Hopefully it's nothing hun. Would there be quite alot of pain that went with blocked tube?
According to statistics only 25% of normal fertile couples Conceive in the first yr which is crazy!
Even if you have the testing done and nothing comes up it may give you a sense of peace and be able to relax that as much as it sucks you know it's possible but then again if there is something there is amazing technology these days that can make it possible!
Haha about the shower that has definitely happened to me before and it is certainly not fun!
I like getting creative it heats up the sex life makes it exciting!
We share the same birthday don't we? November 25th? It would be a great birthday present for sure especially for you with how much this has been hard on you.
I hope you get your bfp and not have to get the testing though hun.
I hope my tests get here tomorrow but now I am starting to think it could also be a returning as phoenix usually only has the 1 feed during the night and I always get pregnancy symptoms when I get af so who knows.
Yes I also hope its nothing but I just have that gut feeling and its hard to shake until I get checked out you know?
Im not sure if blocked tubes causes pain in-between cycles, everything I have read said it often goes undetected because most woman dont have any symptoms except extra painful menstruation, but I have always had bad cramps ever since I started getting af so its easy for me to not notice. Yeah thats true about the tons of technology they have available now, its just the cost of them are so much its kind of intimidating lol.
Yes we do share the same birthday! I forgot for a sec there haha, your the only person I met who has the same birthday as me

hopefully we get our Nov/Dec miracles

Did you test yet?
Abii: i really really hope this is it for you. Since you conceived before its seems really slim that you would have problems. I think dh masterbating behind ur back probably played a big part. You got 2nd string instead of 1st string
Try to remain hopeful, i know ttc can be so draining emotionally but soon it will all be worth it
Yeah thats what I thought too thats why its so frustrating. I cant be sure he hasn't been doing it behind my back, but I am trying to trust his word

we have been having sex every day so if hes still masturbating behind my back then we have some other issues to work on, but we will see. When he gets the SA done I heard he cant masturbate or have sex for like a week before the test so that will interesting lol.
Thank you

I know it will be worth it, just wish it would stop taking so long haha.
I am alright, supposedly 2dpo today but were gonna get one more bd in tonight before we take a break, just to cover all "fertile" times.
This cycle is the cycle of truth for us I feel so nervous, its like watching a really good show and someone we like is about to get eliminated, thats the only way I can explain the feeling(if that made sense

I have a good feeling for you this cycle, I think the clomid is the boost your body needed

cant wait to see your bfp update
Darlin: Im sorry to hear about Logan

poor little guy, hope he is feeling better. As for your hubs not giving you any, psh you should just take it lol. You know what turns him on, just keep doing it until he gives in