Anyone 4DPO ??

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finger crossed for you :dust::dust:

but the test i took today didnt even have a line on it its was blank other then the one line thats suppose to be there . im on CD19 now and im 2DPO sooo idk loll . i heard good things about the sperm meets egg thing it seems confusing and a little hard to keep up with . was it easy for you ?? i might try it this cycle .
DH and I BD every other day throughout the entire cycle regardless. So SMEP was relatively easy for us. We didnt follow it perfectly since I got my pos OPK on CD15 and we had already BD'd on CD14. DH was a bit run down from work but we still got our 3 days in a row in. If you like to BD a lot, then this is a good plan. If you have issues with libido, it might not be the best plan to follow. I personally loved it, but we only had to add a couple of BD days to our normal routine.

Here is my test from today
OMG Congrats . looks like that sperm meets the egg plan did really work im so happy for you :)
i had to go to the ER this morning and they had to do a x-ray but had to make sure i wasnt pregnant first it came back negative so idt im pregnant this cycle .
Thank you! I'm testing daily now to see if I can get a progression. I told DH last night, even though I knew on Thursday already. There was a few things I did different this cycle, so I'm not sure which one did the trick. Maybe a combination?

OMG! Are you alright? I hope you get better soon.
And you never know, it's still early yet and implantation normally doesn't happen until 6-12DPO. There would be no hCG unless there's been implantation. Still holding out hope for you!
Thanks and we'll see . ummmm do you care to share you master plan on how you conceived this month ?? :blush::flower:
Well, I started taking B6 last cycle for my LP, this cycle I added B12 because I heard that you need the B12 for the B6 to work the best. From what I can tell you don't have an LP issue, so you're good on that front! :thumbup:
As you know we did SMEP this cycle too. Not much different for our usual BD routine, except adding a few times in around Ov. (We got it in O-3, O-1, O, and O+1 this cycle) but it is still something we tweaked a little bit.
Another thing I did differently was drink a ton of cranberry juice. I heard it can help strengthen the lining so I drank 1-3 glasses everyday (actually still do right now lol).
I also used SoftCups this cycle as well. They seem really strange and bizarre, but if you put them in properly you don't feel them at all. Plus they can stay in for 12 hours.

I think that's about all that I did different this cycle than the other ones.

Edit: I forgot, I also used guaifenesin (expectorant) this cycle as well. I actually used the Up and Up (Target brand) Children's mucus relief. I took 2-3 does of 250mg a day (so between 500-750mg a day). I was using it for a cough for the first 3 days until I remembered reading about the effects it has on CM so I used it for an extra 3 days past actually needing it. The only thing with this is to remember to drink a lot of water. The medicine can't produce mucus, only thin out what you already have, and water can help produce it.
Ok thanks . Ive been using softcups for two cycles now well i used one when i was on vacation so idt id count that one . But i dont have cranberry juice but i do eat cranberries everyday does that matter ?? This cycle im taking those one a day prenatal pills that come with fish oil pills too , im taking 75mg of COQ10 , ginger root and Lydia Pinkham pills . COQ10 is suppose to help really good . I think imma up my dose.

But how do you feel ?? Really excited ??
I'm sure eating cranberries does the same thing. Cranberry juice is never straight up cranberries (it's 100% juice, but they mix it with sweeter juices like apple so it's not so bitter I suppose) so I'm sure regular cranberries can be just as good. Don't know for sure, but that's what I would assume.
I've heard lots of good things about COQ10 too. :thumbup: I had planned on trying it in March or so.

I'm doing alright. I'm incredibly excited. The reality has hit me already but i still feel on cloud 9 a little bit. DH not as much yet, but I think he reality will hit him either when he hears the heartbeat, or we get our first scan (if I can't make the appt until 12 weeks that may be the same appointment though).
Not too much for symptoms yet either, very sore breasts and mild cramping is about it. My body does feel drained but I'm not as tired as I expected to be. I'm 3w5d today, so I'm sure symptoms will present themselves in only a few short weeks.
Well, I know DH is hoping for a boy but both of us will be happy with either. Healthy is just fine with us :)
I want a boy i already have three girls . I thought i would have one each when i was pregnant with my twins but nope both girls loll .
I know DH wants a boy eventually. And he jokes that we will keep trying until we get one, but I told him that I don't want any more than 4 children. So we have 3 more chances for a boy.
At the risk of sounding ridiculous later on when we get a gender scan (and I am not telling DH this!), I have a feeling this one will be a boy... I don't know what exactly it is, I just have this feeling. We'll see how accurate that is down the road when we find out the gender. LOL.
Are you trying anything specific in trying for a boy?
No . Idk if there is anything you can do to get a boy . The only hope of me having a boy is my SO genes . His dad only had sons him and his brother and my SO looks JUST like is father its pretty scary loll so i think his genes are way stronger then mines and maybe all he can shoot out is boys but ill be able to tell the gender from the baby heartbeat i will freak if its another girl loll i swear i will ball my eyes out haaa
I hope you get your boy! Some people use the Shettles method to sway for a boy. I've also heard of various foods to eat to sway for a boy. Another is the man drinking caffeine before BDing, to get the already fast male sperm swimming even faster. I don't know how reliable these are, but they are things I've heard about.

Yeah, we'll see what happens with my DH. His dad only had boys, which was just a stroke of luck I think. His dad was the youngest of 6.... All 5 of the older ones being girls. So we'll see what DH will end up with. I want 4 children total so we have 3 more tries for the boy (hopefully).
This is your frist pregnancy ?? I want a big family NOT like 18 & counting that's wayyyyy to many kids for me idk how they not losing their minds already loll but i want at least 6 kids i wanted 8 before but dont think imma have that many so i moved it down to 6 loll & yeah ive heard of the coffee thing too but my SO doesn't like it loll . But ill deff give that one a try .
No, this will technically be my 3rd pregnancy (first ended with a blighted ovum at 6 weeks). Then I fell pregnant with my DD a few months later. This is DH's first biological. He's been a part of mine and my DD's life since she was 11 months old. When I said 3 more chances, I was including the one starting to grow now. I won't know the gender for quite a number of weeks so there's still the "chance" with this one. Though whether it's a boy or girl is already in place, I still don't know so it still counts as a chance :thumbup:
If we don't have a boy, if DH really wants, I may be persuaded to have more but we'll see. :haha:
Well fingers crossed that he gets his baby boy :) how are you ?? Nothing new with me hoping i get my period soon i haven't been keeping track of this cycle loll .
I am 4dpo, or so my cycle calendar says so...It's our first cycle ttc baby #2! Not quite sure if my cycle is regulated yet, but I am running with it and will try to hold off testing until the 30th! DS is 5 so we would love if it would happen as quickly and effortlessly as possible's hoping! Good Luck Ladies! So happy we have someone to talk to during this annoying wait!

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