Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Oooo I think I can see a faint line did it come up in the time limit? How long till your tests arrive?
i thought theyd arrive today but only got my opks im hoping tomorrow
I see it but it looks gray like an evap. Might just be too early :thumbup:

So zofran does not help with food aversion :nope: Tried making the hubby pork chops tonight and about threw up. I couldn't eat them or the pasta I made either :sick: I'm stuck eating shredded carrots with salad dressing. I'm still starving if not more because I teased myself with my little salad. I think the pork chops were bad tho because DH spit them out and wouldn't eat them...I knew they smelled amuck :(
Well no good news here ladies :( I made a drs appointment for this morning because of all my pains and things. Turns out my amniotic fluid is low and my belly hasn't grown since my 27 week appointment :( babies head is fully engaged and I woke twice last night with what my dr said was back contractions and I lost some of my mucus plug today so she thinks I am going into preterm labor and baby will only last another 2 weeks before I go into full labor :( his heart rate is also lower than normal by 20bmp. She also said I may have pre e as my blood pressure was a lot higher than normal it was like 135-140-75 when it's normally 90/60 I also have a uti and she sent my urine away for protein check as well as a load of blood test. So we are on the way to Melbourne now as she told me I can't stay in town it's to risky :( now that I look back there was lots of signs that something wasn't right but I didn't pick up on. I have int out on 6kgs and she said I needed to have put on 10 by now and I haven't put a single kg on for 3 and a half weeks which I didn't put any thought to at the time. I am so not ready for him to be born yet especially if my placenta hasn't moved! I will be calling my pregnancy assessment as soon as we get there and see what they say. I am trying not to think about if as I don't want the stress to make things worse so just staying calm as much as possible. I was crushed when she told me that it's all not looking good but had my cry and then pulled myself together for less stress.
awww no kirstie :( it sounds like he may be safer on the outside then in, esp if hes not gaining weight, hopefully even though hes not gained weight his lungs should of still be developed which is the most important hun, if they can get two more weeks out of you that makes you nearly 33 weeks, i know you must beyond nervous and scared but everything will be ok, your well into safe time in pregnancy and i just wish you and baby all the best, keep us updated hun xx
Keeping you in my thoughts kirstie! Xxx

Sorry to hear your still feeling so bad darlin, hope it improves for you soon xx

Got my fingers crossed for you red rosé xxx

Breastfeeding is still a struggle, Amy has oral thrush and won't latch properly, have resorted to nipple shields which is numbing some of the pain but her poo is too green so too much fore milk, hoping it will improve, have a Breastfeeding support worker round again at 1, she was round yesterday but Amy wouldn't feed then, feeling down about it but hope we can solve the problem!! Xxx
Thanks ladies.
I am in hospital now we decided to stop into the next town from ours and go to the hospital there to be on the safe side. My dr in roxby was overreacting a bit the me says. I did have protein in my urine so they checked that again and this time it's clear but I would say I will have to have that checked often. Baby seemed to be doing good a few drops in hb down into the 110's but nothing to bad. The monitor wasn't picking up any of my tightening so they think I have an irritated uterus from my uti but they said that can also be bad as it can force my body into real labor. I haven't had a scan to check my fluid but I guess that will be done either tomorrow or when I get to Melbourne. I was so happy I got to have hunter with me overnight in the hospital as mick has had hardly any sleep and would definitely not wake to hunter (he doesn't even when had sleep lol) there have been times hunter has cried for 2hes when suck and mick didn't wake till I woke him crazy!!! So I am comfortable and more relaxed knowing he is ok and so is mick he gets scared about it also as he knows he doesn't wake.
I am still having pains in my belly and still have my headache but I am feeling a little better than the last few days. I will keep you guys posted after being discharged tomorrow.

Redrose: I can't tell if the line I see is an veal or a link line those cheapies are so hard to tell but hopefully the line gets darker and you have yourself a bfp.

