Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Hmmm, this weeks been chaotic! lol. Monday I woke up with a swollen face, so was seen by midwife then sent up the hospital with high bp and protein in my urine, bloods taken and urates were a bit up, could lead to Pre-E... so now I am being monitored once a week instead of once every other and if anything changes, straight back to hospital. Had growth scan on baby today and she is doing well, so its just my body playing me up, not her ;)

Other than the pain in my hips and groin keeping me awake at night, I feel fine ;) haha not long!
Somebody I know was admitted today for induction over pre-e at 37wks. Luckily she kept an eye on things and got to l&d in time. She had been being monitored but it was fluctuating so much they were catching it. Good luck! :hugs:

I feel so behind. With Logan I had so much more done. The nursery isn't finished at all, my hospital bag still needs to be packed (and I still need to buy some things for it :dohh:) We still have a ton of cleaning and prepping for his arrival. I need to get Logan a bag packed and set aside for when we have to go and incase we need to make an emergency l&d trip before the big day. I'm getting a little stressed :haha: Only 5 more weeks (well a little more than that) until I start actively trying to evict him. Hopefully he gets in proper position. He was transverse at the scan last week. Not sure if I updated but no more previa!! :happydance:
The storms passed within 2hrs of it showing lol but we had about 2 days of rain after that which was lovely and army you are spot on i do actually live in the desert lol i post a pic underneath my post.

Abi: i hope you get another line its so awful that they allow tests to still be a tad inaccurate for things like evaps its makes ttc that bit more stressful!

Mrs b: i hope you dont develop pre e you poor thing lots of rest and keeping you and baby nice and healthy.

Darlin: when i started reading your post i was thinking why are you starting to think about hospital bag etc and then i looked at your ticker! Holy cow where does the time go!!!!!! Not long at all now how exciting.
I was very unorganised second time i didnt have my emergency hospital bag packed till i was 36 weeks and even then it was only half packed so if for some reason u had to be transferred i was so not ready. I wasnt even ready when i gave birth lol i didnt have any clothes at all set aside for baby and the midwife got soooo cranky when he was born because we didnt have enough out for him and everything we did was way to bif as we didnt expect him to be so small so yep we were also very unorganise but some how it just all falls into place :)

Afm: phoenix is in his own room now last night was his first night and it was awful but tonight he has been down for 4hrs already and not a peep so i think he will go back to his 1 night feed now he must have just had a bad night last night. The boys are on the mend now thank god!! It was an awful week of lots of snot tears and vomit!
I have officially lost 13kgs woohooo! Mick and i have been working out every day except i had to skip today as i did a 40 min work out and 1.5hrs of dancing on tuesday and my legs are absolutely killing me and i think 7 days without a rest deserves a day off!!! We ran half a km last week and i almost threw up but i think i could possibly run 1km by next week and i need to be able to run 5km for the stampede fund raiser i am doing april 5th so i need to get into gear!
Soooooo i have a little funny but also holy shit story :haha:
Mick and i just got jiggy lol and afterwards he said to me got your boobs are full as its midnight here and phoenix hasnt fed in 4hrs and he then says they hit me in the face a few times while that was happening :rofl: omg it was quite funny to hear lol just a tad awkward!!!

Here is the pic of the desert i live in
this is about 10km from my house before i had kids when we would go motorbike riding i miss it :(
Yay for the boys feeling better. I haven't had to deal with Logan being really sick yet. No more than a cold or fever thank god.

I see myself being that person that I at least need to say I'm going to start doing things now if they are going to get done in time whether they actually get done now or not :haha: I've been so uncomfortable I think he's still transverse or may have turned breech on me :( Can't wait to see what they hve to say Monday.
Well fingers crossed he hasnt turned breech hu and you still get your vbac. Transverse means sideways yeah? I have a friends baby who was like that and she went to the osteo and after a few weeks her bubba girl turned and engaged maybe give that a go!

I forgot to add as well that when we dtd he didnt pull out :( i didnt even think anything of it until after it had happened i swear i will cry for weeks if that makes me pregnant my vagina and me are not ready for a baby or pregnancy yet!
Oh no! :shock: I would be so mad! After DS I feel like DH was the one not ever wanting to be careful and I was so stressed about getting pg again. It was frustrating having the tables turned like that :growlmad: I wonder how he will be after this one is born? I may have those baby wanting feelings but honestly i need time to just be me and not be pg. I can't handle another for at least a few yrs yet. This pg was so hard on me and esp with taking care of LO. Can't imagine doing it with two! :dohh:

yes, transverse is sideways. What is an Osteo? I need to look into a homeopath doctor. That way I have one picked if he is breech. There is an herbal supplement you can take once you are term that is supposed to help turn them. I can get it on my own and know the dosage but I would feel better consulting a professional on it. Also they can give me the larger dose if I need it that I can't purchase on my own.

