Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

So sorry Darlin :hugs: You said you had a bap between birth control right?, Are you going to try again next cycle? Hopefully your DF is now on board with trying.

See I don't understand his logic. He won't actively try with me but he still wants to take preventative action like bc but he says he would be excited if it happens. Idk what to even think anymore. He doesn't make any sense.

hmmmmmm well then I guess you can't be too hard on yourself if you forget to take a BC here and there.:blush: or maybe you forget for like a month lol :haha:

He has a timer set on his phone before we go to bed and basically watches me take it :dohh: I wouldn't do that anyway... not on purpose :haha: He does that tho because I have an awful memory tho and even when he reminds me when the alarm goes off I say "okay I will in a min" and then wake up in the morning and realize I never took it! :rofl:

lol that's nice he does that. I hope you guys do decide to try next cycle! time to start wheeling and dealing!!:winkwink: I always offer my husband this for that kind of

I'm thinking about having Logan in Bed when he gets home and looking all sexy and being like "are you suuuure we have to wait? Could be pretty funt to ttc?" :rofl: see if I can change his mind :haha:
Ahhh this wait is killing me both ways :(

I cannot wait to see our Christmas Pictures..just waiting for him to let me know that the CD is on his door, and there we go....I will get it, I don't care what time it is!!! Lol I want to see those pictures :)

And I have been feeling very bloated, and my boobs are killing me :( I know I am not supposed to be a symptom spotter but it's kind of hard. Hubby doesn't really care when I take a pregnancy test, if it's a positive he wants to be surprised like the last time.

I think I am just going to pick a day and go from there. Maybe I will take a pregnancy test, December 21st...yep that's when I will take one. If it's negative oh well, I guess I just will have faith (like always) and know that I am not out until the witch shows up!!! So that's when I will take one. I know kind of random, but that's one thing about me, is I am very random. ;) !!!
we are ntnp but our little one is 14 months! we have been doing this for about 2 months now and am having some minor pregnancy period but have cramps!! so fingers are crossed as our wait continues!
YAAHHHH photos!!!! Thanks kristie! its nice to have faces for the people ya talk to often :)

And i LOOOOVEEE the photo with his tongue sticking out, how did you get him to do that?!?!?! My LO hardly ever smiles in pics. I have about 100 pictures and he has a straight face in almost all of them lol I tell everyone he gets it from his daddy- NEVER SMILES!! lol

He just has a lot of character forever pulling funny faces lol and he was eating strawberries I think he must have been trying to lick the strawberries off his face.
So sorry Darlin :hugs: You said you had a bap between birth control right?, Are you going to try again next cycle? Hopefully your DF is now on board with trying.

See I don't understand his logic. He won't actively try with me but he still wants to take preventative action like bc but he says he would be excited if it happens. Idk what to even think anymore. He doesn't make any sense.

hmmmmmm well then I guess you can't be too hard on yourself if you forget to take a BC here and there.:blush: or maybe you forget for like a month lol :haha:

He has a timer set on his phone before we go to bed and basically watches me take it :dohh: I wouldn't do that anyway... not on purpose :haha: He does that tho because I have an awful memory tho and even when he reminds me when the alarm goes off I say "okay I will in a min" and then wake up in the morning and realize I never took it! :rofl:

lol that's nice he does that. I hope you guys do decide to try next cycle! time to start wheeling and dealing!!:winkwink: I always offer my husband this for that kind of

I'm thinking about having Logan in Bed when he gets home and looking all sexy and being like "are you suuuure we have to wait? Could be pretty funt to ttc?" :rofl: see if I can change his mind :haha:

Lol this gave me a good laugh!! Sounds like a good plan!
Lol this gave me a good laugh!! Sounds like a good plan!

Except it isn't going to work because munchkin is still wide awake and I am a hot mess... and not the good kind of hot :haha:
I have no clue where I am at in my cycle. Opk's keep saying negative and I am on cd 18 from the start of m/c.

