Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I can totally relate kristie! I bleach my hair every few months and during each pregnancy I didn't dare try! I'm a worry wart as it is so I didn't wanna do anything that could maybe be harmful.
I know it's hard cause you wanna look good and feel good.. I hated my dark roots!

But I'd probably just wait too.
Kristi if you are already having a reaction I would say don't do it. It is totally safe during pregnancy but your skin can react poorly even without all the problems you've already been having. I worked at a salon when I was pregnant with Logan at the front desk. I got free services so I spoke with my doctor about it. She said as long as ou are in a well ventilated area and to have someone else do it and avoid doing it at home because most bathrooms usually aren't as well ventilated as you think and then the fumes sick around in your house afterwards. Always do an allergy test 1st too! The first time I died mine with Logan was awful! My scalp broke out, it burned and all sorts of things I'd never had problems with before.

Appt went good. Not a whole lot to report. I got some zofran for my sickness. Mw thinks I will do great with a vbac.

Feeling rather sick today. Inlaws are here super cleaning everything. I haen't left the bed yet :dohh:
Hey ladies, af is coming to end I think cause I'm spotting so hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow:haha: I am putting a link to my chart in my journal, its coming along pretty well so far:thumbup: Hope your all doing well:flower:
Yeah I actually use to be a hairdresser but when I developed my allergy to colour I had to stop as my arms and hands were just constantly covered in welts and scabs. So I know the risks and what have you but I just hate having full hair :( it sucks even more because I have to use all natural shampoo I never get shine or anything to my hair it just looks flat and crap :(
But I don't have to wait long til I can have it looking lovely again.

Darlin: the first few are so boring aren't they! Did you have to get routine bloods? Here at our first appointment we get a serious of routine bloods done.
Nice that your in laws are there cleaning lol bonus for you!

It is pretty warm here today and I want to take hunter to the park so bad but I get all hot and start feeling sick and dizzy it sucks! If it was just that bit cooler it would be perfect weather!!
I went out for dinner last night with my mothers group for one of the girls hens dinner 4 out of the 5 of us are pregnant lol so needless to say there wasn't a whole lot of drinking happening. But it was a really nice night I didn't end up getting home till 10:10 and when I did oh and ds were fast asleep it was great! That is the first time ever that has happened usually mick says as I couldn't get him to sleep so it was nice to not have an overtired baby to put to bed.

Abii: yay for af almost finished so you can get on with your cycle! Fx for a bfp at the end :)

It's daylight savings here now do you ladies have that? We put our clocks forward an hour so it stays lighter at night time and darker in the morning. It sucks though because we loose and hours sleep! Well I best be off to play with the kiddie.

Oh by the way do you ladies have any activities you like to do with your lo? I am running out of things to do with hunter and looking for some new things :)
Darlin glad your appt went well hope u feel better soon!

Kristie awe how nice to come home to a sleeping toddler!

Do you find it hard to leave oh in charge of hunter while your gone? Anybody else struggle with this?
I'm really struggling with that! It wasn't so bad when it was just Stephen. But now with Zachary I'm terrified! I'm just worried once I start my job will he remember all the things that the kids need.
Like I always put Stephen in fresh diaper before bed whereas dh sometimes leaves it if its just a little which drives me bonkers! Or dh gives Stephen so much milk before bed so he ends up wetting his bed. And dh isn't good at sticking with bed times so we end up with an overtired toddler! I'm dreading starting work :dohh:

We are setting our clocks an hour back pretty soon. it sucks cuz its so dark by 4pm! But the extra hour is nice!
In spring we set our clocks an hour ahead so we get more daylight at night in the summertime. I didn't know it was opposite in other places! I know some states here don't even follow the time change either.
Abii-Good luck!

Kristi- Yes, I got a bunch of bloods done and she really hurt me. She hit a nerve or something and my right side ached and was stiff through last night. Feeling better so far today. Yay for a sleeping lo!

Army- I've never had a problem leaving DS with OH. He is great with him and keeps him right on schedule, maybe better than I do :haha: He wasn't working right after DS was born and I had to go back so he was home more than me some days.
Darlin: that's terrible I hate when they do a shut job I have had several cases where they have hit something or damaged the skin I don't understand they all go to school for it how do they pass!

