We had gotten induced on July 27th, but the midwifes did say, that the induction may not work, and since it was not a required induction, I had to call that Friday morning and see if we can come in and get induced
They didn't have anybody in labor, so we were allowed to come in and get induced. I got checked in @ 8 am...and got settled in. I was 2 cm dilated at that time, not very much. They had put this "tampon thingy" on my cervix...and that actually broke my water @ about noon. I was progressing very slowly....and I was about 2.5 cm after my water had broke. I guess I was one of the easiest patients the nurses/midwife have had...I loved every single contraction I had, I knew that I was bringing a miracle in this world, and I knew that my Grandma (who died about 4 years ago...a week before my birthday) was with me through it all. I had a picture of her right by my bed.
Well since my water had broke, they said we are going to have a baby either that night or tomorrow. So the night drug on....they gave me an epidural and then started pitocin. I still was only 3.5 cm dilated. Well we had finally tried to get some sleep around midnight...and the nurse came in and checked me at about 2 am...and said if I don't make any progress by the time she comes in again...then we would probably have to go in for a c-section.
Well low and behold, at around 3:00 am, my dad was playing this weird annoying music in the waiting room, I could hear it in my room, and it was very annoying to hubby and I. So he went to go and tell him to turn it off..well hubby came back in and I mentioned to him that I felt like my epidural was wearing off....and that I had a lot of pressure.
The nurse checked me at about 3:30 and said, "honey, you are fully dilated"

I was in complete shock...so the midwife came in, and the nurse/midwife got everything ready...and the nurse was so nice, she let me know when I was having a contraction and to push.
Hubby had one leg, my mother had one leg...

Hubby was so great when I was pushing...he just kept saying one big push, one big push. I didn't even swear once at him. The midwife said she wanted a camera, so she could take a picture of me in labor with the biggest smile on my face

. I knew I was bringing a miracle into the world, and that everything was going to turn out great!!
Well it did. At 5:13 am, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Gavin Wayne. He was 6 pounds, 5 ounces..and 19 3/4 quarters long. He has been such a blessing to all of us. Especially my mom and dad. I am very close to them, Mom sees him about 2x a week, and they couldn't be anymore happier.
I was very worried when I got pregnant, that my Dad would not be happy, but turns out he was very excited.