Hiya, and thanks, i loved breastfeeding but she didnt sleep more than an hour at a time basically the entire 8 months, and we were both grumpy and tired, plus she was getting so distrscted during the day that she didnt drink enough. she sleeps through the night now and i must admit im so relieved i thought it would never happen.Got my period back 2 days ago and it's not nice after 18 months without one lol, but at leastI kinda know where my body is going now!
We think 3 would be nice I would love more, but my OH is a lot older and wants to be done with newborns by the time he is 50 (in 5 years) so we only have a limited time, there is a big age gap with us so we have to put up with a lot of criticism about everything.
Our family just think we won't cope with more than one or don't realise it's hard, they give no help really and we have done this on my own, I don't leave my daughter with my OHs side is part of the problem so they can all play mummy but that's a different story lol.
How is everyone else today? Xxx
Welcome these ladies are wonderful

It is very nice when they start sleeping through the night. I have a wonderful night sleeper

he has been sleeping through the night since a month old. But I am an early riser..meaning when he wakes up at 5:30 am that's my time to clean which is weird

but even when I didn't have a baby I was always up with hubby @ 3:30 am. Weird I know. I completely understand about periods. I had my first one in September...and I had Gavin in July...now this past month (November) I had 2
periods...it sucks.
Like I have told Hubby's family and my family for that matter. I am the one who is up with the baby at night, feeding him, diapering, bathing...I wipe his butt...nobody else does any of that...so they don't really have a say in anything.
My day is starting out okay. Little Gavin is sleeping on my belly right now. I think he is getting his two bottom teeth in, which I hope he does...because he has a side tooth on the bottom coming in as well..I am so excited we got Christmas Pictures taken on Monday, so I am just waiting for our photographer to get all the edits done...so we can go make our Christmas Cards...I will put a picture or two up here as well, for you all to see. I am constantly checking to see if he emailed me so I know that our CD is done, he puts them on the door, so I can go over whenever..we live 2 blocks from him. On another good news, Hubby and I are going on a date evening on Saturday.

We go either once a month or twice a month. I figure it keeps our marriage strong!!! We just go out to a movie and go out to dinner, but that is completely fine.

My parents are always willing to help out...and my parents/hubby knows that I stay at home all day long, it's nice to get out once in a while, besides grocery shopping on Mondays!!
Well Sorry I wrote a book!!!