Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Just thought I would let you all no I had surgery on wednesday and im feeling much better my enery is back and all the nausea has gone.
Lots of dust abii and redrose :dust: :dust:
Darlin were u nauseas with your first??? Maybe a girl?? :happydance:

I have a new phone on the way so hopefully i can upload pics soon!!!
I cant wait for zach to start being more interactive...newborn is probably my least favorite not that their not adorable....just not much reaction...just eat sleep poop eat sleep poop
I am new here. I saw the title of the thread and thought I might apply to that. I have a 2 year old and 4 month old. We are not preventing and not really "trying" but well I may be pregnant right now. I am trying to figure it out. I am 7 days late for AF which has only happened when I was pregnant in the past. I have taken a few tests and only received squinty faint lines. Nothing to call home about. I am quite frustrated. *sigh*. I kinda wish AF would just come so at least I would know something for sure. But at this point I would be devastated at the same time. I am so confuzzled!
Glad things are going ok D1 and you are making good progress :hugs:

I did have nausea with DS but there are some things I had that were much worse. Seems like exhaustion and nausea are my main problems this time. I've been dealing with a lot of pain today. Woke up from my nap in tears because I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Ow I'm having pain down my right side. I have permanent nerve damage from my spinal and it does act up but usually not this bad :cry: it goes from my shoulder to my elbow then my hip down through my knee, ankle and down my toes. I've had an hr of sleep so far. Went to bed at 10:30 and its now 1:30 :( we are supposed to be going to the zoo with the in laws tomorrow and idk how I'm gonna manage.
It's so quiet over here nowadays.

Feeling pretty nauseous today :sick: we are supposed to have a nice family day out but idk how I'm going to manage today. Plus the inlaws are supposed to take us to the zoo tomorrow :dohh:

We're you sick with your boy?

I was sick with my daughter from about 6weeks until 14weeks or something, everymorning at 7am on the dot, then Ok for the rest of the day. This time I was sometimes sick between 6 and 8 weeks and nothing since! Except on the day of 12 week scan haha I put that down to nerves x
D1: glad everything is going. Good for you and you are feeling much better!

Red rose and abii good luck for this month! Lots of :dust: to you both!

Darlin: that sounds rotten about your pain you poor thing! Did you end up beig able to go to the zoo?

Afm: still sick over here the antibiotics worked but not completely :( if I am not better by Friday I think I will have to go back to the drs but to be honest I think this is going to be a lingering thing being pregnant and immunity is down anyway. I might start doing some healthy juice and vegie shakes and get as many vitamins in me as I can.
I am so damn exhausted I did 5hrs of house work today lol it looks great but god I am tired and sore now! Hopefully I can keep the house clean now if I just do that little bit everyday so when I get back from Melbourne (which u leave in 5 weeks) it will still be the way I left it. It's been Great weather here so hunter and I have been spending lots of time outside its so lovely the age he is at now to just let him run around and do his own thing!
We went to a ghetto party last night which was hilarious seeing everyone in there dress up! It was a really good night but wow I wish I could have drank hehe. They played all kinds if drinking games and even froze a slab of ice carved a track out of it and drank shots through it :( it sucked being the sober pregnant lady and my other pregnant wing man left early as her son was sick which sucked but oh we'll it was still great laughing at everyone so drunk :)

Army: I can't wait to see photos of Zach. I know what your saying about the interactive age I love hunter at this age but I honestly can't wait to have a newborn to just cuddle and adore all the time! Although its definitely not going to be as chilled as when hunter was born as I will still have him to entertain as you are experiencing yourself now lol.
I'm not doing too good. We had the zoo today and my back is killing me and my belly is extremely swollen, hard and sore. So weird because I didn't get this til much later with Logan :(
I'm maybe checking in here a bit early. My first baby is 23-days old today but I know I want another baby, I wish to have 3 children even though I didn't like pregnancy, I hated labor, and breastfeeding is extremely painful for me! But I hope for 3 children. And I'm already 35 so I don't feel I have much time.

Although I haven't felt physically ready for intimacy I've been craving it emotionally and today I caved - it was very uncomfortable and did not fulfill my hopes or desires. However, it was a NTNP. I don't plan on returning to birth control pills as I was on them for 19 years and I was told by a breast cancer doctor not to be surprised if I develop breast cancer later due to all my years on the pill.

So, we're NTNP already. Though it will definitely be another few weeks before we are intimate again. :cry:
Hi squiggy first off congrats on the new bubba 23 days old still so fresh :)
I don't know how you even managed to get yourself to have sex that early lol. Even at 6 weeks for me was painful so 23 days must not have been very nice! It takes a while for your body to go back to normal and as gross as this sounds your natural cm isn't back to normal yet from the hormones.
How long do you plan on breast feeding? I know my cycles were all over the shop while still breast feeding but despite that we still fell pregnant and my mum fell pregnant when my sister was 5 months old while she was breast feeding so its definitely possible.
Aw darlin I feel for you. Everything is definitely much more uncomfortable second time around and according to my mum it gets worse each pregnancy! How was the zoo? hopefully you had a good time despite the pain and belly pain.
We dtd about 2 wks after we got home and it was a bit uncomfortable at first. However I was craving it so bad and the big O was so great I put up with. The pain. I had the best sex drive of my life after having DS (except when me and dh were still in high school :haha:)

Zoo was good. Was warm but with a nice cool breeze. Pretty much all the animals were out too :)
A friend of mine that had a c section was having sex a few weeks after having her baby and said it was fine. I think it was still so painful for me because of tearing its so damn tender down there after that lol.

Glad the zoo was a good day despite the pain and even better that it was nice weather it just makes the whole day that much better!
hi squiddgy you never know that one time dtd could get you preg lol your meant to be fertile after having bubs, esp if your not bf.
congrats on your little lo though, i know how u feel i felt broody so soon after my son, im hoping to have my next two close together i also want 3/4 kids but feel with my pcos i dont have as much time as i know it will get worse with age
Hi all, just popping in, still pregnant! Now overdue, this sucks lol. Hello to all the new people! An struggling with being heavily pregnant with LO but will all be worth it in the end, we are even planning our third lol, nice to see people's pregnancies etc going well!! Xxx
Kristie how you feeling? Is it just a really bad cold or worse?

dh and i didnt have sex for months after ds was born....i like kristie,had tearing was soooooooooo painful , i really thought it was gonna hurt forever.

Good luck redrose!! Dont know muc about soy but hopefully it does the trick!

I know what you mean darlin..seems like with subsequent pregnancoes you experience everything much sooner.

Hi caz ! :wave: went overdue here too!!! Keep us posted!

2 under 2 still going well!! Zachary is such a great napper ...i did have to use formula a few times.....he has such a big appetite i felt like he was never satisfied...:baby: he seems to nap way better after a belly full o f formula. And since im going back to work soon and starting my meds again ...i need to stop soon.
army: it was a sinus infection a really bad one but it seems to be just lingering as a cough and still a bit of a blocked sinus. Yesterday was a really bad day I felt awful I couldn't stand any longer than like 5 minutes without getting really light headed it was awful I just cant wait till phoenix is here so I can stop feeling really awful and yucky all the time and not to mention have amazing cuddles :haha:

glad everythings going well for you and bubs. I am so jealous lol I have been reading birth stories all day and I just wish it was my time already but at the same time it is making me sad to think that I might not get to experience labor again :(
how long until you go back to work?
I have to have what's called a "z pack" to get rid of sinus infections. It's like pack of 5 pills. Nothing else works but idk if you can get that while pg.

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