Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Hi ladies :)

Star - not an expert on stims as only really just started myself. But I don't think there's much you can't do. One thing I have found is that I'm really tired. I've cut down on exercise, mostly just walking, and have needed more sleep than usual. Best to take it easy if you can, I think, but I know it's hard with work. I had to take Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday off because I felt so rubbish. Went back yesterday and today, but I've been much less productive and I only have a desk job. Couldn't imagine doing anything more energetic! I don't think everyone feels as rubbish and sleepy as I am though!

DoxieLove - that's a lot of follicles! Really hope a good number keep growing nicely :) do be careful about ohss though! Make sure to take care of yourself :) I'm not sure I like the idea of a patient portal - I'd rather be able to speak to someone and get some reassurance. Is there no one you can call at the clinic to talk it through? When do you expect egg collection to be?

BMW - it sounds like you're feeling more positive today. It definitely is quality over quantity and I have my fingers crossed for you :) if you end up on stims for another week, maybe we'll have egg collection around the same time!

Africaqueen - how did your baseline scan go?

AFM, I had my scan this morning. My lining is getting thicker - it was 3.5mm at my baseline scan on Monday and it's 7mm now, so I guess that's good. I have 10 follicles between 8 and 11mm on my right ovary and 6 follicles between 5 and 9mm on my left ovary. They've kept me on the same dose of menopur over the weekend and said they'd have a better idea of how things are going after my scan on Monday, because they'll be able to see how much the follicles have grown between the two scans.

I hope the smaller ones pick up. 16 seems like a good number if they all get big enough in time for egg collection. If I get 10 I'll be happy. Just worried that fertilisation might not be great because of hubby's terrible sperm, so we need as many eggs as possible. Glad it doesn't seem to be so many as to worry about ohss though!

Do those sizes sound ok for day 5? I don't really know what's normal!
Hi ostara, I'm not sire on sizes bit sounds like you have a good lining and a good amount of follies too so dont think u have anything to worry about, especially as they havent changed your dose :)
Ostara: It sounds like the size of your follicles was in line with the size mine were at the same stage. 16 follicles is great! I have the same concerns you have about my Husband's crappy sperm. I am healthy except for a uterine polyp that will come out when they do the egg retrieval.

I had another ultrasound today and I have 16 follicles that are almost to size. There may be a few more that make it. I started Ganirelix injections today to prevent ovulation so three shots a day for me until I go back in 3 days. I'm hoping for egg retrieval in 5 or 6 days.
Ostara- 16 follicles is great, but don't obsess over numbers, as its quality that matters. We got 7 eggs last cycle which is good for someone with DOR and sadly only 1 was suitable for the ICSI :( All sounds promising for you and you should get some frozen out of that bumper crop x

Doxie- All sounds very good for you too! good luck x

AFM- Baseline scan went well, all clear and i have 5 antral follicles on each ovary so at least we know we will get some eggs from this cycle. As i have DOR and my dose is half that of last time, we are hoping for between 2-3 good quality eggs from this cycle. Cannot wait to start stimms tomorrow! off work for 2wks now so plan to relax and enjoy my time off but also to fit in lots of walking, cycling, baking and watching movies ;) xxx
Good news doxie on the follies :)

Africaqueen, glad baseline went well, enjoy the time off!
Good news africaqueen. Glad the baseline went well!
Had another scan this morning. My five follies are holding on!!! Three are 14-15 mm and two are 11-12. Doctor said I am making progress. Lining is good. He said 2-3 more days of stims and estimated retrevial is Thursday, but could be Wednesday or Friday. I asked if any more follies could pop up and he said its possible, but he thinks it'll be the five. I need to be okay with that and just believe my bean is in there!!!
Great news, BMW :) I'm glad your follies are growing nicely :) sounds like we'll be in the tww together :) my collection (if everything goes to plan) will hopefully be Friday :)
Great news Beneath and like i said, its quality that matters. I got 7 eggs last cycle and of those only 1 was good enough for ICSI so don't focus on the numbers. Its the fertilisation report that is the big thing not the amount of eggs ;) good luck x

Ostara- Yay for you too! nice that you and Beneath can be in the 2ww together all being well. Good luck x

Did my 1st stimms injection before and was bit nervous as been over a year, but its like riding a bike- you never forget do you! lol. So officially back on the rollercoaster and praying for my follies to grow nicely so we get some encouraging news at Wednesdays scan xxx
Hello ladies, had been away for a few days, it seems I had missed quite a lot :)

I started buserelin injection on CD18 on the 21st Aug, and AF showed up on the 30th Aug, however I am still bleeding/spotting until now. This is my second IVF, I had a very similar protocol last cycle, and I don't seem to remember I bled this long last time... Has anyone experience this before? Or anyone knows what is happening?

