Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Just for a completely off topic thought I would throw it out there and ask what everyone's labours were like? If you find it quite personal you don't have to answer I just love hearing stories.

I didn't even get to go into labor. I went into have him turned because he was breech, I was supposed to have a natural waterbirth with him. They couldn't turn him and told me that it was very risky to go into labor with him being breech and I was going to need a c-section anyway so we just went ahead at 39wk 2d. I was devastated but I managed. Probably for he best because with his heart condition a normal labor would probably been to hard on him. The whole time they were monitoring me though the nurses were amazed asking me "have you been having contractions? Are you feeling these because you're having contractions and pretty regular ones!" :haha:
Needshelp when are you going to be testing? :)

OH MY! I tested just today and got a BFP! I'm still in shock!! very nervous though because I have been cramping majorly and never did this with my first!

Yay congrats on the bfp. Cramping is very normal I had a lot of cramping but you always cramp a lot more in your second I remember my sister had really bad cramps with her second apparently the round ligament pain is worse also. I'm sure it will die down though soon enough.
love hearing the stories! I cant believe some of the care you receive at your hospitals!!!!!!!!!!
Caz: I can't believe OH couldn't stay with you!! I told my Dh he was not leaving my side ever. And they have a nice set up for the men to sleep in the room on a fold out chair/bed.

Kittey: Your labor experience sounds really beautiful. besides your dad's annoying music lol.

Kristie: I can't believe they hung up on your mom!!! and that they kept telling you to stay home!!! They had me come in every single time I called even if they had to send me home shortly after.

For all you ladies: Did you OH get to stay with you afterwards?

I know that same midwife a few weeks before I had to go in with suspected preeclampsia and she was like no its just heartburn and a headache you will be fine but I was then hospitalised 3 days later with a suspected blood clot in my lungs and abnormal liver bloods if it had of been a clot I could have died and she just sent me home!! She was a bitch but my midwife who I had during labor and who delivered hunter was amazing!!! She was the same age as me and just so chilled out and so nice I would love to have her again for my second!
And no I was in public so there was 4 other ladies in the same room as me in the maternity ward. I wasn't in labor long enough to have him stay in the room but I'm sure if I had a very long labor they would have let him stay. Just thinking about it all is making me well up lol I want another baby so bad and as crazy as it sounds I can't wait to go into labor again!!!
Well I have really bad news. We are not trying anymore.

I went in to the ER this morning, with really horrible cramps and a ton of bleeding. They said that I had a huge cyst, so I have to sit here and wait until it ruptures (which will be soon). They took a blood test, and I am not pregnant.

Because of they cyst, the midwife recommends I go on the "pill" for about 6 months, that would help things out...and maybe "hopefully" get my periods regulated. I know it was a short time, but I wish you all the best of luck.

I will be making a journal of WTT :) so feel free to come stalk me once in a while (I give you permission lol )

Good luck ladies.
well...I took a test today and got a BFP! Not sure if this posted twice, and sorry if it did! I haven't been on here in forever so learning the ropes again! I'm super nervous as I've had a lot of cramping and began running on the treadmill again just this past week (over exerted myself)...I went for blood tests this morning to confirm! good luck to aall the others in the 2ww! hoping we can be bump buddies soon!
awe KitteyKat, sorry to hear that news but hoping you will be ntnp again very soon!! best wishes!
thank you, hubby doesn't want me to go on birth control, he mentioned it will just mess me up even more...but who knows. I have no idea what we are going to do, he wants us to just keep going, and if something "positive" happens, then it happens :) and know that everything is always meant to be :)

He has been a supporter with me through this, all in all...he knows it's my decision. I keep staring at my birth control heart is telling me not to take them, and just to see what happens. So I am still here!! :) :)

We are just going to see what happens, and go from there. We have to be positive.

I just figure a blood test wouldn't show up yet, but who knows :( I have 3 home pregnancy tests, and I will take one probably around the 15th, not the 22nd!! I am very bloated, and cramping still, but I am done bleeding!!!

