Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Yeah I am hoping I reach my goal weight sooner than I plan so we can start sooner lol but we will have to wait and see. My husband and I are signing up for a thing called stampede its a fun run for either 5 or 10kms and its to help raise money it will be so much fun its in mud and through an obstacle course so we need to be working out immediately! I have already started walking and omg it sucks in the heat! It was 40c so 104f and we walked for an hour and a half I think it was needless to say I was sweating my ass off! I have been doing sit ups and push ups as well and we have an exercise bike I just need to get it out of the shed which I will get mick to do it tonight. We eat pretty damn healthy its just the exercise that needs to ramp up now.
What does your day consist of food wise ladies?
Here is a typical day for me
Breakfast: nutrigrain and lite milk
Snack: fruit and an oat and nut bar
Lunch: is usually a salad or salad sandwhich or tuna spinch and rocket on fat free crispbread
Snack: sometimes just a banana or an up n go
Dinner: we mix it up quite a bit
Chicken stirfry (the recipe is only 9g fat) with brown rice and quinoa
Steak with asparagus, zucchini, broccilini, carrot and the boys have potato
A roast but with the same veg as above
Salmon or fish and salad
We dont really eat pasta as its to much carbs for losing weight but I do cook it as a treat sometimes and if I do it a salmon pumpkin and spinach fettucine omg yummmm it is delicious.
I would try shakes and protein bars and what not but im not aloud to with breastfeeding so have to try other things. I also do things like mini vegetarian quiche and I am just in the process of going all natural in the house cleaning and ingredients wise. You could say im a bit of a hippy lol. Both the boys are in cloth nappies and we only use all natural in the bath and shower. My cleaning products now exist of bi carb soda vinegar water and what ever essential oil I decide to add in. I have got a website off a friend for all my cooking needs like cacoa powder and such things. We only use coconut oil in our house now would you believe it has 0 cal and 0 fat and it makes the food taste amazing! I am also going to start making my own body scrubs soap and shampoo and conditioner I cant wsait as we all suffer from skin allergies so this should help so much to eliminate the flares up from the chemicals and additives.
Well that went on forever lol ill stop before I bore you all :)
I eat whatever sounds yummy :haha: But my snacks are pretty similar to yours. Cereal bars, bananas, yogurt, cheese just little healthy things. I like tuna and chicken salad for lunches too. Whenever I do a sandwich I try to use spinach instead of lettuce. I've been doing cheese and chicken wraps for lunch. I just melt it so it's like a weird quesadilla thing. I think eggs and oatmeal can be great things to add to your diet when breastfeeding! The oatmeal is great for your supply and the protein in the eggs is good for you too. Have you seen the recipes for the cold oats? It's something you mix up the night before and put in the fridge to set for later and you add fruit and yogurt to it. I really want to try it but keep forgetting. I'm horrible about veggies. I like them more for snacks with dressings than cooked with meals. I'm pretty picky about what kind too. This pregnancy they make me sick when they're cooked most of the time :blush:
Since being on the juicing diet I make a green juice to go with my dinner, I get my 5 a day in one glass, I feel so great after it. Ive lost a ton of weight so has dh. One healthy way too is to have a healthy fruit juice for breakfast, grapefruit, oranges, apples carrots and a tiny bit of ginger. Yummy!
Bfn today at should be here tomorrow. Feeling like total shit too. I just really want to cry but I cant because no-one here in WA will understand what Im going through.
Im so sad:cry: idk what to do, should we keep trying or give up? I really need some advise. I know Im not suppose to post my number but I am going to because I just really need anyone right now.
Please give me some advise, Im stuck:(
Aw hun I cant text u because im all the way in ireland and I dont have credit, sorry hun, im with u though, its the same here constantly a disappointment, itd harder when there has been a birth in the famiky too, my sis in law had her baby girl in dec so I know how u feel. I just want to be pregnant again so badly. Ive been trying a year now with no luck. I would say dont give up. Have u tried taking the pre seed? And vits for him and u? Maybe do a few cycles of ntnp. I know how u feel, im here if u wanna talk any time x x
Aw hun I cant text u because im all the way in ireland and I dont have credit, sorry hun, im with u though, its the same here constantly a disappointment, itd harder when there has been a birth in the famiky too, my sis in law had her baby girl in dec so I know how u feel. I just want to be pregnant again so badly. Ive been trying a year now with no luck. I would say dont give up. Have u tried taking the pre seed? And vits for him and u? Maybe do a few cycles of ntnp. I know how u feel, im here if u wanna talk any time x x
Its alright I understand and thank you for your reply hun.(just to warn you, this might be kinda long)
We just used conceive plus this cycle but did use pre-seed last cycle. Used both of them with softcups, bd every other day in fertile period then everyday after +opk also used the clear blue advanced digi opks which drove me crazy! and nothing:/ Im at a loss. I dont know what we keep dong wrong and its bugging the hell out of me because the first time we used pre-seed got our bfp.
I am looking into this ttc kit called ConceiveEasy and the reviews on it are all good pretty much, but I dont want to waste money like I did on those stupid opks. And no he hasn't taken any vitamins, I never thought to get him any because I figured since we had Zoai he was fine and I was the one having problems(since it was me the 1st time).
And since we have a child, a fertility specialist wont even talk to us until we have been trying for over a year and a half(I called a clinic in my area and thats what they told me):nope:
Im thinking I have a thyroid problem because lately I have lost a ton of weight(I weigh 128, haven't weighed that much since I was about 15), constantly tired and having the worst mood swings ever so Im getting a blood test done when I get back home, might go ahead and order that kit along with some male fertility vitamins and just see if it helps. Of course I have to wait until I talk to my hubby and idk how he will feel about taking vitamins so we'll see. And we are most likely going back to ntnp but right now everything is still up in the air:wacko:
I apologize that this post is so long, but thank you so much for your kind words and advise:hugs2:
Abii :hugs: i'm sorry you're going through this :hugs: its hard not having anyone you can talk to either.
when i struggled with conceiving my 1st for a yr and a half.. i had no one i could talk to either. My dh made me feel better by just letting me know we were a family baby or not.

