AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Tabs, are you 6 DPO today like your siggy says? can't wait to hear about it tomorrow!
Lil, Tabs, Ex, CarrieAnn, Mojo and Dahlia---Thanks girlies for all the lovely well wishes.

I could not hold out and tested 12DPO. I just knew I was pregnant based on all my symptoms and wanted the physical proof. I feel like I would have tested positive on 10DPO based on how immediate and how dark my line was. Plus the symptoms were just all there.

Ex, post a pic of your new test, but it seems like we are all in agreement that a line is a line. A disappearing line is something different though, but I read that happens immediately and fades out, not after 3 min. Your so early, it could be just hard to read.

Tabs, you are showing tremendous restraint. I waited as long as I could without having a nervous breakdown. Um, nevermind, just read that you broke down, lol. It's best to test with FMU so early on so the HCG will be more concentrated. If you think you saw something, that is hopeful. Please keep us updated immediately.

Don't forget that a negative isn't truly a negative until AF shows up because some women test negative 16DPO.

CarrieAnn, you intuition is most likely telling you something. I sware my inner-voice told me I was preggars 1DPO. I have been over 90% sure this whole 2WW. I just knew. AND I was still going crazy waiting.

You all are right, we are on Cloud 9. DH and I just got back from celebration lunch. I am so tired. It is nap time. Hopefully I just started a widespread trend for the site... All BFP!!!

Babydust to ALL!!!
Kat, have you felt any different and what were your symptoms, eager to know now lol xxx
Hey Kat! What were your symptoms, if you don't mind listing : ) And what cycle days did you BD, if you don't mind me asking : )
Yes, What cycle days too lol :happydance:

Dahlia, I am still not 100% what dpo I am, if any :wacko: xx
You asked and now you shall recieve the very detailed report I just sent out to 2WW. I was so sure I was pregnant that I wrote this list daily.

I O'd on the 14th. We BD daily from the 10th-16th skipped 1 day and then BD about every other day since. I made it fun and it was Valentine's Day week, so most of it was fun sex. There was at least 2 straight BD sessions in the mix with preseed used as an external lube to get things started. I never got any EWCM, nor did I the first time I was pregnant. It was more watery and it never leaves my body, I must scoop it to check.

1DPO- Felt irritable, down and gloomy. Intuition told me I was pregnant. My mind told me it was way too early to know. Ate at midnight because I was so hungry even though I had already brushed and flossed. This never happens…But I did eat an early dinner and cookies for a snack, so blood sugar could have been way too low.

2DPO- I had slight nausea and a hot flash during martial arts class, thought I might be coming down with a bug. Felt slightly dizzy earlier in the day from standing up to quick. Also had watery CM. This rarely happens.

3DPO- Felt nothing different all day except I slept in and took two short naps (this happens sometimes). Then at 5, the pizza DH and I love was finished baking. Stood up out of a chair and felt dizzy. Then the pizza I had been craving made me nauseated and seemed very unappealing. I LOVE this pizza and we get it FedExed, so I forced myself to settle down and enjoy it. I did. Breast felt funky, but no pain. I examined both breasts trying to figure out what felt different, couldn’t do it. Lower back hurts.

4-DPO- Had horrible sleep. Like horrible. There was a thunder and lightening storm happening, but beyond this I was restless. When sleeping on my stomach, my breast hurt slightly, but I could not pinpoint tenderness upon examination. My back is a bit crampy or achy. I had to blow my nose a couple of times, unusual. Feel a mild headache and feel slightly ill. Boobs feeling weird and left armpit hurt and then stopped. A bit gassy. Lower back hurts. Tired. Fell asleep twice after waking. White CM.

5-DPO- Slept well. Barely any breast pain, but still a tiny bit tender with some weird tingling sensations here or there. Slight congestion, but hubby has a cold. Lotion CM. Fatigued, but woke up early. Lower back slightly achy, but so does DH because of his cold. No concrete symptoms. High sex drive.

6-DPO- Slept horribly due to DH being ill and moving every 2 seconds. Breasts hurt slightly while sleeping on my stomach. 3 mild cramps on left side. Felt very energized despite having little sleep. Too hot in the morning and had to change even though the house was at the same temp it always is. Felt a bit light-headed. If DH wasn’t so ill, would think this is a good sign. Had white CM when scooped. Breast feel different, but not painful. Low backache. High sex drive.