Thank you ladies very much, hope everything going well with all of you xxx
good news beneath, hope retrieval goes well, be nice for you and ostara to be in the 2ww together then bump buddies!

africaqueen, hope rest of stimming goes just as smoothly for you

I always seem to be behind everyone when I join threads but look forward to your updates :)
Your bean could very well be in there. All you need is one! I have read so many reports lately where ladies have only had one or two eggs and became pregnant as the eggs were good quality. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
It actually looks like you, Ostara, and myself will be having egg retrievals around the same time next week!
I'm getting excited! I'm actually feeling a little bloated at this point. I can feel my ovaries when I touch my lower abdomen which I normally can't. I hope that is normal.

Glad your first injection went well!

Not sure what could be going on. Hopefully nothing to worry about! Have you been able to ask your doctor?
Sun- I did the LP for our 1st IVF cycle and i remember spotting quite a lot too so i wouldnt worry too much but id mention to your clinic on Monday x

Star- I know that feeling! lol. I have been on another thread for 6mths but only come to commence this cycle now. feels like a long time waiting and listening to others but it soon all starts and time flies then x

Doxie- If your ovaries are that swollen you should seek advice from your clinic to check you are not at risk of OHSS. Drink tons of fluids, water and milk to help prevent x
Ostara - yay!! Would be nice to have a buddy in the tww and a bump buddy!!!! :)

Africa - thank you!!! Good luck to you on Wednesdays scan :)
Your bean could very well be in there. All you need is one! I have read so many reports lately where ladies have only had one or two eggs and became pregnant as the eggs were good quality. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
It actually looks like you, Ostara, and myself will be having egg retrievals around the same time next week!
I'm getting excited! I'm actually feeling a little bloated at this point. I can feel my ovaries when I touch my lower abdomen which I normally can't. I hope that is normal.

Hope it is in here!! Thank you. I've read some great reports as well and it gives me hope! Yay for us having our ER soon. Feels good to know I'll have support in the tww. I know its going to go by real slow!!!

Its normal to feel bloated.. Even with only five follies today I've felt a lot of pressure and it even hurts when I walk so I can imagine how girls with more follies feel!!

We are almost there :)
I'm really glad there are a few of us going through it at the same time! I hope we all have good news at the end of it!

Feeling in nervous about tomorrow's scan. Really hope my little follies have spent the last few days growing nicely! Hubby's taking the day off tomorrow so that he can come with me this time, which is nice :) I much prefer it when I don't have to go on my own!
I'm really glad there are a few of us going through it at the same time! I hope we all have good news at the end of it!

Feeling in nervous about tomorrow's scan. Really hope my little follies have spent the last few days growing nicely! Hubby's taking the day off tomorrow so that he can come with me this time, which is nice :) I much prefer it when I don't have to go on my own!

Hope it goes good for us all!!!!! Good luck on tomorrow's scan! I'm nervous for mine as well. They upped my menopur yesterday from three to four vials so lets see if that made any difference in tomorrow scans. Nice to have dh there!!!
Good luck to you both for tomorrows scans! Beneath, i am on 4 amps this cycle. Last cycle i was on 8! think we over cooked my eggs with that amount tho so hoping for better quality this time around .

Urgh just done my injection and it really hurt as hit a tough bit of skin feeling sorry for myself now so me an dh are going to cosy up later with some chocolates and watch 'Non Stop'. Need some TLC and a relaxed night xxx

Good luck for tomorrows scans ladies!! africaqueen I remember last IVF when my husband did the injections sometimes he would get some tough skin and yes it does kill so I sympathise with you! Think of the end result though!!! xx:hugs:

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