Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Oh no, im so sorry! Its so sad when kids have to deal with medical problems. With the 5 to 7 operations, would that cost you a ton?
My husband had a hernia when he was like 3 , he doesnt remember a thing about it.
In. A way its good hunter is still young, he most likely wont remember a thing.
Nope we dont have to pay here its all publicly funded unless you want to go private then you have to pay. Im just not sure I want to put him through that many operations :( i am so torn as to what to do!!
It is a huge bonus that he is so young as he wont remember which is great but i am just worried about how safe it is and the 3-5 corrective surgeries will be dragged out through 2 years so he will be 4-5 and still having operations so he will definitely remember them.
It was so cute mick turned to our specialist and said cant you use my finger or toe to replace his the dr said it was a great offer from a loving parent but it his body would reject it but the thought was so lovely (which im sure most parents would!) He is just devastated at the thought of him not have a finger which i am to im just not sure all those operations is worth it
Alright ladies so i am freaking out!!! You know hoe i said mick and i had unprotected sex well it has been 9 days since we had sex and i started getting a little worried that it would be just our luck we had gotten pregnant and then 2 days ago i started getting really really tired (but this could be due to phoenix waking and working out) but then last night and this morning i felt really sick and then whilst brushing my teeth this morning i threw up :( but this could also be due to my hormones trying to get back to normal. But i am FREAKING OUT!!! I am just getting the kids ready to go down the shops and grab a test but I dont think it would show up yet if I was. What do you ladies think? I dont know if i could cope with 3 straight away! Phoenix would only be 10.5 months old when the baby is born how the hell would I manage!!!
Well ud be at least 8 or 9 dpo by now if u r, which means ud be due early to mid November, but if your worried and on your mind it could be making u nauseous. Hopefully your not, but if you are just know you will be ok hun, big hugs.
So maybe it would be to early to test?? I did test this morning i went straight down the shops after I posted and it was negative but i got a 2 pack so i will test again in a few days if i still feel the same.
Keep us posted! With ebf i know your chances go down. You'll be ok either way :)
well I retested today and definitely bfn!! It was weird I said to mick we would have to be pretty unlucky and he said ummm no lucky don't you mean I would buy a lotto ticket if you are pregnant, I said what do you mean lucky and he said being told you most likely wouldn't have kids and to have 3 and the third be so easy that is lucky to me, kinda made my heart melt and he is so right I was looking at it so negatively as I was extremely scared but he is 100% right and I love it when he can surprise me like that!

I hate that hunter has asthma if he ever gets a really bad cold needing antibiotics he gets extremely sick on and off for like 3 months, he is sick again :( he started with a little cough last night and now he is so sick again I feel so sorry for him but I am very lucky that he never lets it get him down he always acts as if there is nothing wrong!

How is everyone doing its been sooooo quiet on here lately.

mrs b and darling you guys are getting so close to the end how exciting!!!
are you both all organised yet?

redrose and abi how is this cycle going for you both any good signs?

