Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Ooo darlin we had that over here too! Ive seen on the news its going around! Hope it passes soon!
Hoping I can feel better soon. I'm just weak. Trying to get food in me and things so we can go to the movies later like we had planned before we got sick. It's not working so well :nope:
Redrose: any news yet??

Army: im sure I will get the hang of it just the initial thought when he told me was so daunting but now that we have set off on our long ass drive home lol I am not as worried I think the excitement of getting home is overriding my stress :haha:

Darlin: you poor thing I hope you and dh feel better soon! It is huge every where at the moment. I had it at like 37 weeks I think it was it was awful!

This drive has been hectic already! We have been on the road for 4hrs but are no where near where we should be. We blew a tyre and then phoenix did a massive explosive poo lol and has needed to be fed twice! Its going to take us forever to get home!
I am also having a hard time as dh keep saying im gonna quit smoking this week and then like 2 days later buys a packet of cigarettes and I am constantly being let down its so frustrating! I know he has to be ready but I wish he would stop getting my hopes up and then not going through with it. I give him loads of support and even give him incentive s saying I will put aside all the money that would have been going to smokes and buy him the new xbox or something else he wanted but its still not working. Lol sorry for the rant I am just so disheartened that he hasn't gone through with it yet again.
on day 3 of being late:wacko: not sure what to do now besides just wait but its driving me crazy lol
Abii: I feel for you hun its sooo frustrating!! I have really irregular cycles and it was so hard to tell if af was ju d t late or possibly pregnant and even worse that I was a massive poas addict lol. I have my fx for you that something happens soon so the waiting can stop!
3rd Tri today whoop! We had our 4d scan done on Friday. Baby is measuring 1oz smaller than her bigger sister at this stage. She has a smaller head and smaller abdomen but much longer legs! She has a dainty nose and higher cheeks, also thinner lips, and a smiley type mouth when relaxed. Overall our girls look nothing alike*
Isnt it incredible how different they can look. Hunter and phoenix look nothing alike at all there are days where I can see bits of hunter but more of an expression I guess than a feature. That was the most exciting thing for me what he was going to look like :)
Hi ladies sorry no update, jamies been so ill so I havent been really thinking about testing, not since then. If nothing by my birthday I might test again :) were headung to davids parents for new years, so if I dont make it on before tthen happy new year ladies, I hope 2014 brings u everything u want x
They do look really different! I keep wondering what Avery will look like. If they will be similar or different. All of Bret's brothers and sister's look different and so do all of mine (but mine all have diff dads and my lil bro has a diff mom)
Redrose: sorry little one is not well I hope he recovers quickly its awful seeing them unwell breaks my heart :( hopegully you get some nice dark lines when you test again I will have my fx for you!!!

Darlin: its so great to see the difference! I am at my sister in laws at the moment and phoenix looks alot like her as a baby apart from the nose. Its funny how they change though as the months go on. Hunter was a spitting image of mick when he was little but as the time goes on he is looking more and more like me.
I started spotting this morning when I woke up and now it is my full flow, so I started getting ready for next cycle:thumbup: I am taking epo and folic acid this cycle, I am also charting my bbt, using opks(ic's and clear blue with the 4 most fertile days) and bought coceive plus to try. As you can kind of tell Jan will be another go all out month:haha: mainly because I really dont want to give birth in Nov, it would be a blessing either way but Nov is such a busy month for us with my birthday and thanksgiving plus I have alot of family members who's birthdays are in November too lol so October sounds nice:winkwink:
I was set on Sept it just seemed like it was perfect, but you know, its okay I have faith that our turn will come soon:rain: Hope everyone is doing well
Abii: its grwat you have a good attitude it can be so hard to stay positive sometimes with the constant let down. Fx all those extra measures will pay off this month and you get your october baby! I can massively relate with the busy end of year as mine, dh, my dad, dh uncle, my sisters, hunters and phoenix birthday and christnas all in the space of a month it is a very expensive and crazy time of year for us especially now as phoenix is here!
Sick Munchkin over here :( He woke up with a fever and is just laying cuddled up on me. Poor kiddo.
Jam7e just got over a fever and virus I hope hes better soon as its horrible

No af.. ff changed ov day to xmas eve! Last time we bd was the 22nd.. so if ff is right I hope we still have a chance. Tbh I think af should be here soon, I got cramps and dry cm. Ladies happy new year I hope 2014 is a great year for you both.

