Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Where did this ting come from? :haha:


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Aww what a lovely bump Darlin!

Heres mine last week (second pic) with the same gestation with my daughter!
Im starting to cramp pretty bad so Im not too sure anymore:shrug::nope:
Thats good you can see faint liness tho abii!! And cramping is good too!!!! I cramped so bad with my pregnancys!

I bet you are! You had alot of lines, i'd be shocked if you aren't!
Got a stark white bfn today with fmu. Its safe to say Im out cause Im crampy too
I think I have a uti that would explain all the symptoms I've been having so gonna drink cranberry juice today.
Merry christmas eve everyone
Hey ladies! I hope you all had a lovely christmas!!! I have just hopped into bed and its midnight here :( my dad and dh were playing a board game that took forever! Lol I didnt get to finish writing this last night as phoenix needed feeding and I fell asleep.
Abi and redrose how is the testing going?

darlin: hows everything going with you and bubs?

Mrs b: look at your belly how exciting 3rd tri already! How are you feeling?

Army: hows everything your way? When do you move into your new house?

Afm: we are doing great! Phoenix is feeding every 3 and a half hours and is such a calm content baby. He usually has an awake period at about 12 for about an hour and an a half where he just lays in his cot awake kicking and looking around (not that he can see lol)
I am feeling much better now after pulling a muscle and being in awful lain for a few days. I am still sooo tired though but oh well it will be ok once we are back home. I am pretty worried about going back home though as we will only be home for 1 and a half days and mick goes back to work for night shift for a week :( I am soooo not looking forward to that!
this pic is phoenix about 10 minutes old!
Aww look at him! Looks so so tiny :-)

All good here thank you. Someone needs to tell my LG to stop jumping on bump though! She really bounced on me today, like running jump! Ouch! Cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going!! Crazy it is
It is flying isn't it?! :wacko:

Everything is pretty good over here. We have our scan tomorrow afternoon. Super excited because we mainly got money for gifts this year. The in laws are taking DS for the weekend. DH and I are going to do dinner and a movie and then go get some baby shopping done! :happydance:

This is what DH got me for Christmas. I love it and Logan helped pick it our :D I also got a nice pair of sewing scissors and a cutting mat and rotary cutter. DS did awesome! So happy and into it all. I absolutely loved our Christmas this yr :cloud9: Can't believe we will have 2 next yr :shock: Told DH it's time to start birthday shopping now :haha:
Hey ladies:wave: I hope everyone had a great christmas. I think this year was the best so far(: Zoai had a great day, was all smiles and giggles we got to see my family and Nick's so it was really nice.
Af has not shown up yet. Its weird I feel like it will come any time but when I check my undies I just have creamy ish cm. I will be testing in the am if it doesn't show by over night, hoping she stays far away though
We had a magic christmas here. My parents came up and we had the perfect dinner, jamie woke at 6.30 xmas morning! Its like he knew lol so we all got up andopened presents jamie had so many that he had spme left today so he had like two christmases my dh got me a tablet eeek so getting on bnb will be easier :) no af yet but im just enjoying xmas :)
Got a bfn and af is a day late, so now playing the waiting game:wacko:
Hi kristie and little phoenix! :wave: i was driving to workk one night and right in my view wass a big full moon and in that instance i thought "i wonder if kristie is having her baby!" Lol
Cute pics! That sucks mick will be gone nights! Hopefully hunter wont need you at night. Sometimes stephen does (he is getting his molars) so its difficult tending to the 2.

Abii sorry af or bfp is playing trickss with you! Hopefullly soon you'll knoww one way or the other.

Darlin and mrs b. Im excited for your labor storys next!

Afm zach is now almost 4monthhs old! He stilll sleeps in bed with us, but once we move we are setting up his crib. He sleeps ffrom about 10pm to 9am waking once or twice. And he naps every 2hrs or so.
Doing alot of packingg this weekend for the big move!

