Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Wow so much has happened!

Caz: you are crazy lol but people do it every day! I myself am not even thinking of number 3 for another 3 years I don't think and even then I think we might adopt. When I was told f my small chance of ever having children and surrogacy been illegal in Australia at the time we tarted the adoption process and then fell pregnant lol so stopped going forward but we still have it in our minds that we want to adopt. I think if I feel up to the endless amount of vomiting a third time then we will adopt a fourth but honestly I don't know how I would go with a 3rd pregnancy and 2 kids when I throw up as much as I do.
It's so funny how these days 3 or even 4 is considered crazy or a big family when back in the day of our parents 3-4 was a small family haha how times have changed!!
You seem to be settled in nicely with the girls. Are you breastfeeding or ff?

Army: how's the switch to ff going? Are you full time ff or still bf pats of the day?

Redrose: how confusing I use to stop testing after I got my first positive opk because sometimes even when I know I o'd I would still get a positive after I had I don't know why sooo strange. But in saying that you could also have had a false surge do the dirt one good thing you dtd already lol. Fx either way you caught the egg!

Darlin: what name have you chose if it's a boy? I love Avery by the way!

Abii: yay I know 30 weeks almost it has come around soooo fast!
Only 2 days left till af is due when are you testing? Or just waiting for af?

Afm: I am pooped!!! I have got sooo much to do before I leave for Melbourne in 2 weeks as I have been trying to get Phoenix room finished which thank god is almost done!! I hve washed folded and put away all his clothes ( definitely got emotional as they are all hunters baby clothes so many memories!) I also cleaned, vacuumed and washed the carpets and windows and upholstery of my car and put the capsule in :) we did heaps around the house also and hoy crap my belly is so sore!!! I am now laid in bed about to I to sleep and mick is snoring sooo loud because he is sick lol sucks to be me.
I think Phoenix has had a growth spurt this week though my belly has popped again! I feel if it pops any more I am going to explode lol.
I am full time formula feeding now. I attempted to give him my boob during one of the 3hr cries and he refused. I tried a couple more times since and he is so not interested lol. So I started back on my meds and already feeling great! My OCD ways are slowly disappearing! :happydance:

Your nesting has kicked in! When is your next appt?
Yeah we are breast feeding, hoping to make it to 12 months this time! Doing ok bit of latching issues but think its more mine than hers if you know what I mean lol. We are keen to have all ours really close partly because my OH is 46 now and even though I'm only 23 he dosnt want to be changing nappies in 10 years time lol. I know what you mean about big families now its wierd but my grandparents were both 1 of 9 lol. Xx
Darlin: that is very different I have never heard it for a boy but it is lovely either way! I could see Avery being a little blonde boy for some reason lol I dunno why. It sounds like someone who has a really loving and calm nature :)
What about girls names?

Redrose: why not get into lol there's always a bonus of the pleasure when ntnp!

Army: that's great you are back on the mess and feeling good! How is his tummy switching to formula? Yeah I definitely think nesting lol today I am having a bit of a relaxed (well trying to) day as my belly was so sore all last night and today I feel as though I did a 4hr work out yesterday lol. My next appointment with my dr at home is next week and then when I get to Melbourne on the 21st I have my 32 weeks scan to check placenta and then my next hospital appointment to get results and normal app is the 23rd. I had my gd test and dr said if she doesn't call then all results were normal and that was a week ago now so I would say I am in the all clear yay!!!

Caz: my aim was always to 10 months and then when I got there I thought 12 months but we both enjoyed it so much w e kept going until he decided he was done I loved it. I am really looking forward to breastfeeding again :) it will be interesting to se if hunter tries to rematch once Phoenix is here lol I hope not I wouldn't have minded so much tandem feeding if he hadn't hVe stopped but no what he has and he doesn't have a bottle or anything I wouldn't want him to get in the habit again.
You should set yourself little goals so there isn't as much pressure. There is also a lot of great info online about latching if oh are having problems. The only way I could breastfeeding hunter for a long time was the rugby/footy hold and that worked amazing wonders for my nipple they can get so sore! How long did you breastfeeding dd?
Totally understandable about wanting to keep because of oh age but even then if he was as young as you why not if you are up for it.

