Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

We aren't doing valentine's day either. We bought a new couch and it comes tomorrow. We decided tomorrow we are going to just grill some of our nice steaks and rent a movie to watch on the new couch :haha:

I don't dare go anywhere with the two either :haha: I am specifically getting a swing set put in the backyard when we do our patio in May so we can just hang out in the backyard.
Not doing a lot here, david cooked :) and bought a naughty bell haha. It says ring for love :winkwink: its kind of a joke to do with ttc, I can just ring it hehe.

Im feeling so so bloated
Im having a scan in april if all is ok, and still not pregnant im going to take clomid :) im nervous and excited! Finally a plan
What is your weather like there darlin? Grillin sounds awesome! The more rare the steak the better!
I'm gonna be hanging out in the backyard too. We also havve a park directly across the street from us which is awesome.

Lol naughty bell my dh would love to have that. I am on my period right now so no loving on vday for him. Maybe from his hand but not me :rofl: i had to go there lol
It's cold and snowy. We just open up the garage door and grill at the edge of the garage :haha:

I'm livid! All I wanted this week (and I've been asking all week) was DH to take out the trash like all the empty boxes and things sitting around and empty the dishwasher. I had a rough week with contractions and cervical pressure so I've been trying to rest. We got into a huge fight today on the phone while he was on the way to school. I can't fucking do it all! The couch is coming tomorrow at 3pm and not only does this place have to be spotless but we also have to move everything in the living room to the dining area so there is room to bring it in. He complains about being tired and busy but he hasn't! He didn't go to class wed and got to leave work super early because my gma was in the hospital. They sent him home when they found out, he was g2 stay. so he actually had an extra day off! :growlmad: I spend so much time doing endless laundry and constantly picking up after DS I can never seem to get it all caught up without help. I told him he should just be grateful all I wanted was an empty dishwasher since it is v-day and I didn't demand flowers and jewelry like most ladies. I told he needs to think about it. I had a girl on fb complaining at 9am she didn't get flowers from her DH this morning.

Also I think I broke my toe... Was running after DS who was pushing the laptop over and stubbed my toe really bad on the foot stool. Hurt all the way up the top of my foot, is discolored and sore still and hurts to walk on it :( I'm so done.
We were planning on doing valentines either and then mick came home and surprised me with roses ans a cute mickey mouse teddy holding a love heart (which hunter now sleep with every night lol) so I went and got him a really nice singlet top and we attempted to have sex but omg it still hurts so much it sucks!

Darlin: I am sorry you and dh arent getting along at the moment im sure you guys will sort it all out and start working as a team soon :hugs:

Army: Well done on the 5hr stint good for you. What does controlled crying actually involve? We never did any kind of cry method with hunter but with phoenix I out him down awake and he sometimes cries for like a minute what would you call that lol I am not familiar with what they mean. I know cry it out is just leaving them to cry until they fall asleep.

Afm: both my boys are sick and im pretty sure I am now getting it so it is going to be a long few days but thankfully as of wednesday mick will be off for a week!
It was crazy we had day after day where it was roasting Hot and then all of a sudden we had the biggest storm and the wettest day since 1969!!! It was 100km wind and rain, the rain was so heavy it was white you couldn't see in front of you it was ridiculous and when it hit my friend and I were in the pool with our kids it was really scary the kids were screaming and the dogs were hiding I could not imagine how you guys do it in the US with the tornados :(
My gosh seriously I have no time for anything with the 2 these days and then my dancing and sport!
and I have lost 12kgs so far!!! So excited only 10 more kilos till my first goal weight!!
Dh and I are going to celebrate valentines day this evening actually:haha: he had to work until 9pm on the 14th so we didn't get to do anything like we normally would, he told me to not even cook! lol so hes taking me out to eat:) which is nice since we dont get out much.
Not sure whats up with my cycle but trying not to stress about it and just let things happen, waiting for af:shrug: I dont even know if Im dpo yet lol Im waiting for ff to give me the confirmation:wacko:
Dh and I started taking vitamins this cycle, Im taking something called fertibella(its also known as conceiveeasy) and dh is taking a centrum multi-vitamin. I have been using opks but they are just confusing me. Hoping our efforts will pay off soon.
Glad you all are doing alright and Ill update again soon:)

