Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Sorry to hear that doxie, I know how you feel, my dog starts chemo this week, praying it works, hope your sister s ok xx
Your right not to give up hope ostara, isnt that the same as being 10dpo? It is still early, ive used cheapies in the past and always get some kind of evap, other ladies on here have said when they were pregnant hardly had a line so I wouldnt let a cheapie disappoint you and stick to your frer when you test again, good luck xx
Ooh just had the phone call to say meds will be delivered on the 1st Oct, just have to pray af isnt long after that!
I'm holding out atm iv nt tested since I tested my trigger the day before my transfer that was 3days ago tho so I'm 2dp 5dt it's killing me the holding out. But iv one week till my official test date.

Good luck to everyone else 🍀
Aw no Doxie :-( so so sorry to hear that, I love dachshunds so much, that is just heartbreaking. Sending lots and lots of virtual :hugs:
I hope I can hold out from testing until at least the 29th, that will be 10 days after the transfer...
Yes, star, I'm technically 10dpo today. Trying to stay hopefully! Easier said than done though!

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog, Doxie :( losing pets is so hard :(

19 - at 2dp5dt, I was convinced I wouldn't test early. The temptation creeps up on you around day 4, I think, and you hear so many stories about women getting bfps on day 5 that you think "maybe I will too!" Don't listen to that voice! Lol. Stay strong!
Good plan, lovesunshine! Hold out as long as you can xx
Beneath- It is easier said than done, and with my first cycle and the 2nd, i was peeing on a stick every day and upsetting myself endlessly and needlessly. That is why i dont do it now and that is why i am trying to help you first time ladies to not do it, but each to their own ;) x

Doxie- Sorry to hear about the doggie :( hope you're ok? have you tested again? x

Star- Aww more poorly doggie news :( hope your dog is ok. Yay to the meds tho! all coming together now! x

Girl- Keep strong and dont poas before your otd. You can see the anxiety it causes and as we know, we arent going to alter the outcome by poas early. We are pregnant or we are not. Harsh but true and i hope to god all of us are! :) x

Susnhine- Yeah defo dont test before then as it wont be a accurate result. GL! x

Ostara- It is such a whirl of emotions during the 2ww with the hormones, all we have been through an the desperation of wanting this to of worked, mixed with utter fear of another fail... its a nightmare. You are almost there! GL x

AFM- Slept so well last night! feel very calm today and will be for rest of this week. Its as i approach OTD next week that i will start to lose it! haha xxx
Hi everyone!
Good news!! The polyp/clot was no where to be seen on today's scan and lining is good so we start our injections in about 30 mins!!! The sonographer consultant said one of my ovaries looked quite large and polyscistic so wonder if that may have been our problem with not conceiving all along!? Anyway its time for the professionals to control things for a while. Going into this cycle positively...
Katbar you are now indeed my cycle buddy!!! I will think of you tonight as I an having my first injection. What meds are you on? I am on 225 iu of merional. Good luck xxx
thanks star25! x

Well day 1 of stims is complete and wasn't too bad at all. My DH loves doing the injections!!! Or it would appear he does!! Roll on tomorrow and then I go for day 5 scan on Friday. Grow follies grow!!! Apparently I have 12 (I think!!!):happydance::happydance:
Just swinging by quickly (it's 5.20am here and I'm on my way to the gym).

Sorry to hear all the sad news about the dog's :(!!

Louise - So glad you were given the ok to go ahead and there was no sign of the clot/polyp!! Woo hoo, cycle buddies :D! I'm on 150 units of Puregon.

I did have a funny freakout before the needle! Dave did it, but I burst into tears just before saying "I can't do this, waahh". Told poor Dave to "go" and then "WAIT, stop, I'm not ready" about 3 times before just letting him do it. I've never had an issue with getting an injection before haha. But like you ladies said, it really was painless!

Africaqueen - I know I'm not in my TWW yet, but I hear you on not testing. I was umming and arring it, but I am def not doing it now. I've never been a poas girl tho - last time I brought a pregnancy test was 7-8 months ago, cause it was cheaper to just wait for my AF to show haha.

Good luck to all you pupo ladies right now! I really hope that the beta tests brings lots of good news!! Xo
We don't get beta tests here in Norway I don't think... So I will defo be peeing on a stick next week :) only near OTD of course...
Awe, Star... I hope the chemo works for your puppy! I know my dogs are like my babies.
Louise- Great news! glad you have started! good luck x

Kat- Good girl for not being a poas a holic! haha. Like i say, been there, done that a LOT and wont put myself through it again x

Sunshine- We don't get a beta here in the UK either so i am assuming its a American thing? I shall be poas like you. Think our OTD's are only 2 days apart? x
Oh wow, I didn't realise it wasn't common practist (beta test)? I'm in Australia and they definately do it here - i's 16 past the egg collection.

Do they at least provide you with the test? Or a follow up appointment? Or are you just expected to call them back after you've tested, and if you've been successful or not?
Yeah Kat with my clinic, i just have to pee on a stick on OTD and call them with the result. If its positive they will book me in for a scan 3wks later and if negative they send you out a follow up appt in the post. Looks like the US and Oz are the only ones to do Beta as standard xxx
Ah ok, fair enough. What does OTD mean – I have been trying to work that one out for 2 days now lol? It is certainly interesting that they do it that way, only because I know blood tests can be more reliable than the stick tests – I was admitted into hospital for a ruptured cyst in April, and they did a stick preg test, which showed a faint positive (I knew it was not real because I hadn’t even ovulated yet, was mid cycle). So they did a blood test to be 100% sure. But I suppose the stick test by that point of your IVF cycle, would be unlikely to be wrong.

So it must be coming up to a few ladies test dates now? I know BNW is Thursday, but what days are you other ladies due to do a test?


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