Afm: hunter and I got up this morning and did some painting it is the first time he has say down long enough to really get into it it was great! I was so impressed after we had done that and then played outside for a bit had some lunch he tried to take me to his room which I didn't know what he was doing but the little cutie had gotten his books and was ready for bed! Made my heart melt he has never done that before I always have to tell him to get his lion and his dummy and go to his bed and I go with him till he falls asleep but I was so proud when he wanted to go himself makes me so sad at the same time because he is growing up :(
For a girl we have Hailey Mae.

That is so cute that Hunter is being such a big boy but yes, it's sad at the same time :( I see Logan doing things and advancing and it's hard watching them grow up but I am such a proud momma!
awww thats so cute about hunter they always do things to shock you dont they then u realise they arent your baby anymore.
huge temp spike this morning so this is it, 1 dpo for def :D and i feel our timing is much better we dtd 3 days, the day before, and the day of ovulation so now i feel we have a good chance
It was a massive shock and they do grow up so fast I found some old movies and photos of him from when he started do the air hump before they crawl lol and omg I don't really even remember him being that small!

Redrose: yay well your lucky you kept testing then fx this is it us always good when you feel good about the cycle as well!

Darlin: I really like the girls name very very cute!

So I suffer from dermatitis but his pregnancy it is different it looks like a bumpy red rash and it itches as well as burns. It's all over my forearms, hands, sides of my hips, inner thighs and a little on my face and this has all appeared I the last few days. At first I thought it was pupps but I googled it and apparently only happens in your first pregnancy and it starts on your belly I don't have any on my belly and mine started on my arms it is so annoying! Any of you ladies experience anything like this?
Kristi we went back and visited with the new baby this weekend. (bil & sil) and she was just over a week old. She is the same length as Logan was but a few ounces bigger. I was in complete shock. I remember Logan being small but not THAT small!!! :haha:

I'm not sure if it is the same thing or not but my forearms break out in this horrid rash during pregnancy. It itches and if I scratch it it burns :shrug:
jamie was so so small when we got him home, he was born 6lbs 3ozs but he was not allowed to eat until he was 4/5 days old! so that plus the usual 10% weight loss he dropped to like 5lbs 8! he fitted into his new born til he was like 3 months :) so cute and tiny
Logan was 6lbs 6oz and dropped tot like 6lbs 1oz. He was in preemie clothes the 1st 3 or 4 weeks.
i just looooove small babies! jamie had a few premie clothes too, they were even baggy on him! ladies maybe we should share a few pics of our little ones when first born? id love to see your lo's as new borns :)

jamie was very sick when first born so his first few arent nice but from day 5 onwards he had all tubes removed and wearing clothes :cloud9:

this pic was at 9 ish days old and it was our first night with him, we spend a night in the hospital with him :cloud9: and while cuddled with me and dh he made this face


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This is when we left the hospital. He's wearing the only newborn outfit that fit him because it ran a lot smaller than the others :haha:


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Zoai was 9lbs 12oun:wacko: haha she dropped to 8lbs even after the first week then shot back up and was 10lbs by 2 months:blush: here's her little cubby cheeks fresh outta the oven hehe:cloud9:


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And now for my update, af got me and is full force so I started tracking my bbt and will start my epo today as well. Hoping we get our 2nd July bub:haha: how are you ladies?
With visiting our new niece and all this reminiscing I am started to realize holy cow! A new baby really is coming at the end of all this! :haha: It is going to be crazy. I think it will be totally doable once I'm not so sick tho. I have to remind myself the ms will be gone and replaced with exhaustion :haha: I can handle being tired :winkwink:
wow 9lbs 12 that must of been hard going, not sure delivery but the pregnancy your bump must of felt so heavy?
the docs kept saying i was gonna have a huge baby and making faces behind my back like you know omg shes gonna have a whopa of a baby, then when my waters broke they realised i just had tons and tons of waters. most of my bump was waters haha
And now for my update, af got me and is full force so I started tracking my bbt and will start my epo today as well. Hoping we get our 2nd July bub:haha: how are you ladies?

im ok im so confused about what dpo i am :nope: my temps all over the place because jamie kept me awake alot of last night! which is unlike him :dohh:
but ive been so irritable all day and cramping and i can smell everything and not to mention jamie keeps leaning on my boobs and hurting them!

but... im so excited because jamies taking steps :happydance: :happydance: he will most likely be walking by next week :cloud9:

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