Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Tryingforbabies- No we don't have betas at my clinic. So just a 3wk wait for a scan. Lol x

Sunshine- I am sorry if i sounded negative. i didnt mean to, and i am not being. I just get scared of beta's not fully doubling as my first ectopic did not fully double and i remember the out of hours gp (before i was diagnosed) telling me that beta's should at least double. With my 2nd one my beta's doubled fantastically and my friend who had a normal pregnancy (with spotting) had a very slow rising beta an her daughter is 10 now so it really is anyones guess as to how our pregnancies will go this early on but i truly hope and pray we both get to stop worrying an enjoy the early stages x
Hey, don't worry, I'm ok. I don't really believe I can still be pregnant, I've had pretty much typical period blood today although I've been sitting a lot so it's only ever gone in the loo, not in a pad (sorry for TMI!). Why is everything so bloody difficult?! Grrrr. If the blood continues tomorrow I will go to the local hospital and see if I can get a scan, just to put my mind at rest.
Sunshine- I know your scared but some women do have a bleed in early pregnancy and are fine! some women bleed throughout! I hope that all will be ok. Please keep me updated. I want us both to be in June bugs moaning about morning sickness and back ache very soon! Pleease god. xxx
Sunshine dont worry to much.. did u see my msgs to u about polyp?? keep positive hun xxx

Africaqueen id love to check my betas tho.. like myself have to have a scan, roughly end of October :p cant wait lol;-)

I am quite sick today very queasy.. thats a few days now..... headaches too.. off to sleep zzzzz try get myself better
Babies- I know! its gonna be a long wait for us for the scans! lol. Its a wait i feel very lucky to have after all this time though ;) I have also felt sickly today. Gonna start making tea soon an have a relax in front of the tele tonight! ha xxx
Best of luck, Love!! I really hope this is just a slow riser for you!

Just got home from the transfer and it went well! We had 2 "gorgeous" blastocysts ready today. (We didn't get into the details of grading. I wish I had asked, but was just so mesmerized to see the picture of it!) We transferred one and they will freeze the other. I have 2 more that "may" make it to freezing tomorrow, but 3 others that likely won't. I am really pleased with these results. The embryologist and the RE both seemed really pleased with the quality of the blast that we transferred, so I am just really praying and hoping that it keeps growing and attaches!! Here is a picture:


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Aww congrats on being pupo Melissa! welcome to the madness of the 2ww! good luck xxx
Best of luck, Love!! I really hope this is just a slow riser for you!

Just got home from the transfer and it went well! We had 2 "gorgeous" blastocysts ready today. (We didn't get into the details of grading. I wish I had asked, but was just so mesmerized to see the picture of it!) We transferred one and they will freeze the other. I have 2 more that "may" make it to freezing tomorrow, but 3 others that likely won't. I am really pleased with these results. The embryologist and the RE both seemed really pleased with the quality of the blast that we transferred, so I am just really praying and hoping that it keeps growing and attaches!! Here is a picture:

Congrats hun on being pupo!.. what a beautiful blast!! Sending lots of luck your way<3
Congratulations melissa!!
Well we got 21 eggs!!!! I can't believe it compared to the 3 we got a year ago!!! Just praying they fertilise. The embryologist is due to ring in the morning. In quite a lot of discomfort tonight so trying to relax and let my body heal. I definitely have a polyp so any embryos will have to be frozen and we have an appointment to discuss the polyp removal etc... on wednesday.
Hi ladies,

It's lovely to have some good news in here, congrats to everyone who's been lucky enough to get off this nasty infertility train and start the next phase of your journey :) I'm so sorry to everyone who's had bad news :(

We had our follow up appointment this afternoon. Our consultant said he doesn't know why my lining was thin or if it will happen again (which is fair enough, I guess). He's going to write to my dr and recommend that I'm referred for a hysteroscopy to have a look at my uterus to see if there are any obvious problems. There will be a bit of a wait on the nhs, so we're going to go ahead with an FET in the meantime and see if we can get my lining to thicken. We could wait until after the hysteroscopy, but I don't want to wait and then find out there's nothing wrong and we've waited for nothing.

We have our chat and plan appointment on 22 October. I'm really disappointed in myself because I've gained some weight during this cycle and my bmi has gone back up over 30 :( our consultant almost didn't let us book our chat and plan, because apparently it's policy that you can't book a chat and plan for an nhs cycle unless you meet all nhs criteria... Which I currently don't :( but in order for us to fit another cycle in before Christmas, we have to have our chat and plan before my next period, which is due around 30 October. Luckily, our consultant bent the rules for us, because I'm certain I can get my bmi back below 30 before the 22nd, so he allowed us to book the appointment (the condition was that we book it close to the end of the month because if we booked it for next week, I'd have no hope of dropping enough weight in time) and if I get on the scales at that appointment and my bmi is still above 30, we'll be sent away and I'll only have myself to blame.

I knew I'd gained a little bit of weight, but didn't expect it to be as much as it was :( so I'm back on the diet tomorrow! It's definitely doable. He worked out my bmi wrong and said it had gone up to 32. I sounded very confident saying I could do it, but even I was worried about having to drop 2 bmi points in less than 3 weeks! But then, on our way home, I worked out my bmi using an app (rather than the paper chart he used) and my bmi is actually only 30.8, so not quite as bad.