Darlin- hope your day got better sorry to hear about your toe, I broke my toe before so I know how painful it is, you wouldn't think a toe could hurt that bad. Feel better:hugs2:

Redrose- that bell gift made me crack up haha, wish dh would get me one:rofl:

Kirstie- our weather out here is the same:wacko: it goes from being really nice and sunny one day, to windy cold and rainy as hell the next lol I hate it. A few nights ago we went to town and on our way back home it was so foggy and rainy my husband had to pull over for a minute until the rain stopped. It was scary. Im glad you all are okay and congrats on your weight loss:)
Kristie: controlled crying for me involves going in the room at intervalls like 3min, 5,7,10,,10,10 until he fallls asleep. I go in and pat him on his back and say shhh shhhh.
it was a rough few nights. We did end up movving the cribs. So now zach has his own room. And we share with stephen.
last night went well. I put him down and he fell to sleep right away! He sslept 7.5hrs before a feed! And one more time 3hrs later. I consider that a success! Stephen didnt sttn until after a yr. I dont mind getting up once a night for a feed. Anything more than twice gets too exhausting. At 6months i am gonna try cutting out night feeds with controlled crying. If it doesnt work i am hoping to at least get him down to one feed a night.

Kids :wacko:

Storms hit fast there? That would be scary being in the pool and next mintue a down pour! We have tornadoes here every yr. This may sound bad but every yr i hope to see one! I always wanted to chase tornadoes growing up.

Abii, make him shove it down so far it hurts! Lol i know that sounds bad but i think it helps lol. I made dh shove it in so far as he was releasing. Good luck!!! :dust:
Abii, make him shove it down so far it hurts! Lol i know that sounds bad but i think it helps lol. I made dh shove it in so far as he was releasing. Good luck!!!

LOL he does that on his own surprisingly:winkwink: and thank you:)
Good luck abi, ive no idea what dpo I am eother as my thermometer battery went dead, once I changed it my temps were overall higher! Anyway im at my parents for the next 10 ish days, I cant wait to start clomid, I really think it will help
Good luck abi, ive no idea what dpo I am eother as my thermometer battery went dead, once I changed it my temps were overall higher! Anyway im at my parents for the next 10 ish days, I cant wait to start clomid, I really think it will help
My temp jumped to 98.1 yesterday and now 98.2(base line temp) this morning, but I haven't gotten a positive opk. I thought I got a positive on cd14 because it was pretty dark but I missed a temp on cd13 so if I did ovulate I probably missed it:dohh:
Yayy for clomid:happydance: goodluck keeping my fx'd for you:)
Isn't it funny how excited we get over our pills? I'm all over it this pregnancy. Because I cannot be induced and can only go to 42wks (which is pretty good I think) I am all for the herbal things and homeopathic stiff. I pulled out the epo. Going to start a small does of that orally and I've been drinking my rrl tea. I plan on getting rrl capsules, some chamomile, and then once I am closer to my edd (like 38wks) using a clary sage oil blend. I'm REALLY hoping he stays head down. If not there is an herbal supplement that is supposed to help with a breech baby I will start too. If baby goes to 40wks I am getting accupuncture. I feel VERY determined this pregnancy to go vaginally. Now I just need to see where my placenta is Thursday ;)
Darlin: The only thing I say is be careful with taking thingd to soon as they are ment to help contract and can put baby under stress because of the false contractions from the herbs. Here in aus we are told not to take anything at all until 36 weeks for that reason but I have seen in the us it is pretty common to take them early but that is just my experience. I started the rlt capsules when I was 37 weeks but I honestly dont think they did anything other than make my braxton hicks really bad.

Army: that comment about shove it in was gold lol I find it amazing when ttc how open you can be with people you have never met! And right I would say we did controlled crying also thwn as if it gets to the 5 minute mark I will go in pick him up give him and cuddle and then put him back down but its not often that he ever cries that long. Even putting hunter to bed in his own bed he cries when I am with him so wow I would be in for a rough ride if I put him in there on his own :( at least I got one good sleeper lol.
That is a fantastic result from zach especially after a few days well done!
I am putting phoenix in his own room tomorrow night as mick is off for a week so he can tend to hunter if he wakes when I get up to feed phoenix but phoenix so needs to go in his own room the poor bugger he can sleep till the cows come home but hunter is always so loud he wakes him so it will be nice for him to be able to sleep without distraction! I am seriously so excited for mick to be off we havent had any time together since phoenix was born as he has either been working or we were in adelaide for hunters procedure so it wil be really lovely to have some quality time!

