anyone else cd10? ONE BFP!!!

:hugs: to you lotus!! its an emotional rollercoaster isnt it and one i wasnt prepared for!! frustrating how some (most) of my friends/family get pregnant so quickly!!

we will all get there in the end :)
Hello all,

Pom - so glad that u and your oh have getting back on track now. thats sweet that he bought a baby grow, even if it was a football one lol. good luck for testing sunday.

Cntrygul - thanks for telling me about the smear test. ive booked it for wed 16th and im very scared as i think it will hurt. does it not hurt u? about time i had one, the letter says im due it in 2009.
Also, the blood tests that u had, what are they checking for? and have u got your results back?

My blood test was for TSH. They were checking my thyroid to make sure it was producing proper amounts of hormones. Everything came back good she said there were no issues there. I just called to see if they had the results of the SA, but had to leave a message. The speculum can be a little uncomfortable because they open it slightly so they can see the cervix, but honestly it's not like they crank it open huge or anything. You may feel a slight scratching when they swab the cervix depending on what they use to swab with.

I have found that female OBGYN's have a better bedside manner than the males.
thanks hun, yeah ive got a female doing it, id hate a male doing that to me. Thanks for telling me about it. Let us know what the results are of your OH's SA.

Hi Pom - that is great news about your oh! Sounds like he just needed to hear that you are here to support him etc, and that you are not his ex... how adorable that he brought you a baby grow!

Well ladies I am really struggling emotionally today. And I feel so horrible about it which makes it worse.. my sister in law told me last night that she "feels pregnant".. she has been married to my husbands brother for one month and they have only been trying for one month. We have been trying for six months now and no progress! I feel so horrible, but I cant help but think, why was that not me? What is so wrong with me that I can't make a baby? Maybe God thinks that I will be a bad mother because my mother was a bad mother, although I have vowed to NEVER be like her or do the things she did to us kids. But maybe he thinks it might happen and I shouldn't have kids? I am so upset, which is silly because I am so happy for her, but still... it's the little devil that is playing on my mind and making me so upset. I cried all night in my sleep last night and am so emotional and weepy today, feel like I am ready to crack :(
Hi Pom - that is great news about your oh! Sounds like he just needed to hear that you are here to support him etc, and that you are not his ex... how adorable that he brought you a baby grow!

Well ladies I am really struggling emotionally today. And I feel so horrible about it which makes it worse.. my sister in law told me last night that she "feels pregnant".. she has been married to my husbands brother for one month and they have only been trying for one month. We have been trying for six months now and no progress! I feel so horrible, but I cant help but think, why was that not me? What is so wrong with me that I can't make a baby? Maybe God thinks that I will be a bad mother because my mother was a bad mother, although I have vowed to NEVER be like her or do the things she did to us kids. But maybe he thinks it might happen and I shouldn't have kids? I am so upset, which is silly because I am so happy for her, but still... it's the little devil that is playing on my mind and making me so upset. I cried all night in my sleep last night and am so emotional and weepy today, feel like I am ready to crack :(

Hey Ladies: Checking back in to see how everyone's made out. Looks like we are all onto our next cycle. Well Pom keeping my fingers crossed for you!
The smear tests are not painful at all - its definitely uncomfortable laying on a table with your legs spread apart, but not painful - you'll be fine and its an important test.
Tomorrow I am going to Fertility doctor for my baseline ultrasound, as I start clomid and IUI this cycle. It's been 15 cycles of trying for us, so hopefully this little help from the doctor will do the trick.
Keep me posted!
:hugs: to ausgirl!!!!! maybe the emotions are because your pregnant? or has af showed up now??

last night i cooked spag bol about 6.30 and by 8pm i was driving to the local co-op to buy some milk as i was starving and wanted cereal........needless to say they were shut so i ended up opening a bag of salted pretzels and dipping them in chocolate cream cheese!!!! WTF

and i woke up at 7am very very hungry, which is not like me at all i can normally go until 10.30am before i need to eat (and yesterday i was eating my sandwiches at 9am!)

and just now while i was washing up at work i got a whiff of something that made me wanna be sick!!

although i expect this is all in my head!!!!

how is everyone else??
Pom - are u late now?? Why dont u just test? Dont know how u can wait until Sunday :) ausgirl86 - I'm in exact situation as u! My brother and sister in law only just got married and after one try are expecting and they made a big announcement round my house when I had all the family over for dinner. They don't know we are ttc so not their fault but I felt punched in the heart. That was 4 weeks ago and I have avoided them ever since. Don't know how I can be around them until I'm pregnant myself xxx
mrs broody not sure if i am late as i had two sets of positive opks this month (first lot at cd21 and second lot at cd 28 and cd29) so im guessing i ov the second time around as the lines were def a lot more positive than the first lot!!

so that would technically make me 10dpo.......i got my :bfp: last month at about 9/10dpo so dont wanna go through all of the heart ache i did last month when i had a chemical a few days later :(

I guess af is due sunday/monday so wanna try and wait a bit longer this cycle (its pretty hard tho!!)

ive said this before, as im sure we all have (and probably every cycle) but something just feels 'different' this time around..........and yes im sure ill look back at this when af arrives and think i was :wacko:
Ausgrl & Mrs Broody I know how you feel. Everyone around me is getting pregnant no problem. You feel so frustrated and part of you gets mad at them. I'm 30 and this is something I've wanted for a long time. Now I'm just afraid I waited too long. This is cycle six for us and with the polyp removal I'm not even going to OV test or anything just kind of wing it this month. Then pick up again in June.
14 DPO today.
No af yet. Hoping for the best.
Had a bunch of symptoms from 2-10DPO. Almost all gone now. Just the pressure in the lower belly, and the backache left, along with 1-2 bouts of queasiness per day.
Testing in the morning.
exciting preg pilot!!!! i so want to test but am reluctantly holding off!!!! cant get enough food at the moment!! but i only bd one day during the second set of positive opks so im sure i havnt caught that eggy!!!! :cry:

although it only takes one!!!

i have come to the conclusion this month ladies that if im not pregnant then i am officially gaga!!!!
exciting preg pilot!!!! i so want to test but am reluctantly holding off!!!! cant get enough food at the moment!! but i only bd one day during the second set of positive opks so im sure i havnt caught that eggy!!!! :cry:

although it only takes one!!!

i have come to the conclusion this month ladies that if im not pregnant then i am officially gaga!!!!

