Kirstie: Honestly, I think I either have blocked tubes or it has something to do with my thyroid because we time our bd pretty good.
This cycle will pretty much tell us if something is wrong because we have been bd everyday since the day
before I got my +opk, so unless he has low sperm count then that would explain alot but I am trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Thanks for the tips though, I will definitely use them

Haha thats funny. I actually really hate shower sex because our showers have always been small no matter where we live lol, and we have tile on the floor so if I get on my knees(tmi haha) they will end up bruised the next day, but couch sex is fun and we have done it in his office chair once which was the most exciting I think

but anyways..

Its true that the best cycles could be the ones ignored but ever since I got concerns about having blocked tubes, I feel like there's no chance so I guess we will see.
I am surprisingly excited to get all the testing done just to see if there are any issues and to finally get them fixed you know? I was even looking into the cost of iui and ivf just so I know all my options. As much as I feel like Im ready, there's just no telling how I will react if there is an issue with me or even both of us

but of course Im sure the detox will help with any issues too if we have any, which is set in stone.
And awh I hope you are pregnant

if I got pregnant this cycle baby would be born 10 days after my birthday or maybe even on my birthday(best present ever)
Redrose: Congrats on getting crosshairs

I decided to put random temps on my chart to see if I would get mine and ff says I am ovulating today. But last night I had cramping really bad it felt worse then af so idk if I ovulated yesterday or maybe I am ovulating today, either way we have been bd everyday

Keeping my fx'd that you get your bfp when you return, and that we will be bump buddies. Have a great trip!