So I am not sure if I am in my 2ww or still waiting to O :shrug:

Symptom spotting: Very gassy... I think I had this last month too when I got my bfp. Hoping the gas is a good sign :happydance:

AF should be due around....17th or 18th I believe.
I have no clue where I am at in my cycle. Opk's keep saying negative and I am on cd 18 from the start of m/c.

So I am not sure if I am in my 2ww or still waiting to O :shrug:

Symptom spotting: Very gassy... I think I had this last month too when I got my bfp. Hoping the gas is a good sign :happydance:

AF should be due around....17th or 18th I believe.

Maybe this cycle is just your body trying to get back to normal with all the hormone changes that went on with the m/c I would just bd when ever you feel or every other day and hope for the best but I would think that next month when af comes things should be pretty much back to normal hopefully.
Just for a completely off topic thought I would throw it out there and ask what everyone's labours were like? If you find it quite personal you don't have to answer I just love hearing stories.
The ones in the monkey suit were the other day that's his costume for his 1st birthday party next weekend soooo excited!!!

I think we all have boys on here don't we?

I have a girl, typical to be the only one with a girl lol, how is everyone this morning? Didn't have the best night, this first period is bloody awful (excuse the pun lol).

My labour was surprising to say the least, I was induced but they said it was gonna be a good 48+ hours till we had a baby, not what you want to hear, after 6 hours though my waters broke, that was at 8 pm, they slowly leaked for ages and they had to keep changing the bed apart from when a horrible midwife made me sit in it for ages as it had only just been changed. I was in a lot of pain as the induction was making my contractions come every 30 seconds and they lasted for a minute so I had no break. They refused to give me gas and air and kept forgetting they had left me on the monitoring machine so I couldn't even move to help the pain. At 2am they forced my OH to go home saying I was along way off only 1 and 1/2cm, I told them they were wrong, they didn't listen. He went home and went to sleep. I was left alone in bed in the dark on a ward, at 5am I was pushing but didn't realise it then they came in to check the monitoring and I said I needed the loo, so the midwife reluctantly checked and shouted "10cm I can see the head!!" Off she ran to get a wheel hair and I was raced through the corridors to a delivery room, me trying to call my OH who was in such a deep sleep we couldn't get him up. I rang the hospital rang, when they got hold of my mom she was ringing him, I thought I was gonna give birth on my own. I was pushing for over 2 hours (finally was allowed pain relief, gas and air, but could barely use it as i couldnt hold it and push at the same time lol) she was born at 7.11 am, Kev my OH arrived at 6.30 am, thank god to see his daughter come into the world. My dad had to drive to our house, throw stones at the window and drag him to the hospital. Ok it wasn't the best labour ever but I'll do it again soon I hope lol. Xxx
We had gotten induced on July 27th, but the midwifes did say, that the induction may not work, and since it was not a required induction, I had to call that Friday morning and see if we can come in and get induced :)

They didn't have anybody in labor, so we were allowed to come in and get induced. I got checked in @ 8 am...and got settled in. I was 2 cm dilated at that time, not very much. They had put this "tampon thingy" on my cervix...and that actually broke my water @ about noon. I was progressing very slowly....and I was about 2.5 cm after my water had broke. I guess I was one of the easiest patients the nurses/midwife have had...I loved every single contraction I had, I knew that I was bringing a miracle in this world, and I knew that my Grandma (who died about 4 years ago...a week before my birthday) was with me through it all. I had a picture of her right by my bed.

Well since my water had broke, they said we are going to have a baby either that night or tomorrow. So the night drug on....they gave me an epidural and then started pitocin. I still was only 3.5 cm dilated. Well we had finally tried to get some sleep around midnight...and the nurse came in and checked me at about 2 am...and said if I don't make any progress by the time she comes in again...then we would probably have to go in for a c-section.

Well low and behold, at around 3:00 am, my dad was playing this weird annoying music in the waiting room, I could hear it in my room, and it was very annoying to hubby and I. So he went to go and tell him to turn it off..well hubby came back in and I mentioned to him that I felt like my epidural was wearing off....and that I had a lot of pressure.