Did u start on bc since #1?? that could be delaying things. I know sometimes being on those things even though you have a period etc, can really delay things for awhile.
With all of my pregnancys , it was the months we barely bd that sealed the deal. I think banging too much before O depleted his troopers...and 3rd string troopers would be present by the time O arrived lol.

Maybe try waiting to bd until the night before O?
Feel free to vent to us! Get the frustration out.

Kristie: wow #3!!!! Go momma!! U must be able to tolerate the newborn stage better than me :haha: i cannot go through this again, the night wakings, teething, no sleep :wacko: stick a fork in me i'm done!!! Lol

Congrats redrose on the weight loss! Im sure that''ll help promote fertility too!

Zachs up! G2g!!!!!! Bbye!!!!
Abii: I say have a complete rest month it always did me a world of good to just enjoy my partner and go out and dl some fun and nice things for yourself. Tc is so hard on you stress wise and on your ego I use to feel like I wasnt a women if I couldn't conceive which is sooooii not the case at all we are women no matter what the outcome. It took me 3 and a half years to conceive hunter and we tried method after method, vitamins, herbal hormones and it was awful. Your emotions would be extra high also because your nephew has just arrived which is such a punch in the guts when you are want a bfp so bad, many of my friends and family fell pregnant in out long ttc journey. But honestly a break would do you guys good let your hair down and wait to hear back about your test results. Then after you have had a nice relaxing stress free fun month with dh enjoying each others company because you want to not because there is the ttc over your heads, try all the new techniques but maybe with a little less bd I agree with army on that the quality of the sperm would not be as great and have fun with it dont put to much pressure on yourself as stress will only hinder your chances. Trust me I know this may not be helping as I always got so frustrating when pwople would give me advice when I was ttc when they would say just relax yarda yarda as they had no idea what I was going through, my favourite line was "stop worrying it will hallen your a ward we only have to look at each other and we fall pregnant" geez thanks for reminding me that I am the first and only person in our family including extendwd family to have fertility problems grr made me so mad but coming from experience a someone who knows what your going through its seems less patronizing lol if thats even the right word.

Redrose: I have been reading up on the green juices apparently kale is a great one to add. I have just starting making smoothies with choc almond milk spinach and berries which is amazing!!!! When they go on sale I am definitely buying a juicer though as hunter loves juices and smoothies as do I so it will get loads of use!

