Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

No probs. I am off out for tea now and I shall check up on your testing when I get back. Keeping my fx for you!!!
I see a really really faint line on this one to cant wait to see the mornings test!!
wow i missed alot action! it must be day time over there when its night time here! or else you guys were talking late at like 2 in the morning!!! lol

d1kt8r: i have no clue what that tmi pic could be. was that there when you wiped? thats a crazy amount of cm. hopefully its signaling baby:baby:

afm, cd 17 here too early in the morning to take an opk yet so i will have to wait a few more hours.

Darlin: how are things coming along for you, bfp??? :)
Lol I'm in NZ so kirstie and I are almost in the same time zone lol I just woke up its 5 am here time to start another day lol. No I have never had it before I always though u dried up before AF? I have quite a bit if cm
cheapie with FMU :)


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Oh my goodness I am so glad we have this thread :) I actually just posted on TTC about having young LO's..and trying for another one.

I think mine is the youngest LO on here!! He is 4 months. Hubby and I are not trying, not preventing... :) I know scary, but he is such a great baby...he is already sleeping through the night and everything.

I really want them close in age, I figure if I got through one baby, I could get through another. :) It could take a while for me. It took us a year in a half to conceive little Gavin.

I have a tilted uterus, and very very irregular cycles. So for me TTC it would be crazy, so we are just not preventing :) I had 2 periods last month :(

We bd'd December 1st..and I think I may have ovulated around that time, but we shall see. I am definitely not a symptom spotter, YET!

This is our first month ntnp, we were debating whether we should or shouldn't, but I guess whatever happens, happens.

I won't be taking a HPT until the beginning of January (if I can hold off). My mother in law and brother in law are coming down for Christmas on December 28th to January 2nd, and I really don't get along with my mother in law (because of the way she treats Gavin, and my husband). And she called me a bad mom.

So I don't want to know if I am pregnant when they are down here, so I hope I can hold off until then. I get a period every month, so if I completely miss a month, then something is up :)
I've just had another heap of that mucus stuff .... Weird
Oh my goodness I am so glad we have this thread :) I actually just posted on TTC about having young LO's..and trying for another one.

I think mine is the youngest LO on here!! He is 4 months. Hubby and I are not trying, not preventing... :) I know scary, but he is such a great baby...he is already sleeping through the night and everything.

I really want them close in age, I figure if I got through one baby, I could get through another. :) It could take a while for me. It took us a year in a half to conceive little Gavin.

I have a tilted uterus, and very very irregular cycles. So for me TTC it would be crazy, so we are just not preventing :) I had 2 periods last month :(

We bd'd December 1st..and I think I may have ovulated around that time, but we shall see. I am definitely not a symptom spotter, YET!

This is our first month ntnp, we were debating whether we should or shouldn't, but I guess whatever happens, happens.

I won't be taking a HPT until the beginning of January (if I can hold off). My mother in law and brother in law are coming down for Christmas on December 28th to January 2nd, and I really don't get along with my mother in law (because of the way she treats Gavin, and my husband). And she called me a bad mom.

So I don't want to know if I am pregnant when they are down here, so I hope I can hold off until then. I get a period every month, so if I completely miss a month, then something is up :)

Hi Kittey Kat!!!! :wave: We are border battle neighbors!!! lol:haha:

I think you may have the youngest LO on this thread! You story sounded so similiar to mine. DH and I were ntnp and whatever happens happens. We thought we must be crazy wanting to go through the newborn stage again(it was rough) but we really want one more and have them close in age.

It took us about a yr and a half to conceive with our son too!! And I also have a tilted uterus!!!! When I stopped bf'ing at 6months, we got pregnant right away our first month of ntnp!! Sadly just ended in a m/c but i was shocked that we conceived soooooo fast considering how long 1st one took. I am now waiting to O since the m/c.
I read lots of stories of women who struggle so hard with #1 and #2 comes along so much quicker!! Very true for me so far! I hope you get your bfp soon too!!

Are you cycles still irregular even though you get a period every month?
If you O'd dec 1st then by the time your MIL comes down you would have missed a period by then right?

Welcome to our club :)
Oh my goodness I am so glad we have this thread :) I actually just posted on TTC about having young LO's..and trying for another one.

I think mine is the youngest LO on here!! He is 4 months. Hubby and I are not trying, not preventing... :) I know scary, but he is such a great baby...he is already sleeping through the night and everything.