Question for everyone, is anyone on a different level than their childs room?
the house we are moving to has 2 bedrooms on the main level and 2 in the finished basement.
i really dont want 1 kid seperate from uss unless it was upstairs. thinking zachs crib may just have to be in our room until he is sttn then hhe can share with his brother.
Ladies evap or faint bfp taken xmas eve ?


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Its so hard with the blue dye hun it looks good but I would get a pink dye test. I have had some seriously nasty evaps on the blue. Fx that it is a real bfp thought!!!!! Lots and lots and lots and :dust: your way!!!
I am glad you had such a great chrissy its so muc more than judt presents the family quality time is the best part I think! We are having christmas at my mums next yr so I am super excited!!;she is a christmas fanatic she completely decks her house out and has a beautiful tree, it takes about 2hrs just to set the actually tree up and thats before you put the decorations on it is crazy! She does a huge chrissy spread with all the trimmings and even makes table centre pieces and place cards its so amazing I love it, I cant wait for the kids to be a bit older and start doing the same with my little family.
what did jamie get for chrissy?

Abii: I hope you get some answers soon it can be so frustrsting being inimbo between af and a bfp!

Army: omg 4 months already!!!! That has gone soooo fast and how exciting that moving is creeping up in no time at all. As for the split level I wouldnt be comfortable with one of my kids on a separate level unless they were older. I would just go with what you feel comfortable with and what you have said already with his cot in your room then sharing with his brother sounds like a great idea.
Its funny you should say about the full moon because I said I think im going to go when the full moon is dh said he thought the tuesday and my sister said the 17th so it turned out we were all right lol although he wasnt born on the 17th though.

Afm: not really much to tell to be honest just getting into the swing of 2 children and the daunting thought that we will only be back home 1 and a half days before mick goes back to work for a week of night shift :( I am freaking out a little but hopefully I will cope. I really wanted him to ask if he could start on days and switch crews for a bit but he doednt think they will let him so I guess I will manage.
I am knackered lol I was tired at 8 when both boys went down but micm and I decided to have a bit of a movie date and its now 10:40 and phoenix will wake at 11 for a feed so I am trying to keep my eyes open but omg soooo tired I should have gone to sleep at 8 when I was tired lol. We have to be up at 6 to drop mick off with my dad tl go fishung so needless to say I am going to be a zombie tomorrow :(

Massively stalking for an update redrose!!
:hugs: big hugs kristie! The first few wks can be stressful. Mark left for 3days a few wks after zach was born for the army. It succks not having help. But soon you'll get into a routine with the two.
i always tried to catch cat naps when zach sleeps during the day....i block off the living room for stephen,, put on some dora and get in somes zzz's on the couch

Redrose: i hate those tests, too many lines. But i'd say its a bfp!
Ladies evap or faint bfp taken xmas eve ?
I agree blue dye tests give alot of evaps but this is not an evap haha this is a bfp:thumbup: congrats:happydance: do you have any digis?
And thanks ladies, still no af so:shrug: idk whats going on
I have an orthodontist appt today and Im not too excited. Hope everyone has a good day:flower:
Sorry I've been away so much the past few days. I had the worst stomach bug and so did DH. Just finally able to move without puking today. Getting ready to try and eat some pancakes. I haven't had anything to eat in almost 48hrs :( I feel so weak but ok other than that.

Kristie: We have a 1st floor master and we moved up to the guest room. I wouldn't mind being on different floors but the stairs are right in front of the front door and our master in in the back of the house and down a hallway. Too far for me. We looked at a house once where the master was right by an open loft/hallway so you seemed really close to everyone even tho it was sep floors. If you walked out of that first floor master you could see everyone's door upstairs.That's the only way I'd do it.

Abii: dust:

Kristie: I'm sure you will get the hang of things! It will be tough for sure but you will figure it out :thumbup:

Redrose: Don't trust those tests. I always got lines like that on them even when not pg. Pink dye only! :winkwink:

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