Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Woohooo thats so awesome redrose!!!! congrats keep up the good work! I dont think i have lost any weight but i have been eating so well and its amazing how different you feel hey!!

darlin: sorry your feeling shitty about oh not wanting to feel bubs move mick was exactly the same i dont think its as much of a novelty the second time around.
That's all he's talked about tho so I don't get it. He kept saying how he couldn't wait for him to fee him move and to tell him quick so he could catch it then he acts like this. He actually got mad at me and stormed off and went to bed super early and is acting like I'm the one who was in the wrong.
I hope you guys sort it out there is nothing worse than being pregnant and fighting with oh its always so much more emotional. i know I got upset at mick a few times because he didnt seem as interested this time but as the time has gone on he is alot more involved.
At all his dinner and a cookie for dessert! :happydance:


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Hi everybody! :wave: hope everyone is well! Its so hard to find time to jump on here nowadays! Busy with work and kids and daily chores.

Zach has started going to bed around 12/1am which is awesome!! Big improvement.
i start my new job next week 6pm to midnight stocking shelves!
oh and we looked at a 4bedroom 2bath house with a finished basement and huge yard!!!!!
we are currentlly renting a 2bd townhome and we hate it here. No room, no privacy and loud neighbors.
we find out if we got the house this weekend i think! I hope the landlord chooses us but he sounded concerned about our income but we make over 3 times the rent!

Anywho, does anybody have some dinner recipe/ideas to share? I feel like i feed stephen the same thing over and over.
What sort of things do you feed him and I will let you know if i have something different :)
Some things he likes is turkey slices in gray, potatoes, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, cheesy hashbrown casserole, tuna casserole, goolash, spaghetti, penne pasta withh sauce, chicken nuggets, tortellini, uh.......thats about it. He doesnt like chicken breast it seems like, or hamburger meat.
Logan likes breakfast sausage patties, grilled cheese, toast with jam or cream cheese, cottage cheese, beef and noodles, pot roast, canned tuna, lasagna. He eats almost anything we eat except for salmon :haha:
Army: Thats exciting about starting your new job!!! And fx about the house it woukd be great for you guys so much more room! Here are some meal ideas and if there are any you want the recipes to podt your email and I will send you them.

salmon fettucine, soy chicken with veg and crispy noodle, beef barley and vegetable soup, homemade mini vegetable quiche, chicken and ride curry soup (its not spicy its one of hunters favourites) we also do things like butter chicken and rice, chicken and quinoa risotto, tuna morney, slow cooked lamb shanks with veg, shephards pie but with sweet potato, home made pizzas (such a fun one for the kiddies to help with) lol I have loads more but I think I will stop there. You are in the us yeah? I wonder if you can get the same groceries as we do.

Afm: I feel amazing! Since I have cut out all things carbs (besides one meal a week where I be naughty) and started eating clean I have lost 2kgs and I just feel great! Had my first midwife appointment at home today and they brought there kit to show us what they bring on the day when I go into labor it was great they answered all my parents questions about what worries they have and everyone seems a bit more comfortable about it all which is great. They are just such lovely midwifes and treat you so personally with hugs and kisses and all lol. Bubs has dropped and fully engaged which I though he had dropped the last few days my belly has felt much smaller and not as uncomfortable so hes ready to rock. Overall just feeling so grwat about everything and really excited to do this homebirth!!

Darlin: hows everything going your way? Starting to feel any better? Do you still have a 20 week scan even though you have found out the gender?
Everything sounds like it's going great Kristi! :D

Still sick over here. Ms sick. I've also hit another point of total exhaustion and all I want to do is sleep. We still have our 20wk scan that checks up on everything in detail. I really hope everything goes well. I'm a little stressed out about LO's heart. We may get sent to children's for a fetal echo depending. We also have another mw appt too. That's all next week. No real weight gain yet. Logan's still doing good. I have problems with my nose in the morning and it draining down my throat so I wake up even more nauseous :( Oh, found out DH gets an extra check in January so we can get all our baby things we need :thumbsup:
it looks like finally af is here.. just pink cm at the moment but hopefully by tomorrow it should be full flow. making it cd 1
Good Luck Redrose.

Who else is getting excited for Christmas? I am super excited with Thanksgiving being less than a week away which means I get to start all the Christmas stuff soon :happydance: We decided to go small on the presents while the kids are young and build up our decoration collection and start other traditions. One I really like is the 1st weekend of December sitting in front of the tree and ordering pizza then giving a new ornament to out on the tree :) We also go to the zoo lights every year already. I'm super excited :happydance:
P.s before you read, sorry for the longgg reply lol
Hey ladies, I haven't been on much as life is pretty busy and hectic right now with my bday in 3 days, thanksgiving next week and Christmas coming up but I did have alittle time today so I came to check up on you all:thumbup:

Darlin, congrats on another boy I was guessing boy also:winkwink::haha:

Mrs.b, congrats on another little girl, I hope we have another girl when we start ttc again:haha:

Redrose, glad to hear your starting to spot some pink, thats good at least you can start your clomid soon:thumbup: has she started fully yet?

