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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Timetotry so sorry for the BFNs and none of your embryos making it to freezing. You are in my thoughts :(

Ash, amazing news that the twins are doing well!

AFM - still waiting on my AF so we can get going on our 2nd fresh cycle. CD30 today, 11 DPO... she should be here in the next 48 hours

Thanks ladies.
I'm still kinda in shock about it today. I can't believe we have none and that out of 14 eggs, only 1 made it to day 5 transfer. Wtf happened to all of them?!
I have so much guilt for the training after not working (another bfn today). I let that little embryo down.
We will likely do 2 more rounds, because that's all we can afford. It's scary to be so close to the end of this long road. And feel so helpless.
How long did you ladies have to wait between ivf cycles? My clinic says 3 periods.
Thanks ladies.
I'm still kinda in shock about it today. I can't believe we have none and that out of 14 eggs, only 1 made it to day 5 transfer. Wtf happened to all of them?!
I have so much guilt for the training after not working (another bfn today). I let that little embryo down.
We will likely do 2 more rounds, because that's all we can afford. It's scary to be so close to the end of this long road. And feel so helpless.
How long did you ladies have to wait between ivf cycles? My clinic says 3 periods.

I'd try asking your RE about that, he/she may also have a game plan for what to try next time. Unfortunately the 1st IVF round is always a bit of an experiment because they're guessing what dose and protocol would potentially work best for you based on your age, your hormone levels, evt. cause of infertility ect. Normally I think REs get a better idea of how your body works after IVF #1 and can change things up so the protocol is better suited to you next time.

I don't think you should see it as your fault, no matter the cause for the implantation failure. Maybe the embie didn't develop as it should after being put in and was not able to implant? I'd say if you get a BFN next round than maybe you can discuss it with your RE and ask if they should test you for possible reasons or try something that helps with implantation.

I live in Denmark so maybe they do things differently here but I was always told 1 cycle break in between IVF cycles:shrug: I don't know why you have to wait 3, I'd ask your RE about that as well because it does sound a bit long of a break.
We too were told only 1 cycle between IVFs. I think it all depends if you're paying privately as well. We were told we could try again pretty much straight away but some ladies who I know were told they would have to wait a few cycles and they are getting help with funding.

Thanks ladies.
They made me take a month off between iuis since we were using injectables.
They said the 3 months is to allow the ovaries to fully recover.
Seems like such a long wait!
Tina best of luck with your next cycle I hope af arrives very soon for you!

Time that does seem long but I would listen to the drs there's a reason for everything. Best of luck with your next cycle as well!
Time.. kat79 is right.. Sometimes the first round is a bit of a trial. It sucks because it's so expensive but they learn so much. Every place is different but after the first round we decided to go again and get a few more so we had to sit out a whole month. She said that was enough time for my ovaries to recover as it all passes with the period. Then next round I was on the same drugs but didn't respond as well as the first time. (Our first round was good). She said sometimes it's just the way the ovaries work.. Swings and roundabouts was the expression she used. I was right up to day before egg extraction. Then I could go again with another round straight after I got my period.

I know everyone says all these supplements work.. But we took coq10 and I think it really helped. Takes a few months to take affect. We got it from iherb the Ubiqional coq10. Husband and I took it.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend:flower:

DH has time off this whole week (since Thursday-Monday are pretty much all holidays here) so it's nice to have him home, he's also better able to catch up on his sleep now:winkwink: I think I forgot to mention that my next scan is April 6th:wacko: DH will be coming:thumbup: On a more personal note I did something stupid: I checked out my toxic siblings' FB pages today:dohh::dohh: Low and behold, my eldest brother (lives in Denmark; I've had 0 contact with him especially since he totally blew me off for my wedding and didn't even bother to send me a "Congratulations!" card) is visiting my super toxic brother (lives in the US like my sister), I'm guessing my sister will be joining them and they'll spam their FB pages with happy Easter pics over the next few days, "Look at us, we're such a happy and well-functioning family":nope: Think I'll spare myself and not look at their FB pages anymore, I honestly don't know what possessed me to look at them today :dohh:
Ah Kat your scan is coming up soon!! So we went into see an Ob yesterday. We actually think we'll go through the public system as we are close to a really good hospital with a well respected group midwifery practice (they only take a few and we got accepted!) and there's an over seeing Ob that works with them. We think this will help give us a natural birth. Going private with an Ob is so expensive. Like $7,000!!

