Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Good luck this cycle Redrose:)

Afm: I am freaking out. I haven't ever been on a plane and tomorrow I am leaving for WA. It really doesn't help that I'm going alone, so anyone have some tips for me? tia:flower:
No hubby is staying home with her(he took his vacation so I could go see my nephew be born, if he waits another day:haha:)
I would just say make sure all your liquids are separated into one bag and in the proper sizes. Try to pack only one bag so you can just do a carry on vs. checking a bag. You can check in online before you go so it makes it much easier. Have your id and ticket available when you go through TSA. Arrive plenty early and bring a book to read just in case it's busier than you expect ;) You don't want to feel rushed if you already are anxious. You could even get hubby to go with you to look around where you need to be a couple days ahead of time.

July was my first time and although I'd be super nervous I think if I gave myself enough time I could do it on my own. It's not as bad as us non fliers expect :haha:
Ditto what darlin said! My first and only time was about 2yrs ago , so i know how you feel too!

The plane ride can be very boring, so bring magazines!! Thats what i did, (i like to read gossip magazines) and try to just do carry on, much easier than checking a bag i imagine. I had one peice of luggage in the overhead and a backpack in my lap.

Have fun! Hope you have a window seat! I enjoy looking out the window and seeing the landscape
Def bring a book or something. Ive flown many times but if u wanna leave Ireland u have to go via plane unless u take a ferry but that only takes u to wales or France, anywhere else id have to fly,

Today is cd 5 for me and af is nearly gone which is amazing ive noticed it usually takes like 7 days for it to slow down thats with 2 days of spotting either side. So loosing weight and all these extra fruit and veg are def helping! Ive lost 21 lbs now in 3 weeks. Feeling so much happier. I have another 2.5 stone to go but if they go as quickly as the first 21 lbs I will be happy but I know it will prob slow down. My husbands lost 35lbs but he has more to loose bit im happy were both getting healthier. Hes got 4 more to loose but I bet he will loose it quickly.

Im going to be on holiday around cd 14 so im happy I could be fertile around then either way I hope to ovulate between holiday and valentines days lol im not going to temp or opks im just hoping to stay relaxed and have fun :)

I hope everyone is doing well, bumps and babies xx
I got a bfn this morning:( yesterday most of my symptoms went away except for the breast pain, but then this morning my cramps came back and they are alittle stronger then the ones before:wacko: Im not testing again until either the 29th or even the 30th(when af is due) so maybe it was too early today.
Thank you for all the tips, I am going to bring my laptop with me(since its small) so I can finally watch the rest of Dexter lol. And I cant bring my suitcase on the plane as my carry on because its too big so I have to check it in.
My plane leaves at 8pm so Im hoping lil Elijah will wait just a few more hrs for auntie:winkwink: lol(its his due date today:D).
I will update you guys tomorrow:)
sorry I haven't been on much lately its so hard to find the time with the 2 kids house work and play dates.

we had the scan for hunters finger on Thursday and he came out of the anaesthesia great this time there was no crying nothing he was was really good but I think that had something to do with the fact that he didn't have anything done other than an mri so no pain more like having a deep sleep lol.
we have to go back in 3 and a half weeks to get the results and really hoping its good news!

abii: how exciting your first time flying I hope it was a good flight!
I bet you cant wait till your nephew is born! fx for a bfp for you this cycle!

Redrose: hows the weight loss going?

darling: how are you feeling I cant believe you are almost in third tri the time is flying by!

army: hows everything going in the new house and with work?

things are going great over here. phoenix is still only waking for either 1 or 2 ight feeds so he is doing between 5-6hrs in between feeds it great and he has got himself into a nice little routine. I think he must be going through a growth spurt of some sort as the last 2 days all he has done is sleep and eat like crazy during the day but keeping his night time the same thank god!
things are really good between mick and I as well there is so much romance and chemistry back which is so lovely. I am 6 weeks pp on Wednesday but we tried doing the naughty today lol and omg sooooo sore still where I tore its way to sensitive so I think we will have to stick to very light foreplay for now the poor bugger I feel sorry for him as he has been hanging out for it so bad only to be told a little longer :haha:
We have already starting talking about possibly trying at the end of the yr for number 3 but we will see how that goes with money and what not.
My sister in law just found out she is pregnant so maybe that can keep my cluckiness going if im not already pregnant by then lol as not using protection leaves us open for all kinds of surprises!

well I best get hunter off to sleep as he keeps yelling and waking baby as he likes to do of a night time, I swear he does it on purpose sometimes!
All of my symptoms went away including my breast pain but this morning I threw up and I still feel icky. My dad asked if it was m/s but I know what that feels like and this definitely doesn't feel like the m/s I had with dd, if it is anyway..idk what to think anymore, I keep going back n fourth saying "oh its just pms" but then crap like this happens and makes me get false hope(thats what it feels like after so many bfns you know?) but yep so now Im waiting until 29th to test and I can feel the bfn coming already:dohh:
On a happier note..WA is beautiful! so gorgeous, and the people here are really friendly(not used to that in cali lol). Hubby and I have been looking to move out of the state of California, not anytime soon of course, but last night we were planning Nick's next vacation and he wants to drive out here to WA so if he likes it, I definitely wouldn't mind moving/living here:)

Kirstie- I hope you guys get good news on Hunter's finger, would you mind if I asked what happened to it? glad little Phoenix has a routine now and hes letting you sleep some:haha:
And gl with the decision to come:winkwink: lol. Its lovely feeling so much chemistry with your partner, I have to admit though my hubby was prob more romantic when I was pregnant lol:dohh: that man drives me crazy though and I wouldn't have it any other way:blush:
Soo many babies haha, 2 of my friends gave birth this past week, my sil was due 2 days ago and I have another friend due the 30th lol they all had/are having boys too.

