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Any Halloween Testers?!

Been in tears for hours because it jus hurts :( I don't know whether AF is coming or what
Oh no! Get yourself to the doctor if it gets unbearable, and take paracetamol- fine to take if pregnant.
Thanks for the thoughts ladies! AF is painful but quite light for me at the moment (usually heavy for 3 days then spotting one day. Hormones seem a bit off since I had my implant out in August. I am going to try vitex this month to see if it regulates my cycle and eases some of the PMS symptoms as it has been doing my head in this month! Had three separate periods of EWCM this cycle as well so was very confused about O and when I should expect a period. Anyone else tried vitex or something similar for irregular cycles??
I have no idea where I am in my cycle, typically I do but this time I have got positive OPK at various times. I think I am between 8-9 DPO but I am not to sure. Anyways I caved.........


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Congrats on the BFP and really sorry about AF ladies. I am sure I will be joining you all soon enough.
Congrats on the BFP! So exciting!

I'm so sorry the witch showed up for you ladies. Just think of it this way: it's just one week until you can start trying again.

I'm having a few fleeting moments of slight nausea tonight... Like, once I notice it, it's gone. Hope its a good thing!
Congrats on the BFP!

Sorry to those who got AF :(.

AFM nothing over here yet. I'll still test on Friday if nothing has happened.

It seems like I'm the odd one out as I always make DH check the HPT when I seriously take one. I generally take one in the morning, hop in the shower and then make him come look. I just want him to know first so..... I don't bother him with early testing though. He would think I was crazy if I did that lol.
Morning all
Lots has gone on whilst I've been offline :)
Sorry to the ladies who have the witch visiting she is never welcome, by fx for yo all next month.
Congrats on the bfp :)
I wish I had tested this morning but have held out for tomorrow testing, still no af signs, boobies ache, tummy feels full, headache, backache and high cp
Fx there will lots of bfp tomorrow xx
Hey everyone!!! Got my BFP today at 9dpo!!!! It won't let me upload a pic but I'll keep trying!!!

AAAAAHHHHH!!! Congratulations hun and a happy healthy nine months!! :)
Congrats krlh :happydance:

I've got cramps today ladies, AF is due on Tuesday and it is not unusual for me to get cramps a few day before she's due. I think I may be out this month. I'm still going to test tomorrow though.
Update on me :..my cramps and backache have disappeared, but still have sore bb's ..:thumbup:
Oh no! Get yourself to the doctor if it gets unbearable, and take paracetamol- fine to take if pregnant.

I have just woken up and I feel so much better. I thought I was coming down with the flu as I was so achy. The ache travelled down my neck and to my back and I was sick 4 times yesterday. Also since I wiped and had that pink discharge, there has been nothing else! I'm 14dpo today, so AF should arrive, but no signs. I don't want to test until tomorrow, as its Halloween and would be real nice to get my bfp :) congrats to all of those with their bfps!
My cramps and backache have disappeared, but still have sore bb's ..

All my symptoms have disappeared too :( I was feeling hopeful last night because I started to feel slightly nauseous. But this morning I got a BFN, my temp is still the same as yesterday, and no symptoms. Although, it IS only 7am where I live right now, and my symptoms seem to build up over the day. Fingers xx
My cramps and backache have disappeared, but still have sore bb's ..

All my symptoms have disappeared too :( I was feeling hopeful last night because I started to feel slightly nauseous. But this morning I got a BFN, my temp is still the same as yesterday, and no symptoms. Although, it IS only 7am where I live right now, and my symptoms seem to build up over the day. Fingers xx

I just no af is gonna come for me , but I'm still gonna stay positive and test tomoz with you ladies, the tests I have now are 25miu so even if I was to take one i'd get a :bfn:
I ordered some 10miu ones on amazon, hoping they arrive tomoz, if not I will have to pop out and grab a few , the only thing keeping me hopeful atm is my sore ,huge,heavy boobs ... I also spoke to soon and my backache has returned which normally means :af: is on her wkd way :(
Just one more day ladies... Hang in there! Tomorrow is the day where we could start seeing some :bfp: :happydance:

When you test tomorrow PLEASE post a photo, whether it's a stark white :bfn: or a blazing :bfp: Feel free to post multiple tests too (if you take one or more, or from different angles, lighting, etc.).

I just want to say that you ladies have been wonderful. Thank you so much for staying positive and hopeful. Let's make this Halloween a memorable one!!!!!!

Just one more day ladies... Hang in there! Tomorrow is the day where we could start seeing some :bfp: :happydance:

When you test tomorrow PLEASE post a photo, whether it's a stark white :bfn: or a blazing :bfp: Feel free to post multiple tests too (if you take one or more, or from different angles, lighting, etc.).

I just want to say that you ladies have been wonderful. Thank you so much for staying positive and hopeful. Let's make this Halloween a memorable one!!!!!!


Right back at ya :dust: xxxx
It's been a great ride and excellent to wait with you ladies!

Major temp drop for me so I know she's coming in a day or two.
Congrats klrh!!! Feel free to post a pic of your test...we love to see them!

Heres my test from last night. I held my own this morning and did NOT test. Want to see if the tests get any darker when I test tomorrow morning.

Sorry for the crappy photo...they are much better on my phone!


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