Army: I'm going to be honest I usually hate leaving hunter with mick he's a bit of an airy fairy with things And I am paranoid the whole time I am gone. I could never leave him alone overnight with him because he doesn't wake up when hunter cries but even just for a day or at night he is the worst with routine well use to be and I would also have an overtired and unmatched toddler that had dinner really late and been fed chocolate or ice cream lol. This time I bathed him and put him in his pjs before I left and I had put dinner on so he just had to serve it. I honestly don't think mick would be able to handle both kids on his own he has a hard enough time with hunter but then again things could change when he comes along. I won't be going back to work for a while and mick works long hours anyway so the only time he would be home with them would be on his week off and pheonix would probably be close to 1 then.
It's been a lot easier for mick since I stopped breastfeeding because hunter is no where near as attached.
I'm not sure if Bret will be able to handle both at the same time :haha:
Lol I would love to have a camera set up for the first time mick has them both on his own :haha: but then again it will be interesting the first few weeks for me.
oh usually keeps jamie to the right routine, like kristie i come back and hes after giving him choc, but i usually leave it because my oh enjoys having that time with him and to treat jamie :) and of course jamie has a good time so i hve learnt to just relax and once an awhile isnt a big deal. i used to get so worked up about no dinner but all is ok.
i get worried about him putting him to bed ok though but ive learnt to trust oh to do it, and i made a choice that i have to really let him learn as i do because jamie was our first we both had to learn. it was hard listening to jamie cry while david would try settle him but eventually jamie understood both mummy and daddy can do bed time etc. plus last year because i was so sick for so long i had alot of time in hospital like i had 2/3 weeks after my surgery, and a good few weeks before that and after so i had to used to oh having jamie and now they both have an amazing relationship.
but i have had times in the past where i was so upset to leave him with him alone because he may not be as patient as me etc. i can imagine its harder with tho though because its alot more difficult, two different napping times, different feeding times and just more complex than just one so i understand your worries hun x x
I completely agree I am a lot more relaxed than I use to be and because mick works so much he has never had to learn and really has only just started learning. I wish he didn't have to work so much and had more time to be involved but that's just how our life is :( when hunter was first born he was amazing we would take it in turns with getting up to him obviously I would always have to wake to try and feed but mick would wake every second time so he could do the burping change and put him back down and he had no problems at all he was so comfortable he always did the bathing and everything and then when we got back home he had to go straight back to work mode and at that stage he sometimes wouldn't get home till 8-8:30 at night and hunter would have been asleep for over an hour and he wouldn't get to see him I never really thought about it but it must be upsetting for him too to know he misses out. I can 100% trust him now with hunter to put him to sleep and what not I just still worry as seriously a bomb could go off and he wouldn't wake.

So something is not right with me ladies. The last 3 days I have had back back pain really loose bowel movements, feeling really sick and have headaches. Yesterday the headaches and everything got worse and was accompanied by really bad pains in my legs and really bad cramps I just thought I would rest and see how I go but I didn't get to sleep till 11 as I felt so awful well by 2:30 the pain in my back was so bd it woke me as soon as I woke I hot. Splitting headache and pain in my right leg and feeling sick :( it's almost been an hour now and the back pain has dulled a bit but I still have a headache and the pain is still in my leg but not as bad I always woke up drilling with sweat I am going to go to the drs in the morning but so scared of pre e:(
Oh no Kristi :( Hope they figure it out and it gets better for you.

This time is/will be very different. Since Bret was laid off when I was pregnant and right after Logan was born he will be gone a lot more this time. It's harder for him to be at every appt and hospital visit this time too. It upsets him a lot and it is making things harder for me as well. He is afraid he won't be able to bond with this baby as well as he did with Logan because he was constantly there and that he will miss out on too much. He is already sad at how much he has missed with Logan since going back to work. He would totally stay home and be a mr. mom type if he could :haha:
i feeel so so so sick i cant even explain in one sentence, i thought it was because i had some painkillers but ive had this sea sick feeling for like 3/4 days now, we drove in the car for like 20 mins for jamies first hair cut and omg i nearly got sick!
Hope your ok krisitie !!! That sounds awful!!! I don't know what that could be ???? Try to lay as much as possible and always lot of water!!

Hopefully it's pregnancy symptom red rose! When can u test???
Darlin: that's so nice that dh has come around completely to the baby idea it qS a bit of a rough start for you but it must be so heartwarming to know that he is feeling sad about not being there as much that really shows he cares :)

Redrose: yay that is such an awesome sign!!! I wouldn't be able to help myself but test lol hopefully the sickness stays and you get your bfp!!!!!

Adam: I have made hs take the day off work today I know my body and something is not right! You know when you can just feel it! It's 5:45am here and I have woken again feeling sick banging headache sweaty and a lot of tightenings and back pain. I have had this awful feeling for weeks that I am going to go early but I really hope that that feeling is wrong 30 weeks is way to early for bubs to be here!!! But something is definitely not right I just really hope I don't have to go out to port Augusta (the next town out which is 3hrs) to be monitored we can't afford for mick to have that much time off work.
im hoping this sickness is pregnancy related and not a bug but its like travel sick u know? it doesnt feel like a bug.well im waiting for them to be delievered but i used an opk today as i needed something to pee on it was + and i used a test yesterday i had a very faint line but i can decide it its + or evap so im waiting for my tests to arrive!
Don't do it to yourself with the opks lol they were my worst enemy when I didn't have hits as some people say you can get a + if you are pregnant I swear I got a + around 12-13dpo every single month :haha: I hope your tests hurry up and arrive I can't wait for you to test.

Army: the only things I can think of pre e, possible preterm labor or a bug I just hope it's nothing serious
I was looking and comparing the scan pics from DS and #2 and this baby has more of an oval shaped head. DS had a much more round head. It's funny to see how different they are already! :)
Yeah this one looks completely different smaller and skinnier than hunter was he was so big boofer looking even though he was only 7lbs 13o
here is my test from yesterday


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