Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Thank you darlin and you could always wear the lo while you do stuff around the house etc, I was planning on doing it once we have another:haha:

Redrose, yeah near the end my uterus always felt like it was bruised/falling out and I'd limp in the mornings haha wanna see my belly at 39+5(3 days before I went into labor). I never really cared what people said about me, when people saw me they always said "damn you have twins in there or something" I'd just say "no, just one healthy gorgeous baby girl" I think they expected me to react from it and that why I didnt, yes I would get alittle angry because thats rude to say but people are gonna hate and at the end of the day all that matters is a healthy child. I had 2 bags of water and a big baby so thats why I was so big, every little stretch mark was more then worth it though:blush:


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and a side view:haha:


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wow lovely bump hun! :) and pink hehe

i hope we both get a summer baby abi :hugs:
wow lovely bump hun! :) and pink hehe

i hope we both get a summer baby abi :hugs:

haha talk about huge huh?:haha::blush:
I hope so too hun, keeping my fx'd for you. Sounds super promising for you:thumbup:
Okay I have to say this..I miss my boobs lmao:dohh:
did u bf? just when u said boobs it just reminded me lol i expressed for about 4 weeks he wouldnt latch on because of being so weak

my tooth is killing me :(
did u bf? just when u said boobs it just reminded me lol i expressed for about 4 weeks he wouldnt latch on because of being so weak

my tooth is killing me :(
I did breast feed for about a month n a half but she didnt latch onto my boob right and it started making me bleed so I tried pumping(did for about 2 weeks) right after I got done emptying BOTH breasts I spilt both of the bottles and got very frusterated, then I wasnt able to pump for the rest of the night(I pumped at about 6 she got hungry at 8) and she was crying so I caved and bought formula, then she wouldnt drink my breastmilk anymore so I gave up:nope: really wish I didnt spill those bottles because that started it all:wacko:
oh no why is your tooth hurting?
no idea i think i need a filling! aww that sounds tough :( i had such a good supply i just found it so upsetting he couldnt latch on, i'm determined next time will be different :)
no idea i think i need a filling! aww that sounds tough :( i had such a good supply i just found it so upsetting he couldnt latch on, i'm determined next time will be different :)
awh do you have tylenol or anything? tylenol is safe if your pregnant:flower: yeah it was a really tough day, I also had a good supply she just wouldnt take it after having formula so I had to stop:nope: I even tried sneaking it into her bottles lol. I am also determined to bf when we have another baby, the bonding is just so amazing:cloud9:
I'm worried about my supply this time around because of my thyroid issues. That's what caused me to produce less. I did great at first. Hoping I can keep it on track. Formula is just so expensive. I'm not against it I just hate paying for it :haha: I bf'd DS for 4 months and supplemented a little here and there because I was making enough. I was taking huge handfuls of vitamins every 4hrs and drinking special teas and everything. It was nutty! :dohh:
i remember when jamie was in neo i had to pump in the hospital and they had this really nice room in there to do it, there was a tv, water comfy couches, anyway after a few days my milk came in quite alot, i pumped both sides and i got 10ozs from each boob, no lie and the women in there were like omg did u have twins :rofl: i was like so embarrassed, i just ran out! ahhh oh well i think it made him a healthy baby today because he rarely gets sick now, one cold so far lol
Darlin: who knows it seems to come and go on my left but it's permanently there on my right it's so damn itchy lol.

Aw yay baby sharing time lol hunter was 7lbs12ou at birth but he dropped half a kg which would have made him just below 7lbs when I took him home. He was really jaundice and had so much trouble latching but with amazing lactation consultants and a lot of research we managed the almost 17 months that we did :)
This is hunter fresh lol about 20 minutes old or something
And this is him at 8 days old or something he was still pretty jaundice. I love this photo!!

Abii: fx this is your cycle!!! Lots of :dust: Hun. And holy cow that is a big girl lol definitely very healthy! Did you have a vaginal birth?

Redrose: I always had the same problem my temps were always all over the place. Fx that your signs are good ones and that something comes out of this confusing cycle lol.

Darlin: I will be wearing Phoenix constantly when he arrives I have my ergo and we are also getting a sling it will be so much easier for breastfeeding and getting stuff done around the house but I will also be giving him his space so he doesn't get in a bad habit he will still go down in his bassinet awake after a feed and hopefully put himself to sleep like hunter did and what not but when he is awake or feeding in the sling for sure. They sleep so much when they are newbies anyway you will still have plenty of time apart from maybe being exhausted lol I am actually not afraid of the exhaustion with how bad of a sleeper hunter was I am so use to it and to be honest I don't get much sleep now I get up 5 times a night to pee and wake up probably another 3-4 times on top of that from either dreams or being uncomfortable and when 4 rocks around every morning I am wide awake but force myself back to sleep till 6.