I'm still not sure how I feel about having another cycle before Christmas. If we do, it'll be tight. Transfer would probably be early to mid December, which mean OTD would be pretty close to Christmas... I'm just not sure if I want that kind of stress around Christmas if it doesn't work. But I definitely don't want the option taken away from me until I've had time to think about it, which is why I wanted to fit the chat and plan in this month.

We've got a lot to think about!
Louise- WOW! 21 eggies! take it easy and good luck! x

Ostara- I had to get my weight down for our NHS cycles which is hard when your sad and feeling low but i managed it and since last yr i have lost 4 stone an think that made a big difference to this cycle. Good luck x

Well ladies, i am a bag of nerves about OTD tomorrow! i know i already got my positive but scared incase it does not reflect tomorrow. I have a CB digital waiting and i shall be up early to do it! please wish me luck. i am so scared xxx
Good luck Africa xxx ;-) mak3 sure u pop a photo up too..

Sunshine i think its on this thread, there were a couple of pages bak x
Louise - Congrats on 21 eggs!! That's great. Can't wait to hear about fertilization!

Ostara - You can lose the weight! I was in the same position as you and was able to do it. I did a juice fast for a few days when the appointment was drawing near and had some room to spare!

Africa - Good luck tomorrow! Fingers crossed for you!
Second beta is 67 which is apparently completely normal... hmm, why all the bleeding then?!

Hi LoveSunshine, try not to worry I know its easier said than done but stress will only make things worse. I bled during my pregnancy and each time I ran to the ER just to see the baby all snuggled in breathing fine. Bleeding is just one of those things we go through but not to worry, if theres no cramping then its still good news. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you
Mellisa, good luck for the 2ww x

Louise31, great news, you must be so pleased :)

Ostara, you have got alot to think about and I'm sure you will get your bmi down as needed, if you don't want to wait then go for it and plan a quiet Xmas for you and dh and concentrate on yourself

Lovesunshine, how are you?

Africaqueen, wishing you luck though you wont need it!
The words i sometimes doubted we would ever see, but i knew one day we would as i always had faith <3 we are over the moon! booked in for 1st scan on 23rd of this mth. Sooo surreal and such a wonderful start to October! xxx
Hi ladies,

It's lovely to have some good news in here, congrats to everyone who's been lucky enough to get off this nasty infertility train and start the next phase of your journey :) I'm so sorry to everyone who's had bad news :(

We had our follow up appointment this afternoon. Our consultant said he doesn't know why my lining was thin or if it will happen again (which is fair enough, I guess). He's going to write to my dr and recommend that I'm referred for a hysteroscopy to have a look at my uterus to see if there are any obvious problems. There will be a bit of a wait on the nhs, so we're going to go ahead with an FET in the meantime and see if we can get my lining to thicken. We could wait until after the hysteroscopy, but I don't want to wait and then find out there's nothing wrong and we've waited for nothing.

We have our chat and plan appointment on 22 October. I'm really disappointed in myself because I've gained some weight during this cycle and my bmi has gone back up over 30 :( our consultant almost didn't let us book our chat and plan, because apparently it's policy that you can't book a chat and plan for an nhs cycle unless you meet all nhs criteria... Which I currently don't :( but in order for us to fit another cycle in before Christmas, we have to have our chat and plan before my next period, which is due around 30 October. Luckily, our consultant bent the rules for us, because I'm certain I can get my bmi back below 30 before the 22nd, so he allowed us to book the appointment (the condition was that we book it close to the end of the month because if we booked it for next week, I'd have no hope of dropping enough weight in time) and if I get on the scales at that appointment and my bmi is still above 30, we'll be sent away and I'll only have myself to blame.

I knew I'd gained a little bit of weight, but didn't expect it to be as much as it was :( so I'm back on the diet tomorrow! It's definitely doable. He worked out my bmi wrong and said it had gone up to 32. I sounded very confident saying I could do it, but even I was worried about having to drop 2 bmi points in less than 3 weeks! But then, on our way home, I worked out my bmi using an app (rather than the paper chart he used) and my bmi is actually only 30.8, so not quite as bad.

I'm still not sure how I feel about having another cycle before Christmas. If we do, it'll be tight. Transfer would probably be early to mid December, which mean OTD would be pretty close to Christmas... I'm just not sure if I want that kind of stress around Christmas if it doesn't work. But I definitely don't want the option taken away from me until I've had time to think about it, which is why I wanted to fit the chat and plan in this month.

We've got a lot to think about!

Dont worry about it.. i was in the same position as you going for my cycle.. if you have 3wks you'll be able to lose 4.5 lbs.. honestly im sure youll do anything to make sure your able to go for ur fet.. i used myfitnesspal app and its brilliant you can eat what you want but need to add in the calories.. believe me it does work xxx
The words i sometimes doubted we would ever see, but i knew one day we would as i always had faith <3 we are over the moon! booked in for 1st scan on 23rd of this mth. Sooo surreal and such a wonderful start to October! xxx

Yay so happy its like a clearblue is a true confirmation lol delighted for u xx
Congratulations, africaqueen! So happy for you after everything you've been through!

I will definitely get my bmi down. I lost 3st on the cambridge diet before being referred for ivf and now I'm going to do exante to get my bmi down in time for our chat and plan.

I have woken up this morning feeling quite low. I stupidly thought that I would feel better after our follow up appointment, but I'm still feeling very sad. I guess this is one of those things that's just takes a while :(

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