The storms passed within 2hrs of it showing lol but we had about 2 days of rain after that which was lovely and army you are spot on i do actually live in the desert lol i post a pic underneath my post.
Abi: i hope you get another line its so awful that they allow tests to still be a tad inaccurate for things like evaps its makes ttc that bit more stressful!
Mrs b: i hope you dont develop pre e you poor thing lots of rest and keeping you and baby nice and healthy.
Darlin: when i started reading your post i was thinking why are you starting to think about hospital bag etc and then i looked at your ticker! Holy cow where does the time go!!!!!! Not long at all now how exciting.
I was very unorganised second time i didnt have my emergency hospital bag packed till i was 36 weeks and even then it was only half packed so if for some reason u had to be transferred i was so not ready. I wasnt even ready when i gave birth lol i didnt have any clothes at all set aside for baby and the midwife got soooo cranky when he was born because we didnt have enough out for him and everything we did was way to bif as we didnt expect him to be so small so yep we were also very unorganise but some how it just all falls into place
Afm: phoenix is in his own room now last night was his first night and it was awful but tonight he has been down for 4hrs already and not a peep so i think he will go back to his 1 night feed now he must have just had a bad night last night. The boys are on the mend now thank god!! It was an awful week of lots of snot tears and vomit!
I have officially lost 13kgs woohooo! Mick and i have been working out every day except i had to skip today as i did a 40 min work out and 1.5hrs of dancing on tuesday and my legs are absolutely killing me and i think 7 days without a rest deserves a day off!!! We ran half a km last week and i almost threw up but i think i could possibly run 1km by next week and i need to be able to run 5km for the stampede fund raiser i am doing april 5th so i need to get into gear!
Soooooo i have a little funny but also holy shit story
Mick and i just got jiggy lol and afterwards he said to me got your boobs are full as its midnight here and phoenix hasnt fed in 4hrs and he then says they hit me in the face a few times while that was happening

omg it was quite funny to hear lol just a tad awkward!!!
Here is the pic of the desert i live in
this is about 10km from my house before i had kids when we would go motorbike riding i miss it