I really want them close in age, I figure if I got through one baby, I could get through another. :) It could take a while for me. It took us a year in a half to conceive little Gavin.

I have a tilted uterus, and very very irregular cycles. So for me TTC it would be crazy, so we are just not preventing :) I had 2 periods last month :(

We bd'd December 1st..and I think I may have ovulated around that time, but we shall see. I am definitely not a symptom spotter, YET!

This is our first month ntnp, we were debating whether we should or shouldn't, but I guess whatever happens, happens.

I won't be taking a HPT until the beginning of January (if I can hold off). My mother in law and brother in law are coming down for Christmas on December 28th to January 2nd, and I really don't get along with my mother in law (because of the way she treats Gavin, and my husband). And she called me a bad mom.

So I don't want to know if I am pregnant when they are down here, so I hope I can hold off until then. I get a period every month, so if I completely miss a month, then something is up :)

Hi Kittey Kat!!!! :wave: We are border battle neighbors!!! lol:haha:

I think you may have the youngest LO on this thread! You story sounded so similiar to mine. DH and I were ntnp and whatever happens happens. We thought we must be crazy wanting to go through the newborn stage again(it was rough) but we really want one more and have them close in age.

It took us about a yr and a half to conceive with our son too!! And I also have a tilted uterus!!!! When I stopped bf'ing at 6months, we got pregnant right away our first month of ntnp!! Sadly just ended in a m/c but i was shocked that we conceived soooooo fast considering how long 1st one took. I am now waiting to O since the m/c.
I read lots of stories of women who struggle so hard with #1 and #2 comes along so much quicker!! Very true for me so far! I hope you get your bfp soon too!!

Are you cycles still irregular even though you get a period every month?
If you O'd dec 1st then by the time your MIL comes down you would have missed a period by then right?

Welcome to our club :)

Thank you so much ArmyWife. And I figured he was the youngest one :) but that's okay. I think I myself am crazy to want to go through the newborn stage. Although, Gavin was great as a newborn, and is great now...he has been sleeping through the night since he was about 1 month, so it's been great..(cross my fingers). Nobody knows we are trying for #2. So it will be a huge surprise. We made the mistake of telling everyone we are trying for #1..and we got a lot of questions asked to us.

My story, we got engaged in January of 2011...and we were trying then...we decided to keep trying since our wedding was booked for May 19, 2012..well I happened to get a bfp :) on November 18th, I knew I was going to be about 30 weeks pregnant. I then had a lot of questions asking if I was marrying my hubby for the wrong reasons and everything. His family is very very like if it's not about them...then they don't care. They are all selfish, I hate to be rude about it, but it's true. That's why we live about 2 hours away from any of his family.

So sorry about your mc...we found out I was pregnant when I was 3 weeks and 6 I wasn't very far along..I had a lot of cramping and bleeding in the beginning, and we were threatened that we would miscarry, but he stayed strong...I got induced when I was 39 weeks, and he came out healthy as can be, oh and we even went to labor and delivery to have contractions stop about 5 I knew all the nurses pretty well. :)

They are very irregular. I have had 3 so far since being pregnant. The first one I had was September 20th, then November 10th, and November I just put all 3 of those together...and came up with a 32 day cycle average. So I think I will be going from that...I mean if I am late on my period...then that's fine by me.

If I do decide to test...on a 32 day cycle, it would be due on the 25th of December...but if I would go from that December 1st my period would be due on the 15th...which is already next weekend...scary lol :dohh:

So I guess I may take a test on that day and see what happens. I mean the chances of me getting a negative are high, but at least I will know. :) I will probably take it on the 17th...I would be 2 days after my period...I am just rambling off thoughts haha...I think my little man finally went to sleep for his afternoon nap...I had to stay out in the kitchen while he takes his nap in his swing...since he doesn't take his nap anywhere else.