Kirstie, 37 weeks already!! my how time flys I bet you guys are so excited knowing he can come any day, cant wait to meet your new bub(:

Army, glad to hear the little man is back to a good sleep schedule I couldn't imagine living off 5 hrs of sleep with 2 kiddos:wacko: haha. I know how you feel about the townhome we lived in one until Zoai was 6 months old we also had very noisy neighbors, it was too small and the stairs were ridiculous(I had hyper extended my knee when zoai was 3 months so it was very hard going up and down the stairs all the time when I had to do it on my ass lol) hopefully you find a nice home soon:thumbup: as for recipe's Im in the same boat:haha:

Afm, well Ive been trying to lose some weight before we ttc again as you all know, and so far I have lost 10lbs! I've just been cutting some of my portions and how many times I eat and its been working wonderfully so far which is odd because I've tried it before and it was a disaster lol:dohh: so along with that I have been looking for work still and starting to buy Zoai's Christmas gifts. Last night I dropped my cell phone in the toilet..again(dropped my old phone the same way 3 yrs ago:dohh:). Luckily I pulled it out before it shut off and dried it so its still working but you can see water marks on the inside of my screen, the good thing is I get an upgrade on my birthday(the 25th) so yay and before you guys ask yes it was clean and unused lmao
Anywho glad to see your all doing well and I will try to pop in tomorrow:flower:
Darlin: have they said they are worried about lo heart or is it because of logans problems? Exciting for another scan coming up!

Redrose: woohoo hopefully this is af lol how funny to be excited for that!!

Abii: 10lbs thats amazing!!! congrats keep up the good work! Lol about the phone I just had to get a new phone because my son threw mine in the pool :( and ps my birthday is the 25th hehe another year older I am just hoping little man stays in I dont feel like sharing my birthday nlt thid early anyway.
thats so great about the weight loss, this is week 2 of my diet now and ive lost 6lbs this week while on af! im not gonna clock it in til af is over though and weight myself then. so far its 14 lbs gone woop :)
yah for all the weight loss :bodyb: at 12lbs loss over here now!! I need to update my ticker!
i have a dress that I wore to my husbands army graduation that I want to wear to his company xmas party...I am so close to zipping it up again!! lol :rofl:

Darlin: i pray everything is ok with bubs heartbeat! whats the reason for the concern? I am super uber uber excited for the holidays too!!!!!! I havent bought gifts yet, but in our families we only buy for the kids which helps with the wallet!

Redrose: I am so excited for you to start clomid! and i hope you get multiples!! you wanted mulitples right? :)

krisiti: how you feeling? nervous, excited, scared? I recommend savoring every moment of sleep you get, savor it!!! lol I miss my sleep so much.

abii: never dropped my phone in the toilet but my lil stephen destroyed 2 of my phones!!! i leave them laying out and he ends up sucking and slobbering on them so much it causes water damage so it wont charge :dohh:

Big news here soooo happy bbeeeecccaaauuussseee weeee GOT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :xmas8:
we move in jan. 1st!!! the landlord and his wife loved us so much. he said out of all the applicants we were the nicest and they loved our family and thought stephen was so cute :)
I am soo excited to have so much more space and a bedroom for each kiddo now!

I wish we could be in before xmas but better late than never!
Yay Army!! :bunny: How nice that you get a fresh start in a new home and how great that it is on the 1st of the yr so it really will feel like a new beginning :D
Army: yay that is so exciting!!!! You must be so relieved to know you will have more room! And even better that your landlords are so nice.

afm: oh my gosh I was so sick yesterday afternoon and all during the night vomiting and diarrhea I also had some show I thought for sure I was going into labor but nope as the day went on today I feel fine other than some crankin heartburn but I think thats from the acid from throwing up so much. I hope he holds on another week till mick gets here but after that clear out having a bit of show last night and this morning you just never know. I am really excited ad the time approaches I have everything set in place for the home birth which makes it all so much more real. I have been reading a book by ina may called guide to childbirth and it is amazing and so inspiring that I dont need any pain relief and I know I can do this the way I planned to.
The midwifes came round the other day and spoke to my mum and stepdad and helped them feel more comfortable with it all and now my sister has seemed to really come round to the idea so everything is looking great!
Happy birthday i hope you had a great day, i think you could be having baby very soon with that clear out! my friend recently had a similar clear out and baby was here 2 days later x x i hope baby holds out til your hubby is back xx
Phoenix, pllease wait for daddy to come home sweetheart! :baby:

This preg. Has really took a toll on you kristie! Seems like its been pretty exhausting and miserable most of the time. Soon you'll be holding your lil one, and hopefuly feel mmuch better.

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