The nurse checked me at about 3:30 and said, "honey, you are fully dilated" :) I was in complete the midwife came in, and the nurse/midwife got everything ready...and the nurse was so nice, she let me know when I was having a contraction and to push.

Hubby had one leg, my mother had one leg... :) Hubby was so great when I was pushing...he just kept saying one big push, one big push. I didn't even swear once at him. The midwife said she wanted a camera, so she could take a picture of me in labor with the biggest smile on my face :). I knew I was bringing a miracle into the world, and that everything was going to turn out great!!

Well it did. At 5:13 am, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Gavin Wayne. He was 6 pounds, 5 ounces..and 19 3/4 quarters long. He has been such a blessing to all of us. Especially my mom and dad. I am very close to them, Mom sees him about 2x a week, and they couldn't be anymore happier.

I was very worried when I got pregnant, that my Dad would not be happy, but turns out he was very excited.
I have no clue where I am at in my cycle. Opk's keep saying negative and I am on cd 18 from the start of m/c.

So I am not sure if I am in my 2ww or still waiting to O :shrug:

Symptom spotting: Very gassy... I think I had this last month too when I got my bfp. Hoping the gas is a good sign :happydance:

AF should be due around....17th or 18th I believe.

I think I am for sure in the 2ww...but I don't know how many dpo lol :) I have been very gassy and very crampy :) :) I had this when I was pregnant with Gavin, I am craving Subway and I craved subway with Gavin....I feel very full too, and sometimes I didn't even we shall see :) :) so excited, but scared at the same time!!!
The ones in the monkey suit were the other day that's his costume for his 1st birthday party next weekend soooo excited!!!

I think we all have boys on here don't we?

I have a girl, typical to be the only one with a girl lol, how is everyone this morning? Didn't have the best night, this first period is bloody awful (excuse the pun lol).

My labour was surprising to say the least, I was induced but they said it was gonna be a good 48+ hours till we had a baby, not what you want to hear, after 6 hours though my waters broke, that was at 8 pm, they slowly leaked for ages and they had to keep changing the bed apart from when a horrible midwife made me sit in it for ages as it had only just been changed. I was in a lot of pain as the induction was making my contractions come every 30 seconds and they lasted for a minute so I had no break. They refused to give me gas and air and kept forgetting they had left me on the monitoring machine so I couldn't even move to help the pain. At 2am they forced my OH to go home saying I was along way off only 1 and 1/2cm, I told them they were wrong, they didn't listen. He went home and went to sleep. I was left alone in bed in the dark on a ward, at 5am I was pushing but didn't realise it then they came in to check the monitoring and I said I needed the loo, so the midwife reluctantly checked and shouted "10cm I can see the head!!" Off she ran to get a wheel hair and I was raced through the corridors to a delivery room, me trying to call my OH who was in such a deep sleep we couldn't get him up. I rang the hospital rang, when they got hold of my mom she was ringing him, I thought I was gonna give birth on my own. I was pushing for over 2 hours (finally was allowed pain relief, gas and air, but could barely use it as i couldnt hold it and push at the same time lol) she was born at 7.11 am, Kev my OH arrived at 6.30 am, thank god to see his daughter come into the world. My dad had to drive to our house, throw stones at the window and drag him to the hospital. Ok it wasn't the best labour ever but I'll do it again soon I hope lol. Xxx

That sound like quite the hectic story lol I love how the nurses and things always think they know better than you do! Even though your the one in labor which brings me to my story!!

