Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Welcome pitakat :) Do you have periods? I know some women still have periods even while bf'ing.

d1kt8r:Seems like just the other day you got a bfn, and now a +opk shortly after!! THats good your gonna cover your bases and do a lot of :sex: :thumbup:
Indeed we are not tonight tho gunna have a break I heard its not good to just keep going something about the spermatozoa lol
thanks ArmyWife :) I haven't gotten my periods back yet. On the one hand it'd be kinda nice to be having them, so I know that I'm ovulating again, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not having them :haha: If I knew I was ovulating, I think I'd be a lot more obsessive about TTC, and I'm trying not to go down that road.
But I am feeling very pregnant. I have had cramps all night, and I have had diarrhea the past 2 days (sorry TMI) so we shall see.

I am still up in the air on when we are going to test, I have a 3 pack of pregnancy tests...but don't want it to be too I may just wait for a while, I am sure one day I will get the courage to take one.

I had the loose stools too. Hope you get a bfp too! I normally test early but I hate seeing a bfn, so I am gonna hold off as long as i can :)

Yeah thats with me, I hate seeing bfn's so I might even hold off until the beginning of next month, just in case...but we shall see. We are going to Farmington, Christmas Eve for the day and kyle's cousin is about 20 weeks pregnant, so we shall see ;) I might want to take one the day after which would be Christmas Day but who knows :) Lol

What do you think of this snow we are getting? We were going to go to my parents house to watch the Vikings/Bears game, but we decided not to, which is a good thing, I guess the roads are terrible.

I really hope it is somewhat clear by Wednesday, we have to take my 2 dogs to the vet for their shots and the vet is an hour away...and it's all back roads..and I hate driving in's so good to be a stay at home Mom :) :) Gavin and I are definitely going to hibernate these next 2 days!!
Yeah thats with me, I hate seeing bfn's so I might even hold off until the beginning of next month, just in case...but we shall see. We are going to Farmington, Christmas Eve for the day and kyle's cousin is about 20 weeks pregnant, so we shall see ;) I might want to take one the day after which would be Christmas Day but who knows :) Lol

What do you think of this snow we are getting? We were going to go to my parents house to watch the Vikings/Bears game, but we decided not to, which is a good thing, I guess the roads are terrible.

I really hope it is somewhat clear by Wednesday, we have to take my 2 dogs to the vet for their shots and the vet is an hour away...and it's all back roads..and I hate driving in's so good to be a stay at home Mom :) :) Gavin and I are definitely going to hibernate these next 2 days!!

I love the snow. Hate driving in it, but love sitting at home looking out the windows at it. It just makes it really feel like xmas time.
Are more close to MN or more close to Milwaukee? Good game starting pretty soon!! Lions and packers :thumbup: Should be a good game.

I hope the snow is clear by tomorrow morning!!! Lol Its monday grocery shopping day with LO:baby: I love going monday morning when the stores are completely empty:happydance:
thanks ArmyWife :) I haven't gotten my periods back yet. On the one hand it'd be kinda nice to be having them, so I know that I'm ovulating again, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not having them :haha: If I knew I was ovulating, I think I'd be a lot more obsessive about TTC, and I'm trying not to go down that road.

That's good you guys are going to try the relaxed approach..we were too until we realized army insurance stops once he goes into the reserves in fall 2013!!! lol So now we really want to get pregnant in the next 3cycles! Talk about pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko: Army covers 100% practically so we figure better try now. And we wanted 2 close together in age, so it works for us anyways
Yeah thats with me, I hate seeing bfn's so I might even hold off until the beginning of next month, just in case...but we shall see. We are going to Farmington, Christmas Eve for the day and kyle's cousin is about 20 weeks pregnant, so we shall see ;) I might want to take one the day after which would be Christmas Day but who knows :) Lol

What do you think of this snow we are getting? We were going to go to my parents house to watch the Vikings/Bears game, but we decided not to, which is a good thing, I guess the roads are terrible.

I really hope it is somewhat clear by Wednesday, we have to take my 2 dogs to the vet for their shots and the vet is an hour away...and it's all back roads..and I hate driving in's so good to be a stay at home Mom :) :) Gavin and I are definitely going to hibernate these next 2 days!!

I love the snow. Hate driving in it, but love sitting at home looking out the windows at it. It just makes it really feel like xmas time.
Are more close to MN or more close to Milwaukee? Good game starting pretty soon!! Lions and packers :thumbup: Should be a good game.