Anyway we forgot we had booked an appointment to keep our options open.. So we saw him and got to see it on the ultrasound. Still hasn't sunk in. I'm getting the NTL blood test tomorrow so we'll find those results back in a week. And then he wants us to do a 13 week scan.. Not at the usual 12 week mark. So that's April 11th.

It's so hard not to be nosey and look at their pages. Your family sounds so dysfunctional!

Btw are you finding out the sex? Husband wants to know so we don't have to think of a boy and girl name lol!! . I'd like a surprise on the day but he says you'll be so tired after labour you won't really care either way. But I'm dying to know. So I think we'll find out but not tell people we know so there's a surprise. We will find that out 5 days after the blood test.
Kat - my scan is on the 6th too!! Sorry that you had to see that about your family. I've "unfollowed" a close family member on Facebook as they were constantly putting negative statuses up and they were making me very angry and stressed. I decided I didn't need that in my life (and it wouldn't be worth the argument if I actually deleted them!) So now my Facebook is a more happy place!
Hope everyone else is well!!
Ah Kat your scan is coming up soon!! So we went into see an Ob yesterday. We actually think we'll go through the public system as we are close to a really good hospital with a well respected group midwifery practice (they only take a few and we got accepted!) and there's an over seeing Ob that works with them. We think this will help give us a natural birth. Going private with an Ob is so expensive. Like $7,000!!

Anyway we forgot we had booked an appointment to keep our options open.. So we saw him and got to see it on the ultrasound. Still hasn't sunk in. I'm getting the NTL blood test tomorrow so we'll find those results back in a week. And then he wants us to do a 13 week scan.. Not at the usual 12 week mark. So that's April 11th.

It's so hard not to be nosey and look at their pages. Your family sounds so dysfunctional!

Btw are you finding out the sex? Husband wants to know so we don't have to think of a boy and girl name lol!! . I'd like a surprise on the day but he says you'll be so tired after labour you won't really care either way. But I'm dying to know. So I think we'll find out but not tell people we know so there's a surprise. We will find that out 5 days after the blood test.

Yeah that's the problem although I'd been doing a pretty good job of staying away before that:dohh: I told DH that we should start saving for a lawyer for when my toxic mother dies, I don't want to contact my siblings myself when that happens plus I fear they may make trouble when my mother's "estate" (there'll probably be nothing left since she's selling anything of value to keep her house which is mortgaged to the hilt!) gets divided among us, they'll probably claim I've taken stuff or something. In Denmark it's equally divided among the children. The only thing(s) I'm planning on getting a hold of before she dies are the super expensive crystal glasses that were originally my father's anyway, my eldest brother would probably just sell his share because he'll want the money and it makes me sick to think of my other brother (the most toxic of them) and sister drinking of them if they don't choose to sell their share:nope:

Nope DH and I thought it would be fun to be team :yellow: all the way and let people have fun guessing:haha: My FIL is already guessing :pink: I think we'll just buy stuff in colors that go with both genders as we're not into the whole "boy colors" for boys and "girl colors" for girls, probably mostly yellows and greens. We can always buy more clothes after baby is here and we know the gender.

Kat - my scan is on the 6th too!! Sorry that you had to see that about your family. I've "unfollowed" a close family member on Facebook as they were constantly putting negative statuses up and they were making me very angry and stressed. I decided I didn't need that in my life (and it wouldn't be worth the argument if I actually deleted them!) So now my Facebook is a more happy place!
Hope everyone else is well!!

