Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Okay I changed my mind, I will be taking a hpt on December 27th :) I am positive about that day, and I will wait for that day. I will make myself wait that day. !!! <3

My mother in law and I talked for a good 2 hours yesterday...we don't really get along. And my mother in law and brother in law will be coming down December's her birthday, and she said this will be the best birthday present she has...

My husband, mother in law and brother in law have not been all together for five years. My brother in law has been in prison for 5 years (that's a completely different story).

So it would be nice to find out I am pregnant (if I am) then I could tell her, that would be a even more big birthday present!! sorry...

One of the things about me, I am very random and I change my mind quite a bit, but the December 27th thing is for sure :) :) you ladies have to keep me going for that long!!! lol
I may be weird but I actually liked sharing a room with some of the ladies because some were new mums some weren't and I enjoyed having someone to talk to that was in the same position as me. The babies are with you the whole time unless you ask the nursery to watch them while you get some sleep. Because I had such a good labor I was very mobile pretty much within an hour of having hunter I could go to the toilet in mine shower properly dress myself. I was pretty much as mobile as I was the day I had him so uncomfortable but fine. I did year though but I had anti unflammatries for that so there wasn't a lot of pain. There was 2adies I didn't like one had visitors all day everyday even though your not suppose to and she snored like mad!! Lol and the other was constantly on the phone and thought she knew everything there was to know about babies including how to lie to the nurses, she hasn't balled the baby before she was discharged and said he had and she wasn't feeding properly and said she was fine so that really annoyed me. I was in for almost 5 days because my son has 3 kidneys he has a duplex one on the left so he has an operation next year to have that fixed so he was monitored a bit more than usual.

Damn, what an experience. I'd go nuts:wacko:

This is the room we got to stay for 2 days after LO was born. There's also a tv on the wall (cant see if from the picture)


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Armywife: I see your from Minnesota, all of hubby's family is from minnesota, he grew up there.

He lives in Wisconsin with me now so we are state buddies (or border buddies) I don't know one of those haha :)
Yep Minnesota here :wave: Been going to wisconsin dells every here with the family when I was little :) I wanna do that tradtition with my family some day :)

I live pretty close to the twin cities. Just a lil south of there in a quiet lovely suburb.

Big Vikings fans here----------> :) Me probably more so than my DH lol I get pretty crazy on game day.
Yeah our family (and my parents) go to Wisconsin Dells every year too, in August. My parents have 2 dogs, and we have 2 dogs as well. So it's very hard to put them all in a kennel for a week.

We actually rent a cabin in Wisconsin Dells for a week, and it's out in the country and not too far away from everything. They give us wristbands for waterparks each day too, so it's always nice. The good advantage is that they allow dogs there. So we pack up all 4 dogs and go ;). We didn't go this past August, because Gavin was not even a month it would have been pointless, this next August, we are going though...we might have to take 2 vehicles.

Hubby used to live in the Cities (a bad part of town) I was scared to stay with him. lol. Then hubby moved to my parents with me, now we have our own place :) We are actually going to "Farmington, MN" for Christmas Eve, then coming back.

We are all Packer Fans including Hubby lol :) which is strange but oh well.
Yeah our family (and my parents) go to Wisconsin Dells every year too, in August. My parents have 2 dogs, and we have 2 dogs as well. So it's very hard to put them all in a kennel for a week.

We actually rent a cabin in Wisconsin Dells for a week, and it's out in the country and not too far away from everything. They give us wristbands for waterparks each day too, so it's always nice. The good advantage is that they allow dogs there. So we pack up all 4 dogs and go ;). We didn't go this past August, because Gavin was not even a month it would have been pointless, this next August, we are going though...we might have to take 2 vehicles.

Hubby used to live in the Cities (a bad part of town) I was scared to stay with him. lol. Then hubby moved to my parents with me, now we have our own place :) We are actually going to "Farmington, MN" for Christmas Eve, then coming back.

We are all Packer Fans including Hubby lol :) which is strange but oh well.

Farmington! that's probably about a 40min drive from me.

My dad is talking about going to the dells next summer with everybody but Stephen will only be a yr and a half. So Idk. I've never taken him anywhere overnight yet and kinda nervous being away from home with LO without all the baby stuff. Its nice if you have a cabin tho because then you can bring EVERYTHING lo might need! :baby: We usually just stay at cheap hotels lol, so I dont know if I will want to go...I guess we'll see how LO is by next summer and if I am 8months pregnant then or not :)
Well I hate to do this again, but my car broke down and hubby's car is barely hanging on.

Since I am a sahm we are really tight on money right now, having another child would definitely not work at all.

I will be going on birth control until January of 2014...then we will see where things are. Hubby mentioned today (when he got up) that we shouldn't even bring up having another baby yet.

He really wants to have space between each child, and give Gavin our full attention. He did mention that if I was pregnant...I would miss so much milestones that Gavin will be doing soon. He is almost close to crawling.

I am not sad about it, actually hubby does have a good point. I talked with my mom about stuff, and she mentioned she wanted to enjoy Gavin for a while, and I guess I have the same perspective.

Plus, Hubby really wants to go on a honeymoon (since we didn't get one for our wedding). My parents have the tickets already and everything, I found that out too.

I apologize going back and forth, but right now I guess God is telling us that it is just not the right time. Hubby even said he has been saving up money (behind my back) lol so we can get in to my dream house (which is down the road); and it's a five bedroom, 2.5 bathroom; and has a huge backyard. :) and even a garden.