I was 6 days overdue and was a couple of days away from being induced. I had been out all day on Sunday 18.12 and I didn't feel right all day I just felt a bit off. My husband and I went for our usually 45 minute walk I had been doing every day which I had done since 17 weeks after all my bleeding stopped. About 45 minutes after we got home my waters broke and for some reason I didn't even think to call the hospital lol it wasn't till about an hour and a half later I called and was like am I suppose to call or come in if my water breaks lol so we went on in and they confirmed it was by then I was having very very small tightening which the midwife said oh these can last for days your definitely not in labor so off we went back home and I had about 4 contractions in the car on the way home which is a 45 minute car ride (there is a lot of 45minutes in this story lol) anyway so within half an hour of being home my contractions were 5 minutes about lasting a minute and I laboured at home for half an hour before my contractions got to 2 minutes apart and I felt I needed to push which I didn't it was just baby coming right down so we rang thw hospital and the same midwife got on the phone saying you are just beed to calm down your not even in established labor yet just take a shower tell you family to stop stressing you out its going to be a long time before you can come in the hospital. Well my mum wasnt very happy and rang back and said i have had four children and i know labor when i see it we are bringing her in and the midwife hung up on her lol. So I got to the hospital and they were still 2 minutes apart but settled a little within half hour of being there. I lasted about 2 hours before I asked for gas and air which made me throw up straight away so got an injection for that. Then about 45 minutes later I asked for the epidural and she had to check me and I was already 8cm and within 9 minutes I was fully dilated 4 minutes later and 2 pushes and my son was born at 5:59am. My labor total was 3 hours and 40 minutes I think what was written down but that not including the hour at home. I had a fantastic labor and would do it all again but I had a very bad pregnancy I bled for the first 14 weeks and was out on complete bed rest as well as all day everyday sickness for 29 weeks. I was given injections at one point to stop the vomiting as I lost 7kgs in 6 days so it was not good. But I would also be pregnant 100 times over it think even with all the bad it was all the best experience of my life!
We had gotten induced on July 27th, but the midwifes did say, that the induction may not work, and since it was not a required induction, I had to call that Friday morning and see if we can come in and get induced :)

They didn't have anybody in labor, so we were allowed to come in and get induced. I got checked in @ 8 am...and got settled in. I was 2 cm dilated at that time, not very much. They had put this "tampon thingy" on my cervix...and that actually broke my water @ about noon. I was progressing very slowly....and I was about 2.5 cm after my water had broke. I guess I was one of the easiest patients the nurses/midwife have had...I loved every single contraction I had, I knew that I was bringing a miracle in this world, and I knew that my Grandma (who died about 4 years ago...a week before my birthday) was with me through it all. I had a picture of her right by my bed.

Well since my water had broke, they said we are going to have a baby either that night or tomorrow. So the night drug on....they gave me an epidural and then started pitocin. I still was only 3.5 cm dilated. Well we had finally tried to get some sleep around midnight...and the nurse came in and checked me at about 2 am...and said if I don't make any progress by the time she comes in again...then we would probably have to go in for a c-section.

Well low and behold, at around 3:00 am, my dad was playing this weird annoying music in the waiting room, I could hear it in my room, and it was very annoying to hubby and I. So he went to go and tell him to turn it off..well hubby came back in and I mentioned to him that I felt like my epidural was wearing off....and that I had a lot of pressure.

The nurse checked me at about 3:30 and said, "honey, you are fully dilated" :) I was in complete the midwife came in, and the nurse/midwife got everything ready...and the nurse was so nice, she let me know when I was having a contraction and to push.

Hubby had one leg, my mother had one leg... :) Hubby was so great when I was pushing...he just kept saying one big push, one big push. I didn't even swear once at him. The midwife said she wanted a camera, so she could take a picture of me in labor with the biggest smile on my face :). I knew I was bringing a miracle into the world, and that everything was going to turn out great!!

Well it did. At 5:13 am, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Gavin Wayne. He was 6 pounds, 5 ounces..and 19 3/4 quarters long. He has been such a blessing to all of us. Especially my mom and dad. I am very close to them, Mom sees him about 2x a week, and they couldn't be anymore happier.

I was very worried when I got pregnant, that my Dad would not be happy, but turns out he was very excited.