If I ovulated at all this month, I definitely caught it. The question is just, will it stick?
We did SMEP from CD 4 (19th of april) and then a marathon run from the 28th, until I moved away which was last wednesday (2nd of may).

I´m already gaga, and I haven´t even tested once yet... hehe.
Hey Ladies: Checking back in to see how everyone's made out. Looks like we are all onto our next cycle. Well Pom keeping my fingers crossed for you!
The smear tests are not painful at all - its definitely uncomfortable laying on a table with your legs spread apart, but not painful - you'll be fine and its an important test.
Tomorrow I am going to Fertility doctor for my baseline ultrasound, as I start clomid and IUI this cycle. It's been 15 cycles of trying for us, so hopefully this little help from the doctor will do the trick.
Keep me posted!

HI Curlygurl,

Yup, it seems we are all onto our next cycle. This month I've started recording my BBT's, just to see if I am ovulating when the OPK's say I am.

I went to the gyne last month and she suggested that if I'm not preg in the next 2 months, to come back and she will begin IUI. We've been trying since January of this year, so we are on our 5th cycle (beginning today :blush:). She said typically you give it a year of trying and then look into IUI or other fertility treatments, but because I'm over 30 (32yrs), she thinks 6 months of trying is enough to start IUI and then move onto IVF at the 8-10 month mark if IUI doesnt work.

I'm a bit hesitant to try IUI so early... especially with the clomid because that increases your chance of multiples. And I do believe I am ovulating, so I'm just a bit scared to go on clomid (but the doc said you can also do IUI without the hormones). So yeh, i dunno.

I'm hoping it'll work for us naturally in the next 2 months...

Please keep us posted with your journey - all the best to you :)

Lots of :dust:
Hey Ladies: Checking back in to see how everyone's made out. Looks like we are all onto our next cycle. Well Pom keeping my fingers crossed for you!
The smear tests are not painful at all - its definitely uncomfortable laying on a table with your legs spread apart, but not painful - you'll be fine and its an important test.
Tomorrow I am going to Fertility doctor for my baseline ultrasound, as I start clomid and IUI this cycle. It's been 15 cycles of trying for us, so hopefully this little help from the doctor will do the trick.
Keep me posted!

HI Curlygurl,

Yup, it seems we are all onto our next cycle. This month I've started recording my BBT's, just to see if I am ovulating when the OPK's say I am.

I went to the gyne last month and she suggested that if I'm not preg in the next 2 months, to come back and she will begin IUI. We've been trying since January of this year, so we are on our 5th cycle (beginning today :blush:). She said typically you give it a year of trying and then look into IUI or other fertility treatments, but because I'm over 30 (32yrs), she thinks 6 months of trying is enough to start IUI and then move onto IVF at the 8-10 month mark if IUI doesnt work.

I'm a bit hesitant to try IUI so early... especially with the clomid because that increases your chance of multiples. And I do believe I am ovulating, so I'm just a bit scared to go on clomid (but the doc said you can also do IUI without the hormones). So yeh, i dunno.

I'm hoping it'll work for us naturally in the next 2 months...

Please keep us posted with your journey - all the best to you :)

Lots of :dust:

Hey Mom At Heart: I am a little nervous about everything too, but I am 33 so I think it is time I start trying other ways. DH and I have been tested for everything and we are "unexplained infertility" - totally annoying. I start clomid tonight, I am pretty nervous for the side effects, and then I go next Wed. for another ultrasound to see how close ovulation is.

My doc did warn about the multiples, and to tell you the truth I am ok with that. We have been trying so long, and being my age, that would be perfectly fine.

Please stay in touch. I hope things work out for you. :hugs:
Hey Mom At Heart: I am a little nervous about everything too, but I am 33 so I think it is time I start trying other ways. DH and I have been tested for everything and we are "unexplained infertility" - totally annoying. I start clomid tonight, I am pretty nervous for the side effects, and then I go next Wed. for another ultrasound to see how close ovulation is.

My doc did warn about the multiples, and to tell you the truth I am ok with that. We have been trying so long, and being my age, that would be perfectly fine.

Please stay in touch. I hope things work out for you. :hugs:

OMG I know, unexplained anything is sooo annoying ! Yes I have heard you do get side effects with the clomid, which is why I asked my doc if I can do the IUI without the pills. She seemed to think that was perfectly fine, since clomid basically just makes you ovulate multiple eggs per cycle, so if you are ovulating normally, IUI on its own could still be effective. I"m not opposed to trying that (sans clomid) for the first round maybe.... I too turn 33 this year.

I have my fxed for you, hopefully your first try will be the lucky one :happydance: !

I will keep you updated... 5th cycle starts tonight ! woo hoo, lol.

Best wishes :hugs:
IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exhausted today!!! totally shattered! From the minute i woke up and to top it all i have a major sore throat and i feel a bit sick!!! think i may be coming down with something.

just want to go to bed and sleep it off but soooooooo busy and short staffed at work i just cant go home :cry:
Tested this morning, and it´s a BFN.
Will test again on monday if AF doesn´t show.

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