Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

And that's great news kirstie he is growing!! Xx Amy was just under 5 lb at 35/36 weeks apparently and born 5/6 weeks later at 8lb 2oz xx
I think the u/a estimations aren't that accurate though for weight as hunter was 5 and a half pounds I think it was at 32 weeks and came out 7lbs 12o lol but who knows as long as they were happy with how he looked :)

Redrose: maybe you o'ed later than you thought? It can be so frustrating with irregular cycles and the not knowing I sometimes had like 60-70day cycles and it use to drive me mad! Hopefully next cycle with the clomid your get your bfp and not have to worry about the waiting around :)

Darlin: that's great there is no more bleeding and awesome about you and dh coming up with something that will work for you both when lo arrives it will be nice to have his help :)

Caz: you have done your absolute best to try and succeed with bf but at the end of the day you need to do what feels right for you and bubs and it seems like you have done that there is nothing wrong with it at all and when you are worried about her health that is all that matters so don't ever feel guilty about the decision you have made you are a great mummy and tried your very best it just doesn't work out the way we plan sometimes.
That is great that her weight is back to birth weight and everything seems to be looking up.

Army: a friend of mine on here her son is exactly the same which I have seen on here it is quite common for bubbas to be night owls lol. Hunter never was in the beginning but well you all know how much oaf terrible sleeper he was lol. He will find his own rhythm when he is ready I guess.

It is absolutely bucketing down here tonight we have severe weather warning for flash flooding large hailstone and damaging winds I don't think I am going to be able to get much sleep through the noise of this storm!
I have my appointment tomorrow so I will update on a definite of everything that is going on. It is 10pm here and hunter is fast asleep in his own bed thank god he is so out of sorts since we have been here and is so ready to go home the poor thing so he has been super clingy and not sleeping but I am hoping tonight will be different. I am going to attempt some sleep now while he is sleeping.
Idk my estimation ultrasound was pretty accurate now that I think about it lol, I had my last one when I was 33 weeks and she told me(in exact words) "oh my your going to have a big baby" she was already 7lbs so they said she would probably be around 8lbs and nope she was definitely almost 10 lmao:haha:
Afm-Im feeling kind of confident about this cycle now because Im having some symptoms but Im so scared they are just pms and Im going to be heartbroken when I get a bfn, my apps say Im due for af on halloween but not sure when Ill start testing.
How are you redrose? has your af stopped playing hide n seek yet?
From 32 weeks bubs is suppose to put on half a pound a week so I guess your 7lbs would have been spot on! So crazy how your bubs was 7lbs at 33 weeks and my son was only 13o more than that at birth lol crazy how they can all be such different sizes.
Fx that your feeling turns into your bfp! Hopefully you can hold out till af but who am I kidding I never could!

Afm: I had my appointment today and yayyyy it was all good news! I am not at risk for pre e anymore and babies growth is perfect. Dr said I could go to midwife care now instead of dr care which I was wrapped with and when I asked about a water birth they said they don't have the facilities but one of there sister hospitals does and he would try and get me in and he did! Not only that they are brand new birthing suites and private maternity rooms where hubby can stay where as my hospital it was shared rooms with 3 other women so I was so happy when they told me they were private rooms it was such a good appointment and I feel so much more relaxed and am really looking forward to the rest of my pregnancy and labor now oh and the new hospital is only like 15 minutes away where the original one was 40 minutes. So so excited!!

I also though I would share the Christmas outfit I made for pheonix today so cute!
Cute onesie :)

I find it interesting how ladies have to share everywhere else. Here you are in your own room even when you are first checked in. It's a small exam room with a tiny bed at first but it's still your own. I couldn't imagine sharing. Starting to understand why so many other places have such a high rate of home births.
you hav to share a room here too, i shared with another woman luckily just one but it can be up to 3 others, i hated it because jamie was down in, intensive care, i was alone with no baby to care for, yet they put me next to a woman with her baby and it was torture. im hoping next time my experience is better. no af at all im starting to think i ovulated very late, i dd try soy this cycle which i think delayed everything. i did get tons of ew/watery cm around 15-17 of oct so who knows, just a waiting game now.
One more day until second tri! :happydance: I went and had my blood drawn today to check my thyroid levels again. Next mw appt Mon the 28th :D
I was in a room with about 8 beds in it. The bigger ward had more!
Wow mrs b that is a lot! I didn't know they had them that big.

Darlin: Everything before and during labor is your own room but once you have had bubs and had a shower and what not it is usually a shared room unless you have paid for a to are room. Do you have to pay for you hospital care there or is it free? Our shared room care is all completely free so I don't know if that makes a difference.

Redrose: hopefully you get some kind of answer as to what is going on! I see you had sitting on the 19th I would maybe say that was post ovulation spotting what do you think?
That must have been so hard for you while Jamie was in special care :(
Here it depends. We have insurance policies we pay for with a "deductible" and everyone's is different. Some are $1000 Some are $4000. Once you have had hospital bills you have paid to your deductible limit the insurance will cover the rest. So you would have to pay that $1000 before your insurance would begin baying for everything if that makes sense? It's different for some. I do not have maternity coverage and with our income I am eligible for temporary government health insurance during my pregnancy up until my postpartum visit. There is also special insurance for those in the military and their family but I am not sure how that works exactly. So for me pretty much everything is covered and paid for except they won't pay for some things. Fpr example they won't cover an nt scan because technically I'm not considered "at risk" and if I want it I'd have to pay out of pocket for it. But all my other tests and scans are covered. Also the specific prenatal I wanted isn't covered so I have to take a diff one.