You sound so passionate and loving about your family and its very refreshing and lovely to hear!! And it's great that even though it was a long experience you can still talk about it as the beautiful thing it was!
love hearing the stories! I cant believe some of the care you receive at your hospitals!!!!!!!!!!
Caz: I can't believe OH couldn't stay with you!! I told my Dh he was not leaving my side ever. And they have a nice set up for the men to sleep in the room on a fold out chair/bed.

Kittey: Your labor experience sounds really beautiful. besides your dad's annoying music lol.

Kristie: I can't believe they hung up on your mom!!! and that they kept telling you to stay home!!! They had me come in every single time I called even if they had to send me home shortly after.

For all you ladies: Did you OH get to stay with you afterwards?
We had gotten induced on July 27th, but the midwifes did say, that the induction may not work, and since it was not a required induction, I had to call that Friday morning and see if we can come in and get induced :)

They didn't have anybody in labor, so we were allowed to come in and get induced. I got checked in @ 8 am...and got settled in. I was 2 cm dilated at that time, not very much. They had put this "tampon thingy" on my cervix...and that actually broke my water @ about noon. I was progressing very slowly....and I was about 2.5 cm after my water had broke. I guess I was one of the easiest patients the nurses/midwife have had...I loved every single contraction I had, I knew that I was bringing a miracle in this world, and I knew that my Grandma (who died about 4 years ago...a week before my birthday) was with me through it all. I had a picture of her right by my bed.

Well since my water had broke, they said we are going to have a baby either that night or tomorrow. So the night drug on....they gave me an epidural and then started pitocin. I still was only 3.5 cm dilated. Well we had finally tried to get some sleep around midnight...and the nurse came in and checked me at about 2 am...and said if I don't make any progress by the time she comes in again...then we would probably have to go in for a c-section.

Well low and behold, at around 3:00 am, my dad was playing this weird annoying music in the waiting room, I could hear it in my room, and it was very annoying to hubby and I. So he went to go and tell him to turn it off..well hubby came back in and I mentioned to him that I felt like my epidural was wearing off....and that I had a lot of pressure.

The nurse checked me at about 3:30 and said, "honey, you are fully dilated" :) I was in complete the midwife came in, and the nurse/midwife got everything ready...and the nurse was so nice, she let me know when I was having a contraction and to push.

Hubby had one leg, my mother had one leg... :) Hubby was so great when I was pushing...he just kept saying one big push, one big push. I didn't even swear once at him. The midwife said she wanted a camera, so she could take a picture of me in labor with the biggest smile on my face :). I knew I was bringing a miracle into the world, and that everything was going to turn out great!!

Well it did. At 5:13 am, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Gavin Wayne. He was 6 pounds, 5 ounces..and 19 3/4 quarters long. He has been such a blessing to all of us. Especially my mom and dad. I am very close to them, Mom sees him about 2x a week, and they couldn't be anymore happier.

I was very worried when I got pregnant, that my Dad would not be happy, but turns out he was very excited.

You sound so passionate and loving about your family and its very refreshing and lovely to hear!! And it's great that even though it was a long experience you can still talk about it as the beautiful thing it was!

Thank you, you actually made me tear up this morning already :) That really means a lot. My family is the world to me...and Hubby's family is too, but that family and I just butt heads a lot, they are completely the opposite of my family that I grew up with.

My Mom came from a family of 12, and my dad came from a family of 3. They are all very close together. When we all get together, we all get along. Hubby's family not so much, they are very judgemental, they think I am a rich snob coming from a rich family. Whatever! I just don't listen to them. I don't come from a rich family, but I don't talk about drama ever around anyone.

I would like to think that because I came from a great loving family, that I will give my family; great love!! <3 I tell people I would do my whole induction over and over again, and I actually tell people I loved labor... :)

A lot of people think that because Hubby and I are young (I just turned 23 and he just turned 25) that we should be out partying and having great times and everything.

I was not grown up that way, neither was he. I was grown up that if we had time to drink, we had time to be with family too. :) My parents don't drink every, I do not even think my father has touched a drink. Which is crazy.