Caz: good luck with the bf consultant you are doing it great! It's awful when the Lo's get thrush as it's tough already the first few weeks and that can make if much more difficult good luck and I hope it starts getting easier.

Darlin: sorry your feeling so unwell the first tri can be so awful! Hopefully it doesn't last paT the 12 week mark!!

Well ladies I am going to try and get some sleep xx
Oh no Kristi :( :hugs: I hope that maybe they can get your uti gone and maybe some bed rest will help things. Is there anything thing they can do for low fluid? I know there are medicines and things to stop early labor but never heard of anything for low fluid.

Redrose I see a line but I don't trust cheapies anymore. I would get some sort of a line every time.

Caz I hope the the thrush gets better. Can you pump a little so she gets the hind milk and then give her what you pumped after if she needs a bit of a top off?

Ran out of my thyroid meds today and forgot to call them in yesterday. I will call them in this morning and DH will pick it up on his way home. It's going to be a rough day without it :(
Good idea to get a 2nd opinion kristie! I hope things start to improve for baby and you! It must be stressful with all this happening earlier than you expected. But at least you will be in doctors care so they can monitor you nd baby. :hugs: big hugs!
Redrose there is def a line!!! :happydance:

Darlin that stinks you are so nauseas! Hopefully it's a lil princess causing it all!!! :D

Afm I had a hoorrible night with Zachary . Some nights he doesn't do it but some nights he just cries and screams for an hr or 2! I tried swaddling and bouncing and shushing and normally it works but it seemed to make him more mad last night.
I started crying.... Dh was asleep and I was sitting downstairs feeling so stressed. I hope this is just a phase...:(
I remember we had bad nights like that with Logan sometimes and I just cry right along with him :hugs:
I need to quit making gifts for people. I start things with the intention to give it away so I can practice my sewing and then when I finish it I decide nah, I'm keeping it! :dohh: Finished this one today.


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I see a line, I only ever got one fake like on a cheapie, good luck xx
Darlin: hopefully you don't feel to bad without the mess today :(

I am not really to sure what they can do about fluid they will just monitor it I would say and if it gets to bad I would say they will deliver as it wouldn't be safe for bubs. The protein in my urine has gone thank god and my blood pressure has gone down thank god. I am just waiting for a scan to check my fluid and placenta and then hopefully get to go home I'm so glad I stopped though just to make sure that everything was ok.

Redrose: looking forward to seeing your next test fx for a nice line.

Army: so sorry you had a rough night they feel so terrible at the time and you are definitely not alone with the crying Hun it can be very oberwhelming when a newborn is crying and you can't console them and it would be even harder with the added stress of having 2. You will get through it Hun xx

Well ladies off for my scan fx for some good news
All bak from my scan. His bones are measuring a week behind and his belly is measuring 2 weeks behind which the sonographer said means he is starting to lose fat. The blood flow from the cord she said is also showing signs of decreasing :( my fluid is fine and my placenta has moved up thank god. I got my blood results from my dr in roxby today and all came back for pre eclampsia so just waiting to hear from the dr as to what they want to do. The sonographer said that with the babies measurements it looks like he is in distress from pre eclampsia and they are typical signs for a baby when mum has it. Hopefully the dr will have some good news
:hugs: Sounds like he may be better on the outside now. If they do decide to have him arrive early do you think they will induce you or do a section? I know usually if they are showing signs of distress a section can be preferable. I hope whatever they decide on it means a healthy and happy baby and mom when all is said and done :hugs:
I think they will wait and see how the scan goes in 2 weeks and then decided what to do. I am hoping they can keep him in till 35 weeks and then I would say if he isn't distressed then induction but otherwise yeah c section. I an really hoping no c section but at the end of the days as long as he is fine

Update ladies: just got my report back for the us and bubs abdominal circumference is only in the 5th percentile and his overall measurements are in the 22nd percentile. They are keeping me in over night again as my blood sugar levels are high so they want to monitor them. God this has been a crap couple of days.

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