Here regardless of your insurance you get equal care. No matter what you will be in your own room and stay at the hospital however long you were supposed to and be given the same necessary medicines etc. The way they do it here is just if your insurance won't cover it you get a bill in the mail later. Hospital ERs can't legally turn you away if you don't have insurance either.
here pregnanacy, start to finish, all meds or procedures for u or baby up to 6 weeks is free that include labour etc the room :) thank god
Hope everyone is doing well!
Not long for you now krisitie!!! I can't wait for you to have 2 lo's too!!

Yah darlin for 2nd tri!! Seems like its going by fast! Can't wait for your gender scan...I really hope it's a girl for you!!

Hope af stays away abii and redrose!

Afm Aunt Flo has arrived :wohoo: I've never been so happy to see my period before lol weird!
No af yet but broke down and tested this am and got a bfn so think Im just going to wait now. Congrats on af:winkwink:
AF not here yet but I testes yesterday was neg so I think its safe to say I'm not prey but I'm getting cramps and I just know its soon. But I'm actually happy it means I get to try for an Aug baby :) just as I wanted . I'm starting the clomid this cycle I just hope it works first go!
Darlin yours sounds exactly the same as what private patients do but as a public we still get all the same medical treatment mess and all that the same. But we don't have a choice on dr we get who ever is on where as private they have the same mw and obgyn through out pregnancy and delivery if they are free. The labor rooms for private and public are the same it's just the maternity wards that are different and usually the food.
It's funny though as my hospital had 2 lactation consultants on constantly rotating every 12 hours where as my sister who was in private had to pay $250 for one session with a lactation consultant at her hospital I think I had the benefit there.

Redrose: I hope af turns up soon so you can get on with your next cycle and fx for your august baby you want :)

Army: yayyyyy how exciting af showed lol. And yep not long at all for me now 7 weeks my ticker is a bit off but seriously I am hanging out for December!

Abii: fx af stays away and it was just to early to test!! Gl

Afm: I am definitely done with having babies after this little man. My body does not take kindly to pregnancy it didn't with hunter and it has been so much worse this time. Today for no reason at all whilst walking around the shops after only half an hour I went all hot as sweaty almost blacked out and my legs and hands were shaking. It was awful! And yesterday I felt really off and yuck as well.
I am soooo exhausted I feel like I can't get enough sleep army do you remember feeling unbelievably tired at the end?
I know I do to much but I get so bored sitting round doing nothing. I am always on the go with hunter chasing him around outside I took him swimming the other day and we ran around like idiots through all the water fountains and things and I wrestle and play with him on the floor lol as well as cool dinner for 7 people every night and do dishes and clean up because my mil is very lazy but I didn't think it would affect me this much.
I am also really starting to struggle being away from dh it's only been 2 and a half weeks and I still have another 6 to go :( sorry for the rant ladies just had a crappy few days.
On a brighter note hunter is talking more and haha my belly button has popped out this week hunter thinks it's hillarious and tries to touch it all the time and push it back in its cute what they find amusing.
Aw that sounds hard! Your mil should be helping! :-\ I hope she starts helping more. Keep an eye on that gun that show I felt with my pre eclapsia sorry I've prob spelt that wrong, I hope u feel better soon, if your feet/hands start swelling go to your doc x
I used to get very faint with Logan from the blood pressure changes when moving about. Especially dusting shelves or working on the walls in his room. It is awful hun :hugs: Was my worst symptom. I think it's almost worse than ms.

Here you might get a different doctor in your practice than the one you normally see. Usually you meet them all at least once and get whoever is on call at that time. With the midwives it is the same. But you get to meet with each one more frequently so you feel comfortable with each one and then if you go natural they stay with you during most of your labor. I like that the midwives are more hands on and not just nurse run here. There are 3 in my practice. 2 I am familiar with and one new lady. She's been doing this for a while tho and has assisted like 900 births. I meet with her on Monday for the 1st time.
Awe kristie :hugs: that sounds awful!! Are you guys still considering adoption?

I did feel really really tired 1st and 3rd trimesters. I felt like I could never get enough sleep. I took lots of cat naps whenever I could. So you are not alone!
Why are you away from dh? I too know hard it is being away from OH. It blows!!!!!
Redrose: lol I'm not sure what Gun the show means was that fabulous auto correct at work?

Darlin: I am with you in the me more hands on. I never had a single dr in my labor just the one mw the whole time and it was great! I will be having that again.

Army: I am away from mick because I am having the baby in Melbourne and we can't afford for him to take time off work until a week before I am due so we are 17hrs away from each other it sucks! I think I am going to have to start having naps and going to bed earlier. Last night I was in bed at 8:20 and I was asleep before 9:30 I actually fell asleep before hunter lol I woke up about half hour after I fell asleep and he had fallen asleep thank god. That has happened a few times lately I am to tired to stay awake.

And yep I think we will still definitely adopt I want more children I just don't think my body can handle another pregnancy or it may be different when I get fit after this one but it won't be for another 3 yrs at least for either adoption or trying for another baby. I was told I would probably never have kids so to have 2 is a blessing I guess.
Ah no I'm on the tablet haha , I mean hun that's how I felt .

I'm in so much pain I'm sure AF will be here soon. Ouchie! I hope it hurries up

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