Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Ive got mine crossed too for you, think positive!!
Lol we posted exact same time katbar!
Yay for no more temping, I was useless at that lol, I havent heard of just having a blood test but then every clinic is different, do you have one near to the time off ec?
Good luck for when you start xx
Haha, we sure did!

I have been pretty good with it, but on the odd occasion I have practically fallen back asleep while it was in my mouth still lol. Mine took forever to read the temp sometimes.

Yeah, I suppose they do all do things slightly different hey. They do a scan with the blood test as well, which will be on day 9. My schedule is to stim for 10 days, then do a trigger and I am guessing EC would be on day 12? But the nurse said it would depend on the results of my day 9 scan/blood test, as they may decide I need a few extra days (and I think if I did need a few extra days, then they would repeat the scan/blood test on day 12 or something).

Thank you! What step are you up to now (refresh my memory as I have a hard time keeping up in here haha)?
Catch up time again!

Doxie &#8211; that&#8217;s awesome about your embie&#8217;s and how many you have to freeze! What a great result! <-- Just realised I meant this for Ostara, you'll have to excuse my early morning brain (embarrassed face insert here lol).

BNW - I hope that BFP is the real thing :D!!!! I was reading up on the trigger and how long it stays in your system &#8211; the general consensus was that by 10 days past the injection it should be gone, so you&#8217;re right on the cusp I reckon. Test tomorrow and hopefully it&#8217;s darker!!!

Africaqueen &#8211; Yay for 3 eggs!!!! I really truly hope your future take home baby/babies are in those egg&#8217;s. Come on little eggie&#8217;s, fertilise!!!

AFM &#8211; My temp has officially gone back down to pre-ovulation temps, which means AF will be showing her lovely head tomorrow or Sunday (as expected). It is also means NO MORE TEMPING &#8211; hurray!!!!! Haha. I finally do not need to do it anymore.
Oh, one thing I forgot to say the other day.. From what I can tell, most people seem to get 2-3 scans during their stimming faze to check on their follies, but my clinic doesn&#8217;t do that &#8211; they only do a blood test and scan on day 9 of stimming. The nurse said it was to reduce how many appointments people had, which I can understand as people do still have to work (not everyone can take the time off etc). But still, it means I am going to have a long wait to actually know how I am responding, and if things are looking good or not lol!! I have a few working from home days, and fun activities planned though, so hopefully will be a good distraction.

Hope everyone on this thread has a lovely Friday :)!!!

Yep.. it all comes down to tomorrow morning's test!! lol so nervous. I was expecting it to be real faint this morning if it was still there.. but it was definitely noticeable and real fast so we shall see!

Kind of crazy how you'll only get one scan! I had to go in every other day while stimming.. praying it all goes well for you, though!!!! Hopefully af shows it's ugly face on time so you can get started!!!
I've got my fingers crossed very tightly for you BNW!!! Hopefully the first of many BFPs to come in this thread :D! xoxox
So just interested in other ladies thoughts are on this, it&#8217;s not a big deal or anything.. My best mate is across my TTC journey to date. She has only just started TTC herself (started end of August). She made the comment to me the other day &#8220;Thank god for science hey. It&#8217;s lucky where in a day and age where they can help people that can&#8217;t conceive naturally&#8221;. Obviously I understand that she was not meaning this in any negative way, and what she is saying is correct.. but I don&#8217;t know, I still was slightly miffed by it. I don&#8217;t feel that any of us are lucky to be in the position we are right now, and while yes we are lucky to be in a day and age where there are options for us, we still don&#8217;t want to be here (and I am sure, at least right now, none of us feel particularly lucky). I wasn&#8217;t funny towards my friend about it, but I did quickly change the topic of conversation. I don&#8217;t know, what do you girls think?

Quite interesting for those of you going through your 1st cycle xxx
KatBar, that's an interesting question. I definitely do not feel lucky to have to jab myself with needles twice a day for over a week, just to have a huge needle stabbed through my vagina and into my ovaries repeatedly to remove eggs, and then stress over whether they're going to fertilise, whether the embryos will develop, whether we'll have anything to transfer, whether we'll have anything to freeze... Then to have a torture device attached to my cervix to hold the blasted thing in place while a man I've met just three times pokes and prods at parts of my body that even the man I've been sleeping with for 9 years hasn't examined so closely, so that I can spend the next 10 days watching the minutes drag by, wondering if it's worked, wondering if I'm going to have to go through the whole thing all over again, because there are no promises and no guarantees...

I do not feel lucky to have gone through just about every emotion known to man in the last 3 weeks. I do not feel lucky that I have had too many nights where i just can not sleep for worrying and playing everything over in my head on repeat. I do not feel lucky to be completely and utterly emotionally drained, swinging from over the moon positive to sobbing into my pillow negative, often several times in the same day. I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't feel lucky having to navigate my mood swings either!

But... And it's a big one... 25ish years ago, me and my husband wouldn't have been able to have children of our own at all. Before icsi became widespread, there wwouldn't have been any chance at all for hubby to father children because his sperm aren' anywhere near good enough even for standard ivf. So i do feel lucky that we live in a time where science has made it possible for an embryologist to pick through hubby's sperm and create 9 perfect little embryos for us. I do feel lucky that science makes it possible to identify the problem (in our case, at least) and offer a solution. I do feel lucky that I woke up this morning, a little bit pregnant for the first time in my life, feeling hopeful that I will be a mum someday. I wouldn't have that without science.

So, I think maybe that's what your friend meant. No one asks to be in this position. No one wants to suffer through infertility. But if we find ourselves in this crap pile of awful luck, we do ask for and want a rope to help pull us out. That's why we 're lucky - some people find themselves with nothing but bad luck and no sign of a rope to pull them out!

Wow... Sorry ladies. I do go on, don't I? It'stoo early to be so deep!

In other news... It's iPhone day! LOL x
Ostara that was a good answer lol, I agree with all you said!

Africaqueen any news?

Beneath, have you tested?

How is everyone else?

I ordered my meds yesterday,just hope I get to use them soon!
OMG we just got the call and we have 2 embies!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh we are delighted! we only got 3 eggs and we did not have ICSI this time around!! over the moon. We have never had 2 embryo's so such a big deal for us and also i will be having a 3dt and we have always had 2dt so another plus! xxxx
OMG we just got the call and we have 2 embies!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh we are delighted! we only got 3 eggs and we did not have ICSI this time around!! over the moon. We have never had 2 embryo's so such a big deal for us and also i will be having a 3dt and we have always had 2dt so another plus! xxxx

Awesome news!!!!!
Ostara that was a good answer lol, I agree with all you said!

Africaqueen any news?

Beneath, have you tested?

How is everyone else?

I ordered my meds yesterday,just hope I get to use them soon!

Yeah line was still there but not much darker so idk what to think. Only time will tell!!
So pleased for you Africaqueen, brilliant news! x

Katbar, I'm on CD19 , will start stimming when af arrives, well baseline scan anyway ans hope there are no cysts, my shortest cycle is 35 day's, praying this is a
Normal cycle for me as last one was 67 day's due to a cyst so if it wasn't for that I probably would have started by now
Thats true beneath, best to test daily to compare x

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