So we shall see.
ohhh, fingers crossed for you! I love your positivity and it is so nice to have that kind of support at home!
Kittey Kat - Birth control can def. sometimes mess things up. I think it may have been why it took my so long to conceive sometimes.
I like the letting nature takes it course approach too :) whatever is meant to be, will be. I hope you get your bfp !!!

Your LO is still so young yet too so even if you do happen to wait a few months, they will still be very close in age :thumbup:
love hearing the stories! I cant believe some of the care you receive at your hospitals!!!!!!!!!!
Caz: I can't believe OH couldn't stay with you!! I told my Dh he was not leaving my side ever. And they have a nice set up for the men to sleep in the room on a fold out chair/bed.

Kittey: Your labor experience sounds really beautiful. besides your dad's annoying music lol.

Kristie: I can't believe they hung up on your mom!!! and that they kept telling you to stay home!!! They had me come in every single time I called even if they had to send me home shortly after.

For all you ladies: Did you OH get to stay with you afterwards?

I know that same midwife a few weeks before I had to go in with suspected preeclampsia and she was like no its just heartburn and a headache you will be fine but I was then hospitalised 3 days later with a suspected blood clot in my lungs and abnormal liver bloods if it had of been a clot I could have died and she just sent me home!! She was a bitch but my midwife who I had during labor and who delivered hunter was amazing!!! She was the same age as me and just so chilled out and so nice I would love to have her again for my second!
And no I was in public so there was 4 other ladies in the same room as me in the maternity ward. I wasn't in labor long enough to have him stay in the room but I'm sure if I had a very long labor they would have let him stay. Just thinking about it all is making me well up lol I want another baby so bad and as crazy as it sounds I can't wait to go into labor again!!!

I've heard a lot of women on here from other countries say how they had to share rooms after labor. I am glad they don't do that here. Just seems wrong. I would of hated to share a room with other ladies. what if they are nutty? Or too talkative? or just annoying?
how sucky to not have your OH and LO right there with you after such an amazing experience. And its nice to have OH there to help you with baby or while you may be weak. My DH helped me go to the bathroom and everything, he was such a sweetie. I wanna start a petition that every woman in every country get her own room!!

Did you have a choice to have LO with you always?? If not, I would of seriously considered a home birth! lol
Guess who gets to quit taking their bc and whose OH is considering starting ttc? Yepp THAT"S ME!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: I have to order some opks a bbt and start tracking my cycle. He wants me to get the house in tip top shape and make a strict budget for us based off his new paychecks and we are paying off all our other bills and catching everything up with the last of what we were saving for our plane tickets. :cloud9:
Well I have really bad news. We are not trying anymore.

I went in to the ER this morning, with really horrible cramps and a ton of bleeding. They said that I had a huge cyst, so I have to sit here and wait until it ruptures (which will be soon). They took a blood test, and I am not pregnant.

Because of they cyst, the midwife recommends I go on the "pill" for about 6 months, that would help things out...and maybe "hopefully" get my periods regulated. I know it was a short time, but I wish you all the best of luck.

I will be making a journal of WTT :) so feel free to come stalk me once in a while (I give you permission lol )

Good luck ladies.

So sorry to here about the cyst and I wish you the best of luck with it all! I'm sure I will still be here in 6 months lol or in the ttc forum. I hope that everything regulates out for you and it is a quick recovery for your bfp when the time is right!

I just read your other post and glad you are staying with us!! I really like your approach also the let nature take its course but of course what ever decision you make will be the right one.
love hearing the stories! I cant believe some of the care you receive at your hospitals!!!!!!!!!!
Caz: I can't believe OH couldn't stay with you!! I told my Dh he was not leaving my side ever. And they have a nice set up for the men to sleep in the room on a fold out chair/bed.

Kittey: Your labor experience sounds really beautiful. besides your dad's annoying music lol.

Kristie: I can't believe they hung up on your mom!!! and that they kept telling you to stay home!!! They had me come in every single time I called even if they had to send me home shortly after.

For all you ladies: Did you OH get to stay with you afterwards?