I hope the snow is clear by tomorrow morning!!! Lol Its monday grocery shopping day with LO:baby: I love going monday morning when the stores are completely empty:happydance:

Yeah as long as I am at home I completely fine lol :) We are closer to MN. I live about an hour from the cities...the "city" is called Eau Claire. I know it should be a really good game. I get to watch 30 minutes of the game, before I go and give Gavin his bath. He is going on his 4th night, sleeping from 9:30 pm to about 7:30 I have gotten some pretty good sleep so far, and it feels great ;)

What a coincedence (I spelt that wrong) about shopping. Every Monday (well when it's not snowing or reall cold) I take my mother, and my grandmother shopping..and of course little Gavin :)

I tend to do all the grocery shopping then (without the man) he usually tends to want to buy stuff when we can't afford it or we don't really necessarily need it.

Well I calculated from my November 10th period...and my (28 day cycle period---I never have gotten a 28 day cycle..but thought I would check) was due yesterday. I took a HPT this morning and a huge negative :( but that's okay I still have really high hopes.

I got pregnant from a 35 day cycle with Gavin, so I calcuated that out...and my period would be due December once December 15th hits...we shall see what happens. So my focus is December 15th for now. :)

I saw on the other posts, that army doesn't cover the pregnancy next fall, that is so dumb.

Good luck to you, I am definitely praying for you and sending lots, and lots of baby dust your way. :) :) :happydance::thumbup::hugs:

Well I better get going, hubby wants to put together his (early christmas present) which is a weight bench...and I am relaxing in the tub. :) :) that's pretty much the only time I get to myself, is when I am in the tub. I have a glass of bubbly next to me :) and I am enjoying it very much.

I told Hubby make sure he gets "Santa" a big glass of wine, instead of milk...eww I hate milk. Unless it's chocolate milk :) :)
thanks ArmyWife :) I haven't gotten my periods back yet. On the one hand it'd be kinda nice to be having them, so I know that I'm ovulating again, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not having them :haha: If I knew I was ovulating, I think I'd be a lot more obsessive about TTC, and I'm trying not to go down that road.

That's good you guys are going to try the relaxed approach..we were too until we realized army insurance stops once he goes into the reserves in fall 2013!!! lol So now we really want to get pregnant in the next 3cycles! Talk about pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko: Army covers 100% practically so we figure better try now. And we wanted 2 close together in age, so it works for us anyways
Oh my goodness, I'd be feeling the pressure too if I were in your shoes! Hopefully you get that BFP soon so the Army will help you guys out! :thumbup: Are you temping and testing for ovulation and all that jazz?

Kittey, I usually go shopping without the man too. He likes to buy treats and snacks, whereas I'm trying to budget and buy ingredients to make meals from scratch!
thanks ArmyWife :) I haven't gotten my periods back yet. On the one hand it'd be kinda nice to be having them, so I know that I'm ovulating again, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not having them :haha: If I knew I was ovulating, I think I'd be a lot more obsessive about TTC, and I'm trying not to go down that road.

That's good you guys are going to try the relaxed approach..we were too until we realized army insurance stops once he goes into the reserves in fall 2013!!! lol So now we really want to get pregnant in the next 3cycles! Talk about pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko: Army covers 100% practically so we figure better try now. And we wanted 2 close together in age, so it works for us anyways
Oh my goodness, I'd be feeling the pressure too if I were in your shoes! Hopefully you get that BFP soon so the Army will help you guys out! :thumbup: Are you temping and testing for ovulation and all that jazz?

Kittey, I usually go shopping without the man too. He likes to buy treats and snacks, whereas I'm trying to budget and buy ingredients to make meals from scratch!

Yeah that's what I do. I am a huge extreme couponer too :) We have tons of toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish soap (when I have a coupon for it, I get it :) ) He always makes fun of me...because I get stuff we don't need at that moment.

I guess men just do not understand. haha. He will one day understand when we have enough money saved up for a house and a car lol :) Hubby loves getting snacks and tools.