Hope everyone else is doing well, I will be back on tomorrow probably(unless Mystie has the baby) then the next post will be a picture of my handsome nephew:D
Abii what dpo were you when you tested? And what are you at now? I hope the puking was due to a baby!

Kristie everything sounds like its going so well in romance and kids! Thats great!

My dh has been being very frisky lately! He snuck me downstairs while the kids were watching dora for a quickie! I was so surprised.
I have moved zach from the bed to crib with great success!!! Im so shocked, no cio or cc like i did with stephen. He goes right to sleep on his own :yipee:
Work has been going bad, they keep cancelling all my shifts due to slow business. So we are very very poor right now. We pay 500 a month for health and dental which is the biggest drainer.
But we love the house! Its so nice having so much room!
I was 8dpo when I took the frer and according to ff I am 11dpo today, af is due the 31st:)
I hope so too but Im not too confident. It really sucks because I want to believe its real and happening but without those 2 lines its like searching for a needle in a hay stack since pms symptoms can be the same as pregnancy ones:wacko: I cant wait to be pregnant and not have to do this anymore
Heya ladies im cd 8 today and my boobs kill, any ideas? Af is just finishing up now
abii: he was born with a mutated gene (it runs through my husbands side of the family) what it is is a cluster of veins and 2 extra arteries in his middle finger so he has a huge amount of blood pumping through his finger and it can spread and if it does his finger can 1 either explode from to much pressure as there isn't ment to be that much blood or arteries or 2 can become cancerous :( so we need to get it sorted asap and it has been taking forever. I wish they had of done the mri earlier as in the beginning they thought it was just veins but as time went by it started to be more visible on the surface as to how bad it was and then it was taken further.
I just cant wait for it all to be over its been a long 2 yrs of trip after trip to have appointments for his kidneys and finger so it will be a relief once he has had the finger done and the kidney removed. It is going to be a really awful and hard day for me when it happens though I am not looking forward to that at all I think I will cry quite a lot.
on a brighter note I hope the vomit is due to a little bean in there!!!!

redrose: no advice about the boobs at all maybe an ovulation sign have you tested to just to make sure even though you got your period? I bled for 16 weeks and if I hadn't of tested I wouldn't have known at first.

army: its tough times these days with money and work :( the economy is sooooo bad. we have a mine expansion starting this year which I am not looking forward to as our rent at the moment is only 480 a week but if the market goes back up because of the expansion we have a chance of it going up to 700 a week :( I really hope it doesn't.
hahahaha about hubby sneaking you away for a quicky that also happened to me today mick had put on mickey mouse for hunter and we had a raunchy quicky on the kitchen bench :haha: it was amazing which was very surprising considering our first encounter after hunter was born was soooo painful so it was a very pleasant shock
Def not preg im bleeding so heavy. I hope it goes smoothly enough hun big hugs
Kirstie- awh that sounds horrible:( is it painful for him? I really hope you guys get good news at his next appt.
Is there anyway for them to save the finger? I know you were talking about it a few weeks back and sorry to hear he needs his kidney taken out, poor little guy. Keeping your family in my prayers hun:hugs2:
Anddddd...drum roll....
My handsome nephew Elijah William has made his appearance!:happydance:
He was born on Jan/26th at 11:26pm weighing 8lbs 8oun & 20in long. My sil did such a great job and had him all natural. It was pretty amazing, that was the first time I saw a birth other then my own, even I cried when he was born:haha:
And now here's a pic of the little guy:thumbup:
Hope everyone has a good day, I will update you all when I test:)


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Aww he's so cute Abii!

I;m so jealous of all the good :sex: going on here!!! :haha: Sex has been AWFUL this pregnancy. I can't wait for him to be here so we can have normal sex again. Hope it's like it was after Logan arrived. It was really good afterwards. I could use that right about now! :haha:

OMG! :shock: My son just was eating something and we didn't know what. I had DH check and he didn't know. I got it out and i was a huge chunk of old chicken from last night!! Like the gross fatty part :sick:
abii: it all depends on what they found on the mri. if the arteries are quite deep then they have to remove the finger as they said there wouldn't be enough flush and finger left to keep it alive it would just die and they would have to remove it anyway so we are hoping they are closer to the surface so they can just inject them to kill them off and then remove them without taking to much flesh from the finger but his finger will still look funny and a lot skinnier than the others as they will have to remove the surface flesh to get to the arteries. We don't get the results now until march 3rd as we needed to book them in the same time as his kidney appointment they book out so quick its crazy. the surgical appointments are already booked out till may!!!!
your nephew is gorgeous congrats how exciting and well done to your sil for going all natural! I love going natural cant wait to have number 3 and have another home birth.

We have official decided to try at the end of the year for number 3 We would try earlier but I want to get to my goal weight first.
I cant believe it both boys were asleep tonight before 7:30. phoenix has been on a feeding rampage the last 2 days omg it feels like he hasn't left my boob for 48hrs lol so not much sleep going on here. I think maybe he is having a growth spurt, well I hope that's what it is! and hunters never in bed before 8:30 so I am lapping it up lol.
Aw I know how if feels when jamie goes to be before 8pm lol im sure its even better two have both down by then. Awww thats so nice, me and oh said when I finally get pregnant with number two were going to ntnp r8ght away no trying and just let baby 3 come when its meant to be, weather it takes 2 months or 2 years im sick of ttc lol so knowing sods law ill end up preg right away lol. I think this or next cycle could be my lucky one. I just gotta try just enjoy myself on holiday s and not obsess

Congratulations aunty abi lol enjoy x

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