7-DPO- Slept okay. Felt some light cramps on my left side. Gum bleeding, this NEVER happens. Breast felt a tiny bit achy when I put on my bra. Very hungry. Back aches. Napped, but this is usual. Slight headache. Indigestion.

8-DPO- Slept like crap. Felt anxious. Woke up and wanted to eat at 5am. Almost burst into tears this morning because my BBS don’t hurt. Slight congestion. Felt very hungry. Had to stop in the middle of yoga class to eat. Was famished by 11am. Very slight headache. Continued mild backache, but started a new exercise program. Woke up from a nap feeling a bit ill with slight indigestion. A bit dizzy. Headache, unusual for me, but not in the last week. Just feel sick and hungry. Weepy and indigestion.

9-DPO- Slept for 9.5 hours and still tired. Hurt my BBS a bit to sleep on my stomach. Feel good besides this all morning. Dizzy when I stand up fast. Felt very mildly crampy and was afraid AF showed up, even though I NEVER get PMS. Cried in the bathtub. Feel a bit rundown in the afternoon. Chest hurts mildly. Very slight nausea and hungry as usual.

10-DPO- Slept okay and had very vivid dreams and believed I am pregnant in my dream. Breasts are more sensitive today. Morning nasal congestion. High sex drive. Burst into tears three times. Indigestion. Lotion CM (didn’t check the last few days prior).

11-DPO- Woke up several times during the night 100% sure I am pregnant, but holding off on testing to 14DPO. Boobs were sore when I slept on my stomach, not so much in the morning though. Nasal congestion in the morning early. I fell asleep twice at an all day workshop. Minor backache and minor headache. Itchy down there for a tiny while. This has happened several times in the last week or so, like I am about to get a yeast infection and then I don't. Boobs more sore on the insides when I am hugged and slightly itchy internally.

12- DPO-Could not hold out on testing. BFP!!!
What a great record of symptoms. I'm so happy for you! Thank you... now I'm hoping for some hurtin boobies lol
I still don't think that there was much to read into that test though i took the other one and they both got all clouded up and look like a car window tinting starting to peel they arent clear I took them out of the stick and they still look like that so I think I had duds. My package should be here tomorrow though and I got enough to test every morning lol

Kat - I saw that you said your bb's felt weird sore but weird ...This is going to sound weird lol but mine feel wet they arent physically wet I check and they aren't but they feel wet and kinda sore.

I am not putting my whole heart into this cycle just because it is a long shot without actually having my first af yet so even if its a big fat negative everyday I am ready for next cycle which should still give me an early April BFP if we pull it off lol : )
I feel like you have a very good attitude being okay with whatever outcome presents itself. I did not personally wait for AF before TTC after doing a lot of research, but would have felt the same way you do. The body will know.

Now for your question... my boobs felt "different" for the entire last 12 days. Last time I was pregnant, they felt like nothing after O until 13DPO and that is when I knew to test.

This time, as you can tell, they were slightly sore but I could never pinpoint where. I was feeling all over my entire BBS daily and could not find soreness and then out of nowhere I would move wrong and my boobs would hurt. Or they felt tingles or mild shooting sensations. They also felt internally itchy, but obviously my insides weren't itching. They also bounced more when I went down the stairs. They never felt "wet", but I think the telltale thing is when they feel different.

Are you boobs sensitive during your cycle? Like my nipples usually get painful during O, but not that much this time around. If not, boob soreness is one of the first signs of pregnancy. I felt 90% sure of my pregnancy based on this alone. My remaining doubt had to do with me reading that women's cycles can be messed up after MC and I wasn't positive that I wasn't have a wonky hormone situation going on. Like I said, my BBS did not remain sore the last time I was pregnant and that time they were sore on the outsides, which they are still not.

