Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Timetotry.. I'm really sorry for the negative. After our first cycle we decided to go again and get a few more eggs. She said my period would come early.. it did. Bleeding was a bit more than normal. The ovaries have to release all that blood that was filled up with the IVF drugs. Then we sat out an entire month of no IVF.. then as soon as my period started we went again. They learn so much from the first round.

Kat79 - you're doing the right thing with your family. I'm so glad your husband's am is supportive and normal!! The less contact is definitely the way to go.

Almost.. nausea is a good sign.. I found I had to keep eating fruit every two hours or so. Sparkling mineral water helped.. sucking on bits of lemon. And if yours is bad in the morning you should have a saltine or cracker by your bed and don't even get up before eating it lying down. My sister in law did this and it worked so well. I know what you mean about worrying about every little thing.. And I can't imagine having to worry about the Zika virus too. It's hard to get those thoughts out of your mind.
Thanks ladies. I had really hard time after finding out we had none frozen and I knew at that point that the transfer didn't make it either so I was an absolute mess.
Last night I drank a lot of wine. Today I didn't cry. Baby steps.
I hope they learn something, I'm anxious for my follow up appointment. My cycle went soooooooo well, I responded to the stims well, almost every follicle had a mature egg, my retrieval was a breezy (like my blood pressure was only 105/70, I was so calm) and I had no signs of ohss. It all went to shit in the petri dishes hahaha.
I'm concerned about egg quality now. (I have pcos).

So I stopped my progesterone yesterday and period has already started (I've been spotting for 6 or 7 days so the progesterone was barely holding it off!)
I just don't know what to expect from this cycle. I range between low 30s up to 51 days (that was the longest but that was coming off birth control after ovarian drilling so I don't think that counts).

Our clinic just upped the prices of ivf with icsi by an additional $800 and freezing costs by $700! So we will have to save every penny over the next 2 cycles
Time - I know exactly how you feel. Having a failed cycle and no embryos to freeze just sucks so bad! I also have PCOS and worried about egg quality. In the end we (myself and my new RE) decided that although we couldn't prove egg quality issues with my blood work (AMH,FSH, etc.) that I in fact did have an egg quality issue. On average per IVF retrieval I would get 25 eggs, at least half would fertilize, and by day 5 I would only have 2 embryos to which we would transfer. It was draining and emotional and just so unfair. My old RE did not change protocol and eventually I got fed up and went to CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine). They have great success rates and they do a lot of testing that most clinics don't do/know about. He agreed with my that it was a egg quality problem and that the reason most embryos don't make it to freeze or day 5 is because they have a mitochondria issue. I'm no scientist but I'm pretty sure the mitochondria has to do with the energy that they have. If they run out of that energy they cannot continue to divide and grow. Before my final retrieval we did CoQ10 to improve the mitochondria to help them grow and get better quality. Well you know the outcome of that so I would highly recommend CoQ10. The other thing we found out is that I was missing a beta-3 integrin protein that is supposed to be present in the uterus when the emrbyo is trying to implant. Without that protein it is nearly impossible for the embryo to stick. We did 2 months of depot lupron (which I'm not going to lie to you, is horrible! It puts you in menopause) but I'm pregnant so I say it's worth it. I won't know if it was the CoQ10 or the depot lupron that did the trick for us but whatever it was I am and forever will be grateful for CCRM for doing testing that other doctors wouldn't even consider. I'm not telling you to go to CCRM I'm just saying that you should push your doctors to do more testing. I did 3 cycles without anymore testing and it was a mistake. I wish I would have pushed sooner. I wish you all the luck in the world for your future cycles! Stay strong, you will win this! Oh one other thought, you might want to think about genetic testing. We also did CCS testing. Something I thought was weird .... the only cycle that produced me normal embryos was the one when I did CoQ10. Just another thought. When I give birth to these twins, I'm going back on CoQ10 so my hubby and I can try for one more child the natural way ... that's how much faith we have in that supplement.

kat - family drama is so irritating! I do not get along with my family very well but that's why I live in CA and they live in MI and NJ. I like it that way. My father posted on facebook that he's going to move to CA to be closer to his grandbabies and I nearly had a heart attack. If that happens, I am moving. Period. When your family is toxic I really believe the best thing to do is just ... remove them from your life. It's hard and not a lot of people agree but I want to be happy and don't put up with bullshit very well.

