Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I was gonna say those irregular bhs are probably labor!!!!
I hope your home birth goes smoothly :hugs:

Keep calm and carry on :)
Omg sooooooo dissaapointed after hrs of contractions that got to 5 minutes apart and had me throwing up I fell asleep and they stopped :( I kinda dont mind at the same time as I needed the rest so it judt wasnt my time. I am on my way to the hospital now for my sweep so I think ee will have a baby tonight which is my prediction as its a full moon tonight. Its funny because my husband sister and myself all predicted today so lets hope we are right.
my belly and back feel bruised now and my hemorroid is worse but oh well.
I'm sorry :( Hope the sweep does the trick. At least you got some rest ;)
Just had my sweep and I was sitting at 3cm and she stretched me to 5cm and I had a show. Hopefully it gears things up. It made me laugh she said I have a very high pain threshold with how far she was stretching me and I could feel her feeling babies head it was so strange. She said she could have kept going but would have broken my waters so I am going on a nice walk and bring this baby on.
I'm doing ok. DH and I have really been struggling lately but I think maybe he finally gets it :shrug: I don't know. I've been pretty busy. I have my next mw appt on Wed.
I think its hard on couples during pregnancy I know it has been for mick and I. Thats exciting having a bit of a holiday! Do you have family in chicago?
I can't believe your half way already how exciting!
No family there but as I've sat and pondered it I am feeling so guilty about going because we need so much for baby yet :( I'll prob chicken out and just buy baby things and we will go to dinner and a movie while we have the overnight sitter
Lol getting excited in the heat of the moment.

I wish my waters would just break already so my labor intensifies. They went from 6 mins aprt but only lasting 30-40sec to 14 mins apart but lasting 1min this is so different this time!
If u haven't already try walking around x up and down stairs x good luck
I went for a really long walk and tried bouncing on my ball neither helped. I have laid down to try and get some sleep but oh my god they are so intense there is no way I am getting any sleep
Can't wait to hear an update Kristie! I hope you got some rest before things got too intense :hugs:
Kristie i had the same thing with zach, you are dialating thats for sure!
mine were like 3min apart, to 7 to 14 to 20 then 5 min......they were all over the pllace but they hurt soooo bad. The doc told me not to come until under 10min but they were so painfful i went in before that and when i got there they said you are gonna have a baby in a few hours.... 4hrs later bamm baby!

Even if they dont get to consistent. Or regular but they hurt, i'd call your mw or whomever you are working with.

I noticed you posted this morning so i am gonna say you had a baby :) i hope!
Well ladies our beautiful little boy was born this morning at 2:09am! Contractions almost completely stopped so I decided I would go and get some rest so laid down on the couch to settle in for the night when I was on my feet with an intense contraction and bam they went from almost gone to 2 minutes apart! They can thick and fast for 15 minutes so rang my sister and she set off then rang my mw who also set off. Midwife got to me just after midnight and by 1 I was 6cm I got in the pool which felt so nice but stopped my contractions almost completely so I decided to get out this was probably about 1ish labored walking around for a little until I felt transition was close so I popped back in the water where contractions were pretty much on top of each other and 2 pushes and the little man was born still in his sac! He is just adorable I could stare at him all day!
Feeding is going amazing! He fed about half hour after he was born for an hr and he is a total pro and a great little sleeper but I am definitely not fooled lol we will revisit that sleeping in another few weeks but for right now its good I am knackered trotting along on an hr of skeep since getting up yesterday morning but if he does his 5hr stints tonight as he has today I will be fine.
Yay Kristie! :happydance::bunny::wohoo::yipee::dance:

I am oh so jealous of your lovely birth. I can just feel we will be having another c-section. I'm dreading it. Hope you are able to get some rest and can't wait to see pictures :D
Yah! Omg im so happy for you! :wohoo: It sounds like your homebirth went well! Good job and not usingg any drugs! You are one tough momma! I didnt know babies could be bborn in a sac?!! Interesting!
Well i know you must be exhausted and vvery busy now! Get somme rest and dont worry, we will still be here whenneer you get time! :) :hugs: congrats!
Omg kirstie how amazing! You must be so happy to have him finally here! And a day before hunters bday? How sweet. Congratulations on your baby boy :-) I'm so happy for u x

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