He has been talking to the bank and my father; my father said he would cosign for a loan for our house and for a car. So I guess I am very thankful that my father and husband are doing here's to all of you guys :hugs: please make sure you "stalk" my wtt journal :)
Now that I know we can/are ttc I'm getting rly nervous and wondering if we should wait :blush:
I am in the same boat as you...I started my birth control pill today. I figure if I take right away in the morning, then I don't have to fight the urge to not take it in the afternoon.
I may be weird but I actually liked sharing a room with some of the ladies because some were new mums some weren't and I enjoyed having someone to talk to that was in the same position as me. The babies are with you the whole time unless you ask the nursery to watch them while you get some sleep. Because I had such a good labor I was very mobile pretty much within an hour of having hunter I could go to the toilet in mine shower properly dress myself. I was pretty much as mobile as I was the day I had him so uncomfortable but fine. I did year though but I had anti unflammatries for that so there wasn't a lot of pain. There was 2adies I didn't like one had visitors all day everyday even though your not suppose to and she snored like mad!! Lol and the other was constantly on the phone and thought she knew everything there was to know about babies including how to lie to the nurses, she hasn't balled the baby before she was discharged and said he had and she wasn't feeding properly and said she was fine so that really annoyed me. I was in for almost 5 days because my son has 3 kidneys he has a duplex one on the left so he has an operation next year to have that fixed so he was monitored a bit more than usual.

Damn, what an experience. I'd go nuts:wacko:

This is the room we got to stay for 2 days after LO was born. There's also a tv on the wall (cant see if from the picture)

That is a very lovely room!! We don't have anything like that here well not that I have ever seen even the private rooms which you pay thousands of dollars for are not that nice!
We stayed in a similar room. I had a private bathroom that was really nice and basically the walls were just a diff color. We had a flat screen tv too that had cable. I enjoyed our room it was actually really nice. I couldn't imagine sharing a room! :wacko:

We stayed from Monday thru Friday afternoon because I had a c-section
Really feeling pregnant today! Dont wanna get my hopes but I cant wait to test. :) I had some sex dream last night and it seems like I get them a lot more when I am pregnant. I had them often when I was preg with DS and for the short time I was pregnant.

Also my right side ovary area feels really tingling and a light burning sensation. I ordered a bunch of IC"s and they should be here soon. Im on cd21 today not sure on the dpo since it's from my m/c so not really sure when i O'd.
I plan on testing as soon as they arrive, hopefully wed. or thur.
yay so exciting armywife :)

Hubby and I are still debating whether we should try for another one or it's up in the air :(
But I am feeling very pregnant. I have had cramps all night, and I have had diarrhea the past 2 days (sorry TMI) so we shall see.

I am still up in the air on when we are going to test, I have a 3 pack of pregnancy tests...but don't want it to be too I may just wait for a while, I am sure one day I will get the courage to take one.
Just catching up - haven't been on here in a while!
So firstly congratulations for BFP, and to those who have made the decision to start ttc :) I hope it happens quickly for you!

Birth story - i love hearing other people's birth stories :)
Mine is pretty straight forward - i was 6 days overdue, losing my mucous plug and feeling pretty uncomfortable throughout the day/evening. Went to bed, woke up around 3am when my waters broke (imagine a big gush! all over the bed :-/ )and within 10mins i had my first contraction. 15mins later they were coming every 2 minutes so i went to the birth centre where i'd planned to have a water birth. When i got there (30mins later) i was 6cm dilated. My contractions were getting much more intense so i hopped in the shower and had 1 shower head on my back and the other on my tummy. I was losing some blood clots at this stage so was transferred to the hospital (right next door) to be on the safe side. I had to wear a monitor on my stomach to make sure baby was ok. Baby was fine - and 5 hours, some gas and an episiotomy later we had a bouncing baby boy! Although it wasn't the water birth i had planned, it was still pretty good. I had lost a bit of blood - but it was the maximum allowed for birthing at the birth centre so i was able to go back to our room at the birth centre where we stayed overnight and went home the next afternoon. I plan to go back to the birth centre for #2 and hopefully experience a water birth.

Speaking of #2 - my husband and i are really keen to 'have a crack' already even though i haven't had a period yet (still breastfeeding #1). We got married a couple weeks ago and thought that was as good a time as any to start trying/not be careful. So.... the other day i could have sworn i had fertile mucous (1st Dec to be exact) and DH and i DTD that morning and ever since then i have noticed small things that make me think perhaps i could be UTD? I'm probably just symptom spotting like crazy, and the fact i kept a journal of my symptoms last time and keep referring back to them isn't helping, lol. Anyway, i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
It's so hard trying not to get caught up in the excitement and fear of the tww!
But I am feeling very pregnant. I have had cramps all night, and I have had diarrhea the past 2 days (sorry TMI) so we shall see.

I am still up in the air on when we are going to test, I have a 3 pack of pregnancy tests...but don't want it to be too I may just wait for a while, I am sure one day I will get the courage to take one.

I had the loose stools too. Hope you get a bfp too! I normally test early but I hate seeing a bfn, so I am gonna hold off as long as i can :)
Winter wonderland today :xmas5:
Supposed to get about 10 inches of snow!


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Hi there :) Iv'e been lurking on this thread for a few days and thought I should post. I believe my DH and I fit the description, we're not trying but we're definitely not preventing :haha:

My LO is 6 months old (it's going by way too fast!) and I exclusively breastfeed, so we may be NTNP for awhile before I get a BFP. It's all good with us though, we're trying to be relaxed about it :flower:
Whoa there is a lot for me to catch up on I'm on my phone so will have to wait till I get home. Wow white winter that would be amazing :) after all that's been weird with me all the cm etc I decided to do an opk to see what's going on the night before I tested we BD without knowing so just I case we bed last night hehe


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