Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Thanks Ostara :)
Your time off will do you good. I have been off a week and another week to go, so i am due back in work 1-2 days after transfer but on reduced duties as my job is quite physically demanding, so no heavy lifting or pulling heavy goods for me for the 2ww and please god 9mths! :) xxx
Quick update...will check back in later to see how everyone is getting along.
I had my embryo transfer about an hour ago. I have at least one to freeze...probably just one. Will know more about that in the next day or two. My beta is in 8 days. Does that sound early? I'm sure my clinic knows what they are doing.
Africa - Yay for retrieval soon!!! Your follies are a great size! Sending lots of luck your way xoxoxox

Ostara - I only worked two days a week while stimming, but definitely need to work at least three while I'm waiting for my beta or I will go nuts at home lol. I'm a court reporter so I'm sitting and I only work a few hours a day. Most of my work is done at home and it keeps me pretty occupied. Ohhh, iphone 6! Tell us how it is when you get it =)

Doxie - Congrats on being PUPO!! How many embies did you end up transferring? I have two embies still in the lab and called today, but still dont know if they will make it to freeze. RE told me on Saturday she wasn't sure they would. I hope at least one does!!

My beta is on the 25th. Our retrieval was the same day, right, the 10th?
Good news on the 5 day transfer and for excellent quality blasts. All is looking very promising and you should have several blasts to freeze!

Glad to be joining you in the two week wait.. except mine is only 8 days for some reason? My beta is on September 23rd.

Looks like your scan went well. Your follicles are great sizes and egg retrieval is on Thursday... awesome!

It looks like there are a couple ladies ready to start stims soon too!
It is getting very exciting in here!
I forgot to answer on my post:
I only transferred one blast. My RE kind of swayed me against two. She said research shows that pregnancy rates are not significantly higher with two embryo transfer verses 1. I will have at least one to freeze and she said the likelihood of the embryo surviving the thaw is very high (like 95% or something). I did a 5 day transfer.
Doxie- Your beta is the 23rd as u had a blast transfer. BMW had a 3 day transfer. Good luck x
I'm sorry to hear that BMW :( but hopefully you won't need them! Just focus on the two that are, hopefully, snuggling in for the long haul as we speak! Xx
I'm sorry to hear that BMW :( but hopefully you won't need them! Just focus on the two that are, hopefully, snuggling in for the long haul as we speak! Xx

I know.. that's what I keep telling myself. Still makes me sad, though!
Beneath- Don't feel sad. You have a great chance with the 2 embies that have been transferred and most women i know do not get frosties so you are not alone on that. I know its good to get one as a 'backup plan' but hopefully u wont need a plan b ;)
Enjoy being pupo with twins and i have everything crossed for you xxx
Beneath- Don't feel sad. You have a great chance with the 2 embies that have been transferred and most women i know do not get frosties so you are not alone on that. I know its good to get one as a 'backup plan' but hopefully u wont need a plan b ;)
Enjoy being pupo with twins and i have everything crossed for you xxx

Thank you hun! I'm trying to look at the bright side of things. These two perfect embies inside me could have stopped growing too, but they didn't and I got to keep believing there's a reason for that!
We have to hopeful and positive during IVF if its our 1st or 4th cycle, as no point putting ourselves through it if we dont believe we will get our baby at the end of it ;) I think u have a great chance hun. You are so young and that is defo in your favour xxx
We have to hopeful and positive during IVF if its our 1st or 4th cycle, as no point putting ourselves through it if we dont believe we will get our baby at the end of it ;) I think u have a great chance hun. You are so young and that is defo in your favour xxx

All we can do is be hopeful!!!! I really hope these embies stick to me. Praying this cycle is your lucky cycle as well, hun. No one should have to go through this so many times. Keep staying positive!!!! :hugs:
Thanks hun x

Just did my trigger shot so nice needle free day tomorrow and look forward to EC on Thursday! this cycle has gone sooo fast! xxx
Time to play catch up! :D

BNW – Sorry about the egg’s not making it to freeze. I understand what you are saying ab out having it as a backup plan because I have felt the same. I did have a reality check with the nurse yesterday though – she said that you should never expect to get any left over to freeze, but if you do, just consider it a bonus. From what she said, more people don’t have any left over, than people who do. So I am kind of going in now with no expectations in regards to that (or ‘hopes’ I mean). Like the other ladies said though, hopefully you won’t need those two extra egg’s anyway!! I have my fingers crossed for good news!

It’s exciting that we are all doing it at slightly different times, as I feel just as much invested in everyone else’s journey as well as my own, so it’s like every week there should hopefully be some good news of some sort (I am banking we all get BFP’s – we can do this ;))!

