Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Caz: I had an oversupply of foremilk and it use to give hunter the biggest belly ache and really bad poos, I use to hand express my first let down and then put him on and that worked so much better and there was such a difference. It can be so hard in the first few weeks but it will get better Hun the soreness will disappear as long as the latch is good. Did you try the footy/rugby hold? I really hope it gets easier for you Hun. If you are feeling a bit lost or wanting to give up go onto the breastfeeding board they have some amazing ladies there with loads of support.
We were also having a lot of trouble at bed time I swear it never gets consistent with kids lol my nephew is 4 and my sister still has problems and even the best of sleepers have a regression at some stage I think. Lots of :hugs: to you Hun

Darlin: I hope al goes well tomorrow and they don't stuff you around this time. I would demand to have someone else try and fix it if you get the same lady.
I had great milk supply until my hypothyroidism got bad. That's what caused my milk to dry up. Nothing I used helped because it was a hormonal thing. He had great latch and everything from the start.
Not having enough energy during labor is my worst fear. Pain I can get over but I feel like I will get exhausted and not be able to push through :(
Yep that's me scared of being tired but I'm sure that will all go away once in labor and the adrenaline kicking in. It will be nice to have a break while I am in Melbourne before baby is born as I get loads of help there and my mum is going to take him for a day and what not so I'm sure I'll be plenty rested.

When do you find out snot the vbac is it tomorrow?
i have hypothyroidism too, i had it while preg, on top of ahernia and gall stones it was not a good year for me at all, after jamie was born he was sick for 2 weeks, then we got him home i had 4 weeks of bliss then i got sick for a year :( they didnt know what was wrong for ages then they realised i had gall stones, then after my surgery i was soooo sick for a whole week and my liver started failing and they couldnt understand what was happening... a week before they realised my stomach had twisted!! completely and no food could pass through or nutrients they reckon i had it while preg but not as bad and the gall bladder surgery made it worse. the pressure of my stomach being twisted while preg caused high blood pressure which is what made jamie so stressed god.. it was just horrible :( but i had another surgery they fixed it, so im hoping next time around will hold better memories for me :)
Aw wow Redrose that is awful you poor thing!!! It must have been so stressful being a new mum and dealing with all those complications!
I know from my hormone imbalance I get really sick all the time rally bad headaches and nausea constantly and even that was hard when I was a new mum so I could imagine it must have been so difficult for you. Hopefully this experience is a lot better for you. Why was Jamie so sick when he was born? We may have already gone through this but sooo many pages to flick through and preggo brain does not allow me to remember very well these days lol.

My rash has gotten so much worse it's all on my face now my chin my forehead every where and the front of my belly is starting to flair now it burns so badly oh and my legs are starting to break out my skin is so dry and scaly as well I just put vitamin d on to see if that helped and it may help with dryness but it is just burning even with putting the eczema cream on it didn't even calm it at all. Even under my boobs are starting to get itchy :( this is not fun
oh no the rash sounds painful! i remember when i was pregnant i did break out in in a rash, i was told it can be normal while preg, id ask a doc because some creams u cant use while preg, if u start feeling sick or anything else with the rash please see a doc ok :) :hugs:

well i had on/off high blood pressure from about 30 weeks, then when i was 39 weeks and 5 days i had an appt and my blood pressure was double the normal amount and i felt slow my brain had slowed down and i was so swollen, so i was told im staying home and being induced, it took 36 hours from the moment i was kept in to having jamie, and i think my blood pressure got so high that it stressed jamie out, he got stuck on the way out because i was so exhuasted. my midwife was a complete bitch sorry for my french but true! she kept telling me to stop pushing when i felt the urge because she couldnt see the contractions, but to push at the wrong time hench why i got exhuasted and why jamie got stuck so after 50 mins of listening to her i ignored her and listened to my body and he was out in 10 mins! and he wasnt breathing :cry: it took them 5 mins to get him to breath, and they brought him straight to neo, where they tested him and they found out he was un responsive and his brain was showing signs of brain damage so they placed him in a cold blanket to cool his body down to 35 degrees so cool his brain, he was cooled for 3 days and on the 4th day he was heated up slowly, then on the 5th day he was allowed to eat, then he has loads of cit scans and mri's :cry: they reckon he improved so much from being cooled down it helps the brain repair its self!

the first night he was born he had 3 seizures :( which stopped him breathing again and he forgot how to breath. when we finally got to the point he could eat he was weak so we had to teach him how to eat, how to suck even. but now hes a different child has no signs of brain damage he reaches his mile stones hes just my miracle baby and without that cooling blanket would prob be brained damage.. sorry if i went into too much detail its hard to talk about but it does help talking about it
What could it be if the rash is accompanied with feeling sick because my ms the last 2 days has been so bad and I threw up today hmmm

That must have been so scary about Jamie! Nd I know exactly what you mean about bitch midwives they think they know it all and honestly a women's body can tell you more than any medical professional I think! Thank god he was ok after such a rough start it must be so rewarding to watch him grow and now how hard of a start he had it would be a blessing everyday! And rant away that is what we are hear for I know how hard it can be hunter was born with 3 kidneys one of which doesn't work properly so he will have that removed early next year and he has the mutated arteries and veins in his finger that he may lose the whole finger next yr :( it's heart breaking but it's better to talk about things than keep them bottled in. I hate that he has to deal with so much because of a gene from dh side it makes me angry sometimes but I always wouldn't have him any other way mutated gene and all lol I just hope this next baby doesn't have anything. I feel sorry for all my husbands siblings now as there is so many mutations from there mums side that all his brothers and sister kids (when they have them) have a high chance of having some deformity because of it! It's going to be so nerve racking every time I fall pregnant as to what is the gene going to produce now. We can have it removed but we don't have that kind of money :( we do know how ever this baby doesn't have 3 kidneys so fx he is not born with anything else either. Hunter got a lot he also got a over developed sinus on one side but it never opened up thank god otherwise he would have had to have an operation for that as well!! We have spent 3 days every 3-6 months at hospital appointments with renal surgeons and scans and plastic surgeons it's been a crazy almost 2 years.

