Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Kat- What are the band aids for? if its for your injection site, u really don't need them. Its a tiny prick and should not draw blood. If you are drawing blood hence the need for a plaster then be careful as u will bruise easily like that. I was covered in bruises my first cycle x

Sunshine- Yep the joys of progesterone! lol. My back is like a dot to dot puzzle! lol. Mood swings not great either x

Ostara- Please dont lose hope at this early stage. I know its hard. My friend did not get a bfp with her daughter until she was 7wks preg! for some reason hcg was not entering her system enough to show but a blood test showed it. i know that is rare but shows it can happen. Have a little hope x

Beneath- I am sorry hun :( life sucks sometimes and i know how heartbroken you feel right now but it was your 1st cycle and you are so young, you have tons of chance of it working. lots of ladies get pregnant on their 2nd cycle. You get the strength to carry on when its something you want so much. If you had told me after the 1st cycle that i would be on my 4th i would of said no way, yet here i am and i am 34 on my next birthday so you do have age on your side. Don't lose hope. Give yourself time to get over this and be kind to yourself x

Hi to all the other ladies and for those of us still in the 2ww, please stay hopeful. I know its so hard but hope is all we have until we know for sure. I pray this thread gets some happy news very soon xxx
BNW - So sorry to see about BFN and spotting starting. I hope you take some time out for now and look after yourself! Big BIG hugs!!

And same goes for Doxie and Ostara! Doxie, hope you're being kind to yourself and getting lots of TLC from your loved ones! Ostara, can totally understand why you think you're out.. I know if I tested negatives, I would be thinking/feeling much the same. I do truely hope you're pleasantly surprised on OTD, but I can understand why you're not feeling hopeful right now.

Africaqueen - The bandaids are for the injection site (the nurse did recommend covering it afterwards, just to further prevent infection I guess). You're right though, there is barely any need for it, as first two nights were only the smallest speck of blood, and last night nothing at all. I've had no bruising so far.

AFM - last nights injection was a bit of a mishap. I had been pinching skin while Dave injected first two nights, but realised on second night that as I was releasing the pinched skin, Dave wasn't moving the needle with the skin, just meaning the needle was not all the way in. May not be a big deal, but we wanted it to be done perfect. So we decided Dave would pinch while injecting, but it proved harder for him (we know men cant multi task like us women lol). So anyway, he didnt quite inject it all, and he didn't leave it in for 5 seconds, so a small bit leaked out after he removed injection. I'm sure its nothing to stress over, but waiting for my nurse to call and calm my "concerns" regardless. I will def be back to doing the pinching tonight.
Feeling a bit light headed today. Dave did get me a coffee that wasn't decaf (accidentally), so it may be worsened by that, as un-decaffed coffee gives me slight aniexty (& makes me a bit sweaty).

Hope everyone is doing good and looking after themselves!! Xox
Another bfn this morning. 8dp5dt. I feel so empty and completely heartbroken :( there no hope left anymore.

I do know that I'm incredibly lucky to have 7 frozen blastocysts, but the thought of outting myself through all this heartbreak again is just awful :(

I feel like it's all my fault. We put the best possible quality blastocyst into a uterus with a lining that was too thin. I did pretty much everything in the list of things that are supposed to help. Acupuncture, milk, pomegranate juice, hypnotherapy, Brazil nuts, high protein, low carb etc etc etc... I said i wanted to do everything I could because, if it didn't work, I didn't want to blame myself for not doing something that could have helped. Turns out I blame myself for something I had no control over - the things that are supposed to help build my lining had no effect. The acupuncture, drowning myself in pomegranate juice... And still my lining wasn't thick enough to support implantation.

We've spent the last two years thinking the only hurdle we had to overcome was hubby's soerm count, but when it came to it, hubby had at least 9 perfect sperm to create our perfect blastocysts and it was my lining that let us down.

All I want is to be a mum. I don't understand why something that is so easy for so many people is so difficult for me?