Abii I hope 2014 brings us both a bfp x x we can do this.
Im starting a new juicing diet in hope of loosing weight quickly so wosh me luck haha
Aw poor kiddo. Hope he feels better soon darlin!
I can relate so much with the smoking kristie!sounds just like my husband!!!!
Abii-sorry the witch showed but it is nice to finally get on with it.
I hope 2014 brings u and redrose baby bumps!

Not much new here. We are moving into our house and will be fully moved in by friday. Planning on transitioning zach from bed to crib soon too.

Ive known u ladies for over a yr now! Heres to another yr full of happiness and memories for us all. Thank you for always being here when i needed to vent or just talk :flower: cheers ladies :wine:
Kirstie: :haha: wow lots of birthdays, I have mostly cousins who's birthdays are in Nov but I also have an uncle and 2 of my aunts(I have a huge family) plus Im half Jewish and we celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas so I definitely understand the expensive part

Darlin: Awh hope your lo feels better has his fever gotten better?

RedRose: Goodluck on your diet:thumbup: what is it called? and lots of baby dust to you hun it will be our turn soon I just know it:hugs:

Army: Congrats on your move hope it goes smoothly:flower: and ty(:

Afm: Happy new years ladies! it seems like 2013 went by so quick haha. Last night I had a couple of drinks(I haven't been drinking at all since we started ttc but since I was on af and it was new years eve I figured why not) so I had about 2 n 1/2 beers and was pretty buzzed. My husband and I watched the ball drop and had our new years kiss then he said his new years resolution was to lose 20lbs and I just randomly said "my new years resolution is to get pregnant" lol! He was like "in that case, maybe mine will be next year":rofl: it was super funny because thats something I normally would not of said to him:blush: haha but then he got all excited and we cuddled it was cute:cloud9:
Hope you all have a lovely new years(:
been so quiet haha, how are you ladies?:flower:
Not much happening here, day 2 of my juicing fast and detox, ive lost 4lbs already, I expenct a 7lb loss by friday.. my birthday hehe. Im taking a nightnoff for my birthday then back to is saturday til we go to london for a mini break. No af yet ill be testing on friday just to make sure but im sure im not, im hoping between loosing weight, staying away from sugar and the detox it will make me body healthy and ready for pregnancy
Busy week here.

Tues- mw appt wih glucose test
wed- Dh has a big interview
Thurs- rescheduled my us
Fri- Logan has his 18month appt

It's really snowy and cold here too :( I just ran out of my thyroid meds and realized I don't have any refills left. I need to call the doctor this morning and get it refilled. Hope they don't make me come in for an appt.
Crazy busy over here between the 2 kids and trying to unpack there is no time for anything else lol.
Phoenix is going through a growth spurt so we are feeding every 2hrs during the day and 3hrs at night so I am a little tired hopefully it doesnt last very long and we get back to the 2 night feeds he was doing.
Mick also came home last night and said he is doing another week of nights as overtime :( but it does have its advantages like being able to do some washing and help clean up a bit when he wakes where as days he wont do that because by the time he gets home and has dinner its time for bed.
Pretty damn excited also I am already back to prepregnancy weight! I cant wait to start exercising again. I have already been walking everywhere since I have been home even though I know j am s u ppose to wait till 6 weeks but I feel fine I just wont over do it I am not fast paced walking or anything just walking to the shops and back and what not.

Resrose: good on you on the weight loss so far thats great! Losing weight and getting healthy will really help your chances of conceiving as well :)

Abii: all ready for this cycle?? I have a good feeling about this one for you for some reason.

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