in November, and another one in January. I would have to decide once I know what the real deal is. January would be great because I could give plenty of notice to my boss, BUT I would be like 4 months along or so... that's kinda crazy. if I started in November or December it would be much better because I wouldn't have to tell them for a little while still... we will see. I will just wait and see what they say. Nervewracking....
Good mornin folks..how is everyone? Nat? Did u opk? Natalie? Ru retesting? Ashley cramps better? Barbs its ki da good u get some rest In ur mind. It will b good for ur body.. I have good feeling about jan..:) meg, how r u and ur lo? Lol wow...great to say that..lol im am what I guess cd 2-3..I dnt know if I shld count cd 1 as the day I started cuz it was late in the eve.. so im either 2-3..cramps have eased a bit but im (tmi) bleeding horribly
Hi Gals...

Amanda and Ashley - I am sorry about AF girls xx onto the next cycle right! It looks like you two are cycle buddies again

Natalie - that's great about no more spotting :) Cant wait to hear how things progress!

Nat - Sounds like you needed a good rest - sorry about the headache though .. I am glad you told Pete to cut the TTC talk - you need to be able to say what you can and cant handle - that is good. It sounds like he is getting it now.. :) And I would like some of your stew please!!

Barbs - I am cleaning today too ughhh lol... that sounds like a nice weekend though! As for SD, pumpkin patch or movie day would be nice - cant go wrong. I am glad you are seeing the positive side of things right now - aka no cycle stress and worrying about the bfp/bfn. So glad you've got a plan and exciting stuff coming up. That's great.

Talia - Hope you and bean are doing great and you are settling into the new house!

AFM, Today is busy somewhat... cleaning the house a bit as i always do before going away.. hate coming home to a mess... doing laundry and going to pack later. I think we will leave tomorrow -SUnday. DH was a little under the weather so if hes not feeling 100% we will give it one more day to be safe. Looking forward to it for sure. I will check in when I can, don't you worry hehe...I also am trying to find someone to watch my cat for three days. My mother in law will watch her after that but i need someone for three days to check on her and give her meds.... if not for the meds i would just leave her. I've emailed a bunch of people off kijiji.. we will see! Bahh....

Going to catch up on a few tv shows before I keep going with cleaning and laundry.. a few errands later too.

As for symptoms, I really have nothing going on, i know that's normal at this stage so trying to relax about it. Sore boobs still of course, but that's it.
Haha must b cleanin day..I went grocery shoppin twice yesterday(yes to store bk home and back to differemt store..) in between I came home and literally scrubbed my ass off. Lol the deep cleaning urge just hit me..closets, bathrooms u name it! All done whewww..lol
Well i told oh hes happy but we are taking it each day as it comes, i'm not testing til monday now with my clearblue digi i might save my frer for wednesday when i hand my sample in at the doctors. I am just having a chilled day with oh and i really want a chinese lol xx

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