I'll test on Sunday (OTD), obviously, and probably tomorrow and Saturday too, but I'd be kidding myself if I thought there was any chance of it being positive now :( I've been off work for the last two weeks and I don't know how I'm supposed to get up on Monday and go to work and pretend that everything is ok :(
So sorry Ostara :-( it will happen for you one day, please don't lose all hope xx
AFM I am feeling poorly this afternoon, have the coffee runs (I haven't stopped drinking it yet) and just feel a bit icky :-/
So sorry Ostara. You will move on from this. I know it sucks!
Sorry your feeling this way ostara, it will take time to feel better, you have done all you can and your not to blame, sending you hugs x
Lovesunshine, did you say you were going to test early? X
I did the other day, 2 days ago and it was BFN which is good cos it means the trigger shot is out :) I think we're going to start testing on Monday, my OTD is Thursday.
This is one of the hardest things us ladies will ever have to do and it is so shit!!! Sorry ladies!! Big hugs Ostara:hugs: so sorry you feel like you do. Keep on fighting!!! We get knocked down but we must come back fighting!!! Don't give up!!!:hugs: x
As for me I am have just had stims no. 4 and go for my day 5 scan tomorrow to see how my follies are doing. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for that. I am starting to feel a little 'fuller' in the ovary region - not uncomfortably or in a painful way but there is definitely something happening!! I am beginning to feel very tired as well. How are you feeling Katbar? My DH is doing my injections but I don't pinch the skin I get him to. I am afraid if I pinched it I might knock his hand / needle out of the way as he tries to inject me!!
Kat- Yeah scrap the band aids. Defo no need for them and never heard of anyone using them for needles for IVF before as you would be covered in them! lol. Also no need to pinch. I have never pinched in all my cycles and the needle slides in just fine ;)
I know the way nurses tell you to do stuff is text book, but its not real. They arent the ones going through it ;) x

Ostara- I am sorry you are feeling so down. There is still a small chance for you. Some women do not produce as much hcg as others. Hang in there! i know its so hard. As regards having to go through it all again... this is my 4th cycle and i would never of believed i could go through this much but my heart is empty without a baby so that drives me. You will find the strength. Lets hang fire for now though and wait until OTD as nothing is cast in stone until then. After 5yrs on this site, i have seen everything under the sun and MANY women who said they were 'out' have turned out to be pregnant and those that are convinced they are pregnant, turned out not to be... its a lotto. I hope you're wrong x

Sunshine- Are you drinking decaf? i have quit coffee all together and have switched to decaf tea although i mainly drink water and juice as more hydrating x

Hi to all the girls x

AFM- I went back to work today after 3wks off and it felt so odd! my manager has put me on the tills so i am not doing any heavy lifting or pulling the cages(i work in a supermarket) and he keeps asking am i ok, which is lovely of him but i kinda feel like a fraud as bit in limbo this next few wks arent we? until we test we dont know. Once i know and please god let it be positive il lap up the attention and special treatment but feels bit weird at this point? although obviously i am working on the assumption it has worked and i would not risk anything happening to our embies xxx
I think my DH would have fainted if I'd got him to do the injections! I was much better doing them on my own :)
Sorry Beneath we cross posted. Big hugs honey :( so sorry. Give yourself time to grieve for what could of been and treat yourself to some wine and chocolates and some quality time with your dh and your pets if you have any? then in time you will be emotionally ready to go again. I think the first fail was the worst for us as we seen IVF as a 'miracle cure' for our issues and thought it would 'have to work' sadly the statistics show that it usually takes 2 cycles on average for it to work and then even more in some cases like mine x
Sunshine- Just be careful with coffee as some brands have a very high caffeine level and caffeine has been shown to increase chance of miscarriage in some women x
I know. They are only small cups at work from a machine, I am trying to cut down.
Cool :) tbh women who dont have IVF get preg all the time unplanned and they party, drink coffee, smoke and do drugs etc before they find out and most babies are born fine so im sure a few small coffee's wont break the bank ;) xxx
Ha ha lets hope so and yes, very true!

I've given up drinking alcohol and that is a big enough thing for me - 4 weeks this weekend!
Sorry Beneath we cross posted. Big hugs honey :( so sorry. Give yourself time to grieve for what could of been and treat yourself to some wine and chocolates and some quality time with your dh and your pets if you have any? then in time you will be emotionally ready to go again. I think the first fail was the worst for us as we seen IVF as a 'miracle cure' for our issues and thought it would 'have to work' sadly the statistics show that it usually takes 2 cycles on average for it to work and then even more in some cases like mine x

Thanks, hun. It definitely hurts, but I have to stay strong for myself and for my husband. I need to schedule a follow-up appt. but I feel like I just need time to heal.

I really hope the fourth time is a charm for you. You are truly a strong woman to keep fighting. I don't know if I would have that much strength to go through what you've been through. Praying for you <3

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