I have been absolutely spoilt this time round with phoenix. he sleeps every night for a 6-7hr block between feeds and last night it was 8!!! I couldn't believe it when I woke to him grunting lol and I looked at the clock and saw it was 8hrs I was so shocked. I am thinking of doing a dream feed from now on at 9-9:30 and then he wouldn't wake till 6:30 I would say which is perfect as that's what time I get hunter up these days. Phoenix is such on his own little schedule as well he has his naps the same tie every day and if I am even 5 minutes late he gets soooo cranky, its so great as soon as I put him in his cot he gives me a huge smile and just drifts off to sleep. After all the trouble I went through and am still going through with hunter I am so wrapped that this time I have done it the exact way I wanted to and it paid off I wish I had of done it with hunter as I believe its not just me suffering its him also as he doesn't know how to be on his own at bed time so I feel guilty for that but you learn I guess.
well I hope you ladies are doing well hope to see you all on here soon xx
Hey Kirstie:wave: your hubby definitely has a great head on his shoulders, its awesome that he was able to make a stressful situation much easier and positive for you I think thats very cool of him:)
Im sorry to hear that Hunter is sick:( Zoai hasn't really gotten too sick this winter which is surprising because I have been sick about a thousand times haha. Yay that Phoenix has a good sleeping schedule:happydance: I hope I get that lucky whenever we have another baby but I have a feeling our second child will be a handful compared to Zo, she was so easy I felt like I was lied to by people lol.
I am doing okay, I hate to be so blunt about this but I found out that my husband was masturbating alot in past cycles, which got me very heated to the point where I said if he wont stop, we will stop ttc because it isn't fair to me that I try everything I can to be healthy and ready for another pregnancy yet hes over here doing that and he of all people should know that if you masturbate alot it lowers the sperm count. He did promise me he wouldn't do it this cycle and so far it seems like hes been good on his word so Im hoping that we will finally conceive this cycle.
It was so frustrating because after every failed cycle I was thinking it was me but all this time it could of just been that he was slapping the ham too much, like really wth. Oh well Im just glad he finally admitted it to me, and if he didn't know before that it lowers his count he knows now lol cause I was kind of a bitch about it:blush::dohh:
I am starting my opks today so Im pretty excited about that. This cycle we are going to use pre-seed and softcups, clear blue opks(the reg ones not the digitals lol) and Im still taking my fertibella so we will see, Im so nervous.
Good luck Redrose, hopefully we can be bump buddies this cycle:flower:
Totally relate to bopin the bolagne abii! I had a bitch fest too during ttc #1. Oddly enough the month i made him swear he wouldnt even look at it or anythingg lol...and we finally conceived.We also did other things too. Like i remember after my period i made him hold his load until cd13.
Men :wacko: here u are doing everything you can, crying, and he is off in the corner doing that. I'd be pissed too. Good for u for setting him straight
i hope thhat'll help

afm, zach is 6months old now and ssleeps 7 to 7! I cant believe it. I think it helps having a big house. I cant hear his lil whimpers at night like i could at our old place. So now he just drifts back to sleep instead of me running in there.
Not much else going on. Just working at night, watching the kiddos during the day.
trying to lose 10 more lbs to be at my wedding weight 4 yrs ago lol. I have 20 pair of pants i can almost fit into now. Woohoo!

Hope ur doing ok darlin mrs b and redrose!
Thanks abi, I hope this is your cycle too, sorry to hear. I hope he stops ahem! Honestly I think its odd when men have a partner ttc who obviously need every bit of sex or sperm and yet they feel the need to tug! Totally gross lol. K know dh used to before we got married but I know he rarely does now.
How frustrating hun!

Im also cd 10 waiting to ovulate. Im not sure when with the clomid. Im away for st patricks weekend next weekend! I cant wait were in a hotel :) plus parades and good fun!
Thanks ladies. Yes it was very frustrating, I was livid tbh because after all of the failed cycles I was beating myself up thinking it was me and my body was messed up but all this time it could of just been that he was doing it too often. He has stopped now and so far has been good on his word so I am hoping it helps this month. We are following smep so there's no way that he isn't getting enough booty:rofl:

Army: that must be exciting to have a new place. I want to move so badly because our house is getting smaller by the day but dh isn't too excited cause he hates moving, especially if I will be pregnant cause I cant lift anything heavy haha but oh well. Glad to hear the little guy is on a good sleep schedule, must be nice for you to get some uninterrupted sleep now a days:winkwink: and congrats on your weight loss! keep up the good work:) I am finally 5lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight so I am kinda nervous to get pregnant again but I know it'll be worth it.