Omg 30 weeks only a max of 12 weeks left arrggghhh that's so damn exciting!!! It's funny how the further along I have got the less worried and scare about everything I am you would think getting closer to the end the worries would get worse!
Darlin, when I was breastfeeding even tho I didnt have a low supply I was always paranoid she wasnt getting enough:dohh: so I was taking More Milk Plus and MOTHER LOVE MORE MILK SPECIAL BLEND(you can get both on amazon) and I swear by it, also eating old fasioned oatmeat will help:thumbup:

Redrose, haha that room sounds super comfy:winkwink: maybe all the relaxation squeezed out a few more oz's:haha:

Kirstie, bahahaha I almost thought that was Phoenix:wacko::dohh: is it possible to still have prego brain after a year of not being pregnant:winkwink::haha: Hunter was so cute and little, awh. Yes she was quite big haha she loved those hamburgers and steak I tell ya:winkwink: and yes I had a vaginal birth but my epidural wore off so I literally felt everything. I do really want a water birth with the next one but the thought of it already scares me and Im not even pregnant yet, I only felt a few contractions with Zoai and it was by far worse then the birth(I even felt when I tore and when they stitched me:nope:)
Kristie is it eczema ? I had that really bad during my pregnancy red rashes on my hands an arms that itched sooo bad. Now it's completely gone.

Loving all the pics :thumbup: I don't have any newborn pics on my phone to upload

2 under 2 going well. I have Zachary in a good habit of putting himself to sleep after a full belly of formula whereas Stephen needed a boob in his mouth to sleep :dohh: still needs a bottle of water to sleep to this day...tackle that down the road!
Logan still takes a bottle to bed too :dohh: It's the one thing he hasn't weaned himself from and is going to be hard to break. He weaned himself from the boob and paci (just quit taking them). He also used to only sleep in his swing. One night he woke up and just wanted more space to stretch out and slept in his crib from there out. It's going to be a hard battle to get rid of it :(
Really struggling with Breastfeeding on my right side Jesus my nipple hurts, but worried on how much she's drinking as her poo is a bit wierd too, she's not hungry think I have an over supply of fore milk again to be honest, will see what she weighs when midwife comes, she's not hungry all the time just don't think she's having much of the hind milk. It was all going so well now am so sore, trying to get a good latch takes several attempts. Apart from that all going ok, struggling with sleeping at night and I can't nap in the day with Emma obviously just so glad my OH has had 2 weeks paternity, almost over now though, he goes back on Monday, that's going to be fun, but hope to get into our own little routine. Emma is really playing up at bedtime, so frustrating! Xx
I'm sorry things aren't going as well as you would like :hugs: I hope it gets better!
I'm getting really nervous about my appt tomorrow :( Just stressed that my insurance won't work again. It was the receptionists fault last time but she wouldn't listen and fix it she just dismissed me. Hope I don't have to go through all that again :(
Army: I don't know I do get dermatitis but never this bad so I suppose it's either that flaring really bad or eczema I dunno lol it's damn annoying. Hunter suffers really bad from
Eczema so I have used his cream today and I will for the next few days and see what happens.

Darlin: I had a really bad supply because of our latch problems and my milk literally dried up so I took blessed thistle and omg it was amazing there is loads of herbal things you can take and seeing as your in the US I would go with the stuff that abii suggested off Amazon.
Hopefully your milk is better this time.

Abii: haha it is definitely stil possible I think after the pregnancy motherhood exhaustion and constantly having to think for 2 people make that baby brain never go away lol well at least that's my excuse. That does not sound fun about feeling the tear at all did they numb you when they stitched you? I just had gas and air but it was taken from me before pushing and I didn't feel any year at all but hunter shot out so fast there was no time to think of anything lol. I remember feeling the needle to numb me for the stitches but it barely hurt after pushing a baby out lol. I could feel them stitching but it didn't hurt it just felt like a whole lot of tugging and pulling which was really uncomfortable. Did you have a bad tear? I was really afraid of labor again but I am not scared of the pain anymore just scared of not having enough energy I am seriously soooo tired I keep thinking how am I going to find the energy I have not been sleeping well at all being heavier this time round makes such a difference.

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