Almost - nausea is good! Thursday is right around the corner!

AFM - I had my first prenatal appointment with my OBGYN. She said she was so happy to see me on her schedule! She has known for 2 years that we've been trying. We finally did get to hear the heartbeats today which was so nice, I've been waiting for that for a long time! They're beating at 185bpm and are measuring 9w1d and 8w6d. Healthy as can be. I got to ask her some questions about twins and the birthing process and she basically said that she will not let me go past 38 weeks because the risk of complications go up after that. She also said she's totally behind a vaginal twin birth as long as the twins are cooperating and are both head down. She did say that she's not totally into the idea of not doing an epidural only because if something happens with the twins during the vaginal delivery it is much faster to get me in the OR to get them out if I have the epidural. She did say that I can get the epidural and not do the pain meds but most people go for it since they're already getting the epidural. I feel sad about it because I really wanted to TRY to give birth naturally (a lot of women I know have done it and loved it) but ultimately I want the babies to be healthy and happy. So ... I'll do what needs to be done.
Hi girls,

hope everyone is doing well!

Ash, thank you for that post :) I have just ordered some CoQ10 which should be here to start taking tomorrow. After 2 failed cycles I am willing to try anything so I am going to give it a go!

Amazing news that you heard the twins heartbeats :) I can only imagine how beautiful it must have been.

AFM - we are back on track to start our 2nd fresh ICSI cycle. I am on CD5 today, waiting on my drug appointment on CD17... not long to go!

Time I'm so sorry:hugs: My cycle after was a fairly normal one although I do think AF came 1-2 days earlier than expected. I know how you feel, none of my 2 IVF cycles gave me any frosties. In the 1st one the 2 last embies didn't make it (don't know why) and in my 2nd I only had 2 embies total which was 1 top quality one they put back in (that I'm currently about 11 weeks pregnant with) and an embie that had a huge amount of fragmentation that they had to destroy. If you're concerned about egg quality, you could also try Royal Jelly, I took it for about 2-3 months before my 1st IVF and also for IVF #2 although I don't know if it had any effect or not since I don't know if I had an actual egg quality issue, just figured it couldn't hurt to give the eggs a little boost.

Kat79 - you're doing the right thing with your family. I'm so glad your husband's am is supportive and normal!! The less contact is definitely the way to go.

Thanks miranda:hugs: Yeah I truely feel this is the way to go although it does sadden me a bit still that things couldn't have been different. I have been speculating on why the most toxic brother is so nasty to me (other than our toxic mother would triangulate and set him up against me plus encourage competition between us) and I'm wondering if it has to do with the fact I had my father (until he passed 17 years ago) while he was the product of an affair and never met his father nor had any interest in doing so. My father was the only husband my toxic mother stuck with (she divorced the previous 4) so don't know if that's also lead to bad feelings from my siblings as well although I don't understand it as our mother has been a horrible mother and my 2 other siblings that didn't have her much in their lives really didn't miss out on anything :shrug:

kat - family drama is so irritating! I do not get along with my family very well but that's why I live in CA and they live in MI and NJ. I like it that way. My father posted on facebook that he's going to move to CA to be closer to his grandbabies and I nearly had a heart attack. If that happens, I am moving. Period. When your family is toxic I really believe the best thing to do is just ... remove them from your life. It's hard and not a lot of people agree but I want to be happy and don't put up with bullshit very well.

I'm so sorry you also have family issues:hugs: Here's hoping your father doesn't mean it and it's just something he wrote because it sounds good.