Did Jamie have to have any physio or anything like that or he was literally just a very lucky miracle boy and pulled out like a champ?
he didnt in the end because they said his legs and arms just went from stiff un responsive to loose relaxed and working well and now hes starting to walk and i know its an exciting thing for everyone but this is a big deal for jamie it means his brain is communicating to his legs and there working well, even this morning for the first time he started clapping :cry: hes never clapped before and i started to worry he couldnt do it. but he did it so im relieved.

that sounds so hard hun it really does, as for the three kidneys, a friend of mine does biology in uni and she told me its actually very common to have 3 kidneys, like 30 % of people do have an extra but most of the time you wouldnt know unless someone checked you know? i hope baby two is no mutations it must be nerve wracking!

i was tempted to just go for a c section next time to stop the getting stuck etc, but i over came the fear and i think i can do it again i know more this time around etc and i should listen to my own body.
It's such an amazing feeling when they beats the odds! Even with hunter and his speech problems every new word is so amazing and exciting!!! It's such a good feeling being a parent especially when they have had obstacles to over come!

Yeah the dr said it as very common about the 3 kidneys but the way his system developed isn't the kidney that isn't suppose to be there the tube that is suppose to connect to the bladder doesn't it actually empties into his seamen vessecals which is where he produces his hormones to fertilise sperm and as a result is shooting back up into his kidney and not draining properly :( if he didn't have that they would have never thought of taking it out.

It great to overcome the fear and you will be so much more aware this time of what does and doesn't feel right it will be a completely different experience.
ff has changed my ov date to 9 dpo now :wacko: which is weird because i woke up sick and dizzy! i mean either way 9 dpo or 6 im in the tww and im feeling so odd im hoping this is it. my head feels heavy! and food taste gross and my nipples hurt but not my actual boobs :shrug:
What do you ladies do about cleaning tubs and toilets when pregnant? I've been cleaning today for Bret's parents arrival this evening and after cleaning the tub my throat is on fire. It was so awful I could barely breathe. I still have the master and half bath to clean while Logan naps.
Thanks all for advice, have now developed thrush in my nipple and Amy has oral thrush, the pain is almost to the point I can't do it, have sent my OH out to get a prescription at last but has took all day as the doctor refused to see my 11 day old baby! They didn't even ask why I needed to see a doctor, am fuming at them but so glad one over the phone has sent a prescription to a local pharmacy. Hope all the pregnant people are keeping well, wish I had a list of everyone but am posting on phone so can't even scroll back, and hope all TTC get the BFPs soon xxx
Oh no thrush is not fun :( Glad they got you a prescription finally. Hope it starts getting better :hugs:
Redrose: it is sounding so positive!! When do you think you will test?

Darlin: I still clean mine but what I do is put the bleach in there and then walk out and leave it for 10 minutes to air and with the bathroom I put the fan on. If ta giving you a sore throat obviously the fumes are to strong do you have vinegar and baking powder in the cupboard? If do just use that it works just as good and is not harmful. I use all natural products in my house most of the time because of mine and hunters allergies and it's better for the sea animals :) lol god I sound like hippy

Caz: thrush is awful!!! I had it with hunter as well as mastitis all at once it was not fun at all! What is with the drs in America! I had a friend who the dr refused to see her baby as well and the baby had thrush really bad that is just ridiculous if a parents is calling about a baby there's obviously something wrong! I really hope it settles down for you quickly it's not the most comfortable thing to have. Good luck Hun and remember it does end and get better but also you tried your best no matter what you are a fantastic mum xx
Darlin I used a regular Lysol cleaner . I stayed clear of bleach because of how overwhelming the smell can be. Dh ended up doing the bathroom cleaning most of the time though
What are your ladies opinions on dying hair while pregnant? I haven't died my hair in over a year I was trying to grow out all the colour I had been outing in my hair (even though I only use natural hair colour as I have allergies) but I am soooo over the same boring dull colour! Mick doesn't want me to he says that's his one rule he doesn't think pregnant women should dye there hair and he said especially with my allergies playing up so bad this pregnancy what if I react bad to even the herbal ones I use. But it is driving me nuts lol. I either use the herbal if in going dark or I have a full head of blonde foils but don't let anything touch my scalp and use a herbal toner for only 5 minutes but I am scared as to if my husband is right arrggghhh so frustrating my hair is so boring!
i have to say id agree with your dh on this, sorry hun i think your body reacts oddly to chemicals while pregnant, theres no proof it hurts baby but i dont think it should be risked, plus a hair dresser friend of mine told me while preg your body acts differently and could cause the dye to go a weird colour, so it might not turn out how u like, that said i think if u really wanted it done i think high lights should be ok if it doesnt touch your scalp but it could cause your rash to get worse if it does touch your skin, so just be careful :hugs:
I would have to say I think he is right to :( As much as I want it done it's not worth the risk and really it's not that big of a deal other than my maternity photos but the colour hair I have now isn't exactly bad I just get bored with plain hair for such a long time. I only have another 12 weeks max to go I'm sure I can stick it out :)

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