Redrose: Yay for being cycle buddies:happydance: haha. Its kind of funny because we are almost doing the same thing for our cycles only you are doing clomid and Im doing fertibella, and Im using pre-seed and your using conceive plus lol. Keeping all my crossables crossed for ya:)
eta- I just noticed on your post that you guys are going away for st patties day, well maybe by the luck of the irish, you will come home to a bfp:D
I really really really hope this is our cycle hun! We will be due earoy December! What a great time of year to have a little newborn! I feel good about this cycle
I really really really hope this is our cycle hun! We will be due earoy December! What a great time of year to have a little newborn! I feel good about this cycle
Yes definitely!:D Zo was a summer baby so it would be nice to have a Christmas surprise hehe.
I am just kind of going with the flow of this cycle, last cycle I got my hopes up too high and was heartbroken when I got af, last cycle was the first time I ever got an evap, it sucked.
But I have a good feeling for you this cycle:thumbup: there's so many people getting bfps right now haha
Abii: my hubby had been great since phoenix has been born he has opened up emotionally alot more and has just really grown up and become an amazing father and husband we have never been happier!!
Mick was doing the whole master nation thing also at one point it is pretty frustrating that you are putting in the effort and they could be essentially chopping the chances in half! But great that you guys were able to sort it out and now on the same level of input :)
I really hope this is the cycle for both you and redrose!

Redrose: how exciting going away ot will be nice for you guys! Fx you guys get your much deserved bfp this cycle!

Army: that is incredible about zac's sleeping good for you I bet you are wrapped! It's amazing how different it is second time round hey!!

Afm: I am still not convinced I am not pregnant these are my symptoms sore nipples, drop in supply, nausea, decrease in appetite, soooo exhausted, food aversions :( but I know that all of these can also be due to my hormones because of bf! And the worst part now lol I kinda feel like I want to be pregnant ad crazy as that sounds!
I also have flu like symptoms sore throat and runny nose. Hmm mm so confused, I'm just going to leave it though and if the symptoms don't go away in a few weeks I will make a drs appointment.
Well I guess it could of been early? To take the test? Maybe give it a week if still no af and feel thst way take another test. It doesnt sound crazy, you were probably scared about being pregnant because u and mick hadnt discussed it, and maybe you were more scared he wasnt ready, but it seems hes really matured and now u realise he is happy to havr another now and thsts made u relax and hopeful for another soon:)
Playing a bit of catch up here...

Kristie: I hope whatever happens works out for you guys.

Army: Glad you are able to get some rest. The thought of it all worries me. Idk how things will go. DH is gone so much I already lose my mind some days with how crazy DS has become.

Abii: That would frustrate me because obviously just because he says he isn't you won't really know. I had this problem with DH once. Never about ttc but he wouldn't :sex: with me and said he didn't "feel like it" but I found out he was doing that! :dohh:

I think I am so done with kids. Idk. This pregnancy has been miserable for me and just not feeling it. I think I found it hard because the cycle we did conceive we had actually decided we didn't want to go for LO#2 yet. Don't get me wrong I love Avery but it's been an adjustment. We wanted him just not quite yet :haha: I'm feeling very overwhelmed. Plus things have been going so well with my business and it's a lot with Logan and with this pregnancy. I've been so busy this week because I was offered a free booth last min at a wedding show because the baker they had lined up cancelled. I'm losing my mind :wacko: and Avery's room is still not ready.
Redrose: I think I was scared as we had said that we would wait another 2 yrs before we had another so we could buy a house and be settled and have everything paid off so the thought of those plans going out the door were pretty scary but you are right the reaction I got from mick made me realize we can still have those things maybe just not at the time we hoped (that is if end up pregnant) I secretly think he likes having kids as its him who never wants to use protection :haha: he is a great dad though and the boys love him so I don't mind.
I just ordered some ics which will arrive next monday so I will test and if still negative then I guess that is that :)
I'm sure it won't be long before you get that positive opk it's still early days :)

Darlin: I had quite alot of the same thoughts towards the end of my pregnancy I really think it is just the nerves about having 2 and how you will cope but trust me the minute that baby is out you won't even have any of the same feelings or thoughts. A great thing for me was at night time once hunter was asleep I would do some light meditation and positive thinking and it helped alot!
How exciting that the business is booming though we'll done! How did the wedding expo go?
What do u think? Nearly positive? The bottom one is todays and the other is 2 days ago


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getting close redrose but not quite yet.

Kristie the expo is sunday and I have to be on my feet from 9am to 4pm! :dohh: I wouldn't worry so much but I am not used to being on my feet anymore and I get horrible contractions when i go shop too much :blush:

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