That's exactly what I'm doing, I just wish there was a way to semi-block their profiles on FB without their knowledge to remove any temptation to look at them. Oh believe me I know a bit about less than understanding people. My in-laws don't know the full extent of it but they haven't shown much understanding either. I even mentioned this nasty email the most toxic brother sent me a few months before my wedding with their son and they put it all down to "a misunderstanding" when clearly despite the fact that there was a bit of one, it didn't give my brother license to be so nasty and condescending plus he gaslighted a bunch of "past hurts" so it made me look like a super selfish person e.g. the fact that DH and I simply couldn't afford to at the time fly to the US for his daughter's Christening, he made it sound more like it was us not wanting to come and told me how embarrassing it was for him to field questions from his wife's family (who are pretty wealthy BTW) on why DH and I hadn't been to the US to visit his daughter during the 1st year of her life (it was both finances and the fact my DH was doing a lot of travelling for the company he was at the time and couldn't say no to any of it). Sorry, ended up a longer rant than intended so will stop here but you get the gist of how his email was:nope: Think he ended his super long email with choice words on me being selfish and how I should "get over myself" and learn to think about other people (plus how him and his wife weren't coming to the wedding until I apologised for my "totally sarcastic email" where I only mentioned I was sad they couldn't stay more than a couple of days for the wedding since they hadn't met DH in the previous 5 years) which is just so off base it isn't even funny:nope: (Here's the whole email plus my answers to him if you're interested:

Anyway so glad that your scan went so well and you heard their hb's, I hope I get to hear mine at my nuchal scan on April 6th. Sorry though that you won't be able to give birth naturally but yeah if it's best for the babies than I can see why that birth plan is better.
Ash great news about your scan healthy babies yay!

Time glad you got to enjoy wine yum! Glad your af came already babt steps! Hope you can save up for your next cycle.

I have yet to get my big fet bill maybe once I'm released to my obgyn the bill will come I bet they won't send it until my bw and scan tomorrow. Haven't had bw in what feels like forever it's been nice but back to it tomorrow before my scan eeeek so nervouss but excited!
Time I can also fully back Ash on the CoQ10. We found out my husband's poor sperm result in April last year and saw a nutritionalist. She said for both of us to take it and we did our first round in august and then November with really good results each time.
We took this brand

My fertility Dr said blah blah there's no studies to say it worked so if you want to go for it.. And we did the whole IVF time too except she said stop when you know you're pregnant.. I think I stopped at transfer time.

I also took Royal Jelly,, some freeze dried capscules and some fresh stuff (harder to get). For the last two years I'd also had bee pollen on my oats anyway.. so I think that has lots of good stuff in it for fertility.

Kat69 everytime I read your family drama I just think oh boy you are doing the best to stay well away!

Ash I too want to have a natural birth (if I can) but as my friend said sometimes you can't plan on the day and the right way for the baby to come out is whatever way it needs to. I hate anyone touching my back (there's areas where it's sensitive and I jerk up if touched lightly).. Yes acupuncture was definitely interesting I had to tell her to touch my back first before putting the needles in. But I won't know on the day. I will be doing everything to help myself have a natural birth.. keeping up soft forms of exercise.. not putting on too much weight, doing pelvic floors.. and my Ob said you can start using this thing when you get further along - it's a balloon to help stretch the vagina. Sounds a bit weird.. but my friend used it and she didn't tear.

AFM... we did the NTL blood test yesterday so results come back in 5 days. Screwed over by all the public holidays over Easter so it won't be till next Friday. And my Ob wants to do the big 12 week scan at 13 weeks.. so it's April 6th (same as yours).. now I'm worrying that it's 3 days before I'm technically 13 weeks.
Kat69 everytime I read your family drama I just think oh boy you are doing the best to stay well away!

Yep especially from the most toxic brother (who wrote that email to me). Seems once I stopped idolising him and started criticising his behavior, he turned on me. Things did get worse though after he married his wife from a rich family, think their money has gone to his head.

AFM... we did the NTL blood test yesterday so results come back in 5 days. Screwed over by all the public holidays over Easter so it won't be till next Friday. And my Ob wants to do the big 12 week scan at 13 weeks.. so it's April 6th (same as yours).. now I'm worrying that it's 3 days before I'm technically 13 weeks.

According to the general hospital guidelines here in DK, they say the scan can be done between 11w3d and 13w6d although they do prefer it to be around 12w0d and after. So I would think you'd be ok with the timing.
Tina how exciting it's moving fast now!