Funny coincidence:haha: I had also unfollowed them but curiosity got the better of me yesterday. I honestly don't know why, especially after my toxic brother and his wife totally ignored my birthday greetings to them (but liked and/or commented everyone else's) which they've never done before since they usually can muster a polite "thank you". It's pretty obvious that they're completely ostracising me now. In reality, I should probably just unfriend them (plus my sister) and block the whole bunch but fear that my cousin may get involved and try to guilt me about it (in which case I'd have to block her too as there'd be no point in discussing it with her since she's so entrenched with him). So trying to wait until I'm either super close to my due date or until after baby is born, I just don't need any hassle before that (so pretty much following my former therapist's advice):nope: So yeah, get why you wouldn't want to unfriend your toxic family member since it always leads to at least one or two that defend them and try to make you feel bad about it.
Family drama is never fun ugh

Woke up super naseaus it's almost like being hung over every morning but totally worth it my first scan is finally comming up Thursday morning I am so excited but nervous I have a fear of having a blighted ovum very much thanks to my anxiety I am sure. Just two more sleeps to confirm a baby is growing in my tummy.
Family drama is never fun ugh

Woke up super naseaus it's almost like being hung over every morning but totally worth it my first scan is finally comming up Thursday morning I am so excited but nervous I have a fear of having a blighted ovum very much thanks to my anxiety I am sure. Just two more sleeps to confirm a baby is growing in my tummy.

Nope and in my family, it's almost constant drama:wacko: I think going no contact on them all will lead to much less drama in my life, at least until my toxic mother dies and all my siblings unite to create drama again in my life hence why I'm considering getting a lawyer at that point that can take care of any contact with them that's necessary:dohh:

Uggh hope it gets better for you, my nausea seems to be decreasing at this point, at least I think it is. FXed for your scan:flower:
That's so sad it comes to that but it's true when family members pass it can stir up a lot more issues.

So I just ate fluff and realized it has egg whites it must be cooked if I bought it in a jar off a shelf so not worried too much just a fun fact never knew eggs were in fluff!
How is everyone? - had a busy few days and haven't managed to check in in a while. I'm jealous of those getting scans soon! I phoned my fertility clinic and they can't fit me in until the 4th of April - seems like the whole 2 week wait all over again (although I could cheat with the 2WW :) ).

Still doing pregnancy tests - anyone more anxious this time than their first?
Woke up super naseaus it's almost like being hung over every morning but totally worth it my first scan is finally comming up Thursday morning I am so excited but nervous I have a fear of having a blighted ovum very much thanks to my anxiety I am sure. Just two more sleeps to confirm a baby is growing in my tummy.

The nausea is a good sign. I'm sure everything is absolutely fine :) :flower:
That's so sad it comes to that but it's true when family members pass it can stir up a lot more issues.

So I just ate fluff and realized it has egg whites it must be cooked if I bought it in a jar off a shelf so not worried too much just a fun fact never knew eggs were in fluff!

Yep unfortunately so true! I just don't want to deal with them once I go no contact, better to let a lawyer let them know she's passed when the time comes and deal with any legal issues that may arise so I can avoid anymore put downs, passive aggressive behavior and contemptuous attitudes.
So dizzy lightheaded and tired after doing laundry and a few other light chores anyone else have this issue? Hopeful your scan will be here before you know it excited for you! Mine was supposed to be today or yesterday can't remember but my mini vacation delayed it to Thursday at least I get to leave work for an hour to see my baby dh will have to meet me there and go to work late

Kat I think your plan sounds very smart
So my beta was negative, as expected.

For those who have done more the 1 ivf, how long was your cycle right after your unsuccessful ivf? Did you ovulate?
I'm not sure what to expect. I'm hoping it's not a really long cycle!
Time sorry to hear good luck with your next try!

Hopeful I feel like I am more anxious this time and I thought it would be easier but it's going to be our last baby and thinking of taking care of my crazy toddler well he won't be a toddler by then but him and a baby is a bit stressful my ds is so wild haha. I am also worried about every little thing hurting my second baby especially zika as it has potential to affect the us this summer especially after the olympics in brazil whi choosing is where zika is at a all them high and then people traveling back to the US ugh but trying to relax as much as possible

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