Hello Everyone
I'm taking baby aspirin to try and help implantation, anyone have any other tips?
Thank you
Baby aspirin helps with implantation? How so?
I read that it makes the uterine lining fluffier, easier for the egg to properly implant. Don't know if it is true, but I will try anything
Awwww, lastnight when we went to bed hubby said to me, next month we need to start trying harder for a baby, how cute, its not very often you hear of the man saying those things. It made me mega smile!
Fingers crossed we won't bt ttc next month tho! Xxx
Awwww, lastnight when we went to bed hubby said to me, next month we need to start trying harder for a baby, how cute, its not very often you hear of the man saying those things. It made me mega smile!
Fingers crossed we won't bt ttc next month tho! Xxx