Me to I have a feeling it is going to but I also don't want to have false hope it's such a vicious cycle!
Yep the beach was pretty crap though as it was super overcast but when we got home after hunter slept for ages we went to the shops and got a half shell paddling pool and filled it up for hunter and put his outdoor play gym with a slide going into the pool he had so much fun and it had gotten a bit warmer by this stage so he wasn't freezing his butt off.
Omg I am soooo jealous!! I doesn't snow here and I love the snow and cold weather! I hope it does snow for you guys I would love to have a white Christmas we hope that when the kids are a bit older we wil can afford to go to New York for Christmas and New Years. It's usually around like 38c here on Christmas Day which is hot! I am hoping it's not thT got this year especially for poor little by bad sake.
Haha I had to have a little giggle I love the last part of the trying hard for no more blessings lol
Here's some photos from our day today
And this last one is just now chillin out on his couch watching Madagascar 3 before bed