Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

it really does sound like youve pre e which hard i know but your baby will be ok dont worry hun, it does sound like he will be better on the outside now, and hopefully his lungs should be mature even though his bones and tummy r behind his lungs should be ok xx
Hey ladies sorry that I've been away, my dad came out for a few days to "babyproof" our house since Zoai is now starting to walk:blush: its so crazy how fast they grow, I miss when she was an infant:haha:
Were finally getting to the fun part of my cycle:winkwink: we bd this morning(it was around 1am so not sure if its still considered the morning) and 2 days ago not using anything but they were both just out of the moment which was nice:haha: Im starting opks today and timed bd'ing on the 11th so keeping my fx'd crossed this will be it:cloud9:
How are you ladies?
Redrose: I think pre e as well but they are still saying they are not sure :( I am hopefully being discharged in the morning if my blood sugars stay down which they sky rocketed yesterday but my bold pressure is still a little high. I only have another 11 days till my scan to see how he is growing so fx he has but if not we will see what they say. I think if he hasn't improved by 35 weeks I'm going to ask to be induced it's not far to keep him in when he isn't growing the poor thing.
I seriously cannot wait to sleep in a none hospital bed lol me and hunter have been sharing it and it's only a single! And I can't sleep at all. I fell asleep last night about 9:30 it's now 3:35am and I am wide awake!! They do come round every 4hrs to do all my obs but that doesn't bother me and hunter sleeps right through it. Although I am busting for the lol and he has been waking up for the past half hour when I have tried to get up and go lol.
How's the testing going?

Abii: lots of :dust: your way!!! Fx this is your lucky cycle!!! And bonus for the no pressure bd it's always nice to have those moments while ttc because it can become so robotic and should be intermit I know when we were ttc hunter and we were doing treatment we use to have to have sex for 12 days draught every month because we could never pin point my ovulation and my naturopath wanted the best odds omg those other 18-19 days we did want to look at each other lol.
Kristie sorry you and bubs are going through this! I hope baby starts packing on more or at least come out so he can get treatment. I can't imagine what you must be going through :hugs: at least you got it checked out right away!
I hope you get some good news soon so you can get some peace of mind
Well I am finally discharged from the hospital! My blood sugar levels are back to a normal number but I have to watch what I eat as it only took half a can of coke to make them sky rocket that bad which it shouldn't have. When I get to Melbourne I have to have another glucose intolerance test and be checked over again to make sure they don't want to keep me in. Pheonix is doing good other than a few slight decels but they said they weren't bad enough to worry about.
I am actually dealing ok with it I think now that I know I am not going into labor and my placenta have moved we both Are safe there which was my main concern. It is going to be hard waiting for my scan but the hospital said they may even want to move it up depending on how they want to do things. I just hope he has put on enough weight so can try and get to 35 weeks I would hate for him to come earlier but I also would rather him out if he has no progress inutero. It was all such a big shock I have always said he is small and I didn't think he would even weigh 7 pounds but I didn't think to that extreme.
My belly has shrunk so much though
This is me a week ago
And this is my belly now :( poor little fella.

How did Zachary go last night army? And how are you feeling any better?

Redrose: are you still testing
i havent tested since because its stressing me out :( but i have major cramps right now so i think af is going to be here any day :( possibly today! but its ok it means onto next cycle and im starting clomid! :D
im so glad you and baby r ok, but do keep a look out for your bp going up or anything like that ok hun. x dont forget your bump does get a slight decrease around 30+ weeks when they move down so im hoping some of the reason bump is small is because hes moved down. how r u feeling?
It's funny you wait all cycle for that bfp but at the same time when you get a few bfns you really look forward to af so you can start a new cycle. It's always better to look at it positive and try not to stress as hard as it can be sometimes.

One of the big worries for my dr was that my bump is measuring the same as it did at my 27 week appointment so it hasn't grown at all :( which I kind of thought I was small but didn't realize I hadn't put a single kg on in 3 and a half weeks I would say due to him not growing I'm not sure. I am eating so it's not like I am starving him or anything but I am still throwing up as well and dh thinks I should be eating more than i do but I am not hungry enough to be constantly eating and I get full really quickly. I have been pretty up and down today I had a really really bad headache but I think that's because I tried to not have any sugar at all and maybe my levels plummeted after being so high so I had a few sips of a Pepsi and it went away. I have felt extremely sick after everything I have eaten as well but that is nothing new these days. I am just trying to keep my fluids up a lot so I don't get dehydrated or anything especially while we are driving.
We are about to stop over the night again get some food and some sleep and set off early in the morning hunter is knackered which is great he will crash.
They did also say though that pheonix was engaged but because his head is so small he will still pop in and out so that would also be why my bump has dropped and looked smaller as you were saying but I am hoping in 2 weeks when I have my appointment my belly has grown. I just don't feel like I need to get fat to feed my baby lol that sounds so stupid but my sister and dh just keep saying just eat just eat like crazy he will put on weight but I don't feel it's as simple as tha. I am going to do a big shop when we get there tomorrow though full of healthy food as micks parents just have junk in there house they are very unhealthy people.
Kristi I'm glad things are ok for now and hope that he starts putting on some weight. I measured 2wks behind and Logan dropped to the 10th percentile. They told me if he dropped another half a percent they were going to take him. It was so scary! I was like 35wks I think.

I wouldn't just eat junk (fat). I'd eat more protein. Cheese, almonds, lean meats things like that. I doubt it would help but it's worth a shot I think.
I'm glad you got to leave kristie! Hospitals are no fun! I know what you mean by getting full fast when you eat ,that was the same for me . I hope bubs cooks a lil longer and grows.