I know that same midwife a few weeks before I had to go in with suspected preeclampsia and she was like no its just heartburn and a headache you will be fine but I was then hospitalised 3 days later with a suspected blood clot in my lungs and abnormal liver bloods if it had of been a clot I could have died and she just sent me home!! She was a bitch but my midwife who I had during labor and who delivered hunter was amazing!!! She was the same age as me and just so chilled out and so nice I would love to have her again for my second!
And no I was in public so there was 4 other ladies in the same room as me in the maternity ward. I wasn't in labor long enough to have him stay in the room but I'm sure if I had a very long labor they would have let him stay. Just thinking about it all is making me well up lol I want another baby so bad and as crazy as it sounds I can't wait to go into labor again!!!

I've heard a lot of women on here from other countries say how they had to share rooms after labor. I am glad they don't do that here. Just seems wrong. I would of hated to share a room with other ladies. what if they are nutty? Or too talkative? or just annoying?
how sucky to not have your OH and LO right there with you after such an amazing experience. And its nice to have OH there to help you with baby or while you may be weak. My DH helped me go to the bathroom and everything, he was such a sweetie. I wanna start a petition that every woman in every country get her own room!!

Did you have a choice to have LO with you always?? If not, I would of seriously considered a home birth! lol

I may be weird but I actually liked sharing a room with some of the ladies because some were new mums some weren't and I enjoyed having someone to talk to that was in the same position as me. The babies are with you the whole time unless you ask the nursery to watch them while you get some sleep. Because I had such a good labor I was very mobile pretty much within an hour of having hunter I could go to the toilet in mine shower properly dress myself. I was pretty much as mobile as I was the day I had him so uncomfortable but fine. I did year though but I had anti unflammatries for that so there wasn't a lot of pain. There was 2adies I didn't like one had visitors all day everyday even though your not suppose to and she snored like mad!! Lol and the other was constantly on the phone and thought she knew everything there was to know about babies including how to lie to the nurses, she hasn't balled the baby before she was discharged and said he had and she wasn't feeding properly and said she was fine so that really annoyed me. I was in for almost 5 days because my son has 3 kidneys he has a duplex one on the left so he has an operation next year to have that fixed so he was monitored a bit more than usual.
Guess who gets to quit taking their bc and whose OH is considering starting ttc? Yepp THAT"S ME!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: I have to order some opks a bbt and start tracking my cycle. He wants me to get the house in tip top shape and make a strict budget for us based off his new paychecks and we are paying off all our other bills and catching everything up with the last of what we were saving for our plane tickets. :cloud9:

That is so exciting :) our babies are around the same age, my little boy was born July 28th!!

Good luck to you, wouldn't it be crazy if we got our bfp's the same month? :) Then we would have #2's be around the same age as well. LOL, just a thought!!
Well now the countdown begins haha :)

I will be testing, December 22nd as planned. I doubt I'm pregnant since the doctor told me I am not, but hey miracles happen!!

Speaking about miracles: my little man is still sleeping, this is day #2 of sleeping in. He has been sleeping (for 2 days) from 9:30 pm to about 7:30 am....that is amazing, I had thought he was going to "sleep regression" that they go through at 4 months, but (cross my fingers) he hasn't.

Last week, all of us had colds...and all he wanted to do was snuggle with his Mommy. And he is getting his two bottom teeth in, and 1 on the side on the bottom I'm so excited to see his pearly whites, he has definitely been chomping, and chomping on his fingers.

I have inserted our family/Gavin's christmas pictures. I got one of my beautiful family and then the other one of Gavin.

If it doesn't work let me know, since it's a professional's is way too large to I just copied and pasted it from facebook. :)


  • Family.jpg
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  • Gavin.jpg
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Guess who gets to quit taking their bc and whose OH is considering starting ttc? Yepp THAT"S ME!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: I have to order some opks a bbt and start tracking my cycle. He wants me to get the house in tip top shape and make a strict budget for us based off his new paychecks and we are paying off all our other bills and catching everything up with the last of what we were saving for our plane tickets. :cloud9:

Yahhh!!! Good job wheeling and dealing! :thumbup: :haha: Let the cycle tracking begin! :happydance:

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