Please let us know what happens with tomorrow's tests. I think you can keep FMU for a few hrs, though I heard HCG may deteriorate with time. It sounds like you had dud tests. I have never heard of them clouding over. Hope this was helpful in anyway. Baby Dust!!!
Thank you for giving us your list of symptoms kat, Im currently feeling nothing and its very frustrating!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy hunny :hugs:
I have updated the title of the thread for our first BFP, and hopefully many more to come

Carrie, I'm not feeling anything either. If anything, I feel a bit achy, pressure in the evening. But it's not very convincing. gosh darnit : (
However, I thought of this to make me feel better. Plenty of women don't feel any symptoms the TWW. The ladies here on B&B are more curious about the symptoms, and therefore talk about them more, and dwell on them more. So that's who we encounter here, when in fact there are plenty of women out there with no symptoms that we don't encounter : )

My mom bought me some raspberry leaf tea today, so I thought that was thoughtful. I am going to test tomorrow according to if I were actually 10 DPO. But I do believe I'm 6 DPO, but still gives me a reason to test and satisfy a lil POAS urge.
With my last pregnancy i don't recall many 'symptoms' so to speak but the pregnancy was a surprise so wasn't looking for any. Looking back once i found out I don't believe any real striking symptoms started until right around the time af was due...cramping, sore bbs, and very emotional and moody. Not sure if that helps you girls who aren't experiencing any real symptoms yet or not. Oh and of course the biggest symptom? No AF :haha:
Good luck for your test tomorrow hun, I know what you mean about symptom spotting it can really get you down! When I found out I was pregnant last time, I had no symptoms at all, probably because I wasnt looking for them and the pregnancy was a complete surprise! It was only when my period was a few days late that I started to get concerned, I remember noticing big blue veins on my bbs when I was in the bath one night, googled them and the first thing that came up was pregnancy, next afternoon I took a test and boom bfp!! I cant rely on the blue veins this time has they have never disapeared 7 months on and I still got em!! I dont even remember my bbs hurting til a good few days after I found out. Im trying to convince myself that no symptoms is not a bad sign, but when we only want one answer nothing seems to ease the not knowing!!

Ive totally broke down again tonight. I cant even take being emotional as a symptom cos since my mc I get like this at least once a week, I still keep asking everyone when will it get better but no one knows, and I know it wont until we get pregnant again.

Sorry girls I'm just feeling so low tonight xx
Carrie it's normal what you're feeling, I am very much the same. I cry all the time. Some days are ok but some days are just like the day it all happened. I think it's going to be a long time before we find our new sense of normal. Thanks for answering my question, it got kind of forgotten about with all the bfp talk.

Congrats Kat and possibly ex on the tests. I"m happy for you but sad for me cause I won't be seeing those two lines till at least may. I miss seeing my bfps.
Your welcome hun, I just checked my chart and it was cd13 I had the teenie bit of blood. Why is it at least May until you see your bfp?? Sorry if I have missed something, I try to catch up everyday on here xx
Ok so I have some symptoms my bbs hurt and I have a weird metal taste in my mouth..? Weird I am tired and even took a nap today. I try not to get my hopes up and take one day at a time and try to tell myself if it happens it happens if it doesn't there is always next month.
I am going to wait for my test to come in and see what happens.:flower:
CarrieAnn, Dahlia and Lil, I had zero symptoms during my first pregnancy until my boobs hurt 13DPO.

CarrieAnn and Kelly, I send you big hugs. I spent almost 6 months grieving daily for the sudden loss of my beloved furbaby. It's healthy to let it all out and weep. I still cry for her often.

Kelly, thanks for the congrats and why not till May?

Mojo, that metallic taste seems to be common with early pregnancy. Good luck!!!
Carrie, it is natural for you to feel all the emotions are are experiencing...a loss is so difficult to take. I still find myself thinking that by now, I would be feeling at the very least the bubbles and maybe even my husband would have been able to feel the little one too. It makes me sad and still, even though we hadn't told a lot of people yet, enough knew that we get the occasional questions because they don't know we mc'ed and it opens it all up again.

I decided to remember the loss but to look forward to what ever the future brings us. And in memory of our little one, I enrolled into college to begin getting a degree so that the loss wasn't in vane. I have used that loss to examine my life and to shake off all those things that don't matter and embrace what does. So for me, the little soul did have a purpose in its very short life to help me become a better person.

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