I get stuff for his lunch, and food for supper.
Omg I love the show extreme couponing we don't have coupons here at all!!! It sucks I really wish we did we would save so much money but no nothing like that. So so jealous of you guys!!!
Whoa there is a lot for me to catch up on I'm on my phone so will have to wait till I get home. Wow white winter that would be amazing :) after all that's been weird with me all the cm etc I decided to do an opk to see what's going on the night before I tested we BD without knowing so just I case we bed last night hehe

When did you get af last? Just a though I know your blood test came back negative but could it have been to early? Could you still be pregnant because you can get positives on an opk if your pregnant. Or have you taken another test after the blood test? I am not trying to get your hopes up again lol
AF was the 29th October man I'm getting some full on cramping this arvo I'm gonna do another opk and hpt tonight
Well done tests opk really positive still and hpt is neg still I dunno
November must have been an annovulatory cycle then and you are only just now ovulating! God damn girl hormones they are so confusing! I had the same sort of thing last cycle maybe the cramps you are experiencing now are I so get on the :sex: lol hopefully if you don't get your bfp this month your cycle sorts itself out. I have just gone down to the shops today and got some b6 to help with my cycles they are so irregular! I went to get vitex as well but can't use it while breastfeeding :( oh well I will just have to wait.
thanks ArmyWife :) I haven't gotten my periods back yet. On the one hand it'd be kinda nice to be having them, so I know that I'm ovulating again, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not having them :haha: If I knew I was ovulating, I think I'd be a lot more obsessive about TTC, and I'm trying not to go down that road.

That's good you guys are going to try the relaxed approach..we were too until we realized army insurance stops once he goes into the reserves in fall 2013!!! lol So now we really want to get pregnant in the next 3cycles! Talk about pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko: Army covers 100% practically so we figure better try now. And we wanted 2 close together in age, so it works for us anyways
Oh my goodness, I'd be feeling the pressure too if I were in your shoes! Hopefully you get that BFP soon so the Army will help you guys out! :thumbup: Are you temping and testing for ovulation and all that jazz?

Kittey, I usually go shopping without the man too. He likes to buy treats and snacks, whereas I'm trying to budget and buy ingredients to make meals from scratch!

Yeah that's what I do. I am a huge extreme couponer too :) We have tons of toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish soap (when I have a coupon for it, I get it :) ) He always makes fun of me...because I get stuff we don't need at that moment.

I guess men just do not understand. haha. He will one day understand when we have enough money saved up for a house and a car lol :) Hubby loves getting snacks and tools.

I get stuff for his lunch, and food for supper.
lol I do that too, stock up on stuff we need. We might not need it right that minute, but we'll need it in the future! I tend to shop sales, but don't usually use coupons as most stores here wont allow you to double them up, or use them when the item is on sale, so the store brand usually ends up being cheaper. I plan our week's menu around what's on sale at the store that week :coffee:
November must have been an annovulatory cycle then and you are only just now ovulating! God damn girl hormones they are so confusing! I had the same sort of thing last cycle maybe the cramps you are experiencing now are I so get on the :sex: lol hopefully if you don't get your bfp this month your cycle sorts itself out. I have just gone down to the shops today and got some b6 to help with my cycles they are so irregular! I went to get vitex as well but can't use it while breastfeeding :( oh well I will just have to wait.

What's an annovulatory cycle?
I just means that you didnt ovulate that month. I can't remember if you have mentioned this before or not but do you have long cycles? Because if af was last on October 29th your on cd42 I think that's right anyway so usually if you have an annovulatory cycle then sometimes you either bleed really really lightly or don't bleed but you can't still go into your next month and ovulate. Which is what happened to me in oct and I had very light bleeding and didn't ovulate but then in nov I did ovulate and had a normal period after. It can be caused from stress or sometimes just hormones having a bit if a Spaz attach lol mine is from having very low progesterone and short luteal phase.
ic's are arriving today ...... :blush:........i wanted to hold off a few more days........maybe.................:blush: if i get more right side twinges i will test........ :)
Good luck Armywife :) so excited for you. I am pretty sure I am out, I have been having huge cramps...but who knows...I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

How much snow did you guys get? We got about a foot here.
I forgot to add my funny this morning I took my 2 little dogs out (they are about 15 pounds and 10 pounds)...well the oldest one had to go really really bad, and we usually hook them up to a leash...since I have Gavin and it's very difficult to go outside and stand there until they go, especially since it's freezing out.

Well she had to go super bad, and the youngest one was on the leash, well the oldest one (Taffy) she went storming through the door, jumped off our little landing...and went face first into the snowbank...then she did a flip and landed on her back, she couldn't get up.

So me (being the smart person I am) in my underwear and a t-shirt, go outside and pick her up from her back. It is crazy outside. We had a foot of snow yesterday, now they are saying we have 14 inches of snow. ahhhh

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