Doxie – That’s so strange about the antibiotics? I was always told that you shouldn’t take any antibiotics while pregnant. Are they like a different sort or something? Or is it cause they’re out of your system by the time you do the transfer I suppose? (I am half thinking out loud over here haha). Now that I am thinking more about it, my nurse did mention the small risk of infection with egg collection, so maybe sometimes they do give you an antibiotic to decrease that risk. How come you’re on steroids? (hope you don’t mind me asking). Yay for 8 days till Beta!!!

Ostara – That’s great about the 5DT! Good luck today!!

Africaqueen – They sound like good sized eggs!! Everything is crossed for you – I hope egg collection goes smoothly!!

AFM: Nurse appointment was yesterday. She went through my schedule, which because it is my first IVF I am doing their sort of ‘stock standard’ cycle (how she explained it). So I take an injection which comes in a pen and starts with P (perv… something-a-rather), from the second day of flow. I should be taking that injection for around 10 days, but possibly a little longer if need be. Then the other injection, which I can’t remember the name of at all right now, I take from day 6 to stop me ovulating. Then I take two shots of Ovidrel (think that’s how you spell it) when I am ready to trigger. Apparently you normally only take one shot, but my doctor has been recommending patients to take two, as supposably it helps with maturing the eggs. After egg collection, I will then be doing the gel progesterone thing-o (you can tell I am very new at this lol), no needles.

She had it all ready to go for me to take home, but we decided to only take 1 injection pen (6 days’ worth), as I still haven’t got my period – and if I were by some miracle pregnant right now, I do not get refunded whatever I take home. So the injection I took home is $750 worth, which I could live with, but I couldn’t live with wasting $3’000-4’000 worth lol. I doubt I am pregger’s now, but it would be sods law wouldn’t it. So I will go back once my period begins to collect the rest.

It does make me laugh that instead of not wanting my period to show, I am now running to the loo every 5 minutes because I want to see if it has started already haha. I usually get brown spotting for 2 days before it begins and I haven’t got anything yet. So impatient to get started, so I can’t imagine how bad I am going to be when waiting for fertilisation reports, and in the TWW!!

Really hope there is heaps of great news in here soon!!!
Hi ladies!

Apologies in advance for the long and boring, selfish post! I'm just about to head out to my second acupuncture session of the day so will catch up properly later :)

Transfer is all done! I am officially PUPO with a 4AA blastocyst! The transfer was not fun. Apparently, I bend a bit! Lol! Mr Evans said it wasn't the easiest transfer, but not the worst either! It hurt! He had to use a "tool" to hold my cervix in position!! But the actual transfer of the embryo was very smooth, once he had the catheter in place!

I was really worried before we went in, because I checked my phone, which was on silent because I'd had my acupuncture session, and there was a missed call from a private number. The only private number that has called me recently is the clinic when the embryologist called, so I was terrified that they had called to say all of our embryos had arrested! Well, that literally couldn't have been further from what actually happened!!

The embryologist sat us down and said it was very rare to have as good a batch of embryos as we had and he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen such a good blastocyst rate!

Of our 9 fertilised eggs, 5 we're top grade on Monday. This morning, 4 were 4AA, 4 were 4BA and 1 was 4BB! We haven't lost a single embryo between fertilisation and day 5 and all of them made it to expanded blastocyst right on schedule :) and the embryologist said he was pretty sure we'd have 7 frozen embryos (I feel a bit sad for the 4BB, really)!

We're about to head off for my second acupuncture session of the day and I'm feeling very positive! Not so much about this cycle, because we still have the issue of my thin lining to contend with, but feeling very positive about our chances overall because if this one can't stick to my dodgy lining, we have the option of frozen transfers as well as another fresh cycle to try and get my lining right :)

Sorry for the "woohoo! I'm awesome" post! I am very aware that not everyone gets embryos to freeze and I feel especially bad going on about all this after BMW found out her other embryos didn't make it :( We just really weren't expecting such good news today, what with hubby's dodgy sperm and my dodgy lining! We're feeling incredibly lucky and definitely not taking it for granted!

Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx
Kat- Its all a little daunting with your 1st cycle but you will soon be joining us in the madness that is IVF! lol. Glad everything is coming together for you. The drug that stops ovulation is called cetrotide in the UK. That is what iv been on x

Ostara- Great news as regards you getting a few frosties and congrats on being pupo! what you described is pretty similar to my friends cycle last year. She had 1 top grade blast transfer and 4 frozen. Her 1st cycle didnt work so she had FET and that worked and she now has a 2mth old daughter :) good luck x

Hi to Doxie, Star, Beneath and all the gang x

AFM- Iv just got home from lunch with my friend and her gorgeous 8wk old baby boy. This friend ttc for 8yrs, ended up having IVF which worked but she sadly lost the baby at 11wks, 2yrs ago and then Nov last year she discovered she was preg naturally so her lil boy is very special and the light of her life. Seeing her so happy today made me want that feeling soooo much! please god let this cycle work xxx

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