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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Froggyfrog your right fucking sucks I think next cycle sounds like it can be very successful with the endoscratch read great things about it! I hope you can save up the money you need to rule out genetic issues big hugs enjoy half a bottle of healthy red wine!
Froggy I'm so sorry for your negative :(

Thanks for all of you support ladies. I felt great and hopeful yesterday but today I feel miserable and pessimistic and have already resigned myself to thinking this was another failure. I'm 5dp5dt.
I don't know yet if they were able to freeze any embryos, our clinic mails out a summary and it will tell us in that if any made it to freezing.
I just wish there was some giant early sign, but between the estrogen and progesterone supplements and the swollen ovaries, every bit of soreness or twinges can all be explained.
Gah I just want to know already!
Froggy, sending you the biggest hugs ever. It does suck, big time, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger though right?

I was considering the endo scratch too for our next cycle but my consultant thinks it is a waste of money so convinced me not to.

Froggy I think PGS (if u can afford it) is worth it.. We weighed up the cost of doing it vs the cost of putting one in.. And that's not even taking into account all the emotions. Am I right in thinking you've got 6 frosties? So they can genetically test them? Hopefully you get a bit of a discount to test all 6??.. discount.. what in IVF?!! pffft lol
froggy I'm so sorry to hear this:hugs: I truely hope that whatever you change up for next time works for you :dust:

Kat79 - I know your family is v v dysfunctional and I shouldn't be surprised but WTF your Mum saying she's not super keen on having a lot to do with the baby! I know your relationship isn't normal with your Mum.. And u handle it so well - but wow.. Wow. She said that?!! You know you'll stop this vicious cycle and your child will have the most amazing relationship with you. Xx

Well she didn't say it directly, more like that maybe since baby will be here for Christmas that it may be best for us to spend Christmas with my in-laws again this year. I don't think she's keen on very small babies (only maybe for a couple of minutes at a time) and will prefer it when the child is older where she can give him/her stuff and get praise and attention for it. Also I'm thinking that she'd not want to be the one getting less attention since of course our child will be getting most of our attention. I frankly wasn't expecting her to be more interested. She seems more interested in making knitted stuff for the baby than the actual baby, another non-surprise:dohh: Luckily we'll be moving farther away so she will naturally not have much to do with the child which is actually a good thing really.

Luckily baby will have a loving grandmother in the form of my MIL who's also a much better role model anyway.
Froggy just read the updates and I'm so sorry :( I'm looking to the next cycle too following a d&c last week the day after it was confirmed my 8 week angels heart had stopped. We can be frosty buddies together next round xx once again so sad to hear no result this time xx
Thank you ladies, it means a lot. Miranda that sums it up exactly, it fucking sucks! I have been tearful all afternoon, and dh is being my amazing rock. But tomorrow heads up, and we move on. This time I will do the endo scratch. And we are going to try to scrape together the money for pgs. My dr seems to think that because everything was perfect, that maybe it was the genetic make up. So if we can come up with the money that would take out the question

It does suck. Sometimes it just a few attempts - our IUI took 5 years to come up with DD. I'm not saying it'll take that long - you've got a good amount of fertilised embryos on ice which means the building blocks are good. You'll be back - and it'll happen. Just keep on! :flower:

Glad you're DH is being your rock

Froggy - I don't know if your clinic offers this or will support this but I highly recommend CCS testing over PGD testing. I think it is a little more expensive but it is much more accurate. PGD is used more if there is a known genetic disorder so that they know where to look but with CCS testing they test all 23 pairs of chromosomes. CCS is what I had done to my embryos and I highly recommend it. Here is an article if you'd like to read over it.

I'll be scheduling an appointment with my re to go over everything and talk about our next moves. So I'll bring that up ash. Thank you.
Im so sorry froggy I hope your RE can give you some good answers and come up with a good game plan.
ok they must call it different things here. That CCS sounds like something we had. They tested for all these things on those chromosome lines - not a specific test. Froggy I'm pleased your husband is there for you. he sounds amazing. I forgot who said it, but you've obviously got great embryos because you got so many to freeze. That's a good sign! It's not fair, but sometimes the first doesn't work. I hope the next one is the charm I really do!

Timetotry - hang in there!! I know it's hard. I had no symptoms - nothing - only had symptoms at 7 weeks! It's early days.

Kat79 - at lest your MIL will be a good grandma!!
True miranda:flower: It does make me sad though that my father died almost 17 years ago (plus that he became senile in his last 6-7 years), he would've made a fantastic grandfather :( Seems our baby will have to "settle" with only DH's parents but I don't look forward to the questions in the future when baby gets older and starts asking about my parents like were is his/her grandpa from my side and why doesn't grandma on my side see him/her very much:nope:
I found out today that none of our embryos survived to be frozen. And I started spotting yesterday at 6dp5dt.
Absolutely crushed.
Time I'm so sorry have you tested yet? Spotting could be implantation fx for you sorry none made it to thaw!
time - spotting can be ok. It's more of a problem if it's accompanied by cramps. I'm a POAS-aholic so I think you should test!

AFM - 8.5 week scan went great. Babies have great heartbeats and look like they're developing nicely. I am so happy and relieved. I can't believe I've made it this far without many pregnancy symptoms but I'll take it. :happydance: I love these little ones already.
Ash great news I can't believe you are almost 9 weeks along it goes by fast!
oh Timetotry - that's devastating none survived to freeze. I know what that wait feels like. It must be so hard after everything you've gone through and how far you have come to get to that point. It's not fair..and it fucking sucks!
I only got my positive at 8dp5dt.. hang in there hopefully you see a second line soon
Great news on your scan ash:happydance:

Timetotry I'm so sorry, I know what it feels like to not get any frosties. I didn't get any from the 2 IVFs I've been through but luckily did get my BFP on IVF #2 (am 10w1d today) and we only had 1 top quality embie to put back in (my 2nd embie was seriously fractured so had to be destroyed; we only got 2 eggs at ER). BTW for IVF #1 we only got 3 eggs at ER, ended up with 3 embies and the 2 we didn't put back in didn't make it to freeze (ended in CP). Don't give up hope just yet:hugs:

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