Yeah thats with me, I hate seeing bfn's so I might even hold off until the beginning of next month, just in case...but we shall see. We are going to Farmington, Christmas Eve for the day and kyle's cousin is about 20 weeks pregnant, so we shall see

I might want to take one the day after which would be Christmas Day but who knows

What do you think of this snow we are getting? We were going to go to my parents house to watch the Vikings/Bears game, but we decided not to, which is a good thing, I guess the roads are terrible.
I really hope it is somewhat clear by Wednesday, we have to take my 2 dogs to the vet for their shots and the vet is an hour away...and it's all back roads..and I hate driving in's so good to be a stay at home Mom

Gavin and I are definitely going to hibernate these next 2 days!!
I love the snow. Hate driving in it, but love sitting at home looking out the windows at it. It just makes it really feel like xmas time.
Are more close to MN or more close to Milwaukee? Good game starting pretty soon!! Lions and packers

Should be a good game.
I hope the snow is clear by tomorrow morning!!! Lol Its monday grocery shopping day with LO

I love going monday morning when the stores are completely empty
Yeah as long as I am at home I completely fine lol

We are closer to MN. I live about an hour from the cities...the "city" is called Eau Claire. I know it should be a really good game. I get to watch 30 minutes of the game, before I go and give Gavin his bath. He is going on his 4th night, sleeping from 9:30 pm to about 7:30 I have gotten some pretty good sleep so far, and it feels great
What a coincedence (I spelt that wrong) about shopping. Every Monday (well when it's not snowing or reall cold) I take my mother, and my grandmother shopping..and of course little Gavin
I tend to do all the grocery shopping then (without the man) he usually tends to want to buy stuff when we can't afford it or we don't really necessarily need it.
Well I calculated from my November 10th period...and my (28 day cycle period---I never have gotten a 28 day cycle..but thought I would check) was due yesterday. I took a HPT this morning and a huge negative

but that's okay I still have really high hopes.
I got pregnant from a 35 day cycle with Gavin, so I calcuated that out...and my period would be due December once December 15th hits...we shall see what happens. So my focus is December 15th for now.
I saw on the other posts, that army doesn't cover the pregnancy next fall, that is so dumb.
Good luck to you, I am definitely praying for you and sending lots, and lots of baby dust your way.

Well I better get going, hubby wants to put together his (early christmas present) which is a weight bench...and I am relaxing in the tub.

that's pretty much the only time I get to myself, is when I am in the tub. I have a glass of bubbly next to me

and I am enjoying it very much.
I told Hubby make sure he gets "Santa" a big glass of wine, instead of milk...eww I hate milk. Unless it's chocolate milk