And yes I would've already missed my period by the time she comes down...I would be 6 weeks going from December 1st.
I've just had another heap of that mucus stuff .... Weird

I just tried to tweak your test but I couldn't pull anything Hun sorry and I would live to know what it is lol so strange! Maybe google it.
Yeah I will at lunch hmm I thought I could see something on this test irl oh well lol
Welcome kitteykat!!! I don't think your crazy at all wanting another when lo is only 4 months we were going to start ntnp when hunter was about that age but he went from sleeping through line to waking every hour and is still a terrible terrible sleeper!! Very lucky for you that he is a good sleeping I think it's something rare to come by lol especially from 1 month.
It looks like you and dawn have a lot in common with the tilted uterus so I am glad you found the thread.
It took me 3 and a half yrs to conceive my little one as I have very very low progesterone and a short luteal phase and after doctors tests is actually worsened since I had hunter which I thought would actually turn around but it just makes my babies extra special to me because of how much a miracle they are!
Do you chart or anything like that or are you just taking a chilled approach at the moment?
I can later I'm at work today the only thing I have in my bag is a frer lol and don't wanna waste it lol did the tweak pros get back to u lol
Only one person did and they said they can see something but its very light and to retest. In like 2 days you should get a very nice bright line on the frer if you are. Hcg doubles every 48 hours so it will definitely be visible by then.
yeah and if i dont get anything soon im going to give up and admit to myself that my cycles are all up the crap lol well this one anyway
Welcome kitteykat!!! I don't think your crazy at all wanting another when lo is only 4 months we were going to start ntnp when hunter was about that age but he went from sleeping through line to waking every hour and is still a terrible terrible sleeper!! Very lucky for you that he is a good sleeping I think it's something rare to come by lol especially from 1 month.
It looks like you and dawn have a lot in common with the tilted uterus so I am glad you found the thread.
It took me 3 and a half yrs to conceive my little one as I have very very low progesterone and a short luteal phase and after doctors tests is actually worsened since I had hunter which I thought would actually turn around but it just makes my babies extra special to me because of how much a miracle they are!
Do you chart or anything like that or are you just taking a chilled approach at the moment?

I am actually just taking it one day at time and taking the more relax and chilled approach. I honestly hope I am not one to chart or anything. I made the mistake of using ovulation tests and doing the charts, then the month I didn't use mother in law was actually here...when we "conceived". Yeah I actually just found out I had a tilted uterus. I went in to the Emergency Room in October...because I had not gotten my period and I was having very bad cramps (like I did when I was early pregnant) and turns out I had a cyst, and then she mentioned maybe the reason why it took me so long was because I had a tilted uterus. So who knows.

We are in high hopes that things will turn out, on the way they were meant to work out. My husband's cousin's wife (who got married 2 weeks before us) about 18 weeks pregnant, and I get to see her Christmas I am sure that will make me want a baby even more ;) I am debating whether I should take a pregnancy test Christmas Eve morning, so if I am pregnant it would definitely make me feel better :) :) This is her 4th pregnancy, and she is one of those girls who it needs to always be about her...of course.

That's probably the main reason why I don't get along with her, I am a very relaxed person. She was going to make her husband (Doug) go to get his sperm checked 2 months after they were trying for a baby, I told her at her son's 6th birthday, if she was going to do that she was crazy....I told her look at how long it took Kyle and I to conceive a baby. At least we have high hopes and have faith that we will have another child...we don't know when, but we are sure it will happen.
d1=are you sure that mucus stuff isn't ovulation cm. I just got here so I have no idea where you are in your cycles or anything. Just wait a few days and test again. I know with little Gavin I had a negative test on the 16th of November then on the 18th of November I had a positive pregnancy test... like I said I apologize I just got here and I noticed you said mucus stuff....I got that when I was ovulating before I had it could be cervical mucus stuff. Just a thought :) Good luck to you!!!
did you see the pick? well this is my fiest cycle off the pill and last had af on the 29th on october so thought i would have ovulated by now its got a brown tinge to it also and i had more today its not like ovulation cm like i have had before normally its clear ad streachy this is really strange and lots of it, kinda like a mucous plug lol but i shouldnt still have one of those lol.
did you see the pick? well this is my fiest cycle off the pill and last had af on the 29th on october so thought i would have ovulated by now its got a brown tinge to it also and i had more today its not like ovulation cm like i have had before normally its clear ad streachy this is really strange and lots of it, kinda like a mucous plug lol but i shouldnt still have one of those lol.

Well if I was smart I should've went to go see your pick? Lol sorry. I know when I was on the pill (now mind you this is about 2 years ago) I had that brown stuff, so I called the doctor and the doctor mentioned to me that since I got off the pill, it was going to take a few months for my cycle to get back to normal, and that if I were spotting it would be normal...and that it might just be "breakthrough bleeding" sometimes it could be brown. I was just kind of thinking thoughts...since you just came off birth control. Breakthrough bleeding usually comes about 1 or 2 cycles after stopping birth control. I hope this helped.

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