Hey Kirstie:wave: your hubby definitely has a great head on his shoulders, its awesome that he was able to make a stressful situation much easier and positive for you I think thats very cool of him

Im sorry to hear that Hunter is sick

Zoai hasn't really gotten too sick this winter which is surprising because I have been sick about a thousand times haha. Yay that Phoenix has a good sleeping schedule

I hope I get that lucky whenever we have another baby but I have a feeling our second child will be a handful compared to Zo, she was so easy I felt like I was lied to by people lol.
I am doing okay, I hate to be so blunt about this but I found out that my husband was masturbating alot in past cycles, which got me very heated to the point where I said if he wont stop, we will stop ttc because it isn't fair to me that I try everything I can to be healthy and ready for another pregnancy yet hes over here doing that and he of all people should know that if you masturbate alot it lowers the sperm count. He did promise me he wouldn't do it this cycle and so far it seems like hes been good on his word so Im hoping that we will finally conceive this cycle.
It was so frustrating because after every failed cycle I was thinking it was me but all this time it could of just been that he was slapping the ham too much, like really wth. Oh well Im just glad he finally admitted it to me, and if he didn't know before that it lowers his count he knows now lol cause I was kind of a bitch about it

I am starting my opks today so Im pretty excited about that. This cycle we are going to use pre-seed and softcups, clear blue opks(the reg ones not the digitals lol) and Im still taking my fertibella so we will see, Im so nervous.
Good luck Redrose, hopefully we can be bump buddies this cycle