Army: hahahaha that whole thing made me laugh and I know that feeling all to well. I think I woukd feel differently if phoenix didnt sleep so good. Hunter was a horrible sleeper so to go from a baby that woke every hour to a 1-2 times a night there is no hard feelings for a third. But I must say the last 2 days these kids have been testing my patience something shocking!!! Hunter is constantly being mischievous just to get some attention. If phoenix is crying he pretends to cry but when he cries phoenix cries for some odd reason and the squealing and the yelling from hunter is driving me nuts as well as makes phoenix cry lol. Yesterday I was very very close to tears I had to wake michael up as he is on night shift to just help me out and let me have a shower and wash my hair to get away from the 2 of them :haha: and tonight phoenix decided he wanted to cry for like 2hrs before he went to sleep tonight. Everytime I put him down he would screan I would pick him up and he would fall asleep so I would put him down and bam awake and screaming it sucked! It also doesnt help that mick is on his 3rd week straight and still has another 2 to go before his 7 days off and we have an inspection a few days before his last shift so I will be frantically cleaning the house on my own getting it ready for the inspection so at the moment my life is so not rainbows and pixies lol oh and throw in some severe post partum nausea and hunter dropping his day nap and its the ultimate icing on the cake! But I will soldier on and suck it up because I have to if I dont it will be 10 times worse.
On a brighter note I just finished hunter bedroom and he loves it he has spent alot of time in there playing the last 2 days where as before he would bring all his toys out so its great to not have a thousand cars and trains and musical toys thrown around the house hopefully he will start wanting to sleep in there because he has just self weaned from the dummy we are on our 4th night with no dummy so I think its safe to say its gone! Thank god! It was so strange on tuesday night he was just playing around with it at bed time and I dont him to put it in his mouth and he wouldnt so I tried and he spat it out and said no and gave it to me next thing I know he is asleep and then the next night same thing said no and gave it to me so the last 2 nights I just havent even offered it and hes never asked for it I am wrapped it was the same with boob just decided no more one day.
Well I best be off as the critters are asleep and I feel like I want to hurl :sick:
That stinks hunter dropped his nap! Is he getting close to potty training?

I finally got zach fully transitioned into his crib! So happy to havve the bed back.
and he is eating twicce a day now too!

Also trying to get stephen to talk. He says words but its hard to understand.
oh and trying to teach sharing. He doesn't like sharing his toys with zach.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
I can't believe how big all your babies are getting! I also can't believe I am just a couple days from 3rd tri! :shock: I need a pause or slowdown button :haha:
Wow 3rd tri! I'm excited for your labor! I really really hope you get a vbac. Were you planning a water birth too?
do you have everything you need for avery?
No you can't water birth with a vbac and we really don't need anything for Avery.
Hi ladies! I had my 30th bitthday party yesterday :( it was fun but sad my 20s are over.
Starting to plan stephens 2nd party now!3 wks away!! He still isnt talking but sttarting to say more words.

How is everyones lo's doing?
Darlin: that sucks they wont let you water birth with a vbac and crazy how different it can be as you are aloud to water birth and home birth Here. Hopefully it can still be a calm lovely experience. Are you going to try hypnobirthing or anything like that?

Army: happy birthday I hope you had a great time!
Yay how exciting the big 2!!! Are you doing a theme or anything like that?
My boys are good phoenix is a little hit and miss with his sleep at the moment some nights he dies 1 or 2 wakes others like the last 2 nights has been every 2.5-3hrs but I think thats more down to me being off routine at the moment.
On thursday I stuck my finger in one of those hand blade mixers and cut off half my nail and a huge chunk of flesh as well as slicing underneath my finger open so mick had to take 2 days off as I couldnt change nappies or do baths or anything which sucked. Then friday night even with the being in pain ww went to a friends for dinner and we all ended up getting smashed swimming in the pool making silly videos playing games and all sorts we didnt get home till 4 in the morning! It felt so weird drinking and not feeding the little man. I had some expressed milk in the fridge and we bought some organic formula. Then yesterday I got a message from my younger sister saying there town is going up in flames and they were told it was to late to leave they just had to hope for the best but luckily at about 3 this morning they got the fire under control so she wasnt hurt but quite a few houses were lost.
Hunter had his appointment with his speech therapist on thursday morning as well and she said he is now exactly where he should be which is awesome!! I think sometimes they are just stubborn they can talk they just choose not to, I think hunter has really started now because I dont have the time to sit and guess what it is he wants so he had to talk but wow now that he does he does not shut up lol at bedtime is the worst he just repeats himself over and over to try and keep himself awake lol.
Im so jealous of your weather kristie! It was -15 here which would be. -26celcius! Very very cold!
its so cold it litereally takes your breath away, and your nostrils stick together lol.
swimming and drinking sound so fun! I always feel so guilty anytime i go out. Something i gotta work on. I always feel like i'm burdening my parents with my kids. And i always feel guilty for leaving them.
Ouch! That must of hurt!!!
zach is onthat schedule! He always wakes every 2-3hrs at night. I asked the doc and he said hhe should b waking up once or twice thats it.. right now its 3times a night. He is teething pretty bad though.
does hunter say words or little short phrases? Stephen just says random words. Like dora,truck, banana. Zach. Im trying hard to teach him more words.
I am thinking about potty training too. I was going to buy one and just place him on it several times a day and see what happens.