Strep and flu going around my classroom hope I dont get sick! Scan and bw today so excited and nervous less than 2 hours!
Elz it was amazing thanks for asking apparently we have a wiggly baby already very healthy heartbeat was told the due date is Nov 7th I thought it was the 6th so I was ahead a day discharged from the clinic today bittersweet can't wait to call my obgyn today to set up my next appt!
So glad to hear! I've got another 12 days to wait until my next appointment and scan, but we have easter holidays now so I'm sure the next 2 weeks will fly by!!
How is everyone else? Hope you all have a lovely easter weekend! X
Glad to hear your scan went well almost, did you get a pic:flower:

AFM was at an early Easter coffee/dinner at my in-laws yesterday. DH's parents had it yesterday because DH's big brother's kids are only with him until today before they go back to their mother to spend Easter with her and her family. It was a pretty nice day, we had some cake with our coffee (I drink tea instead), "painted" eggs (we actually used markers), played "The Settlers" (DH and I were on 1 team, we came in 4th out of 5 teams:dohh:) and at night there was lamb (I got salmon), ratatouille, potatoes and tzatziki for dinner and then some homemade ice cream for dessert. My major issue the whole time though was sitting in those hard chairs his parents have, they gave me back aches and pelvic pain:wacko:
Hey ladies :flower:
Hope everyone is doing well and that you've all had a lovely Easter weekend! I've stuffed my face with way too much chocolate :dohh: :dohh: but I suppose that's what Easter is for, right?! Lol X
Yes Elz completely haha I am naseaus almost threw up changing a toddler at work today but don't feel bloated and my swollen breasts swelled down yesterday and today it's making me very nervous something is wrong. I announced to close family and friends yesterday so I'll announce on Facebook at 12 weeks or so. I just want to hear babies heart beat or have anther scan I miss baby its hard when you can't feel anything
Almost - I totally agree and sympathize about it being hard when you can't feel the baby. It drives me nuts too! Do you have an at home doppler? I have been using mine one time everyday and it helps put my mind at ease. Symptoms will come and go but not the heartbeat! It's amazing to hear and find on your own. If you don't have one I really recommend getting one but don't freak out if you can't find the heartbeat right away. Yesterday I found them immediately but this morning it took some time. What was so cool this morning was that I found one and then the other baby must have moved because I heard two heartbeats going strong even though I didn't move the doppler probe. It was so cool!
I don't have one and last pregnancy my placenta blocked the baby so I felt kicks later and dr had to send me for emergency us bc she couldn't hear the heartbeat then we found out why I think it was called anterior placenta hope it's the opposite this time!
FXed all is well with your bean almost:hugs:

AFM my Easter ended in a real low:nope: For background my ex-SIL (was married to DH's big brother) is an evil, selfish woman that got a cat (a real sweet kitty) because her son wanted one and she wanted to save money so didn't get her fixed. The cat of course got pregnant and she had the kittens aborted which really cut at my heart since I'm such a huge animal lover:( Seems her son is now allergic to cats and instead of turning the cat in to a shelter (cat was relatively young and extremely friendly) she had it euthanised:wacko::cry: Not only that, she lied to the kids and told them the cat went out and never came back. I managed to hold myself together and cried in the car on the way home :( I just don't know how I'm going to look at her when we see her at her son's birthday in May, I think I can barely touch her after what she's done:nope:
Oh Kat that's horrible! She could have given the kittens away and sold her cat so sad
Oh Kat that's horrible! She could have given the kittens away and sold her cat so sad

Exactly but she's a horrible human being. I think she has a severe personality disorder on par with my siblings and mother (although my mother is one of those rare narcissists that likes animals and treats them really well). To make matters worse, she's a lawyer (DH's brother is an engineer) so it wasn't like she couldn't have afforded to get the cat fixed. There are plenty of shelters here as well that would've taken the cat, I don't get why DH's big brother didn't guess what was going to happen and call me, I would've happily found a shelter and taken the cat there myself if the evil woman didn't want the bother:growlmad:

I keep getting this image of the cat with her kittens together at Rainbow Bridge and it makes me so sad to think about :( I suppose since no else gave a *bleep* about them that I'll take them as my own along with all my own kitties to heaven when I pass on.

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