Zachary went better last night but Stephen is sick now :( poor guy . Dh got up and rocked him to sleep a couple times.
I downloaded a white noise app for Zachary and it seems to have helped a ton!
Yeah I am going to do a huge shop when we get to Melbourne tomorrow full of high protein snacks and fruit and veg I doubt it will do anything but it's worth a try like you said. I usually eat that stuff anyway I just can't stomach eating much more than what I am already. Darlin I have actually heard a lot of cases on here recently where bubs was fine so I have everything crossed that he is the same.
To add to it all we were just at the hospital with hunter who has croup and wasn't breathing! He just woken up gasping for air but couldn't exhale it was awful we quickly gave him his asthma puffer and turned the hot hot shower of steam and that worked amazing but went to the hospital as we have a 5hr drive and they said yep he has croup :( just our luck!!! So we have to take him straight to the drs when we get there.

Army: that's great about Zachary I actually downloaded that to and hunter likes listening to it so I think I will us it for pheonix. Poor Stephen :( it is so awful when they are sick they are so venerable and they feel so sorry for themselves it's cute but sad. I hope he gets better soon but great dh is helping out it would be a weight off your shoulders
Kristi warm apple juice works wonders for croup. It helps break things up and helps with their cough. It's something I learned from a lady I used to work with because her son had it a couple of different times.

Ladies I don't know what is going on with me. I just feel so sad. Not all the time but much more than I would say is normal. I don't have a reason or anything just sometimes I feel like nothing feels right. Everything just seems "off". DH isn't helping. He gets so pissy with me when I'm like this and says I'm grumpy. No I'm not grumpy or frustrated. I would say depressed but it's not that severe. I think that word is a little too strong to describe this feeling.
Hey ladies hope your all doing well!
We are having a great time here in Melbourne!
The weather was great yesterday so we spent most of the day outside and today it is pouring down with rain so we went to a play centre and it was great they had this huge slide that had some crazy speed behind it makes your stomach drop and face feel funny lol it was great he had a ball and of corse zonked out on the way home. It's so nice to be able to do those kind of things while we are here.
I am feeling fine no high blood pressure or sugar levels thank god. We have been eating so well with our smoothies every morning as well as salads, lean meats and lots and lots of veg.
Still holding out for the scan I wish it was sooner!
Darlin: thankfully the croup is pretty much gone in so glad it was only mild but I will definitely keep that in mind if he gets it again thanks for the top I love all those little tricks :)
I felt that way until I was about 17 weeks I reacon Hun I think it's maybe the hormones going crazy and having a lo to run around after it can be exhausting mentally. I have also found that dh hasn't helped as much this time like he did when I was pregnant with hunter men lol they are hopeless. It's good to have places like this where you can vent because partners are sometimes not the best at listening with those things. I'm sure you will be fine Hun just try and keep your chin up and know that it's pretty normal :)
Kristie: that must of been so scary when hunter was having trouble!! Glad to hear he is feeling better!
When is your next scan?

Darlin :hugs: I feel that way alot! There were days I would just cry because I felt sad for no reason. I think my pregnancy hormones probably were playing a role.
So that could be the case for you too.
Taking a long shower always seemed to rejuvenate me. Or just going out alone to the mall.

Hope you feel some happiness soon! Being down in the dumps sucks . We are here for you to vent :hugs:
Army: My next scan is on the 21st so a week on Monday for me I am hanging out for it!
How's everything going with Zachary? How long till you go back to work?
Things are going ok with Zachary. I felt so spoiled the first week but then he started being colicky each night. It still happens but I am finding ways to help calm him down. He has such a loud strong cry even my parents commented on how vocal his cry can's a very different from how Stephens cries were. Zachary has more of a scream to his can really be stressful.
I just keep telling myself soon this will be a distant memory lol. I can't wait for Zachary to be older and able to be more interactive.

I've actually had lots of calls for interviews! I ended up canceling 3 of them. I ended up changing my mind on the jobs. I really want a job I enjoy and that will require minimum time away from my boys. One of the interviews I really wanted to go to but I had so much anxiety and got nervous so I ended up not going :dohh:
I really wish I could be a sahm ...I just hate being away from them.
Dh watched the boys the other day and forgot to change the newborns diaper :dohh: and he forgot to put on Stephens fan in his room for his nap.. I'm dreading going back o work and leaving dh in charge , he is a good daddy but forgets things.
Ugh, think I am being stood up ladies :( I went through all the trouble of making these fancy cake pops for a friend who is getting married. She was supposed to come over today and check them out but "she's so busy" She won't tell me when she will be over and sounds like she isn't coming over at all.
Army: it can be so hard when you are in it hey but like you said it is such a distant memory when it's over. It's the same with hunters sleep it killed me while I was in it but now I don't remember what it was like to get such little sleep. I'm sure Zachary will settle soon and not long and those smiles and giggles will be happening, such a rewarding time watching them grow!
It must be hard having to go back work Hun I couldn't imagine how it must feel being torn being not being able to afford it but also wanting to stay home. Is there not something you can find that you could do from home? I hope your anxiety settles and you are able to do an interview if you that's what you still decide to do.
Michael always forgets things as well. It's because they are not in routine like we are. I went out to the races last year and when I can home mick had only fed hunter cheese and that was it no lunch and no bottle and he hasn't changed his nappy. It's so frustrating. I have learnt my lesson though and write it out for him step by step and times so he can just follow that rather than forget half a dozen things to do it works so much better and I don't stress.

Darlin: that really sucks about your friend hopefully she turns up and you haven't wasted your time!

Afm: my blood pressure has been quite naughty the last 24hrs last night it was really high 143/76 I think it was and this morning 163/86 :( it calmed down though after resting but I can seriously not walk around for longer than 25-30 minutes without it shooting up! Hopefully the mw won't be to concerned next Wednesday when I have my appointment other than that not really much news here!

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