Yeah I actually use to be a hairdresser but when I developed my allergy to colour I had to stop as my arms and hands were just constantly covered in welts and scabs. So I know the risks and what have you but I just hate having full hair

it sucks even more because I have to use all natural shampoo I never get shine or anything to my hair it just looks flat and crap
But I don't have to wait long til I can have it looking lovely again.
Darlin: the first few are so boring aren't they! Did you have to get routine bloods? Here at our first appointment we get a serious of routine bloods done.
Nice that your in laws are there cleaning lol bonus for you!
It is pretty warm here today and I want to take hunter to the park so bad but I get all hot and start feeling sick and dizzy it sucks! If it was just that bit cooler it would be perfect weather!!
I went out for dinner last night with my mothers group for one of the girls hens dinner 4 out of the 5 of us are pregnant lol so needless to say there wasn't a whole lot of drinking happening. But it was a really nice night I didn't end up getting home till 10:10 and when I did oh and ds were fast asleep it was great! That is the first time ever that has happened usually mick says as I couldn't get him to sleep so it was nice to not have an overtired baby to put to bed.
Abii: yay for af almost finished so you can get on with your cycle! Fx for a bfp at the end
It's daylight savings here now do you ladies have that? We put our clocks forward an hour so it stays lighter at night time and darker in the morning. It sucks though because we loose and hours sleep! Well I best be off to play with the kiddie.
Oh by the way do you ladies have any activities you like to do with your lo? I am running out of things to do with hunter and looking for some new things