Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I swear i wrote a reply yesterday and i see nothing from me :shrug:

I thought u had ur baby too kristie! I had the same thing with leakage. I had to change my panties too. I still havr no clue what it was. But didnt bring labor closer for me. I hope u go soon though now that dh is there!
I havent done any shopping because we have been so poor. But i want to get stephen books and lots of trucks and trains and a sled.

Abii your tree sounds so pretty!!!!!!! I wanna see a pic! Mine is pretty pathetic but it does its job lol.

Being broke sucks! We live paycheck to paycheck right now. Soon as i can work full time our lives will get better. We just really cant afford much for xmas.
Army it doesnt matter about presents as long as your family is together. I went way over the top this year and I wish I hadnt of but cant do much about that now lol. I love christmas time and not for the presents but for the joy it brings to my family. It does suck being broke though I know if mick hadnt have done so much overtime we would be in the same position as you guys.

We put up a real tree this year and it smells so nice in the house I love the smell of real christmas trees! My mum and I put on carols and decorated it together it was so nice!

I really hope he makes an appearance this week I am not over being pregnant as such I am just getting impatient not having him here! I juet cant wait to have him in my arms and to be breastfeeding I am looking forward to it soooo much.
I couldn't have done what I did without help from family. Bret got $100 giftcard for turning in his old came system, then I bought a $75 gift card and told family to just get us best buy gift cards. That's how I was able to get him such a nice gift. Like they are buying gift cards for me but they're really for him.I ended up giving it to him tonight actually because it's almost been ruined a couple of times. One night he wanted to spend the $100 he had and then tonight my gma gave us our gifts early. She will be in new york for Chistmas. Thankfully I opened my gift before he got his because she bought gift cards too! :dohh: My mom must have told her my plan.
I had my midwife appointment yesterday and all went really well. She did a speculum to check if all the water discharge I have been having was my waters but it was negative yay! They dont do pelvic exams here but she said when she was doing the speculum my cervix was open and was at least 1-2cm just by sight. I have my next appointment at 40+2 so she said she will offer me a sweep if I havent gone already. She said all my signs, nausea, decreased appetite and the discharge are all really good signs but I never take that into consideration because really know one ever knows! I am truly hoping he shows his little face this week as sleeping is becoming none existent my hips neck and back are killing me I just cant get comfortable at all! Oh and not to mention now for the first time in my life I have hemorrhoids! Those things are so not comfortable!
Good luck Kristie! Glad to hear that it wasn't your waters :thumbup: I hope he arrives soon for you. It'd be nice to have some time to recover and get things together before Christmas arrives.

I made my first shirt ever today for Logan. The neck is really big but I think I can just layer it and he can wear it. I have to make some more of the Christmas stuff tonight. I'm going to try and make sure I finish my little sisters pillow case tonight. Then I have 2 more pillowcases to make and Logan's Christmas pj's.
Awh goodluck Kirstie, hope he comes soon and all goes well:thumbup:
Well we weren't able to go christmas shopping on sun because the snow was so bad the gate to our community was closed and they wouldnt let anyone through unless they had 4x4 or chains and we dont have chains:/ it was so lame, but were going friday so yay Im excited. I did get to go christmas shopping for my husband though today with my mil so it was a nice day. My app says Im due to ovulate around the 11th we bd yesterday and prob will tomorrow and the 11th if dh isn't too tired. A christmas bfp would be kinda nice:blush:
Hope your all doing well
I hope he arrives soon also! I have had so much energy today its been great! I felt crappy in the morning but then I got a massive burst of energy vac and mopped the whole house washed windows, did 3 loads of washing, cleaned out my wardrobe and then took the dog for a walk lol possibly some nesting.

Darlin: you will have to post pics of the things you have made :)

abi: glad you got at least one present out of the way. I wish we got snow here :( all we get is rain upon rain and then some sunshine lol.
Fx for your christmas bfp you could do such a creative announcement if you do :)
Kristie hemmrhoids are no fun! I feel your pain! Literally! Hope phoenix comes soon! Cant wait to hear your birthing story and pics!

Well i ended up in er monday morning at 2am. I felt great all day sunday and all of a sudden i got a stomach bug at 1030pm. It was bad. Diarrhea vomitting chills sweats and cramping. It became so unbearable i callled mil at 1am and she rushed over so dh could take me in. The cramping hurt so bad i coulld barely move
Er gave me morphine and it helped so much! I ended up puking in the waiting it was so bad.
So now i am out of work for 2days per doctors orders. Still feeling sore but much better.
hi ladies me and oh have been like rabbits we have dtd every day this month except the 8th but since i think im ovulating tonight or tomorrow it meant abit of recovery just before ov. i got a positive opk just now so looks like it could be tomorrow :D im going to test xmas eve!
Army: you poor thing that does not sound fun at all! Glad you are feeling better now. There has been so much going round this year for stomach bugs and things.

redrose: fx for your christmas eve bfp how exciting would that be!!!!

Afm: it is 2:40am here and I have been in bed since 9pm with about an hours sleep off and on :( I keep waking with huge boughts of nausea and bad back pain and bh it sucks I just want to sleep lol. I dont remember having this with hunter but who knows I could have it was quite a while ago. The end is so close yet all the stuff the happens at the end makes it drag I think. I dont remember having any signs other than my show last time so this time is just torturing me lol
No no baby yet :( 1 day over now but still feeling really good! I have my midwife appointment tomorrow and she is going give me a sweep so fx its only a few more days but hunters birthday is thursday so we have a high chance of them sharing a birthday lol

redrose: woop woop hopefully its a christmas bfp for you hun
Oh wow Kristie! That would be crazy to have 2 on the same day but totally likely. My older brother and I share a birthday 9 days apart! :haha: Also my mom has the same birthday as her dad!
I'm sure they won't mind sharing birthdays :-) good luck hun, :-) I'm sure he will come soon xx

Afm today is 5 do but I'm questioning weather or not I'm actually more than that because yesterday I had tons of cramps and I've a temp dip today so I'm not sure. I didn't know what day to call CD 1 as I had spotting for like 3 days before it fully started. I also had spotting on the 5th anyway only time will tell. Today I have a stuffy nose sore BBS and a weird metal taste in my mouth
Well I have had painful bh all day today and in the last few hourd they have stepped up a notch but still really irregular. I am hoping it turns into something but who knows the guessing is so frustrating, I wish my water would just break like last time so I knew for sure lol.

Redrose: all of those sound like great symptoms I have everything x for you and sending you lots of :dust:

darlin: yeah it is definitely likely especially with my sweep being tomorrow.
Well ladies pretty sure im in labor! Been timing for 2 and a half hrs now and we are at 8 minutes apart and I just threw up I am going to try and get some sleep so will probably see you all on the other side lol

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