Any ladies starting IVF in September?

Hi ladies

For those that are cycling for the first time, just take each day as it comes. Things can change so much daily with IVF so best to overcome each hurdle and hope for the best and then once ET is done, its down to fate. You know you have done all you can. Its hard to get that mindset but i have stressed myself crazy the last few cycles and it was pointless as what will be will be. Good luck! x

Beneath- 5 follicles is good with DOR. I had 6 last time but with max stimms and we got 7 eggs, all of which did not fertilise except for 1 so its quality not quantity. Stay strong and hopeful x

Thanks so much!!! Its so hard not to get overwhelmed sometimes. You expect and want the best to happen, but you are right and I just have to take it a day at a time and take it how it comes!!
Sorry to hear you we're disappointed, BMW :( but 5 isn't a bad number, really. Like the girls have said, it's all about quality - your baby might be one of those 5! And there's still time for more follicles to grow (I assume - being my first cycle, I don't really know how all these things work). I will keep my fingers crossed for you on Thursday :) x

Thanks!!!! You girls are the best :)
welcome doxsie :) good luck this cycle, did you have another scan today? hope it went well if it was today

beneath, sounds like you are doing well and you are sounding in better spirits after the positive comments from the other ladies :) hope scan goes well tomorrow

africaqueen, I am going to take your good advice and hope I don't get too stressed when I finally start, not long now for you, did you get your blood test results ok?

katbar, how long do you think it will be until your period arrives and you start stimming? I agree with you about the scratch, I bled for a bit too afterwards.

ostara, how are you getting on? sending you luck for scan on Friday

louise31, are you starting on your nexr period? not long now until your appointment

babydancing, how are you? what CD are you on now?

sunray, only a week to go, hope all goes well for you

AFM, I'm CD3 today, af arrived in full force so now just have to wait til the next one which will probably be first or second week of oct, I'm behind everyone else here but will be rooting for you all!
Star - yes!! Bnb is the best! Always makes me feel better talking to you ladies!!

Yayyy one more month for you :) it will fly by.
I definitely hope so, I moved house 3 weeks ago and i've spent 3 hours today gardening, I've definitely got enough to keep me busy so time does fly by!
Still only five follies at today's scan.. I was really hoping to see one or two more in there, but I have to focus on the good and be happy that they are at least growing. Next scan will probably be Saturday. Just taking it a day at a time!!
Glad to hear your follicles are growing nicely, BMW. I'm sorry there wasn't more, but you're right - focus on those 5 - it only takes one!

How is everyone else doing?

I'm ok, thank you, star :) been feeling quite poorly since starting stims. I'm feeling very bloated today and hoping that means there will be some follicles growing when I have my scan tomorrow!

I was off work Tuesday afternoon and yesterday because I felt so rubbish, but I went back today. Wasn't feeling 100% but my boss has been so great! I didn't want to take advantage. Besides, sitting around at home makes the time drag. Spent most of the day curled up on my chair with one of those microwaveable wheat bag things!

Feeling nervous about tomorrow's scan. Half of me is worried that nothing will have changed and the other half is worried that things will be happening too quickly, because I've been feeling so bloated and uncomfortable already!
Hi ladies

Good news, file all updated, AF arrived today a little early and i have my baseline scan tomorrow(which i hate as AF from hell) and collect drugs to start on Saturday! came around sooo quick! nervous as hell now. Ah well que sera sera and hope 4th time lucky!

Good luck to the ladies who have scans tomorrow or Sat! we could all be preg together soon! xxx
:thumbup:Hi everyone!
So sorry I haven't been on here for a few days = I am so out of the loop!!! I have been busy with back to work stuff, as I am a teacher and the summer hols are now over!!!

africaqueen - good luck with your baseline scan & starting your stims, I have my fingers crossed for you and hope it all goes well.

ostara - good luck with your scan - I hope those follies are growing nicely.

beneathmywing - it is out of your control now... think positive thoughts and I am sure however many you have they will be good quality. Lets keep willing them along!!!

Star25 - not long to go now till you start - time will fly!!!

