Any ladies starting IVF in September?

BMW great news re: fertilisation. :)

I had endo scratch today. It was most uncomfortable but I am prepared to do anything that might help get us a BFP. Nothing exciting to report here. Just on Norethisterone until 25/9 and start stims on 1/10.

Good luck ladies x
BMW great news re: fertilisation. :)

I had endo scratch today. It was most uncomfortable but I am prepared to do anything that might help get us a BFP. Nothing exciting to report here. Just on Norethisterone until 25/9 and start stims on 1/10.

Good luck ladies x

Thanks! You are one step closer now!!! fx for you <3
BMW: Yay for four that fertilized! That is great news!

BabyDancing: Glad your endo scratch is done and you are moving along

Louise: Good luck on your endo scratch tomorrow!

I thought I was going to lose my mind. My clinic finally called around 3pm today. I had 7 eggs retrieved. ICSI was performed on 6 of them and 5 fertilized. They said I probably won't hear again until tomorrow or the day after to find out if we are doing a 3 or 5 day transfer. Keeping fingers crossed tight for a 5 day transfer and that a couple make it to freeze! If only two last, I have decided they are both going in.
BNW – So happy for you that 4 fertilised!! Really hoping they keep growing and you have some perfect embie’s to transfer!!

Doxie – How’d you go? I hope your egg’s have also done well with fertilisation – fingers are crossed for you!

BabyDancing – I am not surprised it was uncomfortable! I am a weirdo and decided to YouTube a live video of what actually happens during a scratch. It’s basically tiny scissor’s cutting up your lining :S! It will def all be worthwhile when you get your BFP :)!

Louise31 – when do you begin stim’s? I think you and I might be close together in our cycles..

Africaqueen - Ouch about the injection!! I have to say, I am getting nervous about these injections, they don’t sound pleasant (not that you would expect them to be really haha). When do you have your next scan?
Just saw your update Doxie - happy to see 5 fertilised!! Sending good luck and positive vibes to you and BNW! Hope in another 2 weeks we will hae good news from both of you!!
BMW: Yay for four that fertilized! That is great news!

BabyDancing: Glad your endo scratch is done and you are moving along

Louise: Good luck on your endo scratch tomorrow!

I thought I was going to lose my mind. My clinic finally called around 3pm today. I had 7 eggs retrieved. ICSI was performed on 6 of them and 5 fertilized. They said I probably won't hear again until tomorrow or the day after to find out if we are doing a 3 or 5 day transfer. Keeping fingers crossed tight for a 5 day transfer and that a couple make it to freeze! If only two last, I have decided they are both going in.

Yayay!!!!!!!! The waiting is tough, so glad we both got good news and hope it keeps on coming!!!
Doxie- Yipppeeeee:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats on 5 embies and i hope they continue to grow and you get a few to freeze as well as some to transfer. Good luck x

Babydancing- Glad you are moving forward and i believe the endo scratch is very uncomfortable. Glad i was asleep for mine! lol x

Kat- Don't worry about the injections. When i was on Buserlin (long protocol) it was fine and with my stimming drugs they are fine, just the cetrotide is difficult to inject and stings a bit. You will be fine x

Well ladies i had a little episode before panicking how i will cope if this cycle fails and then i realised, il cope as i have for the other 3 but this cycle WILL work so no need to worry. Iv done enough coping and heartbreak. Time for happiness and looking forward:cloud9: PMA all the way xxx
Hi ladies :)

Had egg collection this morning. They got 16 eggs, which I'm so pleased with! No idea how many of them were mature and obviously they won't all fertilise, but it's a good number to be starting with :) just got to wait for The Call tomorrow!

Not great news with my lining, though :( had another scan, they took three measurements and all of them were fractionally lower than Wednesday :( so no improvement at all, but not low enough to say it's actually getting thinner. My consultant had a look and said it's good quality, still got the triple layer that they look for and NICE guidelines say it should be above 5mm and mine is between 6-7mm. He thinks we still have a "reasonable" chance of success, so he thinks it's best that we go ahead with the transfer next week. He said the decision is mine and, if I don't want to do the transfer, we can freeze our embryos and do a frozen transfer later, but there's no guarantee we'll get a better lining with a frozen cycle and no guarantee that our embryos will survive the freeze/thaw process.

I really don't want to go through all this for nothing and not even attempt transfer, especially since our consultant thinks it's worth a try. So we're going ahead with a fresh transfer either Monday or Wednesday - hoping for a 5 day transfer, really, but we'll see how it goes!

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

When will your transfers be, Doxie and BMW?
Wow Ostara that is fab! 16 eggs! good luck for your call tomorrow! hope u get some embies. As regards endo lining, dont worry too much. Mine has been perfect for last 3 cycles and still no baby. Maybe thinner is better ;) good luck x
Ostara: 16 eggs is great news! Hopefully most fertilize. I think you should have a pretty good shot!

I got a call from the clinic today and they want to do a 5 day transfer which will be Monday. I asked if all 5 embryos were looking good and the girl didn't know. I figure at least a few must be looking good for them to want to do a 5 day transfer.
Ostara - great news!!!! Can't wait to find out how many fertilize!! So exciting.

Dixie - yay for five day transfer!!!

AFM- I am scheduled for a three day transfer tomorrow!! All four embies are growing for me!! So excited. I will ask tomorrow how come we aren't waiting till day five. I know some doctors just like to put embies back in their natural habitat as soon as possible. My sister had a two day transfer which I never heard of, and she got pregnant with twins!!!
Doxie- All sounding very promising! its strange the girl didnt know though as its always the embryologist that calls us with the report x

Beneath- Good luck for tomorrow! you will soon be pupo. I have always had 2 day transfers and worried about it being too soon so your sister having twins has made me feel better ;) x
Yeah. It wasn't the embryologist. I wish it had been. Oh well.
Doxie- All sounding very promising! its strange the girl didnt know though as its always the embryologist that calls us with the report x

Beneath- Good luck for tomorrow! you will soon be pupo. I have always had 2 day transfers and worried about it being too soon so your sister having twins has made me feel better ;) x

Yes!! Have hope!!
Just had The Call! Of my 16 eggs, 14 were mature and 9 of those fertilised!

I'm so pleased! I was worried we'd have a low fertilisation rate because of hubby's sperm. Yesterday, I said I'd be happy if 10 were mature and 6 fertilised, so I'm over the moon with 9!

My transfer is booked for Monday at 11:30, but I'm hoping we'll be able to go to blastocyst. They said they'd call at 8:30 on Monday if we can :)

Hope your transfer goes well today, BMW!
That is GREAT news Ostara! well done and now you can relax and look forward to being pupo very soon and hopefully a few frosties too x

Beneath- Good luck for transfer today x
Good news all round then!

Ostara, thats brilliant and I agree with you on going ahead this cycle as your consultant says its worth it too, how exciting!

Doxie, well done on 5 day transfer, lots of bfps here soon!

Beneath, hope all goes well today, sounds like your embies are going strong :)

Africaqueen, how are you?

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