For the party i am going to decorate with bubble guppies. It will mostly be adults over. Still debating on what to serve. I need something cheap that feeds about 20 people.
We did like cold cut sandwiches, different dips and pasta salads for Logan's party. Seemed to go over well. I figure as long as I feed them then it's fine. If it's not good enough they are grown and can go to McDonald's after :haha:
Army: We always take our kid's with us as we dont have any family at all here but all our friends have kids as well so all the kids play together and we dont start the silly stuff till they are all asleep. Hunter of course is always the last to fall asleep lol and the one to wake the most times but we are use to that.
Hunter says lots of words and is starting to put 2 words together like its hot, its cold, go outside, on wall, ready set go, and he is now just repeating everything we say where as before we would have to teach him but im sure stephen will come around soon. Does he get much exposure to other children? Do you go to play groups or anything? That was hunters turning point was in melbourne we had lots of playdates and went to alot of parks and play centres I also think because I dont have as much time he now has to talk to communicate.
We played alot of force choice also like doing a puzzle but you keep all the pieces and say you pick up a bear and a horse you hold up one in each hand and ask would you like thw bear or the horse and wait for them to choose and you dont give it to them straight away you say the horse you want the horse and then wait about 10 seconds enough time for them to respond and then give it to them. We also started with sounds all the time and gosh hunter can do about 10 animal noises lol its a great way for them to know what they are before they learn the word like when we did the puzzles we would say the horse you want the horse and then we would do the noise like a horse and it didnt take long before he associated the 2.
Woooooww I am sooo tired after phoenix being such a good sleeper and now feeding so many times at night I am knackered and I have to clean the house for an inspection for tomorrow I dont know where I am going to pull the energy from!
As for the food I dont really know as we dont ever get weather that cold to cook weather appropriate food lol. We usually do little frankfurts, sushi, home made chicken sausage rolls, sausages in bread, a fruit platter and carrot and celery stick with dip.
Ooh have fun with the party hun, I sure it willbe fun, jamies 20 months on friday and im already thinking of ideas for his birthday. We usually get like chicken wings or legs, cook them and it fills alot, or u could get pizzas I usually do shop at lidl like a cheapy lol and I get sausage rolls, wedges, chips, cakes veg for dip.

Were having some bad weather here in ireland, flash floods, constant rain, building falling down due to bad wind, its crazy! And very scary!
We spent a weekend in london and it was amazing I really needed the break!

I thought id ovulated on holiday but now I think my bodys just gearing up now! Ive got ewcm and my opks nearly positive! Im starting to think my lh spike is only ever enough to give me a nearly positive instead of a full blown one. Im depending mostly on ewcm. Either way im sure its positive outcome, usually iget cramps all cycle and ewcm at random times, so far a text book cycle, af, then dry then watery cm, now ewcm and cramps. Usually I cramps all cycle. So far we have dtd every other day not forced either, it seems going with the flow makes it relaxed enough to dtd more.. that and jamies sleeping great and we both havea lot of energy :) im joining slimming world tomorrow :) so excited!
Redrose: that is no good at all about the flooding hopefully it eases up soon for you guys.
This cycle is sounding very promising, let's hope you get your bfp at the end to make it a perfect cycle :) hows the weight loss coming?
No stephen doesnt have hardly any exposure. Its really hard for me now with the 2. Before we would go to the park and mall alot but now i don't dare try lol. But in the last few days he is starting to say more words! So i think he is doing alright. Just so excited for him to talk.
zachary has been waking up every 2hrs and i cant take it anymore! Lol doctor said he should only be waking once if that! So last night i started sleep training. It was about an hour of controlled crying but he slept for 5hrs! Only woke up once all night! If he doesnt get better before the weekend is over i will have to move stephens crib in our room and zach in stephens room. My husband gets up super early so i cant sleep train if he has to work the next day.

Other than that not much going on. Dh got me card and flowrs and i got him nothing :dohh: i thought we werent giving each other anything cux we are broke. So i jjust made him cupcakes with pink frosting. Im gonna surprise him when he gets home.
happy valentines day all!

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