As for me - My drugs are due to be delivered to my home on Monday morning and I have my endo scratch and teach appointments Next Friday 12th Sept. Then a few days after that (depending on when cycle starts) I am to have my baseline scan & bloods and then we can start stims eeeeeeeek!!!! So ready to start now feeling quite excited in a funny kind of way!!! Sounds weird though to be excited about the whole ivf procedure but I just want to get the ball rolling again & hopefully keep it rolling this time:rofl:

Good luck everyone & lots of positive thoughts sent to everyone:hugs:
Louise- I think its good to be excited, afterall why put ourselves through this if we cant feel happy and have hope? ;) easier said than done 4 times but i am determined to stay positive xxx
I figured that I did loads of stressing about each step on IVF 1 and I am now going into IVF 2 with no illusions that it is definitely going to work, but at least there is hope - more hope!!! I feel in a better place mentally this time, more prepared. Maybe the change of clinics is making me feel more positive, whatever it is I am happy with feeling this way!! Sometimes you just wish you had a crystal ball...
africaqueen - I see you are based in Liverpool. Do you mind me asking what clinic you are with?
Good news theyre growing nicely beneath, it'll be egg collection before you know it!

Ostara, sounds like youre doing well too, be great if you all get bfps together :) I'm getting a bit worried about needing time off for stimms as want to take 2 weeks off after transfer, my manager is great but I dont want people to wonder or tall amongst themselves why I'm suddenly off for ages as I literally never go off sick, the 2 week's off after transfer will be put on Rota as hol though, I work in care and we have alot of aggressive clients amd its strenuous work as the majority are also disabled so I dont want to do anything that can affect the stimms working, is it possible to do something during stimms that can affect it like anything you shouldnt do?

Louise31, we definitely Have to stay positive, im already feeling excited even though it isnt quite my turn yet, it doesnt feel funny to be excited about ivf but if it gets us our babies then it's worth getting excited about!

Africaqueen, good luck for baseline, so glad the timings worked out well for you with your test results!
Louise- I am at the womens ;) we have had every cycle there as so close to home and i know a few ladies who have had babies following cycles there xxx
I had another ultrasound yesterday. Not much change in the follicles. I have 20 on each side but they are all less than 11mm.
My clinic communicates via a patient portal so I don't really get to talk to anyone in person about my results. The ultrasound tech never lets on.
My results get posted on the portal later in the day and then I get instructions via the portal on what I am supposed to do as far as the medications go.
I have been on the same dose of Menopur and Gonal F since starting stims 1 week ago.
I guess we will see how many follicles make it to the size they want. I have another ultrasound tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone who is stimming or will be starting stims soon! Sending positive vibes!
Would like to leave a better response to everyone, but have to be quick (work and busy). But in relation to Satr's question, my period should be due about 20th-22nd September, and that's when I will begin stimm's.

It could change slightly, but I am temping still, so I will know exactly when to expect AF once my temp rises. I am expecting to ovulate today or this weekend sometimes, as been getting the watery/EWCM in abundance and this is when I generally ovulate anyway.
Not long then Katbar :) it's hard to keep up with threads sometimes when your at work and dont anyways get time, wishing you lots of luck for your cycle

Doxie, I'm not knowledgeable on follie sizes but you must be doing good :) havent heard of a patient portal before, I always want to ask questions but can never think of them when it comes to appointments! Good lick for tomorrow's scan
Ostara - Hope my bean is one of these follies! fx. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling so great, but hopefully it does means you got some nice follies in there! Good luck on your scan tomorrow.

Africa - Glad you are moving along, hun!!! Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

Louise - Thanks hun! I'm trying to stay as positive as I can. I did some research on my protocol today (Antongist) and apparently a lot of girls said they got fewer eggs with this protocol but they were better quality and it has a better success rate, so that made me feel a lot better!! Everything is moving right along for you!! So exciting.

Star - Thank you! I hope ER is soon.. I asked my doctor how many more days of stims and he said about a week! I nearly died. I hope it's not another week. Hopefully things start moving soon.

Doxie - Wow. Lots of follies in there!!! Grow follies, grow!!! Good luck on tomorrow's scan!
Ostara- Good luck for your scan x

Doxie- Great number of follies! drink plenty of water to avoid OHSS x

Hi to Beneath, Star, Katbar and all the gang x

AFM- I am feeling a little nervous about baseline scan today as it will show how many antral follicles are there which is a major indicator of how il respond to the drugs and with me having DOR i always worry they may see nothing there which i know is silly. Il update later xxx
Good luck today africaqueen! I hope your scan is good

I know my doctor was a little concerned about ohss with me from the get go because my amh was good. The dose of my meds is on the lower side. Hoping to avoid any over stimulation. I feel ok so far. I will be drinking lots of water!

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