Abii and redrose: im sure it wont be long for you ladies before you both see those blaring 2 lines!
Redrose: how exciting about the clomid that will give you a sense of new hope for sure!
I already got the go ahead from the mw. I took it with DS too. Here you are advised tho if it makes you uncomfortable to stop using it. I've never had any problems with them in the past tho.
Yeah they are different for everyone. It baffles me how different america is compared to aus with the medical care in pregnancy for example over up until recently 37 weeks was classed as full time where as here it is 40 weeks with a rule of give or take a week, you are not entitled to a sweep before 40 weeks and some hospitals its 41 weeks, you cannot have an elective c section unless there is a medical reason I wonder why there is such a difference. What do you think of your medical system for pregnancy do you think there is to much intervention over there?

I think sometimes here because the intervention is very low that they neglect some issues which end up being more serious because they wouldn't use intervention but it is great for women with healthy pregnancies to have no pressure but I definitely think for ladies that need it they wait to long at times and people like a friend of mine end up bleeding out needed several blood transfusions over 2 days and being told she may never have anymore children.
I think it just depends. I had an awful doctor's office in early pregnancy with DS so I sought out better care and I believe I have found it with my mws. They seem to be pretty understanding and well informed. I had so many screw ups with DS at the other doctor such as not being offered testing, having my blood type wrong (discovered in ER), billing issues and even treated like a criminal by the office manager because they had a teenager working the desk and billed my shit wrong. I have had no real issues like that with the mw and when I do have an issue I let them know and they handle it asap. I think that the care here is poor. I think we have too many medical interventions. I think we have a seriously high cs rate and not enough natural support. I wish we had options like gas and air and home birth mws. The lady's I see is in the only hospital in the area that does water births and I feel like there are so many restrictions. Even in my small office tho there is a slightly diff opinion depending on which lady I see example...

I'm not sure if I told you about the one mw (my least fav of the 3) who suggested an epi right off the bat. Well I saw my fav last week and she could not confirm that she necessarily agreed and saw me needing the epi for sure. She actually stated that most of their vbacs are natural. It just depends on my situation when we get to the hospital and I am in actual labor.
I used RLT from 32 weeks with my daughter and EPO from 34 weeks. Never had BHs but did have quite a short labour considering she was back to back. I'm convinced they worked prepare the womb to contract efficiently x
Wow darlin and mrs b! You both are getting close to the end!
How are the pregnancies going? Are you getting up a million times to pee at night?

Zach kinda sttn! I put him down at 8 and at 10pm he woke up so i gave him a quick feed, and right now its 630am and he is stilll sleeping!
Im tempted to try puttingg the boys in the same room...
Yes getting close! I am getting a little stressed out about all the stuff that needs done tho :wacko: I'm so behind! :dohh: Can't believe he will be here soon. I know it's not likely but I hope he comes a wee bit early like 39wks. I just would feel less stressed out if he makes an appearance on his own before they start pressuring scheduling a repeat cs. I have no clue how this is going to go because they took DS at 39+2.

I really hope I can keep the boys on a schedule. Logan is pretty good so as long as Avery cooperates I'll be ok. I thin as long as I can get 3-4hrs at a time once I go to bed I will be ok. That's about when I wake up to pee now. Logan wakes up early some days but I can usually get him to have quiet time in his room if it's "too early". I think him enjoying being in his room is going to really help. Even like at nap time if he won't nap he will play quietly or lay with a bottle and watch tv and just chill out.
I've never had issues with the whole overactive bladder in either of my pregnancies. So that's a blessing. I do get up once in the night to pee, where as I never got up before but once a night is normal for most non pregnant people haha!

This pregnancy is harder than the first, more aches pains and swellings. But nothing serious and seems to be going OK! Just waiting it out now, we are ready for her when she's ready to face the world :-)

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