Yeah Hubby and I go out once in a while, and I may have a glass of wine, but that's about it. I'm happy and thankful that my parents are willing to watch Gavin every month so Hubby and I can go out and have some time together, that's what makes our relationship/marriage very strong. We rarely ever fight...and I always have all the cleaning done when he gets home, so all three of us can spend time together.

On 2 great notes: my pictures are in, so we get to make Christmas cards to send out today; and my little Gavin is still sleeping. He hasn't slept in this long yet....he has been sleeping from 9:30 pm to now...but he's moving now, which is great. I never really knew how much I missed taking a shower with no baby, or no dogs in the bathroom with me :) :)

The dogs keep the baby occupied, he sits in his bouncer, and watches them!!
Here is mine:
The 2 nights before I went into the hospital I had contractions at night in my back. They would never get to 5 min and were always gone by morning. So I was getting very little sleep the nights leading up to labor.

Then on wed. afternoon we went to L&D because I had a bloody mess down there. They debated on keeping me but sent me home instead after spending all day at the hospital. By the time we got home at 10pm, I crawled into bed and contractions in my back started at around every 6-7min.
I sat up all night until they got under 5min. At 4am I woke up Dh and said its time!!!!! When we got back to the hospital the same nurse was still there from yesterday. She was so nice.

So at 5am i was 4cm when I got there and planned on doing a drug free labor. Planned!!!
Nurse checked on me every so often and I just bounced on a ball and walked around to help get things going, and by noon i was fully dilated. Then all of a sudden i felt wet down there and she said my water broke...(i actually peed the bed lol) I told her i wasn't sure if a peed or not because all the pressure.

Then we started pushing and my water did finally break then. Once that happened...
F bombs gallore!!!!! lol before that i was doing fine without drugs.
My mom came in the room and I immediatly told her to get the f out of here!!!! lol and I told my dh to get me drugs NOOOWWWWWWWWW

Nurse said it was to late for epidural, i said then give me tylenol or something please!!!!!!!!! They ended up giving me a spinal block and it was lovely. I felt absolutly nothing.
We started pushing....well they told me push but I couldn't feel a darn thing. I even kept asking , Am I pushing???? lol I felt so good and relaxed. Out came Baby Stephen at 7lbs 5oz.

Only thing that sucked is the 2 days leading up to labor made me sleep deprived and then once labor started I couldn't sleep. And then the adrenline from having stephen made me awake and I never wanted stephen out of my site in the hospital so I was soooo tired and think I took my first real sleep about 4-5 days after labor!

I always hear about baby mix ups and stuff on tv and the nurses kept offering to take him to nursery so i could sleep but I was like a Mama Bear, Literally! I was guarding him from the second he came out, no one was gonna take my lil man away from me :bodyb:

But like you all said It was awesome, I actually enjoyed the experience and can't wait to do it all again!!!!
love hearing the stories! I cant believe some of the care you receive at your hospitals!!!!!!!!!!
Caz: I can't believe OH couldn't stay with you!! I told my Dh he was not leaving my side ever. And they have a nice set up for the men to sleep in the room on a fold out chair/bed.

Kittey: Your labor experience sounds really beautiful. besides your dad's annoying music lol.

Kristie: I can't believe they hung up on your mom!!! and that they kept telling you to stay home!!! They had me come in every single time I called even if they had to send me home shortly after.

For all you ladies: Did you OH get to stay with you afterwards?

It was really beautiful, and oh and the fact that Dad got me Unsweetened Ice Tea (which I drink all the time)...about an hour before I got my epidural, and I got threw up everywhere...because of that tea :) but I still drink it!! LOL.

My husband did get to stay in the room with me afterwards, he slept and slept and slept....while I held our little boy and just stared at him :)

Hubby changed the first "poopy" diaper, and gave him his first bath, while she stitched me up (I had a slight tear).

It was so nice though, the nurses came and got little man at about 10:00 pm at night, and took care of him until he was hungry, then they brought him in, I tried breastfeeding, but it didn't work for me. It was nice that they gave us some rest.

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