I'm so ready! People are posting all this baby cuteness all over fb and I am ready for some baby cuddles asap! :haha:
Osteo is osteopathy have a look on google and see if there is one near you . have a look at this link it tells you all about it :) My sister also goes to one and says they are amazing! Ive never heard of using a herb to turn bubs that great! Yeah i had the urge to want a baby straighy away and we were going to start trying at the end of the year but since i have been working out and getting healthy i really want to get me back and i think i want to go back to work for a little so i think we will start having to use condoms :(

Well second night with phoenix in his own room went great he went down at 8:30 woke at 3:15 then at 5:20 and its now 9:00 and he has just woken and is playing in his cot :) i am so proud of how great he sleeps and can resettle himself its great!
Cd 1 here for me, but im not too upset as im starting clomid this cycle :) im so excited! I take my first pill tomorrow! Im doing it 2 til 6 I just hope it helps me ovulate!
Redrose: yay how exciting for you!!! I hope this works for you and brings you your much deserved bfp!!
Thanks ladies im so scared and nervous but excited big time! Were not letting this cycle get away! My dr gave me two cycles :) and because I have a medical card I got them for free! :) im going to get some ovulation sticks tomorrow and probably start cd 10 just in case
I think af is starting:( ugh onto month 9:cry:
Redrose thats great you got the 2 clomid cycles for free what a bonus, i will have everything crossed for you!

Abi: so sorry af got you :( big big big :hugs:
I think we are going to start a fertility detox this cycle so we can get a little break. We will still to be ttc just taking a very non stress route this time.
I am getting soooo tired of failing, the disappointment(especially this cycle, I got 4 indent lines on first response tests, 4!:() Im hoenstly starting to feel like less of a woman because I cant even do what my body was made for.
Ugh sorry Im just so frustrated. I dont even want to tell dh that af came because I know its going to ruin his mood and hes in a good one today, I on the other hand just want to cry my eyes out:sad1:
Aw abi dont apologise its one of the hardest things to go through the disaapointment of ttc it can be very very hard on your ego. I use to think the same things about not being a women and so on, its hard not to when you feel like you are failing but your not failing hun its just taking a bit more time which will make it all that much more special when finally see those 2 lines, i kniw its hard to look at any of positive right now but thats what you need. I use to have thoughts in my head which i wish i had of wrote them down as affirmations to keep me going because it reaoly helped even havung tje the thoughts, you are a strong women a fertile women and you will fall pregnant amd when the time ia right and those appear all of this will seem more than worth it. And dont hold bad on telling dh as you are a team and he is there to support you open up and cry to him if you need to it really might help xxxx
Sorry abii. Been there too :hugs: i had nights of cryyingg with. A big bowl of my favorite cookie douggh ice cream. Stress free sounds like a good plan. I was so sick of crying we did the stress free too n i drank and played ggames together. I drank the 2ww too :dohh: it was nice not worrying. Do what makes you happy :)

Goodluck rose!

Nice job kristie on the weight loss! Ive been trying hard too and splurged yesterdy since it was stephens 2nd bday :cake: :D
thhe jiggy story made me dh and i had a romp once and i didnt know that my tits could shoot. So when i unhooked my nusring bra to let them hang, i squirted him in the eye lol

afm party went well! Cant believe my baby is 2 :cry: id post pics but thhey are all on my camera. Hopingg we can finallyy fixx our laptop with our taxes. I hate using my phone for internet
Thanks ladies for your kind words, I know that it will happen eventually I was just having a rough day. Today is better, and I have decided that Im not giving up.
This cycle we are going to use pre-seed and softcups again, and Ill use opks, chart my bbt, cervix checks, and will continue my fertibella. Were also gonna try smep(and actually follow it this time) so we will see how it plays out. At this point we just really want to be pregnant so hopefully it'll pay off.
If we dont get a bfp after doing smep for the next few cycles then I am going to make an appt with a doctor so I can get checked out then if we need to, get dh a sa(hes trying to convince me that he thinks he doesn't produce enough sperm but we have a daughter so that makes me think otherwise).

Army, congrats to your lo for turning 2:thumbup: my baby girl will be 2 soon as well and I just know Im going to cry haha. Glad to hear the party went well, we made a tradition to celebrate Zo's birthday and chuck-e-cheese so its kind of exciting now that she runs around all over:winkwink:
I know its really hard abi, seeing bfns I find it hard not to cry and think why me. Ive been ttc now since dec 2012! Its great your not giving up, I domthimk remaining relaxed does help x x

Army congrats to your little boy, jamies two soon aswell and its so sad lol hes getting too big!

Day Two of clomid for me, last night got so sick! Im hoping its because I ate too much stew rather than because of the clomid, I guess tonight will tell
Army: hahaha that is great i have also squirted mick a few times but not during sexual activity more when we are in the shower. Its funny the things that happen. Just after i had phoenix mick, hunter and I were in the shower and the warmth made me have a let down and it was shooting out and I didnt realise it was going all over hunter i think micks exact words were "dont squirt hunter with your milm ya sicko" lol not as if it was on purpose! Congrats on stephen turning 2 its such a sad yet exciting time! I hate looking back at photos of hunter when he was a baby and then think he starts kinder next yr :(

Redrose and abi: good luck to both of you this cycle, lots of :dust:

Afm: we just got back from adelaide where we had hunters hospital appointments and not the best news :( we thought they might be able to save his finger but the only way they can involves 5-7 operations which includes embedding his finger in his groin for 3 weeks so his whole hand will be stitched there and wrapped so no hand for 3 weeks and have to stay in hospital and then multiple corrective surgeries vs 1 operation to remove the finger and minipulate his hand so there is no gaps so the hand looks normal just with 3 fingers instead of 4.
As for the kidneys we just had scans so we dont get the results from that till june possibly

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