AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Lil - Glad you are feeling better hun. The cramps could quite possibly be Implantation? Especially if you have a week to go until AF is due? Fingers crossed! :D
So since this is the first cycle using the opk's entirely what cd do you girls start testing my length is between 28 - 30 days
Tabs - I have a 28 ish day cycle and I am starting testing tomorrow, so I would say either tomorrow or Friday at the latest. That's what it says on the guide on the inside of my OPK packet anyway :D
I'd say cd12 is good.

I've called my fertility clinic and had a nice chat with a nurse there, and am booked in for another scan to check my fistula, if all looks good the doc has given the go ahead to start our FET cycle as soon as my period shows up. This witch is being annoying! Keep getting spotting but nothing more. Feels like something is going on though. Did a pg test just to be sure and sure enough it's neg which I expect. I'm just eager for her to be here now so I can move ahead with things. Will know for sure on friday though if we can start with next af. I'm keeping my fingers crossed so hard. I need this to happen and happen now, waiting another month will do me in. So come on witch.
Hey Kelly, fxed the witch will cooperate...amazing isn't it? We usually hear everyone hoping she will stay away but now gotta get her to come for you.

Tabs, somewhere between day 10 and 12 should do.

Afm, My cramping was so horribly painful...only spotted a little and then it stopped. Some of the cramping went down into my legs... I am exhausted and only managed to get some errands ran today and dishwasher loaded and ran. Guess I will work on laundry in the evenings this week. Hubby put new sliding door in and is laying the tile in front of it tonight so can't clean anyway til he finishes.
lil did they ever check you to make sure there were no pieces left behind?

Yup now i want af and she's not here. To be fair I'm only 10dpo and my usual luteal phase is 15 days long but normally it takes a while to get my lp back up to where it was after I have a baby so I would expect her by friday/saturday this month. I need her to come by then! Unless my lining is thin when I go in for my scan friday in which case I think they'll count cd1 as yesterday... not sure. I won't know anything really till my scan.
Kelly, no they actually never did check to make sure everything was gone...I haven't had any actual clots since my last af which produced many of them. I am honestly hoping at this point for a bfn for this month as ... and maybe I am feeling sorry for myself but I think I am too old to do this over again. I will probably not try after this cycle. I think I can use all the information i have learned these last couple months to prevent rather than try. Between my husband and I we have 2 grown daughters who hopefully will someday make us grandparents and maybe that is enough for me.
So i am upbeat about this cycle and I am thinking an early ovulation is in the cards and crossing my fingers for it : ) Those vitamins have done wonders for regulating everything else we shall see
It's a tough decision lil but one that needs to be made. Some days I want to give up and forget about ttc but we have just the one little boy and I can't imagine never holdin another lo in my arms. I'm still in witch limbo land but that's ok she'll come when she does. Scan tomorrow hoping for a good outcome.
Lil - Really sorry to hear that you feel that way :hugs:

Tabs - Fingers crossed! :dust:
Waiting on the doc to call me about the rest of my blood tests I had done a bit ago which means something is up cause she told me I could call the nurse to get the results and now she won't let the nurse tell me. She wants to talk to me. Ugh. So im stuck waiting now which is making me feel worse then I already do. I've still been nauseous a little since my epic puke fest.
Kelly, saying a little prayer for you that they give you good news when the doctor calls.

Tabs; glad you are feeling upbeat and wishing you :dust: to catch your egg.

I guess i am just tired of being tired and want to get my life back... its tough because before we found out we were pregnant back in December, I had accepted the fact the we were done and was beginning to make plans for life post child rearing. But when the test came up positive and it sank in, I really wanted another child because with us being older and wiser in many ways, I could see where some parts could be better.

My body just isn't bouncing back as fast as I would like it to I guess and I believe that a lot of it has to do with being over 40 years old. I will turn 42 this spring. Anyway, I am not making any decisions until after the witch shows up. If she does then I am going to sit down with my husband and talk it over and I think it's likely he will feel the same way I do right now because it is bothering him to see how much I have been suffering physically these past couple months.
Lil I can understand that to a point, at least the body not bouncing back part anyway but my body has been acting funny and weird for 2 months now and I'm only 27 so age may have nothing to do with it. It definitely is a good idea to see how hubby feels. I sometimes wonder if my husband will turn to me one of these days and say "thats it" no more kids, we have one lets just be happy with that. I hope he does not say this of course but I have such a strong desire to have 3 kids at least and we only have the one. I think it would destroy me if he ever told me that.

The darn doctor still hasn't called and I'm having anxiety cause of it, when they say they're going to call they should call asap because making me feel like this isn't very nice. She had better call me today I can't imagine feeling like this all day and night then tomorrow.
Well Hello Everyone :flower:

I have kinda been lurking these past few days, again just trying to keep myself busy really as I am still struggling with the damn ciggies :growlmad: Im using NRT patches now from my dr, still not smoking at all, but getting withdrawls as if I am coming off heroin or something!!!! However it is getting easier and I am determined not to let this beat me ...

Ive posted elsewhere on the boards about my lack of pregnancy symptoms, which is becoming quite a concern for me! I am a natural worrier anyway but after what happened with my last pregnancy even more so this time. Other than feeling a bit more tired than usual, I feel nothing :shrug: Had painful pulling pains a few nights back which also made me worry a bit. I have an early scan on Wednesday, I will be 6 weeks by then, so I am keeping absolutely everything crossed that its going to be ok. I will sure be back to let you all know how it goes!

I hope your all doing ok and staying as positive as you can, the things us women go thru to get our babies huh :baby: I am still on :cloud9:thoxxx
Well my progesterone that was taken monday came back at 1.3 so looks like my spotting is my period, or thats what the doctor said. If my lining is really thin tomorrow at the scan then it will be confirmed as my period, if it's not then I guess the spotting will turn into a bleed at some point. I guess it's not likely that I'm going to ovulate in the next few days (i.e. I just ovulated later then what I thought) cause a level of 1.3 is what you would have on or just after menses. So now that I know what I know I'm hoping my scan tomorrow shows a thin lining, thus classifying cd1 as march 13, the day of the heaviest pinkest spotting, if the fistula is behaving then we'll go ahead with an FET this cycle and if it's not then I think I'll go on bcp for one month to regulate my cycle and bring on my next cycle when I finish the pack of pills. Thats where I am right now, so a lot is hinging on the scan tomorrow.
GL with your scan tomorrow Kelly. Thinking of you~
Carrie - You will get there eventually hun :hugs: It will be 8 weeks on Tuesday since I quit smoking. :D Bet you can't wait for your scan on Wednesday. Hope all goes well hun :dust:

Kelly - Good Luck for your scan tomorrow hun. Hope all goes well :dust:
Good luck to Kelly and Carrie on the scans they both are having. Hang in there Carrie, I have seen many people say they didn't have many early symptoms but have healthy happy pregnancies. Besides, you may not be noticing some since you may still not fully returned to normal from before. Like you said, you couldn't use spider veins as a sign since you still had them. So maybe your body hasn't had to change all that much.

AFM, I am feeling a little less depressed today. I had a weird thing happen last night after few hours of cramping a large brown clot came out of me...afterwards I felt better than I have in so many weeks i cant count. Going to see how today goes but am wondering if that has been the cause of all the cramping and spotting. We shall see. Was going to call doctor but it didn't have any bad odor, and all spotting stopped after it passed. I had actually expected my temps to drop this morning but they actually went up a little more. I took a pregnancy test this morning and was neg as I expected but if I ovulated later than ff says then I would only be 9 dpo today. I am ok either way though.

Hope you all have a good day today.

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